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The 2005/2006 Hockey Season Thread


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I will agree that Wade definately needs to be taken off the defence. BUT, Kronwall sucks, and is looking terrible for the Marlies. I think his pre-season was purely a fluke. And Cola is injured. So.. there goes that idea.

His -4 was mostly from that game where he was paired with Berg. In fact, all -4 of his game has been from a pairing with Berg. When he's been with Khavanov, he's been better. Both Berg and Belak need someone to cover for their mistakes, so playing with each other is a bad idea. But Berg has once again been half-way decent with Klee while Belak has looked respectable with Khavanov [and played better than Khavanov in one of their games together].

So yeah, Berg + Belak = terrible. Berg + Klee = good. Belak + Khavanov = passable.

The end.

Edit: Oh, and that game vs Carolina, the entire defensive corps was bad. Klee was decent, McCabe was good, but the other four were bad -> really bad. Belak's two penalties were uncalled for [though it's not as if he's the only fucking player in the universe to ever take a bad penalty this year, although with the way you idiots go on about him, it's LIKE it is], Kaberle made some terrible reads and helped lead to two break-aways, Berg was blah [even though he made a couple of decent plays], and Khavanov was non-existant.

Belfour was also not on the top of his game, though he made a couple of big saves.

Anyway, Colorado 7 - 0 Edmonton at the second intermission. It's being called "The Worst Edmonton Game EVER!" which is uh, a big statement. Terrible play! Hejduk gets his first two goals in his first game of the year. Conklin and Markkanen allow 7 goals on 27 shots. Ouch.

Oh, and Eric Boulton sucks.

Edited by grind your soul
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Guest Grapehead

6 and motherfuckin 0. It's too bad Ottawa owns the East, cause it means we have no competition for the Cup.

It's 6 games. And two of those games would have been a tie. Another was against a un-healthy Bruins team.

Ottawa always starts off fast but they always crash and burn in the playoffs to the same team year after year.

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6 and motherfuckin 0. It's too bad Ottawa owns the East, cause it means we have no competition for the Cup.

It's 6 games. And two of those games would have been a tie. Another was against a un-healthy Bruins team.

Ottawa always starts off fast but they always crash and burn in the playoffs to the same team year after year.

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Well, he had to actually cause an injury, but they finally suspended Boulton after his jaw-breaking performance on Thursday.

EDIT: Belfour just gave up a goal while Philly was shorthanded 2 men. He gave up a 5-on-3 goal when the opponent was the one with three.

I'm going to throw up.

Edited by oldskool
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The Habs/Islanders game sounded good last night. I was listening to it on the radio at my girlfriends house. Was an exciting second half of the third period, but Theo is lacking consistency. He faced what? 19 shots(or was that how many saves?) Still, the last goal he gave up, sounded like just bad playing on his part. Sure we're winning games, but damn, they're cutting it close.

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Guest Grapehead

6 and motherfuckin 0. It's too bad Ottawa owns the East, cause it means we have no competition for the Cup.

It's 6 games. And two of those games would have been a tie. Another was against a un-healthy Bruins team.

Ottawa always starts off fast but they always crash and burn in the playoffs to the same team year after year.

would have been a tie? You mean if it was 2003/04? Who gives a shit what would have happened in the old rules, they aren't around anymore, so your precious Leafs lost, forget the excuse man. Lots of teams are 'Unhealthy' take Columbus, they were without three top draft picks to start the season, and they still managed, and the Bruins have a much better core without Thornton than Columbus has without Nash. Ottawa won good games, decisively, and are one of the best teams considering the shape they are in. When Chris Neil starts scoring, you know everything is clicking for your team, so Ottawa is going to ride their success to the end of the playoffs, baring any terrible injuries.

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I love how you use the term that Leafs can't beat the Sens in the regular season. Even though we have beaten you plenty of times in the regular season I am going to leave you with one phrase:


And Basha I feel the same way you do about Theo with Eddie. Imagine our two teams with consitent goaltending.

Edited by Clawson
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Guest Grapehead

I love how you use the term that Leafs can't beat the Sens in the regular season. Even though we have beaten you plenty of times in the regular season I am going to leave you with one phrase:


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6 and motherfuckin 0. It's too bad Ottawa owns the East, cause it means we have no competition for the Cup.

It's 6 games. And two of those games would have been a tie. Another was against a un-healthy Bruins team.

Ottawa always starts off fast but they always crash and burn in the playoffs to the same team year after year.

would have been a tie? You mean if it was 2003/04? Who gives a shit what would have happened in the old rules, they aren't around anymore, so your precious Leafs lost, forget the excuse man. Lots of teams are 'Unhealthy' take Columbus, they were without three top draft picks to start the season, and they still managed, and the Bruins have a much better core without Thornton than Columbus has without Nash. Ottawa won good games, decisively, and are one of the best teams considering the shape they are in. When Chris Neil starts scoring, you know everything is clicking for your team, so Ottawa is going to ride their success to the end of the playoffs, baring any terrible injuries.

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Guest Grapehead

I don't get what the hell you're talking about DT, considering I was speaking to 2 Leafs fans when I made any comment in the current argument. I'm not trolling, this is a sports thread, obviously people like teams and don't like other teams, and obviously Leafs vs Sens is one of the biggest rivalries in sports, IMO.

I like what Clawson said about the Sens hitting golf balls, really in the spirit of hockey fandom, IMO. At least Clawson caught on(I think), that's what being a hockey fan is about, you love your team and you hate your rivals, and it's great to watch a rival suffer and it's even more wonderful to watch a rival suffer to your team. Leafs fans always have their trump card(the playoffs) to fall back on if the Sens are doing better than them, but Sens fans don't really have an out like that, so if we lose we can't just jump behind some "well we always beat you in the playoffs anyways" statement. If the Sens lose, what do you think I'd say in this thread? Do you think I'd be fumbling over myself to find an excuse?

Edited by Grapehead
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I don't get what the hell you're talking about DT, considering I was speaking to 2 Leafs fans when I made any comment in the current argument. I'm not trolling, this is a sports thread, obviously people like teams and don't like other teams, and obviously Leafs vs Sens is one of the biggest rivalries in sports, IMO.
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Guest Grapehead

I don't get what the hell you're talking about DT, considering I was speaking to 2 Leafs fans when I made any comment in the current argument. I'm not trolling, this is a sports thread, obviously people like teams and don't like other teams, and obviously Leafs vs Sens is one of the biggest rivalries in sports, IMO.

Untested, but when you're openly admitting to saying shit based on a ludicrous premise just to get a rise out of Leafs fans, that's trolling. And I quote:

No trolling. Trolling is best described as going into a thread and making controversial comments with no information to back up your case. And for the record, "It's my opinion." is not a valid case. Trolling will almost always warrant some length of banning.
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I don't get what the hell you're talking about DT, considering I was speaking to 2 Leafs fans when I made any comment in the current argument. I'm not trolling, this is a sports thread, obviously people like teams and don't like other teams, and obviously Leafs vs Sens is one of the biggest rivalries in sports, IMO.

Untested, but when you're openly admitting to saying shit based on a ludicrous premise just to get a rise out of Leafs fans, that's trolling. And I quote:

No trolling. Trolling is best described as going into a thread and making controversial comments with no information to back up your case. And for the record, "It's my opinion." is not a valid case. Trolling will almost always warrant some length of banning.

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Guest Grapehead

Make up your mind, either you think the Sens being 6-0 is enough to give them the cup or it isn't. If you don't think it's true then you didn't have legitimate information to back up your declarative statement, and since you openly admitted to doing it just to get a rise out of Leafs fans, then you're trolling. If you do think it's true, well then I suppose that's a reasonable summation of your knowledge of the sport.

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