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PoPoLoCrois populating PSPs

Japanese role-playing game completes long journey to US shores; anime-style adventure now on Sony's portable.

The PSP has been called the "must-have" portable gadget for months now, but try telling that to hardcore fans of role-playing games. The handheld has been noticeably lacking old-school RPGs, with most of the games that focus on experience points and exploration cluttered with button-mashing action.

Gamers who prefer to strategically push the attack button instead of wildly tapping the attack button have reason to get their thumbs ready. Agetec today announced that PoPoLoCrois is now available for the PSP. The turn-based RPG was released in Japan earlier this year and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan.

In PoPoLoCrois, players lead Prince Pietro on a quest to save his mother and kingdom from the clutches of the Ice Demon. He'll come up across all types of foes, from low-level hostile vegetation to high-level dragons. The game features a handy zoom feature, a quicksave option for gaming on the go, and more than 30 hours of gameplay.

PoPoLoCrois is rated E for Everyone and retails for $39.99. For more information on the game, check back with GameSpot later this week for a review.

I've heard nothing but positive things about this game, so I have to ask... the PSP games are still region free right? :crying:

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