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The Suffering


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Anyone played this game? My boyfriend got it for me and we were playing it last night with the lights off. I couldn't sleep the entire night without the tv on. I even played it this morning and it still made me jump every few seconds. This game scares the hell out of me....but it's really really fun. Extremely gory too, just had a ghost of some psychotic doctor give me a Lethal Injection 101 class on an inmate.

Was funny...yet gross at the same time.

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its a great game, hard to play at night for me. I can never really play horror games past 11ish without getting freaked out ever since in one of them Resident Evil games one of the dogs jumped through the window at the same time something tapped on my window. I almost shit my pants when it happened. But yeah, Suffering is a great game and I'm waiting for the 2nd to come out so I can be scared shitless with that one aswell.

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Very scary game... scariest I've played outside of the Silent Hill games. Gameplay needed some serious work, but I finished it nonetheless, was pleased with it. Glad I didn't spend $50 on it, but was still pleased.

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It's an ok game . I got it as a gift and played it for awhile , but I grew tired of it quickly. It was definetly scary , but the gameplay needed work. And the transforming into the monster really took me out of the whole game. I was identifying with the main character up until that point. If they would have left out the transforming part I think it woukd have been a better game.

the same thing can be said for Area 51 . it's a great shooter but when you transform , it totally kills the game imo

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I wasn't a big fan of the transforming either, so I never really used it. It made the game a bit harder, because sometimes those little bastards without legs that come up out of the water get pretty damn annoying, but I still enjoyed playing it.

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