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World Wrestling Federation 2000

Guest The Legend

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Guest slider991133

WWF Armageddon Results

December 12, 1999

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

1. The Acolytes win a tag team battle royal

2. Kurt Angle def. Steve Blackman

3. WWF Women's Championship Evening Gown Pool Match: Miss Kitty def. Ivory, Barbara Bush, Jacqueline

4. The Hollys def. Rikishi & Viscera

5. WWF European Championship: Val Venis def. British Bulldog, D'Lo Brown

6. Steel Cage Match: Kane def. X-Pac

7. WWF Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho def. Chyna

8. WWF Tag Team Championship: Rock & Sock Connection def. New Age Outlaws

9. WWF Championship: Big Show def. Big Bossman

10. No Holds Barred Match: Triple H def. Vince McMahon- After the match Triple H went to hit Vince's daughter Stephanie with the sledgehammer, but she turned around and smiled, and they hugged, as she shockingly turned on her father.

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Guest slider991133

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WWF Smackdown! Preview

January 6, 2000

The new year kicked off with a bang this past Monday on Raw is War. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley were force to reinstate Mick Foley, or the entire roster would walk out on them, including The Rock. Later that night, Triple H defeated Big Show to win back the World Wrestling Federation Championship. What will go down just three days after such a huge night on Raw? What will go down as The McMahon-Helmsley Era is in possesion of the WWF Title? What will Big Show do now that he is no longer on top?

Also, Mankind will make his return to the ring as the Rock and Sock Connection reunites to take on the New Age Outlaws.

Don't miss WWF Smackdown!, Thursday at 8/7c only on UPN!

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Guest slider991133

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WWF Smackdown!

January 6, 2000(Taped 1/4/00)

Orlando Arena in Orlando, Florida

The Smackdown intro plays, and then we are switched to a shot of the arena where pyro blasts from the entrance area. The cameras pan around the Orlando crowd and then close-up on the commentators, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

Michael Cole: Hello everyone, and welcome to Smackdown! We're here at the jam-packed Orlando Arena for 2000's first edition of Smackdown, but what a way we kicked off the new year this past Monday night on Raw!

Jerry Lawler: That's right Cole, it's a dawning of a new era here at the World Wrestling Federation, because Triple H is our new WWF Champion!

Michael Cole: But knowing Triple H, he couldn't get this done fairly, the ref's back was turn when he nailed a low blow on Big Show, and then hit the Pedigree and won the match. I've talked to Big Show earlier today, he is fuming, and I really would not want to be Triple H tonight. On another note also here to come tonight, the New Age Outlaws will square off against The Rock, and Mankind Mick Foley, yes Mick Foley he's back in the WWF thanks to the efforts of his good friend The Rock, and tonight we're going to see the Rock 'N Sock Reunion!

"My Time" hits over the PA, along with a chorus of boos and Triple H with his wife Stephanie, appear on stage, and head down to the ring. He begins to speak on the mic.

Before Triple H can speak, he is interrupted with "assh*le" chants.

Triple H: Who better to lead the World Wrestling Federation into the year 2000 than the McMahon-Helmsley Era?

The crowd boos.

Triple H: I am the new World Wrestling Federation Champion, if you people here like or not. You see the guys you people all love, The Rock, Mick Foley, even Stone Cold Steve Austin all walk down to this ring, but this past Monday night I've proven why I am better than all of them. Because right now, none of them can say that they are the WWF Champion, leading the WWF into the new millennium. But I can, and....

Big Show's music suddenly hits, to a loud pop. The former WWF Champion, the Big Show appears on the Smackdown stage in street clothes, with a mic in hand, and a pamphlet of some sort in the other.

Triple H: Wait a minute...what the hell do you want? I beat your ass Monday, do you really want to cause more trouble?

Big Show: I wouldn't talk about leading the WWF into the new millennium as such, so quickly there Hunter. In my hand right now I have a direct copy of my WWF contract that I signed almost a year ago when I first arrived here. Now in this contract, it reads that if I am to lose a singles title, I am allowed a rematch for that very title, any time, any place.

Triple H has a concerned look on his face as the crowd cheers.

Big Show: Now I have to say to myself, why wait? So I'm getting straight to the point here, I'm challenging you to a rematch right here tonight!

Triple H: Wait no, no you can't...

Big Show: This contract is signed right here by Vincent K. McMahon, and if you don't carry through with this I could go straight to Stamford, Connecticut and get you and your bitch wife's asses fired!

Triple H: Alright, then tonight here on Smackdown, you got your rematch. But let me tell you something Big Show, you enjoy your spotlight tonight, because after I beat you tonight, you're not going to ever want to be in the main event, again.

Big Show: We'll see about that...

Big Show is suddenly attacked from behind by other D-X members, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac. Big Show shoves Billy Gunn down on the steel ramp, and then smashes Road Dogg and X-Pac's heads together. Triple H then runs up the ramp but Big Show wraps his hand around his throat. He picks him up......and chokeslams him onto the stage!!! Big Shows music hits as the screen cuts to commercial break.

Commercial Break

X-Pac vs. Rikishi

This was a short and choppy match, Rikishi hit the Bonzai Drop on X-Pac for the victory.

Winner: Rikishi

Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn are in their D-Generation locker room backstage.

Triple H: Look, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, I need you guys to do me a favor. I know that idiot Mankind is just waiting anxiously to get his hands on me, and I'm sure he has every intention to come out during my match tonight. You guys need to take care of this. Please...take him out, and while your at it, you shouldn't mind taking care of The Rock either.

Road Dogg: No problem at all Hunter.

Billy Gunn: Yeah, no problem.

Commercial Break

WWF Hardcore Championship:

Big Bossman© vs. Viscera

Throughout the match, Bossman uses several weapons on Viscera, but continues to fail to get him off his feet. Bossman finally knocked down Vis after blinding him with a fire extinguisher, and then nailing Viscera over the head with it. He covered him for the 3-count.

Winner: Big Bossman

Commercial Break

Kevin Kelly is backstage with The Rock and Mankind.

Kevin Kelly: Rock, Mankind tonight you guys reunite as the Rock 'N Connection to take on the WWF Tag Team Champions, the New Age Outlaws. I mean this must be an emotional night for the two of you, since 2 weeks ago on Raw you two competed against each other for your jobs, and then...

The Rock snatches the mic away from Kelly and tilts his head up

The Rock: FINALLY........THE ROCK....HAS COME BACK....TO ORLANDO! Now Kevin Kelly you can bet your monkey ass this is an emotional night for the two of us. Those D-X candy-asses thought they could. The Rock is gonna keep this short and sweet, New Age Outlaws, get ready for an ass-whoopin' of a lifetime, IF YA SMELLALALALALALLALALALOW, WHAT THE ROCK...

Mankind: AND SOCK IS COOKIN!!!!!!!!

The Rock gives a blank stare at Mankind.

The Rock: You're never going to get it are you?

The Rock then tilts his head up again

The Rock: ISSSSS COOKIN!!!!!

The Rock's music hits over the PA but it then interrupted by the New Age Outlaws' theme, as they head down the ramp into the ring.

Michael Cole: Don't go anywhere, The Rock 'N Sock Connection vs. the New Age Outlaws, next!

Commercial Break

The Rock 'N Sock Connection vs. New Age Outlaws

Road Dogg nailed The Rock in the back with a steel chair and the match ended in DQ.

Winners: The Rock 'N Sock Connection

Road Dogg and Billy Gunn double teamed The Rock, then Mankind comes back in the ring with the infamous sock over his hand, he locks the mandible claw on Road Dogg, then on Billy Gunn. Both men are now in the Mandible Claw laying on the mat, and then X-Pac came in the ring on the attack on Mankind, but Mankind hits a DDT, and then tosses X-Pac out of the ring. Billy Gunn is back on his feet while The Rock slides back into the ring, Rock Bottom!!! Road Dogg then gets back up, Rock Bottom!!!

The Rock's music then hits, and him an Mankind pose in the ring, they then cut to Triple H, and Stephanie who are in the back, looking on in disgust.

Commercial Break

Kurt Angle vs. Kane

Just like this past Monday on Raw, Steve Blackman came down to the ring, nailing Kane with his kendo stick, but this time while the ref wasn't looking. Angle hit the Olympic Slam to get the victory.

Winner: Kurt Angle

A video is shown with the number "13" appearing on the screen. It then reads "Taz is coming" in graffiti lettering

Commercial Break

Michael Cole: You're not gonna want to miss Sunday Night Heat this Sunday Night, it's gonna be APA vs. The Dudley Boyz, the winners will the be the Number 1 Contenders for the WWF Tag Team Titles. It's this Sunday at 7:00/6:00 central on USA Network.

The "Y2J" countdown starts on the titan tron. 05...04...03...02...01...00...

Pyro blasts from the stage area and Chris Jericho's music hits. He appears on stage, in his wrestling gear, also with a mic in hand.

Chris Jericho: Welcome to......Orlando is Jericho!!!!!!! Now ever since what happened last week on Smackdown, there's been controversy over who is the real Intercontinental Champion, Y2J, or Chyna. Then Monday on Raw Stephanie McMahon-Hemsley and her assh*le husband Trip, make the two of us "co-champions". I have to say that that is complete bullsh*t! But tonight, I'm in a non-title match against Baldcore Holly, and I will win this one, for all the Jerichoholics out there!

Chris Jericho vs. Hardcore Holly

Hardcore Holly taps out to the Walls of Jericho, giving Chris Jericho the victory

Winner: Chris Jericho

Commercial Break

An outdoor shot of the Orlando Arena is shown on screen

Michael Cole: Well if you missed the first part of Smackdown folks, the new WWF Champ, Triple H came out to the ring talking about leading the WWF into the new millennium...

Jerry Lawler: Yeah...yeah and then Big Show came out here challenge Triple H to a rematch here tonight, just three days after winning it! Does have any respect for our champion, Michael Cole?

Michael Cole: It was in his contract, he had every right to do just that.

Triple H is shown backstage, along with his wife walking in the corridor, then they show Big Show doing the same.

Michael Cole: The rematch, Triple H and the Big Show, it's next! Don't go anywhere!

Commercial Break

"My Time" hits and the WWF Champion along with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley walks down toward the ring, and does his water bottle routine on the ring apron.

The Big Show's music hits and he appears on the stage with a mic in hand again, along with his contract.

Big Show: Now everything I said earlier in this contract about my rematch clause, wasn't all. I've decided to save the best for last. My contract allows me to appoint a special referee, my pick, for this rematch, so Earl Hebner, you can get your ass out of the ring. Ladies and gentleman, the referee for this contest...

Mankind's music hits and he comes out with a referee shirt on, as Triple H is furious.

Michael Cole: Mankind is the referee King! Mankind will be the ref!

Jerry Lawler: WHAT?! This isn't fair!

WWF Championship, Special Guest Referee: Mankind:

Triple H© vs. Big Show

HHH is disqualified after hitting Big Show with a low blow, this time the ref, Mankind saw and called for the bell

Winner: Big Show via DQ

Mankind immediately tackles Triple H sending them both over the top rope. They brawl outside the ring and Triple H whips Mankind into the ring steps. They brawl some more, this time toward the announce table. Mankind hits a DDT on HHH, and he then sets him up on the announce table. Mankind climbs up and hits a pulling piledriver!

Mankind's music hits as he gets a loud ovation from the crowd. Fade to black.


OOC: I know the match results are lame, but I really don't have the time to write up big summaries for each every week, I will for a few big matches and all the PPVs though.

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Guest slider991133

Wrestling Newsline

Chris Benoit and Eddy Guerrero to the WWF?

There has been several rumors that WCW stars, Chris Benoit and Eddy Guerrero would be jumping ship the the WWF, with their contracts both ending on January 17, which is the day after WCW's "Souled Out" Pay-Per-View, and as far as anyone else knows, they both have not renewed their contracts. One would assume that they won't re-sign, seeing as they are both sick the what has been going on behind the scenes, and have been looking to leave the company for over a year now.

WCW Cuts 20+ Superstars!

WCW.com has confirmed that they have parted ways with the following talent, because of finacial issues: Kevin Sullivan, Madusa, James Dundee, Tank Abbott, Patrick, Gerald, David Flair, Daffney, Kaz Hayashi, Mona, Symphony, Brian Adams, Stevie Ray, Hugh Morris, Bam Bam Bigelow, Steve Williams, Torrie Wilson, The Demon, Gorgeous George, Mr. Biggs, Bryan Clarke, The Wall, Shannon Moore

"The Kat" Stacy Carter and Luna Vachon Released?

There have been many reports of backstage officials confirming that the WWF has released "The Kat" Stacy Carter and Luna Vachon. This is odd, since Carter is currently the WWF Women's Champion.

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Guest slider991133

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WWF Raw Is War Preview

January 10, 2000

Triple H's celebration for winning the World Wrestling Federation Championship last week at the first Raw is War of the year 2000 didn't go quite as planned this past Thursday night, when Big Show used his rematch clause for a rematch that very night on Smackdown. Not only that, but he later revealed that he can appoint a special referee, Mankind! Triple H walked out that night still with the WWF Title when he was disqualified for delivering a Low Blow to Big Show, but the fight didn't end there. Him and Mankind brawled after the match, leading to Mankind piledriving Triple H through the announce table. What will become of all this? Also, Chris Jericho and Chyna will face off to decide the undisputed Intercontinental Champion. All this and more, Monday night at 9/8c only on USA Network!

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Guest slider991133

WWF Sunday Night Heat

January 9, 2000(Taped 1/4/00)

Crash Holly vs. Essa Rios

Winner: Crash Holly

Christian vs. Gangrel

Winner: Christian

British Bulldog vs. Steve Blackman

Winner: Steve Blackman via DQ

#1 Contender's Match for the WWF Tag Team Championship:

The Acolytes vs. Dudley Boyz

Winners: The Acolytes

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Pretty good Smackdown, I don't mind the match results being short, They got the point across. I liked you using Show alot on this Smackdown, Since WWF basically never had him get a rematch with HHH, My main problem with the match was, If Mankind was the special referee, Why would he disqualify HHH for a low blow? Wouldn't he just end up attacking HHH and costing him the title? Other than that, This seems to be going well. I hope you don't fire all of the shitty wrestlers though, Since some of them were actually used in 2000.

Looking forward to Raw Is War (Y)

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  • 6 months later...
Guest The Legend

Okay so after nearly 7 months, I decided to revive this diary. Obviously nobody here should remember this as I only posted one show, but I got caught up with things and couldn't find the time, and after that I lost the desire to continue on with this diary. I was thinking of starting a new WWF 1998 diary, but I'm better off finally getting this one underway, as I've seen several other new WWF 1998 around here and I'd like to do something original.

The RAW is WAR results will be up soon.

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Guest The Legend

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January 10, 2000

Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri

The Raw is War intro plays and many large pyro flames go off at the entrance way. The cameras pan around the crowd as Raw kicks off live!

Jim Ross: Welcome to Raw is War! Folks, what a week, oh what a week it was to kick off the year 2000!

Jerry Lawler: So many surprises, Triple H walking out with the WWF Title 7 days ago, and then sucessfully defending it this past Thursday against the Big Show.

Jim Ross: Sucessful my ass King, sucessful my ass. Triple H cheated his way out of that match, and Mankind wanting to call the match fair was forced to call for the bell, and you know...

Mankind's music hits over the PA system, the crowd roars in ovation!

Jim Ross: And here comes Mankind who gave Triple H exactly what he deserved Thursday on Smackdown, piledriving him right through that announce table!

Mankind enters the ring and grabs a mic.

Mankind: If you think for one minute, Triple H that I'm done with you, you're wrong! For all you've done to me, for the no good scumbag of a champion you are, you will come down here right now so I can kick you ass all over Kansas City!

Triple H's music, "My Time" hits and he comes out alone, walking quickly down the ramp ready to fight. He then comes to a quick hault and smiles. The camera view switches back to the ring where Foley is talking trash to HHH, and right behind him is.....the Big Show! Big Show then flips Mankind around and hits a Chokeslam on him!!!

Jim Ross: Bah gawd King! What is this?! Big Show?! What's going on?!

Triple H slides into the ring and yells at Big Show "kick his ass! kick his ass!". Big Show picks Mankind back up and hits yet another chokeslam!!! A pop is heard from the crowd as The Rock is seen sliding into the ring but is stompped on by Big Show and Triple H before he can even get up. Big Show then grabs The Rock by the throat and hits a chokeslam!!! Triple H picks up Big Show's right arm and they pose in the ring as The Rock and Mankind are flat on the mat.

Commercial Break

Jim Ross: Hello everyone and we welcome you back to Raw is War live from Kansas City and just moments ago I don't know what we just witnessed, what's going on?

A clip of what just occured is being shown.

Jerry Lawler: Well it looks like Big Show and Triple H have formed an alliance...

Jim Ross: But why? What is this about? On any note, I'm recieving word from the back that tonight we're going to see Triple H and Big Show team up to face The Rock and Mankind, The Rock & Sock Connection in our main event. I don't think this was a wise move by Triple H to book this, I know damn well Mankind and The Rock are not happy right now, and this will be one hellacious main event we're in stored for.

Commercial Break

WWF Hardcore Championship:

Big Bossman© vs. Test

Bossman hits the sidewalk slam on the rampway for the victory

Winner: Big Bossman

Commercial Break

Hardcore Holly with his cousin Crash are in the back...

Hardcore Holly: Listen Crash, tonight I have an Intercontinental Title match against Chris Jericho. I'm lucky to have this opprotunity. I've been working with this company for 10 years and I've never won that championship. It would be great for me to win it here tonight. So I'm going to need your help.

Crash Holly: Yeah, yeah whatever you need Bob.

Hardcore Holly: Come down to the ring with me. You're a smart kid, whatever you can do and get away with, do. Ya got it?

Crash Holly: Yeah, yeah sure!

Grandmaster Sexay vs. Sho Funaki

Grandmaster executes the Hip-Hop Drop on Funaki for the victory

Winner: Grandmaster Sexay

Commercial Break

WWF Tag Team Championship:

New Age Outlaws© def. The Acolytes

The ref was out after being caught between an Irish Whip by Bradshaw to Road Dogg, Bradshaw then hit the Clothesline from Hell on Road Dogg, X-Pac then out and nailed Bradshaw over the back with a steel chair. Bradshaw, in pain got back to his feet and X-Pac held the chair up and hit a spinning heel kick, he placed Road Dogg over Bradshaw and the ref counted the 3 when he regained consiousness.

Winners: New Age Outlaws

Jim Ross: That damn X-Pac! The Acolytes were screwed. I tell ya, these D-X guys are something else, how dispicable.

Triple H and Big Show are in the D-X locker room. Both are smiling looking on at a TV, and Triple H is clapping.

Triple H: See Big Show, these are the benefits of rolling with us. We're running the show.

Big Show: Yeah, but that title shot you promised me, you're going to keep through with that, right?

Triple H: Of course, of course! Trust me I'm a man of my word. Once we finish off Foley and Rock you're going to get that shot for this title.

Commercial Break

A view of outside the Kemper Arena is shown.

Jim Ross: We'd like to thank everyone for joining us here on Raw, we are live from the sold out Kemper Arena here in Kansas City, Missouri, still to come tonight, Triple H teams up with his new ally, Big Show to take on the Rock 'N Sock Connection.

Kurt Angle vs. Rikishi

Kurt Angle hits the Olympic Slam for the clean victory

Winner: Kurt Angle

Hardcore and Crash Holly are shown walking the corridor, then the same for Chris Jericho.

Jim Ross: The Intercontinental Title is on the line! Next!

Commercial Break

WWF Intercontinental Championship:

Chris Jericho© vs. Hardcore Holly w/Crash Holly

While the ref was knocked down, Crash ran into the ring to clothsline Jericho, but missed and hit his cousin, Jericho tossed crash out of the ring and then hit the Lion Sault for the win

Winner: Chris Jericho

Commercial Break

Jim Ross: Hello everyone and welcome back to Raw, this past Saturday tickets for the first ever WWF Fan Axcess went on sale and they are sold out.

Jerry Lawler: This is a once in a lifetime opprotunity for our fans to meet the WWF Superstars on the Road to WrestleMania 2000!

Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz

Matt hit the Twist of Fate on Christian for the victory

Winners: Hardy Boyz

Commercial Break

Triple H & Big Show vs. The Rock 'N Sock Connection

Mankind and Big Show start off the match. They stare down each other for a few seconds and then Mankind allows Big Show a free shot. Big Show places his huge hand over Mankind's face and shoves him to the ground. Mankind gets back up and attacks Big Show with viscous right hands. Mankind's irish whip into the ropes is reversed and Show grabs Mankind by the throat and hits the Chokeslam early in the match-up! Before he can get a pin on Foley, The Rock comes in with frequent right hands to Big Show. Show then blocks Rock's final punch and headbutts him, sending him out of the ring. Big Show uses his arms to get Mankind back to his feet and hooks him up at the turnbuckles. He exposes some of Mankind's chest and nails him with a knifeedge chop. Foley fights back with a punch, then another, then a DDT. Mankind, still feeling the effects of the chokeslam, slowly crawls to tag in The Rock. Rock stomps down at Big Show and sets up for the finish as Show slowly gets back to his feet, but is tackled by Triple H. Mankind then takes down Triple H, sending the both of them outside of the ring. The Rock and Show exhange right hands in the ring. Meanwhile on the outside, Mankind has picked up part of the ringsteps and tosses them towards Triple H, who luckily for him ducks. Triple H then grab's Foley's head and rams it into the ring post. He pulls a sledgehammer from underneith the ring and nails it over the head of Foley. The ref calls for the bell after a short main event.

Winners: The Rock 'N Sock Connection via DQ

In the ring, The Rock hits a Rock Bottom on Big Show, but turns around and Triple H strikes him in the sternum with the sledgehammer and then tosses him out of the ring. HHH rolls Foley back into ring, along with the rest of D-X who come out. Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac hold Foley up as Triple H takes his Mankind persona mask off and strikes him right in the skull with the sledgehammer. Foley is shown layed out on the mat as Raw is War goes off the air.


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Guest The Legend

Wrestling Newsline

Breaking News: Eddie Guerrero Backstage at Raw last night

A reliable insider is reporting that WCW Superstar(well, he is still under WCW contract as far as we know), Eddie Guerrero was not at WCW Nitro live from Buffalo, but at WWF Raw is War in Kansas City. Although he hasn't appeared on WCW television for weeks, this news definatly lead you to believing that he'll be jumping ship the WWF, especially after the rumors last week that he and Benoit will be heading there after their WCW contracts are up in just 6 days(January 17). It is unknown at this point why Guerrero was backstage, and if WCW was aware of it.

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Guest The Legend

Alright so I'm writing a what think was a very good, and important Smackdown(at least better than my last two shows) with good promos and storylines for the on and off for the past few hours, I'm about to start writing the main event, and my wonderful computer decides to freeze, and of course with my great luck, I forgot to save it along the way, even though I have every other show so far saved and I forgot to do this one. I'm really pissed over this so I'll just sum up the show. It will make me feel better if I just post this and get it behind me.

So if anyone actually reads this diary, pretend this was a Smackdown you missed and had to catch the results on the internet to see what happened.

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WWE Smackdown!

January 13, 2000(Taped 1/11/00)

Kiel Center in St. Louis, Missouri

-Triple H is about to announce Big Show as the #1 Contender for his title at the Royal Rumble, but Mankind shows up. He says that a sledgehammer shot to the skull isn't going he keep him down. He challanges Triple H to a Street Fight for the WWF Title at the Royal Rumble, Triple H accepts.

-Backstage, Big Show asks Triple H what accepting Mankind's challange was all about, Triple H promises Big Show a shot after the Rumble, but then decides to enter Big Show as #30 into the Royal Rumble.

-The Hollys def. Al Snow & Steve Blackman

-Kurt Angle def. Essa Rios

-After Angle's match, he states that he is now 18-0 in the WWF, and wants to persue gold in professional wrestling. He says Triple H would not allow him to challange for the Intercontinental Title, so he has his eyes on Val Venis' title.

-Another video for the WWF debut of Taz. It is announced that he will be debuting at the Royal Rumble on Jan. 23.

-The Rock calls out Big Show. Big Show appears on stage and challanges The Rock to a match tonight, The Rock accepts.

-Christian def. X-Pac

-The New Age Outlaws begin to head to the ring for action, but are attacked from behind by the Acolytes, seeking revenge from being screwed on Raw. X-Pac tries to save them, but is also beat down.

-Val Venis def. Chris Jericho via DQ after Kurt Angle attacked him. The Hollys then came down to attack Jericho.

-Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler announce that a 'major WCW superstar' will appear on Raw Monday, and to make sure everyone tunes in to see.

-The Rock def. Big Show after a pinfall following the Rock Bottom.

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Guest The Legend

Wrestling Newsline

WCW.com claims Eddie Guerrero wasn't backstage at Raw, and won't be going to the WWF

The following is on the headlines section of WCW.com:

World Championship Wrestling would like to make it clear that their superstar, Eddie Guerrero did not attend World Wrestling Federation's Raw is War taping this past Monday, despite the numerous internet rumors. Also, Guerrero will not be 'jumping ship' to the WWF, nor will other WCW superstar, Chris Benoit. WCW has contacted every single member of their talent roster and can confirm that nobody working for them will be the 'big WCW superstar' that is advertised to appear on next Monday's show. This is most likely a scam by the World Wrestling Federation, or an imposter is scheduled to show up. The WCW staff felt this was important to be cleared up with their fans.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest The Legend

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WWF Sunday Night Heat

January 16, 2000(Taped 1/11/00)

Edge w/Christian vs. Matt Hardy w/Jeff Hardy

Edge spears Matt Hardy for the victory

Winner: Edge

Too Cool vs. Kai En Tai

Scotty hits the worm on Taka and pins him for the 3 count

Winners: Too Cool

D'Lo Brown vs. Gangrel

D'Lo hits the Lo Down to finish Gangrel

Winner: D'Lo Brown

Dudley Boyz vs. The Acolytes

Bradshaw nails the Clothesline from Hell on D-Von Dudley to pick up the victory

Winners: The Acolytes

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Guest The Legend

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January 17, 2000

Gampel Pavilion in Storrs, Connecticut

The Raw is War intro plays and many large pyro flames go off at the entrance way.

"Are you Ready?"

The D-X theme hits over the PA and out comes the entire stable of Triple H, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, X-Pac, and the Outlaws. Upon their arrival to the ring, Triple H grabs a mic.

Triple H: I promise you all a historic night, as the Royal Rumble draws near, just 6 days away. At the Rumble, you will see the New Age Outlaws put the WWF Tag Team Championships on the line against The Acolytes. My boy here, X-Pac has entered the Royal Rumble match, you're truly, The Game, will put MY WWF Championship on the line against Mick Foley in a Street Fight.

The crowd cheers.

Triple H: We're here tonight in northern Connecticut, just a couple of ours away from Stamford, Connecticut. The home of the WWF's headquarters, but not only that, but the home of a nice family, known as the McMahons. So earlier today....we decided to take a...well..."visit".

Jim Ross: Oh no, oh come on now.

Triple H: See Vince and Linda are out on vacation somewhere overseas, I have no idea where, so I decided to bring my boys here to visit their unattentended house, along with a camera man roll the footage please...

Jim Ross: Oh for the love of gawd what is this about?


A fuzzy camera shows Triple H driving a truck with X-Pac in the seat next to him, and Road Dogg and Billy Gunn in the back.

Triple H: Here we are guys.

The vehicle stops and they begin to get out of the truck. The camera from the outside shows a large mansion, which a huge garden and fountain in front

Billy Gunn: I thought for sure Stephanie would give us the wrong code, but we're here.

X-Pac: It's beautiful ain't it?

Road Dogg: Yeah but I think we could do a little work on it guys, follow me.

They all walk through a path through the garden and right in front of the house are about a dozen mint condition, expensive, shiny cars. The each joke around a bit about each, and Triple H says that he forgot something and heads back to the car, he returns with a sledgehammer in hand. He walks up to a classic, black Malibu and smashes the winsheild with the sledgehammer. He continues to do this with each car. Road Dogg pulls spraypaint out of his pocket and writes "D-X" in green paint on the garage door. Triple H then smashes one of the front doors with his sledgehammer, but a loud alarm goes off.

Triple H: Oh s***, lets get out of here...

Road Dogg walks up to the camera man and shoves him down, causing the screen to turn into fuzz.

A mixed reaction is heard from the crowd.

Triple H: I don't think there's anything I need to add to that...

Triple H, along with the rest of D-X laugh.

Triple H: Now, for tonight, on Raw, we're going to have two big matches, two big matches involving two of our favorite guys, The Rock and Mick Foley.

The crowd pops.

Triple H: Here tonight, in this very ring, the The Rock and Mick Foley both will compete in separate handicap matches. The Rock's opponents, X-Pac and the Big Show!

Jim Ross: Oh come on now, this isn't fair!

Jerry Lawler: Oh, just be quiet J.R.!

Triple H: And Mankind's opponents, the....

Triple H holds to microphone for Road Dogg


Triple H: The New Age Outlaws! And if you ain't down with that, we've all got 2 words for ya...........SUCK IT!!!!!!

D-X's music hits and the screen fades to commercial break.

Commercial Break

Jim Ross: Folks, for those not informed yet, a huge superstar from "down South" will be appearing later on tonight, it was announced this past Thursday on Smackdown, but we still don't know yet who it's gonna be.

Jerry Lawler: That's right I have absolutely no clue who it's going to be, but I'm definatly excited about this!

Crash Holly vs. Steve Blackman w/Al Snow

Blackman delieved a spinning heel kick for the victory

Winner: Steve Blackman

Commercial Break

Michael Cole is backstage with The Rock

Michael Cole: Ro...

The Rock: Shut your mouth ya jabroni. I know exactly what the stupid question is that you're gonna ask. You know what, just go ahead.

Michael Cole: Tonight you have to compete in a handicap match against....

The Rock: Yeah yeah The Rock knew that's exactly what's you're going to ask the Rock. (mimicing voice)What are your thoughts?

Michael Cole: Well...

The Rock grabs the mic from Cole.

The Rock: Shut your mouth and get the hell outta here.

The Rock pauses.

The Rock: This is how it's going to go down tonight. The Rock's gonna make this short and sweet. The Rock doesn't care how many opponents he has, he's going to whoop all their candy asses, The Rock has 3 words for you Big Show and X-Pac, and that's JUST BRING IT!!!

Commercial Break

Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz

Jeff hits the Swanton Bomb on D-Von before the 3 count

Winners: Hardy Boyz

Commercial Break

The Rock vs. Big Show & X-Pac

Big Show chokeslams The Rock, and pins him for a 3 count

Winner(s): Big Show & X-Pac

Commercial Break

A video is shown with the number "13" appearing on the screen. It then reads "Taz is coming" in graffiti lettering, then "Royal Rumble" and "this Sunday" appear.

Hardcore Holly & Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho & Val Venis

Angle hit the Olympic Slam on Val Venis for the victory.

Winners: Hardcore Holly & Kurt Angle

Commercial Break

Michael Cole is backstage with the The Acolytes

Michael Cole: Faarooq, Bradshaw, it has now been announced that this Sunday you two will take on the New Age Outlaws, but this past Thursday on Smackdown!, you guys attacked the Outlaws which didn't allow for their upcoming match to take place.

Bradshaw: Listen Michael Cole, that piece of crap X-Pac screwed us last week, and that was retaliation. This Sunday at the Royal Rumble, we get our rematch, and damn it, were going to win those Tag Team titles.

Faarooq: It's about time D-X gets dethroned of their power here in the WWF, and that happens this Sunday, in New York City.

Jim Ross: Well folks, coming up right here on RAW, a superstar from 'down south' will arrive here at the WWF, don't go anywhere.

Commercial Break

Jim Ross in the ring with a mic in hand.

Jim Ross: The past few years, we've had our "Monday Night Wars" with the WCW. Many of their superstars came here unexpected and many of our superstars went downt here unexpected. From WCW, we've acquired the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin...

After the saying of that name the crowd goes crazy, giving a huge pop.

Jim Ross: ...Triple H, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho. From the WWF, they've acquired the likes of Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, and most recently Bret "The Hitman" Hart...

The crowd gives a mixed reaction.

Jim Ross: But tonight we add to the list of our aquired superstars.

A few "Eddie Guerrero" chants are heard in the building, with a few "Benoit" chants with them.

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentleman please welcome, a huge WCW superstar....

A tune similar to that of WCW's Bill Goldberg hits, which starts a decent pop, and then out comes Gillberg, which starts up massive boos. Gillberg, who has the WWF Light-Heavyweight around his waist walks down to the ring as the "Gillberg" chants start.

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god! It's.....it's....it's Gillberg!

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentleman......GILLBERG!!!

Jim Ross hands Gillberg the microphone, and then heads back to the announce table.


Gillberg pauses for a few seconds

Gillberg: Who is next?!?!

Gillberg's music hits and he then begins to leave the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god J.R., Gillberg, he's back!

Jim Ross: Gillberg returning here in the WWF, our Light-Heavyweight Champion, unbelieveable King!

Commercial Break

Edge vs. D'Lo Brown

Edge spears D'Lo for the victory

Winner: Edge

Commercial Break

Mankind vs. New Age Outlaws

Billy Gunn starts of the match and Mankind immediately attacks him with right hands. Mankind then goes Cactus Jack for a few moments doing the "Bang Bang!" pose. Road Dogg then runs into the ring and clotheslines him, before returning to the ring apron. This allows Gunn to get the advantage over Mankind. Gunn kicks away at Mankind and then hoists him up to his a suplex. He covers him, 1...2...Mankind kicks out. Gunn picks Mankind back up, but Mankind starts to fight back with right hands, he then tosses Gunn into the ropes and hits a back body drop, an unexpected manuver from Foley. He covers Billy Gunn, 1...2...Road Dogg breaks up the count. The ref begins holding Road Dogg away from the match, back to the ring apron as Mankind locks the Mandible Claw onto Road Dogg!!! Road Dogg then kicks him into the gut, breaking the hold. He goes for a clothesline but Mankind ducks and he knocks down the ref! Mankind then hits a DDT on Road Dogg. Billy Gunn is back up and goes into the rope for a clothesline on Mankind, but Mankind dodges it and hits another DDT to Gunn. Mankind goes for the cover, but theres no ref. Another referee comes running down to the ring, 1...2...Triple H appears out of nowhere, pulling the referee out of the ring! Triple H runs into the ring and hits the Pedigree on Mankind, and then puts Billy Gunn's left arm over Mankind. The other ref is back up, 1...2...3!!!

Winner(s): New Age Outlaws

Triple H slides back into the ring, as the Outlaws hold up Mankind from behind. Triple H starts pounding away to Mankind's skull. He then tears off Foley's mask just as he did last week. X-Pac runs down to the ring with a sledgehammer in hand and hands it to The Game. Triple H stikes Foley right to the skull, it's Deja Vu for Foley as the same happened to him last week. Foley is left a bloody mess in the middle of the ring as D-Generation X pose to the crowd right above him.


Edited by The Legend
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Guest The Legend

Wrestling Newsline

Reason Gillberg was brought back on TV during Raw is War last night

The reason Duane Gill a.k.a. Gillberg returned to TV was to bring the Light-Heavyweight Championship back. Now that the WCW's Cruiserweight division has been declining the past year, the WWF feel they should bring a solid Cruiserweight/Light-Heavyweight division into their company. Also, the WWF thought this would be a good way to bring in viewers who are looking to see Chris Benoit and/or Eddie Guerrero appear on WWF television.

WCW picks up some former ECW talent

Inside reports at WCW are confirming that WCW has signed Steve Corino, Scorpio, and Chris Candido to contracts. It will be interesting to see how they incorporate this guys into their product.

Weekly Ratings Report

The 1/10 edition of WWF RAW IS WAR recieved a 6.84 TV rating. Monday Nitro recieved a 5.63.

The 1/12 edition of WCW Thunder recieved a 5.08 TV rating.

The 1/13 edition of WWF Smackdown! recieved a 5.36 TV rating.

WCW 'Souled Out' recieved a 1.13 buyrate, the highest buyrate for a WCW PPV since SuperBrawl 1999, which must come to a surprise for the WCW.

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WWF Smackdown!

Civic Center in Providence, Rhode Island

January 20, 2000(Taped 1/18/00)

The Smackdown intro plays, and then we are switched to a shot of the arena where pyro blasts from the entrance area. The cameras pan around the crowd and then close-up on the commentators, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

"My Time" hits over the PA system and the one and only WWF Champion, Triple H appears on stage, with his wife Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley

Michael Cole: And here comes Triple H, as far as I know tonight, is set to take an a "mystery opponent".

Triple H tosses his water bottle into the crowd and spits it into the air, before entering the ring. His music cues out and he waits for his opponent.

Music similar to WCW's Bill Goldberg plays and the WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion, Gillberg appears on stage.

Michael Cole: Oh my King, it's Gillberg! Gillberg returned to the WWF this past Monday on Raw, and he'll be challenging Triple H right here tonight!

Triple H vs. Gillberg

Triple H hits the Pedigree for the win

Winner: Triple H

Commercial Break

Mankind is seen backstage with Al Snow.

Al Snow: Are you sure about this Mick?

Mankind: Yes, I am Al you don't need to worry, this is the best for I think everyone at this time.

The cameras cut back to the arena.

Big Bossman vs. Taka Michinoku

Bossman hits the Sidewalk Slam for the victory

Winner: Big Bossman

Commercial Break

The music of the Holly's hits and both Hardcore and Crash are walking down to the ring.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, being accompanied by Hardcore Holly, from Mobile, Alabama, weighing in at 400 pounds, Crash Holly!

The Y2J countdown starts on the oval tron: 05....04....03....02....01....00


Y2J's music hits and he appears, back turned to the camera. He spins around and then begins to speak on the mic.

Chris Jericho: I would like you to listen up Baldcore and Trash Holly. I'm going to get right to the point here. This Sunday, at the Royal Rumble, at Madison Square JERICHO, Y2J will defend the WWF Inter-Chris-tinental Championship against you Baldcore. Now I find you to be somewhat of a charity case, seeing as I already beat your ass TWICE to sucessfully defend this title....

Jericho sees Crash Holly running after him and quickly drops the mic. Crash goes for a clothesline which is ducked by Jericho, but he runs into a clothesline by Hardcore Holly. Crash and Hardcore then toss Jericho into the ring and Crash slides back in and the match begins.

Chris Jericho vs. Crash Holly w/Hardcore Holly

Crash taps out to the Walls of Jericho

Winner: Chris Jericho

Mankind is shown walking towards the ring area, backstage.

Michael Cole: It looks like Mankind is headed out here, don't go anywhere!

Commercial Break

Mankind's music hits and he walks down to the ring to a big ovation. He enters the ring and poses for the crowd a bit and is handed a microphone.


Mankind: Thank you, thank you very much.


Mankind: This past Monday, Triple H along with his D-X buddies saw it fit to beat the hell out of me once again. I watched the video of it home, the sledgehammer shot again and again and again and again and again and again! and I watched my head turn into a crimson mask. I had to make an important decision. I'm not going to come out and make a huge speech about it, so I'm going to get it over with now. I cannot compete this Sunday in the Street Fight at Madison Square Garden.

Michael Cole: What?!

Mankind: I'm sorry, just bear with me here. I cannot do it. I won't be able to compete. As a matter of a fact, I'm not going to compete here in the WWF again.

Mankind depressingly drops the mic and begins heading to the back.

Jerry Lawler: Haha! He's running away scared Michael!

Michael Cole: What is Mankind thinking? I don't know what's going on here.

Commercial Break

Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz

Christian hits the unprettier on D-Von for the 3 count

Winners: Edge & Christian

A video is shown with the number "13" appearing on the screen. It then reads "Taz is coming" in graffiti lettering, then "Royal Rumble" and "this Sunday" appear.

Commercial Break

The Rock vs. X-Pac

The Rock hits a Spinebuster followed by a People's Elbow for the victory

Winner: The Rock

After the match The Rock asks for a microphone.

The Rock: Now that The Rock has put away this Jabroni, X-Pac, The Rock would like another jabroni by the name of Big Show to get his 500 pound piece of monkey crap out here. C'mon Big Show get your candy ass out here.


The Big Show appears on stage with a mic in hand.

Big Show: What do you want Rock?

The Rock: The Rock wants you out here for one reason and one reason only. Last week here on Smackdown your buddy Triple H HANDED you the #30 spot in the Royal Rumble, for doing abolutely NOTHING. The Rock does not appreciate this. So The Rock's got a little challenge for you Big Show. You see, you claim to be 7'2, 500 pounds, a monster, and let The Rock ask you something. Taking a #30 spot in the Royal Rumble, how manly is that bitch? Why don't you put that shot on the line in a match, this Sunday right before the Rumble takes place, why don't you put that shot on the line one on one...WITH THE GREAT ONE!

The crowd pops

Big Show: You know what Rock you're right. I guess I should try and prove myself a little more. I'm gonna put that #30 spot on the line against you this Sunday, and I'm going to prove that I'm not scared of you at all.


The Rock's music hits as he raises the People's Eyebrow towards the direction of Big Show.

Triple H is shown walking backstage with his wife, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley.

Commercial Break

"My Time" hits over the PA System and out walks Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. They walk down to the ring and Triple H begins to speak on the mic.

Triple H: Wasn't that just heartbreaking, to see the great Mick Foley, the great hardcore legend just walk off like that earlier? It was so sad...but hey now it looks like I have the night off this Sunday. I mean I was expecting to wrestle a hardcore legend in a Street Fight in the middle of his territory in New York City, and now I have the night off. I tell you, it get any greater for the WWF Champion.

The crowd boos, and then suddenly Mankind's theme music hits to an ovation.

Mankind appears on stage with a mic in hand.

Mankind: Night off?! You think you have the night off?! Well I think you are very very wrong. Now when I said before that Mankind will never step foot into a WWE ring ever again I didn't lie, that was the honest truth. But you see you don't have the night off Triple H. And actually I think you should turn that smile inside out because I have found a replacement for the Street Fight this Sunday! And this replacement is going to be no walk in the park for you Triple H. And no it's not Al Snow! So ladies and gentlemen, Triple H's replacement for the Royal Rumble this Sunday...........

The camera turns to wider view of the entrance way, there is no reponse.

Mankind: Ladies and gentlemen, Triple H's replacement for the Royal Rumble this Sunday...........

The cameras turn to the same angle again and still no reponse.

Mankind: Hold on a minute I think he's a little shy let me go take him out here.

Mankind walks back up the ramp and behind the curtain. The music of Cactus Jack then hits and the crowd jumps to their feet in ovation.

After a long hiatus, the one and only Cactus Jack appears on stage rolling down a dumpster toward the ring area while Triple H is flipping out.

Michael Cole: Can you believe this King?! Triple H will face Cactus Jack this Sunday at the Garden! Oh my!!!

Cactus Jack starts tossing random weapons into the ring from the dumpster as the screen fades to black.


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Guest The Legend

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WWF Royal Rumble 2000

Royal Rumble Match:

This will be the 13th annual Royal Rumble match. 29 men enter and 1 will be left standing. That man will be declared Royal Rumble winner and will go on to WrestleMania XVI in Anaheim to face the WWF Champion.

WWF Championship: Triple H© vs. Cactus Jack

The events leading up to this match date back to RAW IS WAR on December 27, 1999 in which The Rock defeated Mankind in a "Pink Slip on a Pole" match ordered by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. Because of this, Mankind was fired, only to be brought back the next week as the entire locker room threatened to walk out on the WWF if Mick Foley was not reinstated. The rivalry continued until Mankind challenged Triple H to a Street Fight at the Royal Rumble which Triple H accepted. The following week, Mankind said he will be unable to compete in the Street Fight at the Royal Rumble and there will be a replacement: Cactus Jack! Will the hardcore legend capture his third WWF Championship or will the McMahon-Helmsley Era continue as Triple H retains?

For #30 Spot in the Royal Rumble: Big Show vs. The Rock

The Big Show had his #30 Spot in the Royal Rumble match given to him by Triple H. The Rock, who did not like this then challenged Big Show for this spot in a match at the Royal Rumble event. The #30 spot is the ultimate advantage in the match, and if whoever wins this Singles match is definately the favorite for the Royal Rumble match.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho© vs. Hardcore Holly

Chris Jericho has already sucessfully defended his Intercontinental Title against Hardcore Holly numerous times in the past few weeks, but Hardcore Holly seems to have stepped up his game since. Will Hardcore Holly win the Intercontinental Title for the first time in his career? Or will Chris Jericho retain in his debut at where he called "Madison Square Jericho"?

WWF Tag Team Championship: New Age Outlaws© vs. The Acolytes

As members of D-X, New Age Outlaws have used their co-member X-Pac to "assist" them to their Tag Team title defenses. It was announced off-air but WWF officials that X-Pac will be banned from this match up. At the Royal Rumble, we'll find out which of these two teams is the one that's truely better.

WWF European Championship: Val Venis© vs. Kurt Angle

In 1996, Kurt Angle won an a gold medal in the Olympics in Atlanta, and he has now taken his career to the World Wrestling Federation, where he wants to capture more gold. For that reason he challenged European Champion Val Venis for his title.

Don't miss the 13th annual WWF Royal Rumble, this Sunday at 8/5 pacific only on Pay-Per-View!

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Guest The Legend

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WWF Sunday Night Heat

January 23, 2000

WWF New York in New York, New York

The Sunday Night Heat intro plays and we are treated to a live shot of the brand new WWF New York restaurant in New York City. Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly are on stage.

Kevin Kelly: Hello everyone and welcome to the grand opening of WWF New York here at Times Square, the fans have been waiting in-line outside here in the freezing cold since noon to come here and watch the Royal Rumble at the grand opening and this place is packed!

Michael Cole: It sure is, but more importantly, tonight just 10 blocks down from here at Madison Square Garden, the WWF Royal Rumble will take place, and boy what a night it's going to be.

Kevin Kelly: Of course here tonight the Street Fight between Triple H and Mankind was set to take place for the World Wrestling Federation Title, but this past Thursday on Smackdown, we learned that Mankind has found a replacement for this match.


Mankind: Night off?! You think you have the night off?! Well I think you are very very wrong. Now when I said before that Mankind will never step foot into a WWE ring ever again I didn't lie, that was the honest truth. But you see you don't have the night off Triple H. And actually I think you should turn that smile inside out because I have found a replacement for the Street Fight this Sunday! And this replacement is going to be no walk in the park for you Triple H. And no it's not Al Snow! So ladies and gentlemen, Triple H's replacement for the Royal Rumble this Sunday...........

The music of Cactus Jack then hits and the crowd jumps to their feet in ovation.

After a long hiatus, the one and only Cactus Jack appears on stage rolling down a dumpster toward the ring area while Triple H is flipping out.

Michael Cole: Can you believe this King?! Triple H will face Cactus Jack this Sunday at the Garden! Oh my!!!

Cactus Jack starts tossing random weapons into the ring from the dumpster.

Kevin Kelly: As you just saw, Cactus Jack the most hardcore, the most blackhearted, careless, wreckless face of Mick Foley makes his return to the ring to challenge Triple H for his WWF Title, and folks don't go anywhere we'll be right back here on the USA Network, but still to come here tonight right here on Sunday Night Heat, Kai-En-Tai takes on Mean Street Posse members, Rodney and Joey Abs! We'll be right back!

Commercial Break

Kevin Kelly: Hello everyone and welcome back to Sunday Night Heat, we're here at the grand opening of WWF New York, right here in the heart of New York City, here in Times Square. But right now over at the Garden, the venue for tonight Royal Rumble, our new colleague, Jonathan Coachman is standing by with The Rock.

Jonathan Coachman: Hello everyone I'm here with The Rock, the man who will take on the Big Show, the winner will enter at #30 tonight in the 30-man Royal Rumble, in which the winner faces the WWF Champion at WrestleMania 16. Rock, do you think that you have a chance against the Big Show here tonight?

The Rock: Wait a minute, who are you?!

Jonathan Coachman: Oh Rock, I'm Jonathan Coachman, the WWF's brand new interviewer.

The Rock: Ahh...I see so this is your TV debut here at the WWF is that right?

Jonathan Coachman: Yes, that is right Rock.

The Rock: The Rock would like to ask you a question, Jonathan Coachman. Do you like pie?

Jonathan Coachman: Well yeah, I love pie Rock.

The Rock: Do you?

The Big Show then appears and goes right up to Rock. They stare each other down without saying anything and then Big Show walks away. The screen fades to black.

Commercial Break

Kevin Kelly: Welcome back again to Sunday Night Heat live here at WWF New York in the heart of the city, Times Square. But tonight is the 30-Man Royal Rumble match. This is the 13th annual Royal Rumble, but speaking of 13, guess who's coming to the WWF here tonight!

A video is shown with the number "13" appearing on the screen. It then reads "Tazz is coming" in graffiti lettering, then "Royal Rumble" and "Tonight" appear.

Kevin Kelly: That's right, the Human Suplex Machine, Tazz will be making his WWF debut right here tonight in his very own hometown of New York City. He is a former multiple time champion in ECW and tonight he debuts at the World Wrestling Federation.

Michael Cole: That's definately going to be exciting but as you were saying, tonight is the Royal Rumble match. 30 men enter, one superstar per every 1 minute and 30 seconds. Eliminations occur by a superstar being sent over the top rope and both feet much touch the floor. The match continues until one superstar is left standing and that man is the Royal Rumble winner, and will go on to WrestleMania 16 to face the WWF Champion.

Kevin Kelly: So now we're going to show you some of the history of the Royal Rumble match.

A video is shown highlighting the history of the Royal Rumble match from 1988 to 1999.

Commercial Break

Kai-En-Tai vs. Rodney & Joey Abs

Taka hits the Michinoku Driver on Rodney to win

Winners: Kai-En-Tai

Commercial Break

Kevin Kelly: And we are back again here live on Sunday Night Heat. Along with the 30-man Royal Rumble, here tonight the Street Fight between Triple H and the returning Cactus Jack. Now lets show you the history leading up to this guaranteed brutal and bloody match-up that will take place live on Pay-Per-View tonight.

A video is shown showing highlights of the feud between Triple H and Mick Foley, from Foley being fired to the transformation from Mankind to Cactus Jack.


Edited by The Legend
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