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About Ananas

  • Birthday 18/12/1985

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    Toronto, Ontario
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Upper Midcarder (8/12)



  1. Paying a fortune to be .500 and knee-cap the Mariners. As a bitter Jays fan I can get behind this.

  3. 1. Boyhood 2. Birdman 3. Interstellar 4. Grand Budapest Hotel 5. Gone Girl 6. Guardians of the Galaxy 7. Theory of Everything 8. Selma 9. St Vincent 10. Imitation Game
  4. I could kind of understand if it happened the other way around because of LA and the genuine problem with gang colours at the ballpark, but this is pathetic. If the Jays were to do that they'd break the bank giving out free merch every time the Yankees come to town.
  5. Clayton Kershaw through 8 scoreless innings (7k, 0bb, 3h), bats for himself to lead off the bottom of the 8th and breaks the scoreless deadlock with a solo shot to dead center. I missed you, baseball.
  6. I know we all know it and it's just beating a redundant point, but since I've been deprived of him for the better part of 6 months it really warrants pointing out that Vin Scully is just the best.
  7. Ananas

    Bad News, Everybody!

    All the bravado of a man who must surely think it's still the year 2000.
  8. TMZ has come down off of their original story: They've gone from "death rites", to "medical coma" to "sleeping". They got played, and I hope they get raked over the coals for reporting what every other news agency had the decency to be suspicious of. Classic case of being first instead of being right.
  9. It's not just that you lose the #11 pick though. If they're intending on spending to the cap (and the 5% leeway above they get without being punished with lost picks) they're also losing a lot of their spending pool by losing their top pick. So you lose your top pick, and then you can spend marginally less to sign picks beyond that. I just don't get it for a team highly unlikely to compete in the NL East for at least the next two years. I don't think Michael Bourn really puts them that close to being in the conversation.
  10. They wouldn't necessarily have to have either/or. Fenway has both.
  11. The BBWAA voted no one into the Hall of Fame this year. Safe to say enough "protest" blank ballots from brave writers who want to make themselves the story. Seriously, fuck off. It's so incredibly petty to not only decline to vote for someone you don't think deserving, but also submit a ballot to punish everyone. They want to punish Bonds and Clemens because they're all pious and they're willing to overlook the fact that they're two of the greatest baseball players of all time. So Piazza and Bagwell are not Hall of Famers basically because they're muscular? Ugh.
  12. If it is half as thorough and addictive as OOTP, I am going to lose many, many hours to this game.
  13. The sad thing is how the Braves really don't seem to understand why there's anything wrong with this.
  14. Bodog has the Jays over/under for wins at 92.5 in 2013. I might just lay down some money on the under to guarantee myself a silver lining one way or another in early October.
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