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Wrestlemania 22 Poster

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Extremely bland...just has a few cuts.

Don't like the effects on either JBL or Booker, JBL makes it extremely hard on the eyes and Booker is somewhat pixelated (right word?)

The '22' text fits the style of the graphic, but since the style isn't very good it's not very good either.

I'd suggest taking out of the effects, fixing the font, adding more info about the event, and adding some other cuts (maybe action?)


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My main problem with this is that the poster doesn't fit Wrestlemania at all. Wrestlemania isn't just another pay per view that features hatred and other negative emotions like the black and white poster is trying to portray. Wrestlemania is more up class, glitzy - so you should work on having it in colour. I don't like the effects, especially the wicket effect you have going on at the side of JBL's face and think it needs work. Booker T is okay, but his whole body has a whole scanned-from-a-magazine look about him.

I'm going to echo Cole - 3/10.

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I'd concur. Its a good graphic. But I think youd be best served to make it the Backlash poster. WrestleMania is all pomp and circumstance. Glory, grandeuer, dreams and destiny. it is the focal point of all wrestling mythology. Every wrestler wants to be there eventually. Its Mecca, Jerusalem, New York!

Get those emotions into it. You can still theme it, but have the theme transplanted ontop of the principles of the event.

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