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WCW '97


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World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and World Wrestling Federation (WWF) had been going at it each Monday night in the now famous Ratings War. WCW had recently taken control of these battles after the creation of the nWo, a heel stable that defied the law and WCW. Led by Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash, this group was taking the world of wrestling by storm and proving to be the major blow to WWF. But Vince McMahon was definitely not easy to defeat, as he still had major stars in Bret Hart, Shawn Micheals, Mankind, and The Undertaker. Eric Bischoff, the mastermind behind nWo, was the head booker of WCW, and he had no problem making on-screen appearances as the manager of nWo. WCW lacked any other heels other than the members of the nWo, as the Four Horsemen were faces going into 1997. The World Champion, Hulk Hogan, was the major player in WCW, and he was becoming closer and closer to icon status each week. The antics of the new World Order were really becoming popular, and we join World Championship Wrestling in January of 1997 to see if they can continue their streak of greatness....


Okay, not a great backstory, but I want to get to the booking quickly and hopefully this will take off. I lost information for my old diary after saving a scenario over it, but I doubt it will be missed much. Also, I can honestly say I didn't read Baby Hewey's WCW '97 until after I planned out mine, and some of my feuds are similar just by looking at the last page. But he's a bit ahead of me time-wise, and his is supposed to be incredible, so I doubt our diaries will be compared.


World Championship Wrestling Roster

Faces in blue

Heels in red

Tweeners in green


Lex Luger

Randy Savage

Ric Flair

'Rowdy' Roddy Piper


The Giant

'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan


Arn Anderson

Jim Duggan

Rick Steiner

Scott Steiner

Scott Hall

Kevin Nash


Brian Knobbs

Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho

Diamond Dallas Page

Jerry Saggs


Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal

The Booty Man

The Renegade

Jeff Jarrett

Big Bubba Rogers

Kevin Sullivan

Lord Steven Regal

Squire David Taylor



Alex Wright

Booker T

Disco Inferno

Eddie Guerrero


Greg Valentine

John Tenta

Johnny Grunge


Rocco Rock

Scotty Riggs

Stevie Ray

Bobby Eaton

Buff Bagwell

Carl Ouelette

Dean Malenko

Jacques Rougeau Jr.

Masahiro Chono

Michael Wallstreet

Scott Norton

Ultimo Dragon



Ace Darling

Billy Kidman

Brad Armstrong

Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Craig Pittman

David Flair

Hugh Morrus

Kenny Kaos


Rey Misterio Jr.

Robby Rage

Joe Gomez

Juventud Guerrera

La Parka


Super Calo

Bunkhouse Buck

Devon Storm

'Dirty' Dick Slater

'Hardwork' Bobby Walker

Horace Hogan

Jim Powers

Mark Starr

Mike Enos

Rick Fuller

Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker


Prince Iaukea

C.W. Anderson

MANAGERS Manager (Clients)

Debra McMicheal (Jeff Jarret & Steve McMicheal)

Elizabeth (None)

Jimmy Hart (Hugh Morrus, Meng, & The Barbarian)

Kimberly (Booty Man)

Larry Zybysco (None)

Sister Sherri (Harlem Heat)

Woman (Chris Benoit)

Colonel Robert Parker (Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck)

Eric Bischoff (Hulk Hogan)

Sonny Oono (Ultimo Dragon

Ted DiBiase (None)

Tag Teams

Amazing French Canadians - Jacques Rougeau Jr. & Carl Ouelette

Canadian Violence - Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

Harlem Heat - Booker T & Stevie Ray

High Voltage - Kenny Kaos & Robby Rage

Los Guerreros - Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Public Enemy - Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock

Sting and Luger - Sting & Lex Luger

The Armstrongs - Brad Armstrong & Steve Armstrong

The Blue Bloods - Lord Steven Regal & Squire David Taylor

The Enforcers - Arn Anderson & Larry Zybysco

The Faces of Fear - Meng & The Barbarian

The Nasty Boys - Brian Knobbs & Jerry Saggs

The Outsiders - Kevin Nash & Scott Hall

The Steiner Brothers - Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner

World Championship Wrestling Titles

WCW World Heavyweight Championship - 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan

WCW United States Championship - Eddie Guerrero

WCW Television Championship - Lord Steven Regal

WCW Cruiserweight Championship - Ultimo Dragon

WCW World Tag Team Championship - The Outsiders

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WCW Saturday Night Results

Hugh Morrus Vs. C.W. Anderson

The crowd was as quiet as could be for this very basic brawling matchup. Hugh Morrus really had little trouble with C.W. Anderson, and dispatched of him very quickly after a No Laughing Matter from the top rope. The fans did manage to give Morrus some attention as he celebrated his win on the top turnbuckle.

Winner - Hugh Morrus via pin


Crowd Reaction - 35%

Match Quality - 74%

Overall Rating - 54%

Monday Nitro's Main Event!!

We see a video being played before we head to a commercial. It is a video hyping the main event for Monday Nitro. The tag team titles are on the line as The Outsiders defend their Tag Team straps against the team of Lex Luger and The Giant!

Crowd Reaction - 84%



As we get back, we see a black and white video featuring Hulk Hogan in an nWo T-shirt. He is strumming his air guitar a bit as we see The Outsiders, Ted DiBiase, and Eric Bischoff behind him. Then, we see 'Souled Out' spray-painted over the camera's view of Hogan. Hogan continues playing the air-guitar until we fade back to the live arena.

Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.

Crowd Reaction - 98%

Ultimo Dragon Vs. Billy Kidman to retain his Cruiserweight Title

Ultimo Dragon and Billy Kidman put on a pretty good cruiserweight match right here, and Billy Kidman looked to pull off an upset a couple of times, but the interference of Ultimo's manager, Sonny Oono, stopped him from keeping the momentum for too long. Ultimo Dragon finally managed to put Billy Kidman down for good after Kidman was knocked off of the ropes by Sonny Oono and Ultimo locked on the Dragon Sleeper. Kidman had no choice but to tap and Ultimo Dragon kept his Cruiserweight belt.

Winner - Ultimo Dragon via submission


The WCW Cruiserweight Title has gained in image.

Crowd Reaction - 51%

Match Quality - 86%

Overall Rating - 68%

An Open Challenge...

After the match, Sonny Oono decided to grab a microphone as Billy Kidman rolled to the outside of the ring. Ultimo Dragon stood beside his manager as he began to speak.

Sonny Oono - Leesten ta me....Ultimo Dragon is best wrestlah evah! He want any and all challengahs to come to Nitwo! He weel defeat anyone that want his Cruiserweight Title! Meet him at Nitwo! Be man, or be cowawd!

With that, Sonny Oono drops the microphone and holds the ropes for Ultimo Dragon as he gets out. We then head back to a commercial.

Crowd Reaction - 61%


The Mouth From The South...

We get back to see The Faces of Fear (Meng and The Barbarian) in the ring with Jimmy Hart. Hart has a microphone and we are treated to another interview segment.

Jimmy Hart - Now lemme tell yall one thing or two. These two men right here, well...these men are something incredible, lemme tell ya. I haven't seen two men that are scarier and stronger than Meng and The Barbarian. And lemme-tell-ya-what! The Faces of Fear are starting a new streak right here tonight. Night in and night out, they wanna match...and they damn well wanna win that match. So tonight, we make a promise to each and every one of you to come out here and work our tails off to win. The rise to the top begins right here tonight on Saturday Night! And for the rest, the fall to the bottom starts when The Faces of Fear come to town! Oh yeah! So, Amazing French Canadians. I don't care if ya French of if ya Canadian, but I do know The Faces of Fear are getting their chance to send ya back ta where ya came from in a bit, so let's get this show on the road.

Hart looks a bit out of breath, considering it seems like he didn't take any stops to breath in that less-than-stellar interview. The music of the Amazing French Canadians begins to play and the crowd instantly boos as Meng and The Barbarian look on, serious looks on their faces.

Meng gained overness from this segment. The Barbarian gained overness from this segment.

Crowd Reaction - 75%

The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart defeated Amazing French Canadians

Meng and The Barbarian kept true to Jimmy Hart's promise by defeated Amazing French Canadians. The fans did show a bit of interest as Jimmy Hart got them into it by banging on the canvas whenever Meng or The Barbarian was down or stuck in a submission maneuver of some sort. The end came after a missed clothesline from Carl Ouelette against The Barbarian. Ouelette continued running, though, and ran into Meng on the outside. Meng had his arm outstretched and he locked in the Tongan Death Grip. But he wasn't the legal man...until Barbarian tagged him in. Meng kept the Tongan Death Grip locked in as he got in the ring and Carl Ouelette soon passed out to the pain. We went off the air with The Faces of Fear celebrating with Jimmy Hart in the ring.

Winners - The Faces of Fear via KO


Crowd Reaction - 52%

Match Quality - 57%

Overall Rating - 54%

Overall WCW Saturday Night Rating - 68%

WCW Saturday Night received a 2.03 rating.

WWF Shotgun received a .02 rating.


Eh, looking at Baby Hewey's and mine, I decided to use the small font that he uses. If anyone says I'm ripping it off or if Hewey takes offense to me using the small font, just lemme know and I'll be happy to change. I'll admit that I like this font better than the fonts I've used in the past and hopefully there won't be any problem with it. I had second thoughts since I'm doing the same year as him and now using the same small font, but hopefully mine will be pretty different. I don't expect to really be that great compared to his diary. And I really only used the font because I think it gives a much better look and I wish I would have used it in the past. Anyway, I've rambled a bit....Main Event should be up sometime tonight.

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WCW Main Event Results

January 5th, 1997


Before we start the night, we see a black and white video featuring Hulk Hogan in an nWo T-shirt. He is strumming his air guitar a bit as we see The Outsiders, Ted DiBiase, and Eric Bischoff behind him. Then, we see 'Souled Out' spray-painted over the camera's view of Hogan. Hogan continues playing the air-guitar until we fade to the live arena.

Crowd Reaction - 98%

John Tenta Vs. Horace Hogan

The nephew of 'Hollywood' Hogan, Horace Hogan, played the heel in this matchup as he took on John Tenta. The big John Tenta did some no-selling of Hogan's attempted clotheslines and boots, and proved to be a better competitor after hitting a clothesline that took Horace down and hitting the Big Splash. He then made the pin and got a three count for the win.

Winner - John Tenta via pin


Crowd Reaction - 51%

Match Quality - 65%

Overall Rating - 58%


Monday Nitro's Main Event!!

After we get back from the commercial, we see a video hyping the Main Event for Monday Nitro. The tag team titles are on the line as The Outsiders defend their Tag Team straps against the team of Lex Luger and The Giant!

Kevin Nash lost overness from this segment.

Crowd Reaction - 73%

High Voltage Vs. The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart

High Voltage stood no chance against The Faces of Fear. The Barbarian and Meng really took it to Robby Rage and Kenny Kaos. The announcers reminded everyone of the promise made by Jimmy Hart last night on Saturday Night, where Hart said The Faces of Fear were now going on a winning streak and that they would not lose anytime soon. This was proved to be true tonight as Meng locked on the Togan Death Grip on Kenny Kaos. Robby Rage attempted to break it up, but Barbarian took him out with a chop that sent him under the ropes. Kenny Kaos then fell on his back and passed out from the pain.

Winners - The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart via KO


Crowd Reaction - 40%

Match Quality - 48%

Overall Rating - 44%

Ultimo Dragon's Challenge...

We see a video hyping the challenge set out by Ultimo Dragon's manager, Sonny Oono. It was last night on Saturday Night. Let's take a look...

Sonny Oono - Leesten ta me....Ultimo Dragon is best wrestlah evah! He want any and all challengahs to come to Nitwo! He weel defeat anyone that want his Cruiserweight Title! Meet him at Nitwo! Be man, or be cowawd!

With that, Sonny Oono drops the microphone and holds the ropes for Ultimo Dragon as he gets out. The announcers say that someone will surely step up to the plate and take on the Cruiserweight Champion, but who will it be? Tune in tomorrow night on Nitro to find out! We then head to a commercial break.

Crowd Reaction - 62%


WCW Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal w/Squire David Taylor © Vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.

Our Main Event put Steven Regal against the young cruiserweight Rey Misterio, Jr. Misterio did manage to get the momentum in his favor, as he sped up the match and got it going at his pace. But this didn't last very long as David Taylor distracted Misterio, giving Regal a chance to roll him up from behind. Regal only got a two count, but this changed the rest of the match as Regal went on the offensive and eventually managed to hit the Butterfly Powerbomb. He made the pin and got the three count to retain his Television Title.

Winner - Lord Steven Regal via pin


Crowd Reaction - 60%

Match Quality - 77%

Overall Rating - 68%

Getting Rid of the Filth

After the match, Squire David Taylor came into the ring and stomped on Misterio until he rolled to the outside. He then handed Lord Steven Regal a microphone and allowed the Television Champion to speak.

Lord Steven Regal - You foreign filth...ugh, you sicken me! And by foreign, I mean anyone outside of the great land of England! You Americans, I could vomit just by stepping foot on this soil. This so-called 'land of the free'. Yes, you people are free....free to live in the gutter and eat out of the trash. And as for Rey Misterio, you little muskrat. You showed some pride, but pride is nothing to Mexicans. Go back to your land of the luchadore and train more with your father. Or perhaps your father's father. Or maybe even further down on the list of ancestors. The only place to produce great wrestlers is England. Squire David Taylor and myself are prime examples of role models and perfect citizens.

The fans boo as Regal and Taylor finally leave the ring and we go off of the air. The last image we see is of Lord Steven Regal holding his TV Title Belt and showing it off to the fans who are currently booing him. David Taylor applauds in appreciation of his role model, Steven Regal.

Crowd Reaction - 72%

Overall WCW Main Event Rating - 68%

WCW Main Event received a 1.17 rating.

WWF Superstars received a 5.44 rating.

Edited by Mello_Fox
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WCW Monday Nitro Results

January 6th, 1997


We begin the night with the famous nWo theme blasting over the P.A. system. Out walks Hulk Hogan, followed by Eric Bischoff and The Outsiders. We then see Ted DiBiase, Vincent, Syxx, Buff Bagwell, and Scott Norton show up, one-by-one. It looks like we have a family reunion here as a portion of the nWo makes its way down to the ring. Eric Bischoff is on the microphone first.

Eric Bischoff - World Championship Wrestling....WCW...what a company. Well, let me be the first to welcome WCW into the year of 1997. But how should I do that? How about allowing each and every one of you people to look on at the single greatest group of wrestlers to ever grace the wrestling ring! 'Hollywood' Hogan, the Living Legend, the Icon...The Outsiders, the best damn tag team in the business. These three men are joined by the best supporting cast in the entire world. The new World order is not only a threat to WCW, but we are a threat to society. And now, I ask that you all shut the hell up.

The fans boo even louder.

Eric Bischoff - I SAID...I ask that you all shut THE HELL UP! And let 'Hollywood' speak!

The fans boo louder than before as Hogan gets on the mic. He smiles to himself a bit and scratches his chin before speaing.

'Hollywood' Hogan - Ya know, brothers...a bunch of people in the back have been asking me how I've been lately. I mean, I won't lie, I lost to Roddy Piper last month at Starrcade.

He nods to the nWo members who surround him in the ring, as if he is finally accepting some sad addiction or something.

'Hollywood' Hogan - But, brothers...that wasn't for this little strap of metal on my shoulder.

He points at his title, and Scott Hall wipes the dust off of it for him.

'Hollywood' Hogan - Well, that should teach everyone here a lesson. Ya see...'Hollywood' doesn't want to show up every night. I hate every minute I spend here in WCW territory. I only show up when I need to show up, brothers, and that is when my World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. So take that to heart, brothers...you can get by with giving 50 percent, as long as you know when to step it up and take what is rightfully yours!

Hogan looks around at all of his stablemates, who are nodding at him in agreement.

'Hollywood' Hogan - And brothers...I have definitely gotten what is rightfully mine. This World Title does not leave my possession. It hasn't in the past, and it won't in the future. With you guys by my side, I am riding high and my plane will not land....EVER!

Hogan nods to himself as he hands Scott Hall the microphone. Hall takes it and the fans are actually anticipating this moment.

Scott Hall - Hey, yo!

The fans respond with a 'Yo' of their own.

Scott Hall - Yo...me and Big Sexy here were doing a little talkin' in tha back, ya know. We have a little bet going on....so I wanna take a little survey. Who came to Monday Nitro to see....dubya C dubya?

The fans cheer a good bit and it gets loud as Scott Hall extends the mic towards the fans. He has a mocking look on his face as Hogan shakes his head furiously at the outcome.

Scott Hall - Orrrr...who came to see...the n-W-o?

A good portion of the fans are cheering for them, too, but mostly boos are heard. Nash says something to Hall that the mic doesn't pick up as Hall lets the jeers soak in. He then puts the mic back to his lips.

Scott Hall - One more for tha good guys....But fa' real...I came out here with a purpose tonight. It ain't all gonna be fun 'n games. Ya see, Diamond Dallas Page has been ducking the nWo a lot lately. And well, we ain't taking too good to that. Page, we've offered you a spot before, and we ain't always gonna be on yer side. One day, you might wake up and have the nWo knocking at your door with a whole new agenda to take up witchu'. But we gonna keep askin' ya fer now. But ya gotta time limit now. You don't know how long, but I'm keepin' an eye on my watch, and when that ticker stops, your either with us...or your against us.

Scott Hall nods a bit as the fans boo him. He then hands the microphone to Kevin Nash. Nash fixes his hair a bit and prepares to speak, but he is cut off by a huge bombardment of jeers and boos from the fans in attendance. Big Sexy stops and looks around as the fans seem to get louder and louder. Finally, they die down and Kevin Nash begins.

Kevin Nash - Thank you for that wonderful reception. Scott here took care of things in the future, but let me take care of things for the present. And by present, I mean right here tonight. Tonight, we put our titles on the line against Lex Luger and The Giant. I'm less worried about these two beating us, rather than beating each other. I hate to tell ya, Giant, but your little buddy has been down with nWo from day one. And he's been waiting for the chance to shock the world and join us. And I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't know when he's gonna show his black and white blood. He hasn't let us know. But he has promised me that he will come to the nWo side soon, and I'm counting on it happening tonight! So, Giant, I hope you have a lotta trust in your partner, because if I were you, I'd be running right back into that cave you crawled out of!

The microphone is then handed back to Eric Bischoff, who has a huge smile on his face.

Eric Bischoff - Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for the new....World...order!

The fans go completely nuts in boos as the nWo theme hits up and they all walk to the back, smiles on their faces. They finally disappear into the back and the nWo theme comes to a halt.

Vincent debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response. Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.

Crowd Reaction - 88%

The Challenge is Answered!!

After the nWo clear the ring, Ultimo Dragon's music starts and the Cruiserweight Champion comes out with his manager, Sonny Oono. Ultimo is wearing his title on his waist. He gets in the ring and Sonny Oono gets a microphone and speaks.

Sonny Oono - Ohh-kay! The challenge was given on Sat-er-day Night, and we want answer now! Who-evah wants shot at Ultimo Dragon, come down now! Be man, or be cow-awd!

The fans are booing Sonny Oono and Ultimo Dragon, but these boos soon turn to cheers as some dance music starts up and Alex Wright comes to the top of the ramp. The fans don't seem TOO happy to be seeing him, but they want a fight for Ultimo Dragon here tonight! Wright comes down to the ring and slides in, but Sonny Oono stands between him and his client, Ultimo Dragon. He still has the microphone, and he begins to speak.

Sonny Oono - Whoa, whoa now! You's not a Cwuiserweight! You much too big to be fightin' for the Cwuiserweight Title! No, the challenge is off! No cwuiserweight answer the challenge, so you all is cow-awds! Not men! Alex Wright, you leave now!

Alex Wright looks a little upset and he snatches the microphone from Sonny Oono. He speaks, but manages to hide his bad German accent.

Alex Wright - Hey now. I am a Cruiserweight! I weight 204 pounds. When I talked to the management, they said the weight limit was 215 pounds! So, give me my match right now!

Sonny Oono looks a bit shocked, but he takes the microphone back from Alex Wright.

Sonny Oono - No, you is NOT a Cwuiserweight! And if you are Cwuiserweight, you will prove it next week on Nitro! We will weigh you to see if you speak the truth! And when we find out you are liar, you will have to walk away from Ultimo Dragon! You will be cow-awd!

With that, Alex Wright nods and steps to the outside of the ring, staring down Ultimo Dragon. Dragon looks right back at Alex Wright and stares a hole through him. Finally, we head to a commercial as Ultimo Dragon's music starts up and Sonny Oono holds the ropes for him.

Crowd Reaction - 57%


WCW Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal w/Squire David Taylor © Vs. Chavo Guerrero, Jr.

Lord Steven Regal continued to be on fire, having defeated Rey Misterio, Jr. less than a week ago. Chavo stood up to Regal at the beginning by hitting a couple quick dropkicks, but Steven Regal quickly changed the pace around after hitting a low blow while Squire David Taylor distracted the referee. Regal then took control for a good amount of time, but Chavo Guerrero blocked the Butterfly Powerbomb and hit a back-body suplex. Chavo then hooked on an armbar, but David Taylor got back up on the apron. Chavo got up and went to punch him, but Taylor jumped down from the canvas and dodged it. Finally, Chavo turned around and got a small package from Lord Steven Regal....one...two....and a three! Regal successfully defended his TV Title.

The WCW Television title has gained in image.

Winner - Lord Steven Regal via pin


Crowd Reaction - 57%

Match Quality - 93%

Overall Rating - 67%

Hey Mon, Go Away From My Girl (get it...Mon-Go?)

We now see Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal and Arn Anderson walking in the back. They are chatting about something and Arn Anderson is nodding his head towards his friend. Suddenly, they turn a corner and see Debra McMicheal, Mongo's wife. But she is talking with Jeff Jarrett, and she is flirting with him. Steve McMicheal can't take it very long, and he says something.

Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal - Debra....

She doesn't hear him or turn around.

Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal - Debra!!

She looks a bit startled as she jumps and faces her husband, Steve. Her face turns from a smile to a frown, and then back to a smile for her husband.

Debra McMicheal - Oh, hey honey!

Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal - Let's go, Debra!

He grabs her hand as Jarrett looks at Steve with a pissed off look. Mongo then grabs Debra's hand and forefully leads her out of the area with Jeff Jarrett. Arn Anderson looks back at Jarrett for a moment before shaking his head and leaving the scene.

Jeff Jarrett's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Jeff Jarrett gained overness from this turn.

Crowd Reaction - 59%

The Main Event!!

We see a hype video being played for tonight's Main Event. It is the same one that has been played twice already. In one corner, we have Lex Luger and The Giant...in the opposite corner, The Outsiders, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. The announcers ask everyone if the rumors about Lex Luger joining nWo tonight could be true!?!

Crowd Reaction - 92%


Chris Jericho Vs. Diamond Dallas Page

The man wanted by the new World order was out for his match with Chris Jericho, and these two put on a pretty good matchup. But the crowd just wasn't into the action in this match, or any of the matches for that matter. Page is taking it to Jericho right off the bat, and he doesn't slow down at all. Jericho does manage to get momentum after ducking a clothesline and rolling Page up from behind, but he only gets a two count. Jericho then hits a big dropkick from the top rope onto Page. Jericho and Page are both being cheered on by the fans. Jericho is on top near the end, but the fans begin chanting for 'D-D-P' to get back on top of things. Jericho hits a swinging neckbreaker and makes a pin attempt, but only gets a two count. Finally, we see two men coming from the back. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall slowly walk down to the ring. Jericho sees them coming, but Page doesn't since he is out on the canvas. Chris Jericho stares at them in caution as Page staggers back to his feet. Finally, without looking at anyone but Chris Jericho, Page spins him around and nails the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere. He then droops an arm over him and gets the three count for the win!

Winner - Diamond Dallas Page via pin


Crowd Reaction - 65%

Match Quality - 82%

Overall Rating - 65%


The Outsiders then hit the ring and toss Chris Jericho out. Page is leaning on the ropes celebrating his victory and his back is to The Outsiders. He has no clue that they are even out there. Page's music is playing until Scott Hall begins to speak.

Scott Hall - Hey, yo...yo, cut it! Cut tha music!

Diamond Dallas Page then turns around in shock as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash grin at each other.

Scott Hall - Yo, D-D-P...you got a choice to make, man. Are you gonna be dubya-C-dubya? Or...you gonna be n-W-o?

Page just looks at the two of them, without moving an inch. Nash then reaches over and takes the microphone from Hall.

Kevin Nash - Yo, Page. What's it gonna be, bro? You ready to join the nWo? You with us or not, man!?!

Page then reaches out and signals that he wants to speak. Kevin Nash smiles a bit and hands him the mic.

Diamond Dallas Page - Well, you two don't know what it means to give up. I admire that!

The fans boo a bit, but Page continues.

Diamond Dallas Page - I don't really know what I want. nWo or WCW...I have to think. Gimme some time.

With that, Page drops down and rolls to the outside. Nash and Hall look a bit confused, but they soon shrug it off as DDP's music starts up and he walks to the back. He does his Diamond Cutter signal a couple of times for cheap pops before Nash and Hall exit the ring.

Diamond Dallas Page gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 88%


Ric Flair Vs. Syxx

We come back from the commercial break to see Syxx making his way out to the ring. He is joined by Buff Bagwell. Both men are wearing nWo T-shirts. The nWo theme blasts over the P.A. system until both men make it to the ring. Bagwell gets on the outside as The Four Horsemen theme starts up and Ric Flair comes out, wearing his famous robe. Alongside him is Chris Benoit and Woman. Flair twirls a bit before strutting down to the ring. Benoit and Woman wait on the outside as the Nature Boy gets in the ring. The match is slow at first as Flair tries to use his technical abilities for his advantage. Syxx has to recover from Flair's moves for the first half of the match, but Bagwell distracts Flair and gives Syxx a chance to get on top. This also gives Chris Benoit a reason to take out Buff Bagwell and begin laying the boots to him. But Syxx is in control of the matchup now, so the plan worked. Syxx soon has Flair in the corner and goes for a Bronco Buster move, but Flair sticks a foot up and catches Syxx in the groin. He then gets up and locks on the Figure Four Leglock! The fans pop big time as Syxx immediately taps out to rid himself of the pain. Syxx rolls to the outside towards Bagwell, who helps him up. The two nWo members walk to the back as the Four Horsemen theme plays over the P.A. system.

Winner - Ric Flair via submission


Crowd Reaction - 84%

Match Quality - 90%

Overall Rating - 78%


Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, and Woman stay in the ring and prepare for an interview.

Ric Flair - Wooo, all of yall keeping track at home can chalk one more for the Nat-URE Boy! Wooo! I was stylin' and profilin' for sure in that one, ain't that right Chris? Well, ya know we got some business to handle, so let's get down to bus-i-ness! Wooo! Jeff Jarrett, you were in the back with a member of the Four Horsemen family! That's a big mistake, little man. You see, woooo, when you try to mess up the life of anyone in the Four Horsemen family, you will ultimately mess up the life of....yourself! Woooo! Now, you can stay away from Mongo's wife, or you can get beat down bloody, put in an ambulance, taken to the hospital, checked into the morgue, and delivered six feet under-woooo-ground! Woooo!

Ric Flair catches his breath and then makes his exit to the back. Benoit and Woman are right behind him as the Four Horsemen theme plays once again over the P.A. system.

Crowd Reaction - 99%

Can He Trust Luger??

We see The Giant in the back in his locker room. He is sitting down on a bench with his head between his knees getting pumped up for the matchup. Lex Luger comes in, and Giant hears him. He jumps up and looks at Luger cautiously.

Lex Luger - Whoa, man. Look, I'm not here for trouble. I just wanted to tell you that all that crap about me aligning with nWo...man, that's not true! I promise you can trust me. They just want us to fight with each other so they can have an easy match. You trust me, and we can win those titles, man! So, whaddya say?

Luger extends his hand to The Giant, and The Giant thinks a bit. He finally reaches down and shakes his hand, but in a manner that shows he is still a little worried about trusting Lex Luger. Luger nods at him and walks out of the locker room. We head to a commercial with a closeup of The Giant's face. He looks as if he has no clue who to trust.

Overall Rating - 76%



Tag Team Title Matchup

The Outsiders © Vs. Lex Luger and The Giant

The Outsiders come out first and they are pretty focused, but they find time to play around by taunting the fans. The Giant is out next and he looks extremely worried about what might happen. He gets in the ring and The Outsiders taunt him the whole time. Luger's music finally starts and The Outsiders are seen taunting The Giant by pointing at Luger and telling him that Luger is nWo now! The announcers are wondering what exactly will happen right now and tension is really mounting. The bell rings and Kevin Nash starts. But The Giant tells Luger to start, so he can prove himself. Luger nods at Giant and then runs right into a big boot from Big Sexy. This leads to a major beatdown from The Outsiders directed towards Lex Luger. The announcers do point out that Luger is out there going against the members of the new World order, so this must meen he has been honest with The Giant. About halfway through the match, Luger has not gotten any offense in. Scott Hall is tagged in and he continues to dominate Lex Luger. Finally, Lex Luger has managed to hit a flying forearm smash on Scott Hall after ducking a clothesline attempt. He then struggles towards his partner, The Giant, who is begging to be tagged in! The fans are ready to explode when this tag is made. The Giant is hopping up and down and the announcers say that they can see the determination in his face and the willingness to win this matchup. Luger reaches out to make the tag and he....makes it! The Giant is in the ring. He takes one big step over the top rope and stands tall and proud as the fans go absolutely nuts! He takes a step forward, but then turns around....he picks up Lex Luger by the throat!! He then proceeds to nail the Chokeslam on Lex Luger! The referee can't believe it, but The Outsiders just smile at each other. The bell rings to signal the match is over, and considered a No-Contest. The Giant then beats down on Lex Luger and hits a second Chokeslam. Nash then grabs some spraypaint from under the ring and The Giant spraypaints 'nWo' on the back of Lex Luger as the fans go nuts and we head off of the air.

Winners - No Contest after The Giant turned on Lex Luger


The Giant's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. The Giant gained overness from this turn. The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image.

Crowd Reaction - 75%

Match Quality - 60%

Overall Rating - 63%

Overall WCW Monday Nitro Rating - 74%

WCW Monday Nitro received a 6.01 rating.

WWF Monday Night RAW received a 5.44 rating.

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Good first Nitro.

The opening segment was well-written and fit to start a new year in that era.

The "Hey Mon, Go Away From My Girl" title was by far the best title I've ever seen.

The main event was good, though a turn was written all over that match. I thought it would be Luger.

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WCW Saturday Night Results

January 11, 1997


A hype video for the new World order is played. Hulk Hogan strums his air guitar on as the nWo theme plays in the background. The video is in black and white, and we see Eric Bischoff, The Outsiders, and Ted DiBiase standing behind 'Hollywood' Hogan. Finally, 'Souled Out' appears in spraypaint over the camera lens. Hogan nods to himself as we head to the live arena.

Overall Rating - 86%

Alex Wright Vs. Dean Malenko

Alex Wright came out and looked to prove himself as a cruiserweight the announcers said. 'The Man of a Thousand Holds' came out with an 'all-business' look, but Wright turned things into fun by dancing in the middle of the ring a bit before the match. Alex Wright got the job done after a fairly short matchup by hitting a Flying Press off of the top rope. He made the pin and got the three count for the win. After the match, two figures appeared coming down the ramp. Ultimo Dragon and his manager, Sonny Oono, appeared at the entrance ramp.

Winner - Alex Wright via pin


Crowd Reaction - 59%

Match Quality - 68%

Overall Rating - 63%

No Cwuiserweight!!

Sonny Oono has a microphone and he begins to speak as Ultimo Dragon looks at Alex Wright in the ring. Wright has now turned his attention towards Ultimo Dragon and Oono, and he stares right back at Ultimo. Oono begins to speak...

Sonny Oono - Alex Wright...you no cwuiserweight! Dean Malenko...he cwuiserweight! You not! You liar! Everyone will see...on Nitwo! We will weigh you, and you will be wrong! Then, you will disappear and never speak the name of The Ultimo Dragon again! You will no be man, you will be cow-awd!

With that, Sonny Oono nods and smiles as we head to a commercial.

Overall Rating - 58%


Last Week...

Before we go back to the ring for action, we see a video highlighting The Giant's turn on Lex Luger last week on Monday Nitro. We see Lex Luger making the hot tag to his partner, The Giant. Scott Hall is down inside the ring and Kevin Nash is waiting for a tag from Hall. Luger tags in The Giant and makes him the legal man. He takes one big step over the top rope and stands tall and proud as the fans go absolutely nuts! He takes a step forward, but then turns around....he picks up Lex Luger by the throat!! He then proceeds to nail the Chokeslam on Lex Luger! The referee can't believe it, but The Outsiders just smile at each other. The bell rings to signal the match is over, and considered a No-Contest. The Giant then beats down on Lex Luger and hits a second Chokeslam. Nash then grabs some spraypaint from under the ring and The Giant spraypaints 'nWo' on the back of Lex Luger as the fans go nuts

Overall Rating - 76%

Masahiro Chono w/Big Bubba Rogers Vs. Glacier

The two nWo stablemates, Masahiro Chono and Big Bubba Rogers, were out to the nWo theme and each man was wearing an nWo T-shirt. Suddenly, the lights dimmed down and snowflakes began falling all over the arena. The fans were less than excited as Glacier made his appearance. He did some karate kicks and chops as he made his way down to the ring. Finally, he got to the ring and the match started. Both men went after each other early on, with Chono starting out strong by poking Glacier in the eyes and taking advantage. Glacier did manage to fight back after ducking a clothesline and nailing a Superkick. Right when Glacier looked to be in control, Big Bubba Rogers stormed the ring and hit a Powerslam on him, giving Glacier the win by disqualification. Big Bubba Rogers and Chono then hit a double powerbomb on Glacier for good measure before walking to the back.

Winner - Glacier via disqualification through interference


Crowd Reaction - 50%

Match Quality - 68%

Overall Rating - 59%

The Ma-CHO Man!!

We now see a video showing 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage flying off of the top rope and nailing his Flying Elbow finisher on some random opponent. We then hear the announcers say that Randy Savage will be at Nitro this coming Monday! And he will be involved in a huge matchup!

Overall Rating - 89%

WCW Television Title Match

Lord Steven Regal w/Squire David Taylor © Vs. Juventud Guerrera

The Main Event was a pretty fast-paced matchup compared to the previous two matches. Juventud Guerrera was never truly prepared for this matchup, as he missed his two or three opportunities to capitalize on Regal's mistakes. Instead of taking advantage of a missed clothesline, Juventud Guerrera decided to play to the crowd and get them on his side. Regal did manage to hit a low blow and make a pin, but it only got a two count. The end of the match finally came when Juventud Guerrera missed a flying cross body and Regal rolled him up for a three count. He got the win and David Taylor came into the ring immediately afterwards, giving the boots to Guerrera and tossing him out of the ring. He handed Steven Regal a microphone.

The WCW Television title has gained in image.

Winner - Lord Steven Regal by pin


Crowd Reaction - 58%

Match Quality - 80%

Overall Rating - 69%

Foreign Filth

Lord Steven Regal now stood in the ring with his Television Title and his ally, Squire David Taylor. He began to speak.

Lord Steven Regal - Night after night, these filthy foreigners are given a humorous spanking from yours truly. I spit at the sight of these men. You are not suited to carry such a prestigious and honorable title. Speaking of honorable...honor is something you people lack. Chavo Guerrero, Rey Misterio, and now Juventud Guerrera. I am proving that England is the best, one victim at a time. Thi...

He is interrupted by someone talking on another microphone. It is Konnan! He makes his way down to the ring as he speaks.

Konnan - Yo, yo, yo, yo...Yo Regal...you got it all wrong buddy. You ain't nothing special. Yeah, ya beat a couple o' my friends, but that's business you can take up with them. You don't know nuttin' 'bout Mexican wrestle, hombre! And you can tape your mouth shut right about now!

Lord Steven Regal - Ugh, you filthy animal. When was the last time you relieved yourself somewhere...besides your undergarments! Your stench crawls inside my nose all the way from over there. I dare ask that you leave, take a shower, and then speak to me another time!

Konnan - Na bro, it ain't gonna be like dat! Ya see, I want to prove to you that we aren't just little animals. We're people, and we're competitors, hombre! You can either like it, or learn it. So right now, you gonna tell me, you either respect me and the Mexican wrestling tradition now, or I'll beat that respect into ya!

Lord Steven Regal - Ha, you challenge me to a match? I should have known. A young man trying to make an impact. Well, if I can handle the stench of old beans and rice you reak of, I shall be happy to accompany you in the ring for a tassle. How does Monday Night sound, young Konnan?

Konnan - You got yourself a match, man. And I'm gonna prove that Mexican wrestling and the tradition ain't no joke to be clowned at by a snob like you! We'll dance on Monday, hombre! Odelay!

With that, we head off the air with Konnan staring down the TV champ, Lord Steven Regal, and Squire David Taylor. The ending credits roll.

Overall Rating - 83%

Overall WCW Saturday Night Rating - 74%

WCW Saturday Night recieved a 2.17 rating.

WWF Shotgun recieved a .03 rating.

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WCW Main Event Results

January 12, 1997

Billy Kidman Vs. C.W. Anderson

Billy Kidman and C.W. Anderson start the night off with some pretty good action. Anderson tries to make this matchup a brawling match on several occasions, but Kidman keeps turning things around and heading to the top rope. Kidman hits a hurricanrana out of a powerbomb attempt by C.W. Anderson and then prepares to nail the Kid Krusher. He waits for Anderson to get up and nails his finisher. He makes the pin for a one...two...three! Kidman celebrates a bit as Anderson rolls to the outside and bangs himself in the head in frustration. The fans cheer on Kidman for a bit as the refree holds his hand in the air.

Winner - Billy Kidman via pin


Crowd Reaction - 28%

Match Quality - 72%

Overall Rating - 50%


We see a video hyping the new World order. Hulk Hogan is playing his air guitar in front of Ted DiBiase, The Outsiders, and Eric Bischoff in the background. The video is in black and white and the nWo theme plays over it. We then see spraypaint writing out 'Souled Out' on the camera lens.

Overall Rating - 85%

Last Week...

Before we go back to the ring for action, we see a video highlighting The Giant's turn on Lex Luger last week on Monday Nitro. We see Lex Luger making the hot tag to his partner, The Giant. Scott Hall is down inside the ring and Kevin Nash is waiting for a tag from Hall. Luger tags in The Giant and makes him the legal man. He takes one big step over the top rope and stands tall and proud as the fans go absolutely nuts! He takes a step forward, but then turns around....he picks up Lex Luger by the throat!! He then proceeds to nail the Chokeslam on Lex Luger! The referee can't believe it, but The Outsiders just smile at each other. The bell rings to signal the match is over, and considered a No-Contest. The Giant then beats down on Lex Luger and hits a second Chokeslam. Nash then grabs some spraypaint from under the ring and The Giant spraypaints 'nWo' on the back of Lex Luger as the fans go nuts.

Overall Rating - 74%


Buff Bagwell w/Big Bubba Rogers Vs. Disco Inferno

Buff Bagwell comes out with his nWo stablemate, Big Bubba Rogers. Disco Inferno is out afterwards and he dances his way down to the ring. The fans are immediately cheering for Disco, but he doesn't really stand much of a chance as Buff starts out by taking it right to him. Bagwell doesn't show any weaknesses as he completely dominates Disco Inferno for the first half of the matchup. Disco finally manages to get momentum. He knocks Bagwell down and then hits a little break dance. But he gets up and catches a stiff forearm that takes him down. Bagwell then hits the Blockbuster and makes the pin for the three count and the win.

Winner - Buff Bagwell via pin


Crowd Reaction - 66%

Match Quality - 78%

Overall Rating - 72%

The Ma-CHO Man!!

We now see a video showing 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage flying off of the top rope and nailing his Flying Elbow finisher on some random opponent. We then hear the announcers say that Randy Savage will be at Nitro this coming Monday! And he will be involved in a huge matchup!

Overall Rating - 92%


The Mouth of The South...

When we get back from the commercials, we see Jimmy Hart in the ring with The Faces of Fear. Meng is on one side of Hart and The Barbarian is on the opposite. Jimmy Hart is dressed in a very bright, multi-colored suit with a matching tie. He has some huge sunglasses on, as well. He holds a microphone up to his lips and begins to speak.

Jimmy Hart - Well, let me be the first to say how great The Faces of Fear have been. Last week, I said The Faces of Fear were going to be a force to be reckoned with. And well, they beat Amazing French Canadians...they beat High Voltage! And tonight they get their chance to beat The Nasty Boys! Well, I used to manage The Nasty Boys, and these guys ain't no regular pushovers. But they ain't no Faces of Fear, neither! And I'm damn sure these two men right here are prepared and ready to take down Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs! Oh yeah! Folks, tonight the streak continues!

Overall Rating - 81%

The Nasty Boys Vs. The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart

The Nasty Boys finally came down to the ring and the match began as Jimmy Hart went to the outside. This match was nothing more than very basic and simple brawling...and that's a compliment. The match was dreadful to watch, so they decided to give this one a very short amount of time. After about seven minutes of back and forth 'action', we see The Barbarian hit the terrible Kick of Death. He then makes the pin on Jerry Saggs, but Brian Knobbs came in and broke it up. He then pounded on The Barbarian until Meng came running in and locked in the Tongan Death Grip out of nowhere. Knobbs went down quickly and The Barbarian covered Jerry Saggs for a second time. This time he got the three count and the win for his team. We go off the air with Jimmy Hart in the ring celebrating with his tag team.

Winners - The Faces of Fear via pin


Crowd Reaction - 61%

Match Quality - 61%

Overall Rating - 60%

Overall WCW Main Event Rating - 71%

WCW Main Event recieved a 1.21 rating.

WWF Superstars recieved a 5.50 rating.

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WCW Monday Nitro Results

January 13th, 1997


We start the night with the new World order theme playing over the P.A. system and the stable walks down to the ring. 'Hollywood' Hogan is out first, followed by Eric Bischoff, The Outsiders, Vincent, Big Bubba Rogers, Ted DiBiase, Buff Bagwell, and Syxx. They take a good amount of time to get into the ring, and they do some talking before Eric Bischoff gets on the microphone and begins.

Eric Bischoff - Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ring...the newest member of the new World order.....The Giant!!

The nWo theme plays for the second time and out walks the tall, lumbering man known as The Giant. He walks down to the ring slowly and we see that 'Hollywood' Hogan has the microphone in his hand now. The Giant now steps over the top rope and gets in the ring. He approaches Hogan and Hogan looks directly at him and speaks.

'Hollywood' Hogan - Brother, let me just tell you one thing....you don't join the nWo for a little bit, brother...when you join the nWo, you join the nWo 4-Life! There is only one way out of the new World order, brother, and that is wrapped up in a bodybag and out the back door in an ambulance, brother. So, you made the decision last week. From now on, you are nWo 4-Life! You like that brother?

Hogan offers the microphone to The Giant, who accepts it. He begins to speak.

The Giant - Yeah, I like that a lot! I've wanted to do this for a long time. I've been wanting to teach Luger a lesson since the first day I stepped foot in WCW. But now, I'm all about getting rid of those guys who pledge loyalty to World Championship Wrestling. Now I know what I am capable of. And it is all because of 'Hollywood' Hogan and the new World order!

With that, The Giant shakes hands with 'Hollywood' Hogan. They smile at each other as Scott Hall steps between them and breaks it up. He grabs the microphone.

Scott Hall - Hey, yo! I'm never the one to break up a heart-warming Kodac moment, but yo, we got business to take care of. First, I get here and see that we got a little #1 Contenders match here tonight for OUR Tag Team Titles. Nope, that don't sit well wit' me. Ya see, me and Big Sexy run things in the Tag Team Division, and if anybody wants a shot, ya gotta be worthy. But me and Kev are gonna be watchin' that one, and we got something planned for the winners. Next in business is Diamond Dallas Page...

The fans pop at mention of his name.

Scott Hall - Yeah, D-D-P...Page, we gave you a countdown. You gotta while to make yer decision. And we all know that you can either be with us...or against us. I'm really hoping you make the right decision, 'cuz I don't wanna be the one to order a search and destroy mission on your ass.

The fans boo at mention of that idea. But Kevin Nash grabs the mic and they get even louder in jeers. Nash wipes his hair out of his face quickly then begins speaking.

Kevin Nash - Okay, that's the business for tonight. But 'Hollywood', I don't know if you heard the other news floating around backstage.

We see Nash look at Hogan, and Hogan shakes his head, saying that he hasn't heard whatever Nash is talking about.

Kevin Nash - Ya see, everybody backstage is saying that Randy Savage is here tonight and he's planning on taking that nice, shiny belt of yours home with him.

Hulk Hogan looks a bit shocked and he snatches the mic out of Nash's hand and holds it to his mouth.

'Hollywood' Hogan - Whoa there, brother. I think someone's been partying too hard. There ain't no way in hell I'm putting my title on the line tonight, brothers. I came here unprepared to wrestle, and brothers...that just ain't right. Tell 'em Bisch, that ain't true...

Eric Bischoff steps up a little slowly. He has a sad look on his face. Hogan nods at him as he hands him the mic.

Eric Bischoff - Well, 'Hollywood'....I wish I could say that. But I was reading your contract...and you are contracted to put that title on the line once a month. And the match has been made, you and Savage here tonight. I'm sorry, Hulkster.

Hogan looks absolutey furious as the fans pop big time. Hogan snatches the mic again and speak.

'Hollywood' Hogan - No way! No way, brothers!

Hogan drops the mic down to the canvas and looks around. He looks immensely worried about the outcome of tonight. He picks up the mic and then stops to relax a little bit.

'Hollywood' Hogan - Wait...you know what, brothers? I'm the 'Immortal' Hulk Hogan! I'm 'Hollywood'! Brothers, I promise each and every one of you that nWo will walk away with this title still in hand! Let's get out of here!

With that, the nWo theme starts back up and Hogan walks to the back. His stablemates look a bit confused, but they still trust their leader. Finally, the new World order clears the ring and make their way to the back.

Overall Rating - 97%


After the nWo clears the area, we see Ultimo Dragon and his manager, Sonny Oono, wakling out towards the ring area. A referee is now in the ring and he has set up a scale in the middle of the ring. Ultimo Dragon stands beside the scale and Sonny Oono has a microphone.

Sonny Oono - Now we will have answers! Alex Wright, come here now! We prove tonight, you no cwuiserweight! You heavyweight! Come now, be man or be cow-awd!

Alex Wright's music starts up and the fans cheer a little bit as he dances down to the ring. He slides into the ring and stares at Ultimo Dragon and Oono. The referee talks to Alex Wright a little bit and Wright grabs the microphone.

Alex Wright - Okay...now tell these two men that I am a cruiserweight! The limit is 215....

He steps on the scale. The referee balances it out for a bit until it is completely even.

Alex Wright - Tell 'em...

Wright holds the microphone for the referee to speak.

Referee - The scale shows 211...

With that, Ultimo Dragon strikes and nails Wright with a dropkick to the back. Wright staggers into the scale and crashes down to the canvas with the scale breaking his fall. Ultimo then goes to lock on the Dragon Sleeper, but Wright avoids him and nails a kick to the head. Wright then picks Dragon up and hits a reverse atomic drop. He finishes it off by clotheslining Dragon over the top rope and to the outside. Oono is left in the ring and Wright turns to him. He picks up the microphone with one hand and grabs Oono's throat with the other.

Alex Wright - Give me my match! I want that title shot! And I want it at Souled Out!

Oono is seen nodding and Wright finally releases his tight grip on the manager in distress. Wright then tosses Oono to the outside, and he lands right on top of Ultimo Dragon. We then head to commercials.

Alex Wright gained overness from this segment. Ultimo Dragon gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 76%


Harlem Heat Vs. The Steiner Brothers for #1 Contendership to the Tag Team Titles

Harlem Heat's music welcomes us back and the two fan favorites come out to the ring, raising the roof and showing their charisma...well, Booker T shows his charisma, Stevie Ray just chills pretty much. Finaly, The Steiner Brothers come out to the ring and the fans are on their side, as well. The two teams enter the ring and each team talks between them and Booker T starts out with Rick Steiner. These two go at it for a good amount of time, with neither man showing or gaining a clear advantage. Stevie Ray is soon tagged in and he goes at it with Rick Steiner until he tags in his brother, Scott. Scott comes in and cleans house, knocking down both men. It looks like The Steiner Brothers are beginning to get an advantage until two men start walking down to the ring....The Outsiders! Kevin Nash and Scott Hall walk down to the ring. Hall slides into the ring under the bottom rope and Big Sexy takes a big step over the top rope. They get in the ring as the referee yells at them. Finally, they attack! Nash takes out Scott Hall with a Big Boot as Scott Hall chops on Stevie Ray. Booker T and Rick Steiner come running in, but they get laid out as well. We eventually see Stevie Ray fall victim to the Jacknife Powerbomb and Rick Steiner get nailed with the Outsider's Edge. The Outsiders stand tall as the bell signals a No Contest. They finally head to the back after mocking the fans a bit on their way out.

Stevie Ray gained overness from this match. Booker T gained overness from this match.

Winners - No Contest due to interference


Crowd Reaction - 78%

Match Quality - 79%

Overall Rating - 78%

A Swerve...

After the ring is cleared, Lord Steven Regal's music starts up and the Television Champion walks out with Squire David Taylor. Regal gets into the ring as the announcers say that he is slated to face off against Konnan right here tonight! The match was made on Saturday Night. The fans are really booing Regal a good amount as he makes his way to the ring. He gets in and has a microphone.

Lord Steven Regal - Shut up you filthy pests...I am here to break your little dreams and fantasies. This entire weekend, I have had many of you 'Americans' come up to me and tell me Konnan was going to...'kick my butt'. Ugh, just imagine that, some poor, unhealthy American slob approaching me as if I was a mere bum on the street. Just thinking of those moments puts a sour taste in my mouth. And even worse, I am scheduled to face Konnan here tonight. As if my week hasn't been bad enough, I have to get in the very same ring as this...this animal! It isn't his wrestling ability that frightens me...no, it is Konnan's stench of filth and dirt that bothers me. My stomach literally turns when I see him. I'm sure you Americans wouldn't understand, as you are all so welcoming of such people...but us Englishmen have morals and standards that we live by. And this Konnan creature just doesn't cut it...so tonight we have a little change of plans. Instead of yours truly stepping foot in the same ring as Konnan, I will allow Squire David Taylor to represent me in this upcoming matchup.

The fans being booing pretty loudly at this announcement, but it changes as Konnan's music starts up and they cheer on this young up-and-comer. Konnan struts down to the ring and the match starts up.

Overall Rating - 78%

Squire David Taylor w/Lord Steven Regal Vs. Konnan

Konnan comes out and starts off very strong by taking it right to Taylor. David Taylor can't even keep up as Konnan shows his desire to get right to Steven Regal and his Television Title. Halfway through the match, Steven Regal distracts Konnan by jumping up on the canvas and taunting him. Konnan lays him out with a big right hand, but this gives David Taylor a chance to roll Konnan up from behind. He rolls him up and pins him for a one...two....no! Konnan kicked out at the last second and the fans pop as Taylor looks furious. He begins arguing with the referee until Konnan grabs him from behind and tosses him into the ropes. Konnan then decks Taylor and locks on the Tequila Sunrise submission! The fans get into it as David Taylor immediately taps out. Regal hits the ring with his Television Title as Konnan gets up. Squire David Taylor is getting up behind him and Regal goes to nail Konnan with his Title Belt, but Konnan ducks! Regal's Title meets the face of David Taylor! Taylor goes back down as Konnan rolls to the outside and celebrates his victory over David Taylor. He points and yells at Steven Regal as we head to a commercial break.

Winner - Konnan by submission


Crowd Reaction - 60%

Match Quality - 60%

Overall Rating - 59%



We get back from commercials as Diamond Dallas Page's music hits and we all 'feel the BANG' as Page walks out. The fans are still behind him, even though everyone is questioning his alliance to World Championship Wrestling. He does his Diamond Cutter signal a couple of times before making his way to the ring. He has a microphone and begins to speak.

Diamond Dallas Page - Everybody in the back has to know. Everybody out here has to know...everyone wants to know where I see myself a month from now. Well, give me some credit. I'm not gonna go behind everyone's back like The Giant. I'm not gonna surprise everyone one night and align myself with the new World order. But being honest, I gotta admit I've been giving it a lotta thoght. You see, it is hard to show your true potential in WCW. And the new World order is like a big family. They really have your back. That can't be said for WCW superstars. So I'm gonna tell everyone straight-forward, yes I am considering the offer the nWo gave me. But for now, I'm not nWo...and I'm not WCW. Right now, I'm D-D-P! And I can promise everybody one thing...whether I'm doing it for WCW or for nWo, I'm still gonna be able to deliver....the....BANG!

The fans still cheer for Page as he hits the Diamond Cutter signal on his knee and his music starts up. He then goes between the ropes and makes his way to the back, still taking time to high-five some of the fans who reach over the barricades. He then walks to the back and we get ready for a US Title Match.

Overall Rating - 78%

WCW United States Championship

Eddie Guerrero © Vs. Syxx w/Buff Bagwell

Eddie Guerrero is out first and he tries to get the crowd on his side, but they show little interest in him at the moment. The nWo theme starts up afterwards and Syxx makes his way down to the ring. He is joined by Buff Bagwell and both are wearing nWo T-Shirts. The two men in the ring start off the fast-paced matchup a bit slowly, doing some short technical exchanges before Eddie gets on top and takes over. He really takes it to Syxx for a good amount of time, but Syxx uses a cheap shot after backing Eddie into the corner to turn the tables. Syxx now controls things and he slows it down just a bit to cater more to his personal style. He uses some chops and kicks to keep Guerrero on edge. Finally, he decides to go to the top rope and attempts an axehandle smash from the top rope, but Eddie nails a dropkick to the chin and makes the pin, giving him the win to retain his United States Title! Buff Bagwell immediately hits the ring and takes out Eddie Guerrero. The United States Champion now falls victim to a two-on-one beatdown by the two nWo members. It ends after Bagwell hits a Blockbuster and leaves Guerrero down and out on the canvas. The nWo theme starts up as these two men leave to the back and we head to commercials.

Winner - Eddie Guerrero via pin


Crowd Reaction - 70%

Match Quality - 87%

Overall Rating - 78%


Jeff Jarrett w/Debra McMicheal Vs. Chris Jericho

The young Chris Jericho was out first for this match and the fans failed to show much interest in him. Jeff Jarrett was out next and the big surprise was that Steve McMicheal's wife appeared alongside him. Debra McMicheal escorted Jarrett down to the ring and the bell rang to signal the start of the match. The fans were getting onto Jarrett as he looked a little cocky by slapping his much younger opponent. Jarrett then deliberately disrespected him by turning his back on him and ignoring him. Jarrett mocked the crowd until Jericho tripped him up and locked on a Boston Crab submission. Jarrett eventually got to the ropes and this set the stage for a pretty good matchup. Jericho played the underdog pretty well as he repeatedly went on quick spurts of energy where he looked to have the match won, but Jarrett would find some way to kick out of the pin attempt or get to the ropes after a submission hold was applied. Jericho just couldn't step up to the plate here tonight. He put everything out on the line and showed a lot of desire, but Jarrett was too much to handle as he locked on the Figure Four Leglock at the end of the match and forced Chris Jericho to tap out. After the match, Steve McMicheal came running down to the ring in street clothes! He got right up in Jarrett's face and it appeared as though he was asking him some questions. The announcers said that Jarrett was probably asking him what is going on between him and his wife. Finally, Mongo stepped away from Jarrett and out of the ring. He walked over to Debra and asked her some questions. The fans were cheering Mongo on, hoping he would flip out on either his wife or Jarrett, but Mongo just took her arm and led her to the back. We then headed to a scene backstage.

Winner - Jeff Jarrett via submission


Crowd Reaction - 73%

Match Quality - 86%

Overall Rating - 79%

Luger Strikes Back...

We head to the back where we see The Giant walking around in the back by himself. Suddenly, we see Lex Luger come running up behind him with a steel chair in hand! The fans pop as Lex Luger raises the steel chair up into the air and sends it crashing down on the back of The Giant....but The Giant doesn't budge! He just turns around and grabs the throat of Lex Luger! The Giant then picks him up and slams him into a brick wall. He then Chokeslams Luger onto the cold concrete floor! He goes to walk away as Lex Luger lies there motionless and some unknown road agents come rushing to his aid and we head to a commercial.

Overall Rating - 83%


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

'Hollywood' Hogan Vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

We get back from commercials to hear the nWo theme playing and 'Hollywood' Hogan comes down to the ring. He is all by himself for once and he plays to the crowd before his music stops and Randy Savage's music takes its place. The Macho Man comes out from the back and the fans are popping big time as he twirls around and points in the air. He then points at Hogan and nods to himself. He scratches his chin as he continues pointing at him and talking trash. He finally gets into the ring and the match begins. Hogan/Savage is definitely not Hart/Micheals, but they definitely know how to get the crowd involved and interested in their matchups. Hogan plays his heel role extremely well by cheating on multiple occassions, and Savage somehow manages to fight the odds and stay on top in this matchup. They do all of their regular spots, including Hogan whipping Savage with his nWo weight belt. We near the end of the matchup, and Savage has started to tire a bit, giving Hogan the opportunity to take advantage and get in control. Hogan bounced off of the ropes and attempted his Leg Drop of Doom, but Savage managed to avoid it by rolling away. Savage then heads up to the top rope and does some posing for the fans. He then launches off and nails the Flying Elbow Smash! The fans pop, but the Macho Man doesn't have the strength or energy to pin him. Suddenly, the fans begin booing loudly as a group of wrestlers appears at the top of the ramp. The Outsiders are there, along with Vincent, Big Bubba Rogers, and Scott Norton. They slowly walk down to the ring and soon the ring is filled with nWo stablemates. The referee cannot disqualify anyone yet, though. Scott Norton makes the first move as he picks up Savage and hits a Shoulder Breaker. The bell rings and signals the end of the matchup! The fans are really booing loudly and getting onto the nWo at this point. Savage rolls around and goes straight to the outside before anyone else can get a cheap shot at him. The nWo members help up their leader as the ring announcer awards the match to Randy Savage via disqualification.

Randy Savage gained overness from this match.

Winner - Randy Savage via disqualification due to interference

Crowd Reaction - 97%

Match Quality - 54%

Overall Rating - 84%

Oh Yeah!!

Before we go off the air, Randy Savage gets on the mic. He looks exhausted as he can barely stand up, and the members of the new World order inside the ring all stare at him as Hogan tries to recover from the punishment he just took in that match. The Macho Man then speaks.

Randy Savage - Hogan! This ain't done!

He takes a second to catch his breath...

Randy Savage - There's no way this is it....I want you bad, Hogan. I want that World Title bad...and I'm gonna get another shot. That's for sure...I want you...and I want you at Souled Out!

By now, Hulk Hogan has a microphone.

'Hollywood' Hogan - You don't understand, brother. I defend this belt once a month...and I just defended it....there will be no match at Souled Out, brother!

The nWo theme starts up as we head off of the air with the new World order in the ring.

Randy Savage gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 94%

Overall WCW Monday Nitro Rating - 81%

WCW Monday Nitro recieved a 6.45 rating.

WWF Monday Night Raw recieved a 5.41 rating.

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WCW Saturday Night Results

January 18, 1997

John Tenta Vs.Masahiro Chono w/Big Bubba Rogers

We started the night off with the big John Tenta facing off against nWo member Masahiro Chono. Chono was joined by Big Bubba Rogers. The two nWo members came out to the nWo theme, which got a decent reaction from the crowd. The match started and we are treated to a very basic match. It was made even worse by John Tenta, who sold very poorly the entire match. The end of the match came when Masahiro Chono nailed the STF on John Tenta and made the pin. He got a one...two...three! Big Bubba Rogers came in and celebrated with Chono afterwards by giving Tenta a couple of boots and sending him to the outside of the ring.

John Tenta didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

Winner - Masahiro Chono via pin


Crowd Reaction - 54%

Match Quality - 51%

Overall Rating - 53%


We now see a video hyping the new World order. We see 'Hollywood' Hogan standing in front of Ted DiBiase, The Outsiders, Vincent, and now The Giant. They are all laughing and talking to each other until we see something being spraypainted over the camera lens. 'Souled Out' appears on the lens in black spraypaint. We then head to commercials.

Overall Rating - 92%


Last Week...

We now go to a video showing what happened between Randy Savage and 'Hollywood' Hogan earlier this week on Nitro. We see the outcome of the Savage/Hogan Main Event matchup and The Macho Man's interview afterwards. We go to a still frame of Randy Savage in the ring, getting up and walking towards the corner as Hogan lies on the ground, motionless.

Savage then heads up to the top rope and does some posing for the fans. He then launches off and nails the Flying Elbow Smash! The fans pop, but the Macho Man doesn't have the strength or energy to pin him. Suddenly, the fans begin booing loudly as a group of wrestlers appears at the top of the ramp. The Outsiders are there, along with Vincent, Big Bubba Rogers, and Scott Norton. They slowly walk down to the ring and soon the ring is filled with nWo stablemates. The referee cannot disqualify anyone yet, though. Scott Norton makes the first move as he picks up Savage and hits a Shoulder Breaker. The bell rings and signals the end of the matchup! The fans are really booing loudly and getting onto the nWo at this point. Savage rolls around and goes straight to the outside before anyone else can get a cheap shot at him. The nWo members help up their leader as the ring announcer awards the match to Randy Savage via disqualification.

Now, we head to Randy Savage's challenge afterwards..

Randy Savage gets on the mic. He looks exhausted as he can barely stand up, and the members of the new World order inside the ring all stare at him as Hogan tries to recover from the punishment he just took in that match. The Macho Man then speaks.

Randy Savage - Hogan! This ain't done!

He takes a second to catch his breath...

Randy Savage - There's no way this is it....I want you bad, Hogan. I want that World Title bad...and I'm gonna get another shot. That's for sure...I want you...and I want you at Souled Out!

By now, Hulk Hogan has a microphone.

'Hollywood' Hogan - You don't understand, brother. I defend this belt once a month...and I just defended it....there will be no match at Souled Out, brother!

We then head back to the live arena for more Saturday Night!

Overall Rating - 93%

Alex Wright Vs. Psychosis

Alex Wright comes out first and the announcers say that he is now considered a cruiserweight by Sonny Oono and Ultimo Dragon, and he gets his match at Souled Out! He also says that Alex Wright is trying to get prepared for Ultimo by scheduling himself in these matches. His opponent, Psychosis, comes out and the fans don't seem to be reacting much. Although the fans are pretty quiet, we still get treated to a pretty damn good matchup. Wright manages to speed things up to keep up with Psychosis, who is going at an amazingly quick pace. Alex Wright does keep up, though, and he soon gets the momentum in his favor. Alex Wright finally made the match come to an end after hitting the Flying Press on Psychosis. He made the pin and got a three count for the win! But after the match, Ultimo Dragon and Sonny Oono came flying down to the ring. Dragon nailed Wright a couple of times before Sonny Oono picked him up and held him in place. Wright was dazed as Ultimo Dragon went up to the top. Sonny Oono held Wright from behind, allowing Dragon a clear shot. But when Ultimo Dragon came off of the top rope to attempt a dropkick, Wright got out of the way and Dragon nailed his manager right in the chest. Oono went flying back as Alex Wright rolled to the outside to avoid any further incident. Wright yelled at Ultimo Dragon as we headed to a commercial break.

Winner - Alex Wright via pin


Crowd Reaction - 47%

Match Quality - 80%

Overall Rating - 63%



We now see a video showing what happened earlier this week between The Giant and Lex Luger. We see The Giant walking around in the back by himself. Suddenly, we see Lex Luger come running up behind him with a steel chair in hand! The fans pop as Lex Luger raises the steel chair up into the air and sends it crashing down on the back of The Giant....but The Giant doesn't budge! He just turns around and grabs the throat of Lex Luger! The Giant then picks him up and slams him into a brick wall. He then Chokeslams Luger onto the cold concrete floor! He goes to walk away as Lex Luger lies there motionless and some unknown road agents come rushing to his aid.

Overall Rating - 82%


The announcers say that there is another feud heating up lately...Jeff Jarrett and Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal. They say that Jarrett has been spending a lot of time with Mongo's wife, Debra. We go back to Monday Nitro once again to see what went down between these two. We go to the very end of the match between Chris Jericho and Jeff Jarrett, in which Debra McMicheal escorted Jarrett out to the ring.

Jarrett was too much to handle as he locked on the Figure Four Leglock at the end of the match and forced Chris Jericho to tap out. After the match, Steve McMicheal came running down to the ring in street clothes! He got right up in Jarrett's face and it appeared as though he was asking him some questions. The announcers said that Jarrett was probably asking him what is going on between him and his wife. Finally, Mongo stepped away from Jarrett and out of the ring. He walked over to Debra and asked her some questions. The fans were cheering Mongo on, hoping he would flip out on either his wife or Jarrett, but Mongo just took her arm and led her to the back. We then head to commercials.

Overall Rating - 82%


The Mouth of the South...

We get back to see Jimmy Hart in the ring with his tag team, The Faces of Fear. Oh goodness, the crowd just leaks of excitement...

Jimmy Hart - Ya know what, these two right here are really starting to shine, woo boy. I tell ya, I've seen some great tag teams, and I've managed some great tag teams, but these two...oh man, these two are unstoppable right now. We go the unstoppable Meng and the craziest man in wrestling, The Barbarian! Wooo boy, I really like what I see. Each and every week, these two come out here and pick up a win. Right now, the streak is on three, but tonight we add one more to the win column. Cause tonight, we got Public Enemy. Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge. These two are good, there's no denyin' it, but these two ain't no Faces of Fear! Meng, Barbarian, put fear into Public Enemy and show them what the true Face of Fear is! Oh yeah!

With that, Public Enemy's music starts and they come down to the ring as Jimmy Hart gets to the outside and allows the match to start.

Meng gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 70%

The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart Vs. Public Enemy

Public Enemy came out pretty pumped up and the fans were behind them, but they showed a bit more interest in The Faces of Fear. These two teams went at it and put on...well...a sleeper. Those at home were probably quick to change the channel as the outcome is pretty much rock solid and there is no reason to watch this match if your looking for an entertaining matchup. Meng and The Barbarian are both terribly boring in the ring, as are Johnny Grunge and Rocco Rock. But for some reason, someone in WCW management thinks it is a good idea to put these guys in the Main Event of Saturday Night. Well, they get the job done finally as Meng locks on The Tongan Death Grip that drops Rocco Rock. His shoulders hit the mat and the referee makes a three count as Meng keeps the submission move locked on. One...two...three! It is automatic as Meng and The Barbarian celebrate their most recent victory!

Johnny Grunge debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response. Rocco Rock debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response. Johnny Grunge lost overness from this match. Rocco Rock lost overness from this match. The Barbarian gained overness from this match. Meng gained overness from this match. Rocco Rock is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Johnny Grunge is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

Winners - The Faces of Fear via pin


Crowd Reaction - 58%

Match Quality - 60%

Overall Rating - 59%

Overall WCW Saturday Night Rating - 72%

WCW Saturday Night recieved a 1.99 rating.

WWF Shotgun recieved a .01 rating.

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WCW Main Event Results

January 19, 1997

C.W. Anderson Vs. 'Hardwork' Bobby Walker

Wow, can you say silent? The crowd showed ZERO interest in this match. Anderson is a decent wrestler, but the WCW management definitely overestimated Bobby Walker by even putting him on a WCW event. Okay, so the crowd was absolutely silent for this one. This forced the two wrestlers in the ring to quickly finish this match up and Anderson nailed a very good-looking Spinebuster on Walker and made the pin after about three minutes. Thank goodness this one was over.

C.W. Anderson gained overness from this match.

Winner - C.W. Anderson via pin


Crowd Reaction - 0%

Match Quailty - 55%

Overall Rating - 27%


After that dreadful match, we are treated to yet another new World order hype video. It is highlighting the nWo Pay-Per-View, Souled Out once again. We see 'Hollywood' Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ted DiBiase, Scott Norton, and Vincent. They are all in black and white. Suddenly, 'Souled Out' comes over the screen in white spraypaint. We then head to another clip.

Overall Rating - 89%

Last Week...

We now go to a video showing what happened between Randy Savage and 'Hollywood' Hogan earlier this week on Nitro. We see the outcome of the Savage/Hogan Main Event matchup and The Macho Man's interview afterwards. We go to a still frame of Randy Savage in the ring, getting up and walking towards the corner as Hogan lies on the ground, motionless.

Savage then heads up to the top rope and does some posing for the fans. He then launches off and nails the Flying Elbow Smash! The fans pop, but the Macho Man doesn't have the strength or energy to pin him. Suddenly, the fans begin booing loudly as a group of wrestlers appears at the top of the ramp. The Outsiders are there, along with Vincent, Big Bubba Rogers, and Scott Norton. They slowly walk down to the ring and soon the ring is filled with nWo stablemates. The referee cannot disqualify anyone yet, though. Scott Norton makes the first move as he picks up Savage and hits a Shoulder Breaker. The bell rings and signals the end of the matchup! The fans are really booing loudly and getting onto the nWo at this point. Savage rolls around and goes straight to the outside before anyone else can get a cheap shot at him. The nWo members help up their leader as the ring announcer awards the match to Randy Savage via disqualification.

Now, we head to Randy Savage's challenge afterwards..

Randy Savage gets on the mic. He looks exhausted as he can barely stand up, and the members of the new World order inside the ring all stare at him as Hogan tries to recover from the punishment he just took in that match. The Macho Man then speaks.

Randy Savage - Hogan! This ain't done!

He takes a second to catch his breath...

Randy Savage - There's no way this is it....I want you bad, Hogan. I want that World Title bad...and I'm gonna get another shot. That's for sure...I want you...and I want you at Souled Out!

By now, Hulk Hogan has a microphone.

'Hollywood' Hogan - You don't understand, brother. I defend this belt once a month...and I just defended it....there will be no match at Souled Out, brother!

We then go to commercials...

Overall Rating - 86%


Glacier Vs. Vincent w/Big Bubba Rogers

The nWo theme plays as Vincent comes out. Once again, Big Bubba Rogers is alongside a member of the new World order for this match. The snow began to fall as Glacier walked out from the back. The crowd showed little interest, but this looked like a Hogan/Savage match compared to the C.W. Anderson/Bobby Walker contest we just saw. This match was relatively short as well, with Glacier starting out very strong. He hit some karate chops and kicks to wear Vincent down, but the interference of Big Bubba Rogers would prove to be the deciding factor. Vincent distracted the referee while Bubba came in and delivered the Bubba Slam. Vincent then made the cocky pin and got the three count to pick up a win here on the Main Event!

Glacier didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.

Winner - Vincent via pin


Crowd Reaction - 54%

Match Quality - 41%

Overall Rating - 50%

Hugh Morrus Vs. Horace Hogan

Wow...two matches in a row here on Main Event! And they keep getting better, as if it is hard to do considering our last two matches. Hugh Morrus came out first and he got the fans on his side quickly. They were still pretty quiet, though. Horace Hogan came out and the fans didn't show much interest in him, either. The match was very short once again, but it was about a thousand times better than the previous two matches. Horace Hogan got some cheap heel heat by poking the eyes of Hugh Morrus and using a low blow, but this wouldn't stop the big man, who went to the top rope and hit the No Laughing Matter to end the match. Morrus got the three count and the win. Then, he celebrated on the top rope for a good amount of time until we headed to a commercial break.

Winner - Hugh Morrus via pin


Crowd Reaction - 48%

Match Quality - 70%

Overall Rating - 59%



We get back to see Sonny Oono and Ultimo Dragon in the back. Obviously, this is a pre-recorded interview segment. Oono is holding the microphone and he begins to speak.

Sonny Oono - Alex Wright...you got lucky on Nitwo! You prove you are cwuiserweight...but no problem. The great Ultimo Dragon will dismantle you...he will be man! Not cow-awd! Because Ultimo Dragon has been around globe...many people he has faced...and many people he has beaten. You will be no different. I promise you, you will lose to The Ultimo Dragon. Your best tactic is to stay home at Souled Out. You put your hands on me, Sonny Oono! Mistake! That is mistake! Now, you feel wrath of The Ultimo Dragon!

With that, we then head to the ring for our Main Event as Sonny Oono and Ultimo Dragon stare into the camera.

Overall Rating - 69%

WCW Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal w/Squire David Taylor © Vs. Alex Wright

Alex Wright ran down to the ring, dancing and already celebrating. He then waited as Lord Steven Regal came out with Squire David Taylor. The match began as Alex Wright attacked Regal before he was even in the ring. These two did manage to put on a pretty good matchup, easily the best match of the night. The fans were also getting into it just a bit and it would have been a decent Nitro matchup. Wright played the underdog, as he kept showing signs of breaking through and taking control, but Squire David Taylor would distract the referee anytime Wright made a pin attempt. The fans were really beginning to get onto both Steven Regal and David Taylor near the end of the match. Lord Steven Regal got back on top of things, and he decided to take time to mock Alex Wright and the fans. Finally, he turned around to pick Wright up, but Alex Wright nailed him with a dropkick. Wright then went to the top rope, but someone came flying into the ring. It is Ultimo Dragon! Wright then turned his attention to Ultimo Dragon and came flying off the top rope towards him, but Dragon avoided the Flying Press. Regal then got up and went after Wright. He picked him up and nailed the Butterfly Powerbomb! One....two...three! Lord Steven Regal retained his Television Title! Ultimo Dragon then locked on the Dragon Sleeper as Squire David Taylor entered the ring...but someone else came running down the aisle. Konnan is here! Konnan came running into the ring, but Lord Steven Regal and Squire David Taylor both exited before he got there. Ultimo saw him a little too late, and fell victim to a DDT before rolling to the outside. Lord Steven Regal then walked towards the back with his title, but he stopped at the top of the ramp and David Taylor handed him a microphone.

The WCW Television title has gained in image.

Winner - Lord Steven Regal due to interference


Crowd Reaction - 70%

Match Quality - 77%

Overall Rating - 73%


Lord Steven Regal held the microphone up to his lips and began to speak.

Lord Steven Regal - Ugh, I am completely and utterly sickened by that fowl smell. You criminal! You filthy animal! I cannot put to words how sick you make me. Your entire persona is just one big bag of trash! I have smelled better things coming out of a fast food restuarant! You might know of those places. Fast food restuarants are where you find yourself each night begging for food and money! Ha, look at you and look at me. You wear your baggy jeans and your over-sized T-shirts, while I wear the clothes of royalty and wealth. Last week, young Konnan, you did defeat Squire David here, but we will have a match tomorrow night on Nitro! You and I, right in the middle of the ring...but my Television Title will not be on the line. No, I will not even have it at the arena!

The fans boo Regal big time now.

Lord Steven Regal - Ha! You wonder why! Because I value my World Television Title, and I know a man like Konnan...well he could steal my title!

The fans cheer at mention of Konnan winning the title.

Lord Steven Regal - No, you imbeciles, not steal as in defeat me in the ring. Steal as in...stealing my property! Theft, robbery...you people might be familiar with that! So doubt me not, for I have done planning and I know what is best for me. Konnan, I will see you tomorrow night!

By now, Konnan has a microphone, but Steven Regal and David Taylor have left the entrance ramp and made their way to the back. Konnan speaks, anyway.

Konnan - Ya know, Regal...you've been right 'bout a couple 'a things...Hombre, I am a filthy animal...I'm THE Filthy Animal, hombre! Odelay! My peeps here gon' show some love tomorrow night by getting to that arena and cheerin' me on! 'Cause Regal, your title might not be on the line tomorrow night, but you can be sure dat Konnan gonna get his Dirty Dirty all over your pretty little face! Odelay!

With that, Main Event comes to a close and we see the ending credits.

Overall Rating - 76%

Overall WCW Main Event Rating - 67%

WCW Main Event recieved a 1.19 rating.

WWF Superstars recieved a 5.42 rating.

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WCW Monday Nitro Results

January 20th, 1997

The Ma-CHO Man!!

We start the night with 'The Macho Man' Randy Savage coming down to the ring, his entrance music playing. He doesn't appear to be the usual Macho Man as he heads straight down to the ring with a very serious look on his face. He gets in the ring and immediately gets on the mic.

Randy Savage - Ooooh Yeahhhh! Listen up everybody...I have a huge announcement to make. I did some diggin' over this last week. I made some phone calls, I spoke to some important people. And I'm here tonight to tell 'Hollywood' Hogan that he has something comin' to him. Ya see, Hogan, all this week I was looking for a way to get that Title shot at Souled Out. And I think I just found out how. Ya see, you were right about one thing last week. When you told me you only have to defend that title once a month...well, you were right Hogan. And you had a match last week...and you kept your title. But ya see, I got some lawyers lookin' over your contract last week. And yeah, you do only have to defend that title once a month...

The fans boo as it appears nothing can be done to get Savage his match at Souled Out.

Randy Savage - But diggin' a little deeper, you'll see that your one title defence MUST be done at a Pay-Per-View....OHHH YEAHHH! And ya know what that means, brother? Ohhh yeahhh...the MA-CHO MAN is gonna be hitting that top rope and coming down bringing this Elbow right over your chest, Hogan! And then, ohhhh yeahhhhh, the Ma-CHO Man's gonna pin you in the ring for that 1...that 2...and then that big three count brother! You and your new World order stooges can try to get prepared, but I did some more diggin' brother. And I found out that I get to name a stipulation if I want! OOOOHHHH YEAAHHH! Ya know what that means? I got a stipulation, Hogan! Mr. 'Holl-y-wood'! Every member of the new World order will be banned from ringside, Hogan! And there ain't one thing you can do about it! Ooooh yeahhhh! The Madness is going crazy, Hogan, and ya got something coming for ya at Souled Out!

With that, Randy Savage celebrates a bit and leaves the ring as his music plays. The fans are going just as crazy as he is with this new announcement and the announcers say that it IS going to be 'Hollywood' Hogan versus Randy Savage at Souled Out...with the nWo banned from ringside! We then head to our first matchup of the night.

Overall Rating - 83%

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon w/Sonny Oono © Vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.

Ultimo Dragon and Sonny Oono come out first and the announcers say that Alex Wright will be getting his shot at Souled Out. Misterio comes out second and the fans give him a decent reaction. The match starts up and this is definitely the best match WCW has had this month, if not the year. These two put on an instant classic that makes for extremely great television. Misterio repeatedly heads to the top rope to hit planchas and dropkicks, but the technical prowess of Ultimo Dragon proves to be too much on multiple occassions. Dragon slows it down a bit and locks in some submission moves, but Misterio shows that he can hang with Dragon in the technical area by reversing these moves or blocking them. Rey locks in some submission maneuvers of his own to wear down the Cruiserweight champion. About halfway through the match, Alex Wright began walking down the aisle. Ultimo Dragon was in control, and the fans were booing him. Upon seeing Alex Wright, the fans popped big time and got up in anticipation of what might happen. Wright just came down to the ring and stood across from Sonny Oono. Oono began taunting Wright as Ultimo and Rey continued going at it. Finally, Alex Wright snapped and went after Sonny Oono. He choked Oono on the outside as Ultimo Dragon finally won the match by locking on the Dragon Sleeper! Misterio had no choice but to tap out and the bell rang to end the match as Alex Wright continued choking Sonny Oono. Ultimo Dragon then went to the outside of the ring and got Wright from behind. He locked on the Dragon Sleeper until the referee came out of the ring to break it up. We headed to a commercial as Ultimo Dragon checked on Sonny Oono.

The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image.

Winner - Ultimo Dragon via submission


Crowd Reaction - 60%

Match Quality - 100%

Overall Rating - 80%



We now see Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal in the back with his wife, Debra. Debra looks a little upset and worried about something. Mongo begins to talk.

Steve McMicheal - Debra...I'm not saying I'm sure of anything. I just have a feeling...like you and Jeff got something going on!

Debra McMicheal - Steve! You know I love you.

Steve McMicheal - You say you do, Debra. But you can't deny there's something goin' on between you and Jeff! Just tell me, Debra!

Debra McMicheal - It just doesn't matter right now, Steve...

With that, Debra walks away from her husband and we go to a view of the ring to prepare for our upcoming match.

Overall Rating - 73%

Non-Title Matchup

Lord Steven Regal w/Squire David Taylor Vs. 'The Filthy Animal' Konnan

The majestic music of Lord Steven Regal starts and he walks out to the ring with David Taylor. The announcers say that Konnan and Regal have really been going at it with each other lately, and Konnan is hoping to prove Mexican wrestling is not a joke right here tonight. Konnan comes out and he has a new moniker - 'The Filthy Animal'. The announcers say that it is great seeing Konnan turning Regal's insult into something positive. The Filthy Animal starts the match off strong, keeping Regal down and waiting to find out what Konnan's next move will be. These two actually manage to put on a pretty good matchup, considering Konnan is basically a brawler who does the same moves over and over. But Regal brought something special to this matchup, as he was able to get the fans involved through his exploits throughout the match. Anytime he would take down Konnan to the canvas, he would cover his nose and makes signals that basically said Konnan smelled awful! The fans were really getting onto him for this, but Konnan took it personally. Late in the match, Konnan turns things up and starts delivering some big shots to the Television Champion. Also, the announcers point out that Regal decided to leave his TV Title at home for this one, because he said he was scared Konnan would steal it from the arena! Anyway, Konnan began taking it to Regal, but Squire David Taylor decided to get up on the canvas. He started yelling at Konnan, and the referee turned around to yell back at Taylor. But Konnan didn't hesitate, he took it right to Taylor and nailed a big right hand that sent him down. Konnan then turned around and locked on the Tequila Sunrise on the Television Champion! Regal fought the move for a good amount of time, but he was forced to tap out to the pain! The fans popped pretty loudly as Konnan got up and celebrated his victory! The Television Champion then rolled to the outside and yelled at Konnan as he walked to the back with Squire David Taylor. We then headed to a commercial break.

Konnan gained overness from this match.

Winner - Konnan via submission


Crowd Reaction - 82%

Match Quality - 80%

Overall Rating - 81%



The new World order theme plays over the P.A. system as we get back from the commercial break. 'Hollywood' Hogan comes out with his World Title, along with Ted DiBiase, The Outsiders, Scott Norton, Eric Bischoff, The Giant, and Buff Bagwell. The eight members of the new World order get in the ring and Hogan gets on the microphone first, as usual.

'Hollywood' Hogan - Okay, brothers. We got a little problem in the nWo group. Ya see, brothers, we got Randy Savage running 'round here thinking he's went and got himself a Title shot! Well, brothers...let me just letcha know that The Macho Man is wrong! Brothers, there is no way 'Hollywood' will be getting into that ring at Souled Out! I can guarantee that! Tell 'em, Bisch...

Hogan hands the microphone to Eric Bischoff, who looks a little uneasy. Once again, it looks like Eric is the bearer of bad news for 'Hollywood' Hogan.

Eric Bischoff - Well, 'Hollywood'...once again, I got to break the bad news to ya. Randy Savage did his work, 'Hollywood'. He knows what he's doing. I know I told you last week that you only had to defend your title once, and that IS true. But I didn't know it meant once each Pay-Per-View. So, in short...you are contracted to face Randy Savage at Souled Out or you'll be stripped of your title. And he's right about the stipulation, too. It is his choice.

Once again, Hogan looks furious! He grabs the microphone right out of Bischoff's hand and speaks.

'Hollywood' Hogan - Dammit, Eric! You said once a month, brother! Your really messing up lately, Bisch. But ya know what...it's all good, brothers. 'Cause 'Hollywood' has never ran from anyone in his life. 'Hollywood' is the man he is today because he stands up for himself and fights! And at Souled Out, I will be fightin', brothers, and I'll be walking right back out of that arena with MY World Heavyweight Championship on my shoulder. And that's what's goin' down, brothers! But, let me just make a little match. Macho Man, brother you wanna go runnin' around saying your gonna beat 'Hollywood'!?! Well, how 'bout tonight you prove yourself when you step into the ring against a member of the nWo! I got something planned for ya, brother.

The fans are all booing as the members of the new World order inside the ring nod and begin clapping towards Hogan. He smiles at all of them until he hands the microphone to Scott Hall.

Scott Hall - Hey, yo...

The fans respond back with a mixture of cheers and boos.

Scott Hall - Yo, me and the fellas were in the back talkin', right...and we had a little disagreement...we want to get some help from yall, if ya don't mind.

The fans cheer pretty loudly.

Scott Hall - Ya see, I was tellin' 'em that Diamond Dallas Page was gonna join us, but a couple of 'em were saying diff'rent. Well, I just wanna know...do yall think DDP is gonna be....dubya C dubya?

The fans cheer mostly, but there are a decent amount of boos heard.

Scott Hall - Orrr...is Page gonna be...n-W-o!?!

The fans explode into cheers with a bunch of boos being heard, too. Completely mixed reactions seem to be common for Scott Hall.

Scott Hall - Looks like we're gonna have...ONE more GOOD GUY!

The fans boo again as Kevin Nash grabs the microphone and begins to speak.

Kevin Nash - Okay, now don't get me wrong, we want Page to join us...and it's important to us...but we got some other business. Ya see, last week Lex Luger tried to attack The Giant behind his back. And Luger...you pretty much signed a deathwish. Because I think we all saw the same thing last week when The Giant Chokeslammed Luger right down to the concrete!

The fans all boo as Kevin Nash and The Giant begin laughing.

Kevin Nash - You almost sent his ass through the floor!

The continue laughing some more as the fans get even louder.

Kevin Nash - And even better, Luger couldn't show up here tonight.

They continue laughing some more, until Nash puts his hand down to calm down and relax.

Kevin Nash - Okay..but seriously now. Me and Scott here came tonight dressed like this...

Nash shows everyone that him and his tag team partner are wearing regular street clothes.

Kevin Nash - Well, that's all fine and dandy, but someone told us that we gotta defend our belts here tonight...that just ain't right! We got little Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit...Canadian Violence...oh come on!

Nash looks visibly upset and pissed off.

Kevin Nash - These two guys don't even team up together anymore...they aren't a team! But ya know, The Outsiders were never the ones to back away from a challenge. Just like 'Hollywood', we're gonna walk into that ring the champs, and walk out the champs.

All of the nWo members in attendance being clapping for The Outsiders, as well. Suddenly, Diamond Dallas Page's music starts up and the nWo all look a bit shocked as the fans explode into cheers.

Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 93%


Diamond Dallas Page comes out and stands at the top of the ramp with a microphone. He does his usual Diamond Cutter pose a couple of times before speaking.

Diamond Dallas Page - Ya know, this whole thing with the nWo...it really is getting to me. I can't stop thinking about it. I got all my friends and family telling me not to do it, but something just feels right about it...but I just can't do it. So I know yall gave me a time limit, but I'm gonna give myself a time limit. DDP will make a choice at Souled Out! Either WCW is gonna feel tha bang! Or...nWo is gonna feel tha bang...but either way...DDP will deliver....THA....BANG!

With that, we head to a commercial as Page's music starts back up.

Diamond Dallas Page gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 88%


WCW United States Championship

Eddie Guerrero © Vs. Masahiro Chono w/Buff Bagwell

Eddie Guerrero is out first and the United States Champion gets very little reaction. He is carrying his United States Title with him, but he gets interrupted on his way up by the new World order's music. Masahiro Chono comes out and he is escorted by Buff Bagwell. The announcers point out that Bagwell attacked Guerrero last week after Eddie defeated Syxx for the US Title. The match starts up and the fans are very uninterested. All of the fans seem to be a little worn out after the nWo/Page segment and the previous match. They show very little interest in this match, and they are missing a pretty good match. Chono really takes it to Guerrero for a good amount of time, but Eddie manages to fight back and get the upper hand in this match. He soon takes complete control and has Masahiro Chono reeling, but Buff Bagwell decides he has had enough. He gets up and attempts to distract Guerrero, but Eddie won't have any of it. He hits a dropkick that sends Bagwell flying to the railing, back-first. Eddie then heads to the top rope and nails the Frog Splash on Masahiro Chono! The fans give a mild pop as Eddie makes a pin and retains his United States Championship. After the match, Buff Bagwell comes back into the ring and proceeds to beat down on the exchausted Eddie Guerrero. Bagwell hits the Blockbuster for the second week in a row and leaves Eddie down and out in the middle of the ring before heading to the back. The nWo music accompanies Buff Bagwell and Masahiro Chono as they walk to the back.

This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them. The WCW United States title has lost image.

Winner - Eddie Guerrero via pin


Crowd Reaction - 46%

Match Quality - 83%

Overall Rating - 64%


After all the competitors are cleared, we get treated to the music of the Four Horsemen! The fans go absolutely nuts as Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Steve McMicheal, and Arn Anderson walk down to the ring, throwing up the 4-Horsemen symbols now and then. They finally get into the ring and Ric Flair has the microphone first.

Ric Flair - Whooooo!

The fans respond back with some 'Whooos' of their own.

Ric Flair - Ya know, The Na-TURE Boy has been wheelin' and dealin' a lot lately. So much I haven't been in this ring in a long time. So I decided I wanna come out here and let yall know what's goin' on! Whooo! Well, The Four Horsemen definitely got some business goin' down right now. Steve, you and Jeff Jarrett haven't been seeing eye to eye lately, so why don't we call Jeff Jarrett on down here and let him do some talkin, before we do some walkin'...WHOOO! Come on down, Jeff.

With that, Jeff Jarrett's music plays and he walks down to the ring. He gets in and stares a bit cautiously at the four people in front of him. The fans really let him hear it, too.

Ric Flair - My boy Steve here has been seeing you with his wife. Now, you all know the NA-TURE BOY is the kinda guy to get girls on the fly. But damn, boy, you can't go 'round messing with other people's property! And Jeff, that's exactly whatcha did when you talked to Debra!

Jeff looks a little worried and he begins to speak.

Jeff Jarrett - Look, Ric...that broad came to me and wanted to spend time with me. I can't help that she ain't gettin' the right thing at home so she has to go lookin' for the right man in another neighborhood.

With that, Mongo takes immediate action and nails Jarrett with a big forearm. He then jumps on top of him and starts pounding away until Chris Benoit and Arn Anderson have to pull the two men apart. Jarrett rolls to the outside of the ring and begins walking towards the back, still staring at the Four Horsemen in the ring.

Ric Flair - Yeah, walk on back, Jeff. 'Cause the Four Horsemen are gonna be getting their revenge, that's something you can think about, write it down, and then post it on your fridge. You'll be meeting up with Mongo sometime.

The fans cheer on that fact before Flair quiets down and calms down a bit. He then begins to speak.

Ric Flair - But there's a Horsemen who has business to take care of tonight. Chris Benoit, tonight your teaming up with Chris Jericho, and woooo, you get a chance at some tag team gold tonight! Yall take care of them Outsiders, boy, and bring some gold to the Four Horsemen! Woooo!

With that, The Four Horsemen music starts back up and they exit the ring. Chris Benoit stays in the ring and prepares for the upcoming tag team match.

Steve McMicheal gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 79%


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © Vs. Canadian Violence

Chris Jericho comes out to little reaction as the Benoit waits in the ring for him. The two former tag team partners shake hands and talk a bit of strategy as The Outsider's music plays and the Tag Team Champs come down to the ring. They show off their cockiness as they strut down and mock the fans. Finally, the match starts with Kevin Nash going against Chris Benoit. Nash dominates early on and the fans seem to be getting into this match more and more each second. The four men also manage to put on an extremely exciting match, probably because of Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit carrying the two Outsiders to it. The Outsiders continue to dominate as Hall gets tagged in by Nash. Hall continues to wear down Benoit with some above-average brawling, but it all stops when Chris Jericho gets tagged in. The hot tags really builds the crowd up and puts them into it as Jericho gets in and dominates. He takes out Hall and then proceeds to knock down Nash. He looks like he is ready to win after locking on a Boston Crab, but a Big Boot from Big Sexy turns the tables. Benoit is still out, but he has managed to crawl to his corner. Near the end of the match, Benoit has recovered and he is in the ring against Scott Hall. He is taking it to Hall and he heads to the top rope for his Diving Headbutt, but Kevin Nash gets him off of the top and hits a big bodyslam that sees Benoit crashing down hard on the canvas. The referee manages to get Nash out of the ring, but the damage has been done. Scott Hall then hits the Outsider's Edge on Chris Benoit and gets the three count for the win. The Outsiders then celebrate a bit before they turn their attention to Benoit. They start stomping down on him until Chris Jericho comes in. He, too, falls victim to a beatdown from The Outsiders. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash are looking dominate until The Steiner Brothers come rushing down to the ring. They take out both of the Outsiders and force them to retreat to the back! The fans pop big time as The Steiner Brothers check on Benoit and Jericho.

The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image.

Winners - The Outsiders via pin


Crowd Reaction - 80%

Match Quality - 98%

Overall Rating - 89%


The announcers are saying that there is some kind of commotion in the back. We head to the back as the announcers are freaking out. We go to the back where we see Eddie Guerrero and Buff Bagwell brawling it out in the back. They are really going at it until some unknown road agents break them up. They get held apart finally, but this doesn't stop them from hurling insults at each other. We then head to a commercial as the announcers say the Main Event is coming up NEXT!

Overall Rating - 71%



The Giant Vs. Randy Savage

The Giant is out first and the new World order theme plays as he lumbers down to the ring. Next out is the Macho Man! The fans go absolutely nuts as Randy Savage makes his way down to the ring. Right when Savage gets into the ring, The Giant is on top of him. These two brawl all over the ring and the outside of the ring. The fans are very into the matchup and this proves to be a great Main Event. The Giant starts out strongly by really keeping Savage at bay. Savage just can't seem to get in control, and we see Giant shake off plenty of his offensive maneuvers. Savage looks worried about halfway through the match. The announcers are asking if there is anything he can do to at least slow down the huge man they call The Giant! Apparently, the announcers don't think there is! Near the very end of the match, Savage bounced off of the ropes and The Giant attempted a Big Boot, but Savage ducked it. The Giant's foot came straight into contact with the referee, knocking him out momentarily. The Giant then reached over and grabbed Savage by the throat! The fans began booing, but Savage knew exactly what to do. He kicked The Giant right in the groin with a blatant low blow! The fans exploded into cheers as The Giant finally fell to his knees. Savage then gave him a forearm and took him down. It appeared as though Savage was going to get on top of this matchup for good, but someone came rolling down. 'Hollywood' Hogan made his presence known as he came running down to the ring with his World Heavyweight Championship! He nailed Savage right in the back of the head and then proceeded to hit the Leg DRop of Doom! He rolled to the outside just as the referee began to stir. The Giant then picked Savage up and nailed the Chokeslam, nearly sending him through the canvas! The ring literally shook upon impact! The Giant finally pinned Savage and got the three count for the win in our Main Event! We went off the air with Hogan and The Giant pounding away on Savage in the ring!

The Giant gained overness from this match.

Winner - The Giant via pin


Crowd Reaction - 88%

Match Quality - 63%

Overall Rating - 80%

Overall WCW Monday Nitro Rating - 80%

WCW Monday Nitro recieved a 6.90 rating.

WWF Monday Night Raw recieved a 5.44 rating.

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World Championship Wrestling 'Souled Out' Preview

January 26, 1997


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Singles Matchup

nWo Banned From Ringside

'Hollywood' Hogan © Vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Grudge Match

Lex Luger Vs. The Giant

WCW United States Championship

Eddie Guerrero © Vs. Buff Bagwell

The Battle for Love

Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal Vs. Jeff Jarrett

WCW Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal © Vs. 'The Filthy Animal' Konnan

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon © Vs. Alex Wright


Sorry for not confirming any matches on the shows. To be honest, I forgot to change the date of the PPV when I started and Souled Out actually took place on the 12th. So I've already done the results and everything, but I had trouble keeping track of what date to do it and thought I had one more Nitro to set all the matches. Oh well, I'll do it this weekend, I guarantee next month's PPV will have a better buildup. Any predictions are welcomed and appreciated.

Edited by Mello_Fox
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Guest British_Bulldogg


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Singles Matchup

nWo Banned From Ringside

'Hollywood' Hogan © Vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Grudge Match

Lex Luger Vs. The Giant

WCW United States Championship

Eddie Guerrero © Vs. Buff Bagwell

The Battle for Love

Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal Vs. Jeff Jarrett

WCW Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal © Vs. 'The Filthy Animal' Konnan

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon © Vs. Alex Wright

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WCW Saturday Night Results

January 25, 1997

Alex Wright Vs. Devon Storm

Alex Wright came out, and the announcers reminded everyone that Alex Wright gets his shot at Ultimo Dragon and the Cruiserweight Championship tomorrow night at 'Souled Out'! Devon Storm came out and played the heel in this matchup, but he really never stood a chance. Alex Wright was destined to win this match, and he only gave up about thirty seconds of offense to Storm. Alex Wright finished him off quickly after nailing the Flying Press off of the top rope and pinning him. Alex Wright then stood inside the ring and danced a bit as the crowd cheered him on.

Winner - Alex Wright via pin


Crowd Reaction - 46%

Match Quality - 74%

Overall Rating - 60%

The Attack...

After the match, Alex Wright is still inside the ring and Devon Storm has rolled to the outside. Suddenly, Ultimo Dragon and Sonny Oono come running down the aisle. They slide in the ring and Ultimo Dragon kicks Wright from behind. He then attempts to lock on the Dragon Sleeper, but Wright flips him over his shoulder and locks on a Dragon Sleeper of his own! The fans go absolutely nuts as Wright keeps the submission hold locked on until Sonny Oono punches him from behind. Wright then turns his attention to Oono, but he retreats to the outside of the ring. Wright then holds his hands up in the air to accept the fans' recognition. Finally, he makes his way to the back, leaving Ultimo Dragon down and out in the middle of the ring.

Alex Wright gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 79%

Oh Yeah!!

We now see a video showing The Macho Man's challenge for 'Souled Out' that took place at the last Monday Nitro...

The 'Macho Man' is in the ring and he begins to talk...

Randy Savage - Ooooh Yeahhhh! Listen up everybody...I have a huge announcement to make. I did some diggin' over this last week. I made some phone calls, I spoke to some important people. And I'm here tonight to tell 'Hollywood' Hogan that he has something comin' to him. Ya see, Hogan, all this week I was looking for a way to get that Title shot at Souled Out. And I think I just found out how. Ya see, you were right about one thing last week. When you told me you only have to defend that title once a month...well, you were right Hogan. And you had a match last week...and you kept your title. But ya see, I got some lawyers lookin' over your contract last week. And yeah, you do only have to defend that title once a month...

The fans boo as it appears nothing can be done to get Savage his match at Souled Out.

Randy Savage - But diggin' a little deeper, you'll see that your one title defence MUST be done at a Pay-Per-View....OHHH YEAHHH! And ya know what that means, brother? Ohhh yeahhh...the MA-CHO MAN is gonna be hitting that top rope and coming down bringing this Elbow right over your chest, Hogan! And then, ohhhh yeahhhhh, the Ma-CHO Man's gonna pin you in the ring for that 1...that 2...and then that big three count brother! You and your new World order stooges can try to get prepared, but I did some more diggin' brother. And I found out that I get to name a stipulation if I want! OOOOHHHH YEAAHHH! Ya know what that means? I got a stipulation, Hogan! Mr. 'Holl-y-wood'! Every member of the new World order will be banned from ringside, Hogan! And there ain't one thing you can do about it! Ooooh yeahhhh! The Madness is going crazy, Hogan, and ya got something coming for ya at Souled Out!

With that, Randy Savage celebrates a bit and leaves the ring as his music plays. The fans are going just as crazy as he is with this new announcement and the announcers say that it IS going to be 'Hollywood' Hogan versus Randy Savage at Souled Out...with the nWo banned from ringside! We then head to commercials.

Overall Rating - 95%


Dean Malenko Vs. Disco Inferno

Dean Malenko is already in the ring when we return, so we are treated to Disco Inferno's music. As if seeing Alex Wright do his dancing bit wasn't enough, Disco Inferno decides he wants to dance his way down to the ring, as well. So the match finally begins and Disco takes it right to Malenko. Malenko can't really manage to do anything towards the beginning of the match, but he soon changes the pace and turns this into a technical matchup! Malenko worked over Disco's right leg with his technical maneuvers and we eventually see Disco get fed up with everything and strike back! Disco was really on top, but Malenko hit a low blow, oblivious to the referee! This really slowed Disco Inferno down and we then saw Malenko lock on the Texas Clover Leaf! Disco had no choice but to tap out and Malenko headed straight to the back without celebrating or anything.

Winner - Dean Malenko via submission


Crowd Reaction - 62%

Match Quality - 72%

Overall Rating - 67%


We then see the clip from two weeks ago on Nitro that sidelined Luger with an injury. The announcers say that Lex Luger has stated he will be at 'Souled Out' to take on The Giant! But he couldn't make it to Nitro this past week. Let's see the clip from two weeks ago...

We head to the back where we see The Giant walking around in the back by himself. Suddenly, we see Lex Luger come running up behind him with a steel chair in hand! The fans pop as Lex Luger raises the steel chair up into the air and sends it crashing down on the back of The Giant....but The Giant doesn't budge! He just turns around and grabs the throat of Lex Luger! The Giant then picks him up and slams him into a brick wall. He then Chokeslams Luger onto the cold concrete floor! He goes to walk away as Lex Luger lies there motionless and some unknown road agents come rushing to his aid.

Overall Rating - 75%

Eddie Guerrero!!

We then head to the ring where we see the United States Champion, Eddie Guerrero, standing with a microphone. He begins to speak.

Eddie Guerrero - Hoolaaa! Let me just speak on one thing! Buff Bagwell, no sirves para nada! No me importa dos cajones about you, or anyone, holmes! And you've been getting on my last nerves lately, bro! So, you know what!?! I'm gonna give you a shot at this title. You wanna attack me after all of my matches with your nWo stooges!?! Well, how 'bout you step in the ring and try to lay a hand on me when I'm 100%! So tomorrow night at 'Souled Out'...it's gonna be me and you, holmes!

With that, his music starts up and the WCW United States Champion walks to the back with the fans showing a bit of support.

Overall Rating - 69%


We now see a video hyping the nWo Pay-Per-View, 'Souled Out'! We see 'Hollywood' Hogan, Ted DiBiase, The Giant, The Outsiders, Vincent, Syxx, Scott Norton, and Buff Bagwell all standing in the camera. The video has been shot in black & white, and the new World order theme plays over it. Hogan does a bit of dancing as the other members talk to each other. Finally, 'Souled Out' appears in spraypaint writing over the camera lens. We see this view for a moment or two before we head to a commercial break.

Overall Rating - 93%


The Blue Bloods Vs. Konnan & Rey Misterio, Jr.

We get back to see our Main Event for the night ready to happen. The Blue Bloods come out first and the Television Champion does not have his Title with him. Apparently, he is still scared Konnan will steal it from him. After the Blue Bloods get to the ring, Rey Misterio comes out. The fans show a little appreciation for him, but not much. Finally, Konnan comes out and the fans get louder, but they don't go nuts. The match starts and for the first half we mostly see The Blue Bloods using dirty tactics to stay in control. Squire David Taylor will come in without being tagged, or we'll see just a straight two-on-one beatdown. Misterio took a lot of beating for the first half of the match, but he finally managed to tag in Konnan. Konnan came in on the hot tag and he went off on both members of the other team. He finally got a chance at Lord Steven Regal, but Regal ran to the outside and tagged in David Taylor! This got some big heel heat, but Regal didn't care. He got away from Konnan for the time being. Finally, Konnan locked on the Tequila Sunrise and forced David Taylor to tap out. Konnan and Rey celebrated their victory as Lord Steven Regal shouted insults towards them on the outside! The announcers said that this could be what happens tomorrow night at 'Souled Out'! We then head off of the air with the announcers hyping 'Souled Out' one last time.

Winners - Konnan and Rey Misterio, Jr. via submission


Crowd Reaction - 69%

Match Quality - 78%

Overall Rating - 73%

Overall WCW Saturday Night Rating - 76%

WCW Saturday Night recieved a 2.14 rating.

WWF Shotgun recieved a .03 rating.

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WCW/nWo 'Souled Out' Results

January 26, 1997

Sunday Night Main Event

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon w/Sonny Oono © Vs. Alex Wright

Ultimo Dragon's music hit up as the Main Event for...the Main Event took place. Sonny Oono was now carrying Ultimo Dragon's Cruiserweight Title, and he pointed at Dragon as they both made their way down to the ring, saying that he was ready for this matchup! Some fast, dancing music began to play and Alex Wright made his appearance at the top of the ramp. The fans got behind him pretty quickly as he stopped at the top of the ramp and began dancing. Sonny Oono pointed at him and told Ultimo some strategy hints as Wright danced his way down to the ring. He finally got into the ring and the match started. Ultimo Dragon immediately took it to Wright, nailing him with a boot to the stomach and a huge sit out powerbomb to start things off. The fans were in shock as Ultimo made a cover and nearly got a three count after less than ten seconds! Alex Wright was down and out already in the match, barely able to stand up. Alex Wright had to battle back the entire matchup, and finally managed to gain momentum after hitting a nicely placed dropkick. Near the end of the match, Wright had full control. But Sonny Oono attempted to make his presence known in this match by jumping up on the canvas. Wright went to deck him, but Oono jumped back down in time to dodge the punch. Alex Wright then turned around and got rolled up by Ultimo Dragon...one....two...no! Wright kicked out just in time. Ultimo Dragon then picked Wright up and hit a sidewalk slam. He followed this with the Dragon Sleeper! The fans began chanting for Alex Wright in an attempt to help him gain the strength to reach the ropes....Wright got a bit closer....Ultimo locked the Sleeper on a bit harder....Wright is just inches from the ropes now....and he....taps out! Alex Wright just tapped out! He couldn't withstand the pain anymore! After the match, Ultimo Dragon tossed him to the outside where Oono stomped on him a couple of times before the two men left the ring.

The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image.

Winner - Ultimo Dragon via submission


Crowd Reaction - 69%

Match Quality - 79%

Overall Rating - 74%


Before we head to 'Souled Out' we see a video hyping the new World order. The video is in black & white. We see 'Hollywood' Hogan standing with his World Heavyweight Championship. Behind him, we see Ted DiBiase, The Outsiders, Syxx, and Scott Norton. Finally, 'Souled Out' appears in spraypaint over the camera lens and we head off to the first Pay-Per-View of 1997!

Ted DiBiase gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 97%

WCW Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal w/Squire David Taylor © Vs. 'Filthy Animal' Konnan

Lord Steven Regal and Squire David Taylor came down to the ring and got a pretty big reaction from the fans. They played it up, too, by mocking them and showing their snobby attitudes. The 'Filthy Animal' then came out and the announcers were really pumped up for this match. Konnan showed a lot of charisma as he made his way down to the ring. The match started off a bit slow, with neither man gaining a clear advantage. Konnan finally took control after reversing an armbar and locking on one of his own on Regal. The crowd was starting to get into this, but they never really exploded in this matchup. Konnan kept control of the match by using some very basic and simple submission holds. Regal attempted to fight back on multiple occassions, but Konnan would not let him get in much offense at all. The fans were really behind Konnan and the announcers pointed out that this is his big chance to take that title from Regal. Konnan has Lord Steven Regal down about halfway through the match, and he lets out a big hollar to which the fans all respond. Konnan then makes a pin attempt, but the referee is distracted by Squire David Taylor. Konnan then got back up and yelled at Taylor for a bit before turning back to Regal. Konnan then placed Regal in the corner and layed the boots to him. Konnan continues his beatdown of Regal for about five or six minutes, until Regal turned things around by ducking a clothesline attempt and nailing a big right hand on Konnan. We are nearing the end of the match, and Regal has kept control since the big turning point. Regal spent many moments mocking the fans and Konnan whenever he had him down. A cocky Regal would prove to fire up Konnan, as Konnan suddenly struck back and hit some nice slams on Regal. Konnan looked to have things taken care of and he attempted a clothesline, but Regal ducked it and Konnan took out the referee! The fans began to buzz as Konnan and Regal were both down. Squire David Taylor saw this as his big chance to make an impact. He entered the ring and picked up Konnan. He hit a couple of lefts followed by a big DDT! The fans were booing as Konnan rolled around in pain. Regal then made the pin, but Konnan threw him off of him immediately. Taylor saw this and decided his work wasn't done. The referee began to stir as David Taylor picked up Konnan and hit a big pumphandle slam! The referee saw this and decided to disqualify Lord Steven Regal! The fans popped as the referee got up and ran to the ropes, signalling for the bell to ring! The ring announcers stated that Konnan had won via disqualification! The fans popped, but it soon died down as a two-on-one beatdown took place. Konnan fell victim to this huge beatdown and we saw Regal hit his Butterfly Powerbomb on Konnan! The fans booed as Regal and Taylor finally left Konnan alone in the ring.

Konnan gained overness from this match.

Winner - Konnan via disqualification


Crowd Reaction - 79%

Match Quality - 78%

Overall Rating - 78%

Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal w/Arn Anderson Vs. Jeff Jarrett

After the previous contestants were cleared, we got treated to the Four Horsemen music. The fans showed a great appreciation as 'Mongo' McMicheal came down to the ring. He was joined by Arn Anderson. Jeff Jarrett's music started up as they got into the ring, and Jarrett slowly walked down to the ring. The announcers stated that Debra hadn't come out with either man, so something was going on. After both men were in the ring and prepared to fight, Debra came slowly walking down the aisle. The fans booed her for her recent interest in Jarrett, but she ignored it and stood on the outside, showing no interest in either man. The match began and both men showed their tempers. The announcers said that this battle is for more than just gold or egoes, this is for a woman! And it was true. These two were fierce and most of the match just went to straight tackling, punching, and kicking. Neither man was able to get a clear advantage. Jarrett and Mongo battled for about seven minutes without either man taking control. Finally, Jeff Jarrett took the upper hand by blocking some punches and nailing some hooks of his own. Mongo had to fall back, and the fans reacted as Jarrett pointed at Mongo and talked trash to him. Mongo then got up and looked completely pissed off. He got right in Jarrett's face and pushed him. Jarrett staggered back and then went to push Mongo back, but Mongo grabbed him and slammed him down. The fans popped pretty loudly as Steve McMicheal jumped on Jarrett and pounded away on him. These two continued this back-and-fourth brawling for a good amount of time. McMicheal threw Jarrett to the outside about halfway through the match. He went to go after Jarrett, but Jarrett pulled Debra in front of him. The fans all began booing this dirty trick as Mongo stopped. He then looked down in shame, but Jarrett just clotheslined him to the hard concrete on the outside. Jarrett then rolled him in and attempted to pin him, but only got a two count. Mongo then got up and blocked a punch from Jarrett. He then hit the Mongo Spike out of nowhere and made the pin...one...two...three! Mongo celebrated a bit as Debra showed zero emotion on the outside! Mongo attempted to talk to Debra, but she just got in the ring and went for Jarrett. She helped him up and Jarrett looked at Mongo. He then extended his hand to Steve, and Steve took the time to do some thinking. Should he do it? The fans were cheering and booing together, and Mongo finally took Jarrett's hand and shook it! But Jarrett was being deceitful, and he nailed a snap suplex on Mongo, then locked in the Figure Four Leglock. Finally, Jarrett got up and walked to the back with Mongo attempting to recover inside the ring.

Steve McMicheal gained overness from this segment.

Winner - Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal via pin


Crowd Reaction - 73%

Match Quality - 63%

Overall Rating - 69%


We now see a video showing The Giant on one side of the screen, posing for the camera. The video then pans a bit to the left and we see Lex Luger standing there, posing for the camera as well. The announcers say that Luger will be here tonight to face off against The Giant one-on-one!

Overall Rating - 75%

WCW United States Championship

Eddie Guerrero © Vs. Buff Bagwell w/Big Bubba Rogers

The United States Champion comes out first and the fans show a decent amount of interest in him, but nothing special. Buff Bagwell is out next to the nWo theme. He is joined by Big Bubba Rogers, who has been managing almost everyone in the new World order lately. Bagwell makes his way to the ring and the match starts off. Buff does some very basic brawling against Eddie towards the beginning, using some slams to keep him on edge. Eddie has to fight back, and the announcers put him over as being the underdog in this match, even though he is the WCW United States Champion. They also talk about how Buff has been at ringside with Syxx and Masahiro Chono in the last couple of weeks in their matches against Eddie Guerrero, and how he attacked Eddie after both matches. Guerrero did manage to fight back later in the match. He nailed a big dropkick to the jaw of Bagwell, followed by a big elbow drop off of the top rope. Eddie got up and pointed at the fans, who exploded into cheers for the US Champ. Bagwell looked like he was definitely out of this match early on, but he used a rake to the eyes to slow him down. Eddie sold the pain pretty well, and Buff proceeded to kick him in the gut and hit a gutwrench powerbomb. He followed this up with a pin attempt, but only got a two count. Bagwell was furious and got right in the referee's face. Big Bubba Rogers on the outside began yelling at the referee, as well. The fans then began yelling at Rogers, who yelled back at them on the outside! The fans were showing more interest each minute in this matchup. The end of the match came when Buff went for the Blockbuster, but Guerrero went to the top rope and hit a Superplex on Bagwell! The fans popped as Guerrero went to the top a second time and nailed his Frog Splash! He made the pin attempt...one...two...and a three count! Eddie Guerrero has retained his title, but he is exhausted in the middle of the ring. Big Bubba Rogers sees this and comes flying in. He beats down on Guerrero for a bit until Buff Bagwell gets back up. Buff then picks him up and nails the Buff Blockbuster! The two nWo members finally make their way to the back.

The WCW United States title has lost image.

Winner - Eddie Guerrero via pin


Crowd Reaction - 71%

Match Quality - 77%

Overall Rating - 74%

The Giant Vs. Lex Luger

The new World order theme played as The Giant walked out from the back. The fans were immediately onto him, and he got a decent amount of heel heat. He stopped at the top of the ramp and did the Chokeslam signal. He did it again once he got in the middle of the ring. Finally, Lex Luger's music started and the boos for The Giant were soon turned into cheers for Luger! Luger got a pretty big reaction from the fans, who all wanted to see him take down The Giant. The big man started out strong, though. After the bell rang, he immediately reached out and grabbed Luger by the throat. He then lifted him up into the air and threatened him some more. The Giant then tossed Luger across the ring. The odds were definitely stacked against Luger, but he was determined to beat The Giant. The announcers said that he wanted to get back at The Giant for turning on him one week and then Chokeslamming him on concrete the next. The Giant took Luger out for last week's Nitro, and Luger wants his revenge. But in the match, The Giant has been dominating Luger. Luger has managed to get a couple of shots in, but nothing The Giant didn't shake off after two or three seconds. A big headbutt saw Luger go flying out of the ring. Luger continued trying to fight back on the outside, but The Giant would have none of it. He tossed Luger into the railing a couple of times before slamming him into the steel steps. The Giant then picked Luger up and hit a Gorilla Press Slam...except he tossed him from the outside into the ring over the top rope. The fans booed The Giant as he celebrated on his way back into the ring. But he was met with a lowblow from Lex Luger! The fans popped and the announcers said it might be dirty, but it gets the job done! Luger then went on a roll and completely dominated The Giant for about a minute or two! He finished this up with the Torture Rack! The fans were really going nuts as Luger locked in his incredible finishing maneuver. And even more incredible is the fact that he could lift The Giant onto his shoulders! The Giant fought the pain for awhile, but he couldn't hold out! He finally tapped out to end the pain as Luger dropped him off of his shoulder and fell down in exhaustion! Lex Luger had done the impossible! But his celebration wouldn't last long, as The Giant was back up. He grabbed Lex Luger and proceeded to Chokeslam him from the inside of the ring to the outside! Luger smacked against the concrete incredibly hard and the fans were in complete and utter shock. After a couple moments, medics came running down to the downed Luger to check on him. The announcers said that this was a terrible thing and apologized for it happening. The Giant celebrated for a bit and then lumbered back up the entrance ramp and to the back.

Winner - Lex Luger via submission


Crowd Reaction - 84%

Match Quality - 66%

Overall Rating - 78%


We now see a video of 'Hollywood' Hogan standing on the left side of the screen, his World Heavyweight Championship on his waist. We see 'World Heavyweight Championship....nWo banned from ringside' above him on the screen. To the right stands 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, posing for the camera. We then head to our Main Event for the night, which is this exact match!

Overall Rating - 92%


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

nWo Banned from Ringside

'Hollywood' Hogan © Vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

'Macho Man' Randy Savage was out first to his music, and the fans showed a great appreciation for him. He did his usual twirling at the top of the ramp and the fans did not quit applauding until the new World order theme played over the P.A. system. 'Hollywood' Hogan stood at the top of the ramp and played air guitar a bit as he let the boos and jeers from the fans sink in. He then walked slowly down to the ring as the fans booed. The announcers said that there was no one else coming down to the ring, because the new World order was banned from ringside! They said Hogan should finally get what he deserves from the Macho Man. Hogan then got in the ring and Savage started off quickly. This match would definitely not prove to be a technical masterpiece or a spotfest, but it was exciting as these two really know how to work the crowd over. Savage took it to Hogan to start and then sent him to the outside. We then see 'Hollywood' doing his beatdown with his weight belt, but Savage then took the weight belt and striked back! The fans popped as Savage began choking Hogan on the outside with Hogan's own nWo weight belt! Savage kept the blatant chokehold going as the referee yelled at him from inside the ring. This wouldn't stop Savage, though. This was a big chance for the 'Macho Man', and he was not going to blow it. Savage finally let the hold go and threw Hogan into the ring. Some quick boots kept Hogan down in the ring. Savage then picked him up and threw him into the corner, but Hogan reversed it. Hogan then nailed a big clothesline that pinned Savage between the turnbuckle and 'Hollywood'. Hogan then landed some boots to the midsection of Randy Savage. Savage fell down to a sitting position, and Hogan proceeded to put his foot on the throat of Savage. Savage couldn't breath and tried to get Hogan's foot off of him, but it took help from the referee before Hogan finally quit choking him. 'Hollywood' then picked Randy Savage up and nailed a bodyslam. He then fell to his knees and began choking down Savage again. Savage flailed about and tried to get Hogan off of him, but once again the ref had to step in and stop the blatant choking. Hogan then got back up and taunted the crowd a little bit. The fans really reacted and began booing loudly. Savage rolled around in pain and attempted to recover as fast as possible, but he was at a major disadvantage right now. Hogan then went to pick up Savage, but Savage pushed Hogan back. 'Hollywood' then fell victim to some big right hands from the 'Macho Man'. A huge bodyslam from 'Macho Man' then put some pain towards Hogan's back. Hogan grabbed his back as he rolled around in pain, but Savage just saw this as an opportunity to apply more pressure. He went to the top rope and came flying off. He nailed the Flying Elbow Smash on 'Hollywood' Hogan! The fans popped as this move came almost out of nowhere! Savage made the pin and the fans counted along as a new champion was as good as gold! One....two...thr..no! Savage couldn't do it! 'Hollywood' kicked out somehow! The fans, Macho Man, the announcers, and even the referee were all in shock as Hogan attempted to get up. Savage grabbed him by the scalp and picked him up. He then nailed a hanging suplex which saw Hogan stay upside down for about six or seven seconds. Another pin attempt, but Hogan kicked out even quicker! He was starting to get back into his groove now! 'Macho Man' picked him up and nailed a right hand, but Hogan didn't care! He swung back and decked Savage, sending him sprawling down to the canvas. Hogan then staggered back into the ropes, where he decided to rest for a second. Savage came flying at him almost instantly, but Hogan ducked and grabbed the ropes with him. 'Macho Man' went flying over the top rope and to the outside, taking a big bump in the process! The fans were booing as Hogan taunted everyone watching. Hogan then went to the outside, grabbed Savage, and tossed him into the ring. Hogan followed him in and nailed a Legdrop of Doom! The fans were booing as Hogan made the pin. One...two...NO! Hogan was discouraged, but he didn't let it get to him. He nailed a second Legdrop of Doom and made a cover. One....two....three! Hogan just did it! The announcers are completely disgusted as the members of the new World order all rushed down to the ring and celebrated with their leader. We go off the air with Hogan being held up on the shoulders of Scott Norton and Big Bubba Rogers. Trash begins to fill the ring as we fade out.

Winner - 'Hollywood' Hogan via pin


Crowd Reaction - 100%

Match Quality - 54%

Overall Rating - 86%

Overall WCW/nWo 'Souled Out' rating - 82%

WCW 'Souled Out' recieved a buy rate of 1.35.

Edited by Mello_Fox
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WCW Monday Nitro Results

January 27th, 1997

The Ma-CHO Man!!

Monday Nitro opens up to the usual pyro and fireworks. The announcers say that we had a huge night at 'Souled Out' last night and tensions are still high from the results! Before anything else can happen, the music of the 'Macho Man' begins to play and he walks out wearing a usual flagrant outfit. He twirls around at the top of the entrance ramp before walking down to the ring and getting a microphone.

Randy Savage - Ya know, Hogan...the way I look at it, your only one up on me. Oh yeah, brother. Because the way The Madness sees it, you only earned one victory your entire life, and that was last night. But the thousands of people here, ohhh yeaahh, they wanna see 'Holl-y-wood' go down right here tonight!

The fans began cheering crazy in hopes of a 'Hollywood' Hogan/Randy Savage match once again.

Randy Savage - And Hogan...your not contracted to put that title on the line until next month at Superbrawl...but why don't you be a man and do it, Hogan? Your cocky, you think you can beat the 'Ma-CHO Man' one more time. Then prove it, Hogan! Ohhh yeahhh, everyone wants to see it. The 'Ma-CHO' Man in one corner, 'Hollywood' Hogan in the other. Two of the biggest icons in professional wrestling. A match for the ages right here tonight on Monday Nitro! OOHHHH YEAAAH, Hogan, let's rumble, brother!

Before he can get anymore rambling out, the new World order theme begins to play and out walks 'Hollywood' Hogan. He is all by himself for once. He shows off his World Heavyweight Championship for a bit before speaking...

Overall Rating - 87%

'Hollywood' Hogan - Macho Man...brother, you just wrestled in your last match against 'Hollywood' last night. You see, brother, your little chances at this shiny belt of mine...well, brother, those are over! Everybody wants to see 'Hollywood' and Savage go one-on-one, but that just ain't gonna happen, brother. But ya know, brother...I'm feeling good tonight. I got the nWo running through my veins. My adrenaline is still runnin' wild from last night, and brother...I wanna get in that ring tonight.

The fans all go nuts wanting to see Hogan get his ass kicked right here tonight.

'Hollywood' Hogan - And, Randy, you sound like you wanna get in that ring tonight, too. So tonight, brother, I'm gonna give you a chance to earn one more title shot. But we gotta make a deal, brother. Tonight, I come down to that ring with two of my nWo brothers, and you bring two of your people with you. And brother, if my team wins, you can forget about your title shot. But if somehow hell freezes over and nWo comes out losing, then I'm gonna give you a title shot right here on Nitro next week, brother! So whaddya say?

The fans are all buzzing and going crazy as Randy Savage nods and smiles at Hogan. He then speaks.

Randy Savage - OHHHH YEAHHHH, 'Hollywood'. I think you just made the biggest mistake since you were born! The match is on, Hogan! Ohhhh yeaaah! And The Madness, well, its gonna be running all over nWo and 'Hollywood' Hogan!

We then fade out to a commercial as Randy Savage's music plays and he exits the ring to begin walking towards the back.

Overall Rating - 91%


Lord Steven Regal w/Squire David Taylor & Ultimo Dragon w/Sonny Oono Vs. 'The Filthy Animal' Konnan & Alex Wright

The Television Champion, Steven Regal, comes out first. He is alongside Squire David Taylor. The two of them get a pretty big reaction from the fans as they walk down to the ring. Ultimo Dragon is out next with his manager, Sonny Oono. The Television Champion doesn't get as loud a reaction as Regal, but he gets decent heat. Alex Wright comes out afterwards, and the announcers remind everyone that he lost to Ultimo Dragon last night in his chance at the Television Title. 'The Filthy Animal' is out last and he gets a big pop from the fans. He shows off to the fans as he makes his way to the ring. Finally, the match starts. These four men put on one of the best tag team matches so far this year. Regal and Ultimo Dragon use cheating tactics at any time possible, but it wasn't enough to hold off Konnan and Wright, as Konnan locked on the Tequila Sunrise to make Lord Steven Regal tap after about 12 or 13 minutes. Konnan and Wright celebrated as Regal, Taylor, Dragon, and Oono all yelled at them from the outside before walking to the back.

Lord Steven Regal lost overness from this match. Ultimo Dragon lost overness from this match. Alex Wright gained overness from this match. Konnan gained overness from this match.

Winners - 'The Filthy Animal' Konnan & Alex Wright via submission


Crowd Reaction - 73%

Match Quality - 87%

Overall Rating - 80%

Sting - Next Week!!

The screen then shows old clips of Sting in action against various wrestlers. The announcers say that the offices of World Championship Wrestling have reported that Sting WILL BE at Monday Nitro next week! This is a huge announcement! What will Sting do? Will he speak? Will he wrestle? Tune in next week on Nitro to find out!

Overall Rating - 84%

WCW United States Championship

Eddie Guerrero © Vs. Scott Norton w/Buff Bagwell

Eddie Guerrero got a pretty small reception from the fans, who showed little interest in him. He does have his United States Title, though, and the announcers said he did a good job of defending it last night. Buff Bagwell then came out with his stablemate, Scott Norton, to lead him to the ring. Norton came into the ring and these two put on one hell of a matchup, considering what many people expected would be a DUD. Norton took it to Guerrero with some exciting brawling skills and slams, but Guerrero would outlast Norton in the end and pin him with the Frog Splash! This move did manage to get a pop from the fans in attendance. After the match, Buff Bagwell came running into the ring once again to attack the US Champion. Bagwell proceeded to hit the Buff Blockbuster on Guerrero before leaving him down and out in the ring as we headed to a commercial.

The WCW United States title has lost image.

Winner - Eddie Guerrero via pin


Crowd Reaction - 59%

Match Quality - 84%

Overall Rating - 71%



We are welcomed back by the music of the Four Horsemen. Out walks Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, Arn Anderson, and Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal. The four men get in the ring and Flair gets the microphone, of course.

Ric Flair - Whooo, The Nature Boy just has to say. Mongo...Mon-GO!! Whooo! Last night, ya made the Na-TURE Boy proud! Whooo! Ya took Jeff Jarrett to town, walked him 'round the block, and tied 'em up outside yer house. Whooo! Last night Mongo, ya treated Jarrett like a dog with fleas, and you booted him out YOUR HOUSE!!! Whoooo! Man 'o man, I just felt like dancing in the back after seein' that! Whooo! But there's still business to take care of, Mongo! You gotta walk right up to Jeff Jarrett...slap 'em in the face..and take back what is rightfully yours, whoooo! Did ya hear me, boy? Take BACK what is RIGHTFULLY YOURS! Whooo! And ya know, the Na-TURE Boy is ready to be an example. That's what being a leader is about. So you know the Nature Boy is scheduled to rassle Jeff Jarrett right here tonight...and ya know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna pick him up, take him down, lock on the Figure Four, and dance all the way back down to Chinatown! Whooo! And when we get done with the partying, we gonna party some more! Whoooo!

With that, The Four Horsemen theme starts up and they all walk to the back.

Overall Rating - 72%

Diamond Dallas Page Vs. Chris Jericho

Diamond Dallas Page is out first, and the fans give him a big ovation as he walks out to the ring doing his Diamond Cutter signal now and then. Chris Jericho is out afterwards, and it gets a bit quieter for him. These two get in the ring and put on another pretty good matchup. These two are quite entertaining in the ring together, and it really adds a lot to the reaction from the crowd. Jericho has to fight back a lot, and he never really stands a chance against DDP. After a fairly decent match, Page hits the Diamond Cutter after reversing a suplex attempt from Jericho. Page then made the cover and got the three count for the win. After the match was over, the new World order theme blasted over the P.A. system and out walked 'The Bad Guy' Scott Hall. He stood in the ring with a microphone across from Page and began to speak...

Winner - Diamond Dallas Page via pin


Crowd Reaction - 66%

Match Quality - 84%

Overall Rating - 75%

A Survey...

Scott Hall - Hey, yo.

The fans respond back with a 'Yo' of their own.

Scott Hall - Nah, I ain't talkin' to you right now. I'm talking ta one person, 'n one person only....D-D-P. Yo, D-D-P...last night ya got outta yer choice. And Page, I'mma tell ya right now. You make tha decision, I'mma give you a little survey, Page! Page, you gonna be....Dubya C Dubya?

The fans cheer loudly in response, trying to influence Page's decision.

Scott Hall - Orrrr...you gonna be...n-W-o?

Hall then walks over to Page and puts the mic in his hand. Page looks around at all of the fans a bit and begins to walk towards Hall. He gets right next to Scott Hall, nearly two or three inches away.

Diamond Dallas Page - Ya know, Scott. I've been giving this so much thought lately. And either way I go, somebody's gonna be mad at me. But ya know, Scott. There's some people out there that ya can't trust...those people that will give up on you at the drop of a hat.

Scott Hall nods at Page and shows that he agrees with him.

Diamond Dallas Page - Those people that just wanna see ya bust your ass for 'em night in and night out. And some say that those people are the best in the world. But Scott, lemme tell ya something...

Page gets closer to Scott. Scott Hall leans in to listen and ends up getting a Diamond Cutter! The fans go absolutely nuts as Page stomps on Hall until he rolls out of the ring.

Diamond Dallas Page - Those people are the FANS, Scott! And dammit, I love every minute I'm on their side! I'm not nWo...hell, I'm not WCW...I'm for the fans!

We then fade out to a commercial as the fans grow louder and louder each second.

Overall Rating - 90%


Ric Flair w/Arn Anderson Vs. Jeff Jarrett w/Debra McMicheal

The Four Horsemen theme plays over the P.A. system as Ric Flair walks out from the back. Arn Anderson is with him. Jarrett's music then starts up and he walks out with Debra McMicheal. This really angers Ric Flair and Arn, and Arn gives Flair a little pep talk before the match. The bell then rings and these two go at it. We are treated to yet another good matchup for the night, and things look to be going right once again for WCW. Flair and Jarrett really know how to work together, and they put on an above-average matchup. The fans were also into this matchup, probably because of Ric Flair and his antics. He did his usual cheap moves to get pops and Jarrett tried to fight through everything. In the end, Debra got up on the canvas and yelled at Flair who began talking to her. The announcers said that one part wanted to hit her, and one part wanted to talk her out of what she is doing, but Flair held back and just yelled at her instead. Flair then turned around and fell into a rollup from Jarrett. Jeff also used the ropes to get leverage, and he got a three count to give him the win! Afterwards, Jarrett ran out of the ring as Arn slid in to settle the problem between them. Jarrett backed up the ramp as he held Debra by the arm. He pointed to his head, signaling that he was too smart for Flair or Anderson. He was right...for now. Steve 'Mongo' McMicheal came right behind Jarrett as he backed up. Jarrett then bumped into the chest of Mongo, and a look of complete fear came over his face. He turned around to get a big right hand from Mongo. He followed this by a huge DDT on the entrance ramp! The fans popped big time as Debra pushed Mongo off. Mongo then pumped his fist like he was going to hit Debra, but he didn't. Debra was scared, though, and she fell on her ass. The fans were going crazy as Arn Anderson and Flair walked by Debra and Jarrett and joined Mongo. The three members of the Horsemen then walked to the back with the fans going nuts.

Jeff Jarrett gained overness from this match.

Winner - Jeff Jarrett via pin


Crowd Reaction - 82%

Match Quality - 80%

Overall Rating - 81%

Coming Up...

We see that the Main Event for Monday Nitro is coming up. We then go to the back where we see Lex Luger entering the locker room of Randy Savage!

Overall Rating - 79%



3 Vs. 3 Tag Team Matchup

nWo Vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage/??/??

The new World order theme plays as we get back and out walks 'Hollywood' Hogan, the World Heavyweight Champion. The fans boo him loudly until they turn their attention to The Giant. The big man comes out behind Hogan and gets booed just as much. Syxx is out after The Giant, and the fans boo him pretty badly, too. Finally, the nWo make their way to the ring and prepare for this matchup. Randy Savage comes out first as his music plays. The fans go crazy for him as he twirls around and attempts to get the fans pumped up. He stops on the outside and points to the back as Lex Luger comes out! The fans get pretty loud for him, hoping he gets another shot at The Giant. Luger is bandaged up a little bit from last night, but he is ready for this matchup. Luger stands with Savage on the outside, and a buzz fills the arena as to who their third and final partner could be. Suddenly, bagpipe music begins to play and the fans go nuts as 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper comes down to the ring, wearing a kilt and his 'Hotrod' T-shirt! The fans are going crazy as all six men now stand in the ring. The match itself is pretty intense, with Savage's Title Shot on the line. The announcers keep reminding everyone that Savage will get a Title Shot next week if he wins. The nWo took control early on as The Giant took it to Piper, Luger, and Savage. He looked unstoppable, and would tag in Hogan whenever his opponent was down. Hogan would come in and clean up the trash for a bit. Syxx came in a bit, and he would use some quick kicks and chops to try to take it to his opponents. Syxx proved to be the weakest man out there, eventually allowing Piper to gain momentum. Savage would come in and destroy all three of the other men. He then tagged in Luger, but Luger was still hurt from last night, and The Giant knew this. The Giant took it to Luger and hit a huge Chokeslam. He made a pin, but Savage came flying off of the top rope and nailed his Flying Elbow Smash! The Giant then wanted to make a tag, but he was pretty hurt. Luger made a tag to Piper, who went and beat down on The Giant. Giant gave him a headbutt to shake him off, and then tagged in 'Hollywood' Hogan. Hogan took it to Piper, but Piper quickly tagged in Randy Savage. Savage came in and completely dominated Hogan for the rest of the matchup, eventually getting the Flying Elbow Smash and attempting a pin...one...two...no! Syxx broke it up. But Piper came in and threw Syxx out of the ring. Hogan then attempted a punch, but Piper blocked it and nailed a DDT. Savage then went to the top rope and nailed the Flying Elbow Smash again. One...two...three! Savage wins! Savage wins! The 'Macho Man' gets his title shot next week and Luger gets a bit of pay-back towards The Giant for last night at 'Souled Out'. The announcers went absolutely nuts putting over next week's Nitro. They said that we will have 'Macho Man' and 'Hollywood' one last time, and Sting will be in the house! We fade off of the air with Macho Man, Lex Luger, and Roddy Piper all celebrating inside the ring as nWo looks on from the outside and Hogan yells at him.

Winners - 'Macho Man' Randy Savage/Lex Luger/'Rowdy' Roddy Piper


Crowd Reaction - 83%

Match Quality - 65%

Overall Rating - 77%

Overall WCW Monday Nitro Rating - 80%

WCW Monday Nitro recieved a 6.89 rating.

WWF Monday Night Raw recieved a 5.41 rating.

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WCW News/Notes

WCW Main Event, which usually airs on Sunday Nights, has been cancelled. World Championship Wrestling has put into consideration the idea of scheduling Saturday Night at a Prime Time slot in order to make the show longer. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but it is definitely being considered.

Today, Syxx signed a 3-year contract with World Championship Wrestling. Craig Pittman's contract is coming to a lose, as it ends in April. WCW has not made a decision on whether or not they will renew his contract when the time is up as Pittman is not much of an assett to the company at this time. Also, Lord Steven Regal was excited to sign a 3-year contract extension, as well. He was excited about his character's development and stated that he wasn't considering any other promotion. Joe Gomez has been told that he will be released from World Championship Wrestling in two months time. WCW wishes him the best of luck in the future. Finally, WCW has learned that Vader is coming to the end of his contract with the World Wrestling Federation. Nothing has been confirmed, but WCW has spoken with Vader about a possible future within our company! We would like to wish Vader the best of luck with his future, whether or not he is in WCW.

The World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line next week on Nitro as 'Hollywood' Hogan puts it up against 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. Savage won thie Title Shot last week on Nitro after his team (consisting of himself, Lex Luger, and a returning 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper) defeated the nWo (consisting of 'Hollywood' Hogan, The Giant, and Syxx). Rumors floating around are that a stipulation will be added to this matchup either before Nitro or early in the show!

Also, if that isn't enough, Sting will be returning to World Championship Wrestling this coming week on Nitro! No one knows what exactly he'll be doing. Will he speak? Will he wrestle? What will happen? Sting has been off of television for over a month and a half, and he returns next week! That's two huge reasons to tune into WCW Monday Nitro!

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WCW Saturday Night Results

February 1st, 1997

Opening Interview

Lord Steven Regal and Squire David Taylor are the first two competitors we see tonight. Regal is carrying his Television Title on his shoulder and he also has a microphone. He gets in the ring and begins.

Lord Steven Regal - Konnan, last week on Nitro you became the luckiest man to walk the earth. Not only did you defeat Ultimo Dragon in that tag team matchup, but you also found a way to squeeze a win out of me. Now, Konnan, I have come to respect you. Well, I respect your wrestling ability. I do NOT respect your lifestyle, your views, or your odor. And odor, that is probably your trademark. Now young Konnan, I will admit that you turned one on me. You began calling yourself a 'Filthy Animal'...as if it was some compliment. Ugh, your just disgusting, Konnan. And we will settle this one day. As a matter of fact, I will let you name the time and place...because, Konnan...this is personal now, you mangrel!

With that, Regal exits the ring. Squire David Taylor follows him behind and they both walk to the back.

Overall Rating - 84%

Amazing French Canadians Vs. Public Enemy

Public Enemy comes out and gets a decent pop from the fans. Amazing French Canadians get a small reaction, nothing special. This is a pretty bad match and the fans lost intersest quickly. The end came when Carl Oulette came in without being tagged and pinned Johnny Grunge to get the win. Afterwards, Public Enemy threw both members of the Amazing French Canadians out of the ring and celebrated with the fans for a bit as we went to a commercial break.

Rocco Rock is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Johnny Grunge is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

Winners - Amazing French Canadians via pin


Crowd Reaction - 59%

Match Quality - 79%

Overall Rating - 67%


Before we went to the commercial break, we see the Main Event for Nitro being announced. We see 'Hollywood' Hogan on one side of the screen and 'Randy Savage' on the opposite. 'World Heavyweight Championship' is written above it and the announcers say that this is it for Randy Savage and he has to win if he wants to be involved with the World Title anymore.

Overall Rating - 86%



We get back to see Ultimo Dragon and Sonny Oono in the back. Oono is holding a microphone and he speaks. This is obviously a pre-recorded segment.

Sonny Oono - Alex Wright, you do begin to prove yourself. You shock The Ultimo Dragon, and you shock me. That not mean you are better. You have gotten better. That what it means. But Ultimo Dragon want match again. He enjoy challenge! And challenge you give him. So, again on Monday Nitwo! Alex Wright, you can be man, or cow-awd!

Suddenly, Alex Wright steps into the scene beside Sonny Oono. He snatches the microphone and speaks.

Alex Wright - Ultimo Dragon...you want another match against Alex Wright? You enjoy a challenge? Well, good, because after Nitro, YOUR gonna be the one challenging ME for the Cruiserweight belt!

The scene the comes to an end as Alex Wright walks away and the two men stare him down.

Overall Rating - 76%

Dean Malenko Vs. Chris Jericho

Malenko comes out and the fans show little interest. 'The Man of a Thousand Holds' looks like a robot as he gets in the ring and warms up a bit. Chris Jericho is out and he gets a decent reception from the fans, probably because they saw him on Nitro last week against Diamond Dallas Page. These two go at it and fail to put on what was expected. This isn't the classic match that almost all smart fans knew, but this is a pretty good matchup anyway. This was mostly due to the short time given for these two guys to go at it. Jericho started out in control the first couple of minutes, but Malenko used a low blow to change things. The fans got into it after that, as Jericho tried to comeback, but missed a moonsault off of the ropes. Malenko then locked in the Texas Cloverleaf and forced Jericho to tap out. The fans booed as Malenko walked towards the back, showing no emotion. Jericho then got up and looked a little annoyed, but he soon walked to the back as well.

Winner - Dean Malenko via submission


Crowd Reaction - 67%

Match Quality - 83%

Overall Rating - 75%


We now get ready to head to a commercial break, but first we see Sting on the screen. We see old clips of him hitting the Scorpion Death Drop, Stinger Splash, and the Scorpion Deathlock. The fans in attendance go crazy as the announcers say that Sting WILL BE at Nitro next week!

Overall Rating - 88%


The US Champ!!

We get back and see the United States Champion, Eddie Guerrero, walking down to the ring with his belt on his shoulder. This is a nice surprise for everyone here tonight. He gets in the ring and prepares for an interview.

Eddie Guerrero - Hola, peoples. Buff Bagwell...this man is a pure nejo, people! Si, si! The sonajo shouldn't be in the same ring as me. Him and his little...n-W-o friends. You've got to be kiddin' me, holmes! But business is business, Buff. You keep attackin' me, holmes, and you gonna be answering to the whole Guerrero family! That's da truth, holmes! We gonna meet again, and just like last time I'm gonna pin you for the one....two...and the three, holmes! But tonight, I got Chris Benoit. I really respect this man, so we gonna put on one helluva matchup for you! Come on down, holmes!

Eddie Guerrero stands in the ring as Chris Benoit begins walking down to the Four Horsemen music. The two men actually shake hands before the match and then go at it.

Eddie Guerrero gained overness from this segment.

Overall Rating - 77%

Non-Title Matchup

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chris Benoit

These two men knew exactly what to do. They put on maybe one of the best matches of the night. A true technical masterpiece with splashes of high-flying thrown in. Guerrero was the underdog for some reason, considering he was the United States Champion. Benoit and Guerrero went back-and-forth. Neither man was getting an advantage in the technical fight. They stopped at one point and the WCW fans gave them a huge standing ovation that lasted nearly a minute straight. Benoit then got in control of the match, but Eddie fought back and took control. These two then went at it with Guerrero in control and the crowd really started to get into it. Near the end of the match, Chris Benoit was heading up top to attempt his Diving Headbutt from the top rope! The fans were literally on the edge of their seats. The anticipation was really up there. Benoit went flying off the top rope and....missed Guerrero! Guerrero moved out of the way. Eddie then went to the top rope, but the bell begin ringing. Everyone wondered what was goign on, including the announcers. The ring announcer came over the P.A. system and said that this match went past the 10-Minute Time Limit and is considered a Draw. The fans began booing, but Eddie Guerrero walked over to Benoit and helped him up. The two men shook hands in the ring and held each other's arm up in a nice show of respect as we went off of the air.

Eddie Guerrero is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

Winner - None via Time Limit Draw


Crowd Reaction - 64%

Match Quality - 100%

Overall Rating - 82%

Overall WCW Saturday Night Rating - 79%

WCW Saturday Night recieved a 1.99 rating.

WWF Shotgun recieved a .01 rating.

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