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NWA: Staying power in 1990


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NWA Spotlight

April 29th, 1990

Nashville, TN: Howard Gentry Complex

Announcers: Jim Ross and Gordon Solie

Jim Ross: Welcome to another electric edition of NWA Spotlight, coming to you live from the Howard Gentry Complex, in Nashville, Tennessee. I’m Jim Ross, along with my esteemed colleague…

Gordon Solie: Me! You don’t have to butter up my intro Jimmy, these people know who I am. Let’s get straight to the action.

  • The first bout of the night featured the number one contender for the Television Championship Scott Hall taking on newcomer Tony Michaels. Hall and Michaels brawl to begin the match, with Hall’s big right hand sending Michaels to the mat. Michaels finds himself in trouble and slides out of the ring to take a quick break. Hall will have none of that and tries a baseball slide to Michaels’ face. He misses, Michaels pulls him out and clotheslines him. A monstrous German suplex delivered by Michaels almost sealed the victory. Hall’s adversary Steve Williams would allow Tony Michaels to earn the victory via DQ, after intentionally striking him. Hall retaliates with a barrage of right hands to the television champion.(O:60 C:36 M:85)

The Midnight Express appear to a sea of boos. They’ve been campaigning for a tag-title shot for weeks, and last week’s huge victory should have been enough to validate that argument.

Bobby Eaton: Last week, those of you fortunate enough to see Spotlight witnessed a classic tag-team bout. While I certainly don’t have a bone in my body that actually likes either of the Road Warriors, but as a man I can certainly say I appreciate what they are able to do in the ring. They pushed us to the limit last week, but as you should have known by now, it takes more then just a push to knock off The Express!

Stan Lane: That’s right ‘Beautiful’ Bobby, you’re going to have to be at your best when you step in the ring with us. It’s no secret now. With our victory last week, they’re should be no question as to whether or not we are the top contenders for the Steiner’s gold. I’m not going to sit around and wait for the Championship Committee to announce it, I want to hear it personally from The Steiners.

The Steiners emerge from the locker-room to a well-received reception, as Rick’s usual barking gets the fans pumped up.

Scott Steiner: I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I’m afraid that if I don’t, Rick might try to come tear off your heads right now. For weeks we’ve listened to the Express complain about why they aren’t competing for the tag-team title shots. Make no mistake about it, you two certainly have what it takes to compete. But what you must learn is that it takes hard work to get to where we are. Since the two of you seem so determined to knock us off of our mountain, we’ll give you the opportunity. Next week on Spotlight, for the NWA Tag-Team Championships, The Steiner Brothers will defend against The Midnight Express!

The fans eat up Scott’s announcement as it’s a contest many have been anticipating. (76)

Jim Cornette has a microphone and is face is gleaming. Yes The Midnight Express will meet The Steiners next week, but Cornette already knew that was coming…

Jim Cornette: Finally, justice has been served. No longer do I have to campaign to the Championship Committee that my boys are the top-dogs in the tag-team division. Next week you people will not want to miss Spotlight. It’s going to be a crowning moment for The Midnight Express. But before I get carried away I am out here with a surprise of my own. For as long as I could allow it to continue, I’ve watched a talent just flounder amongst the ranks within in the National Wrestling Alliance. Under my guidance, this superstar could reach new heights. With my support and wisdom, we could be looking at the next NWA Heavyweight Champion. With my general intelligence, this superstar’s career is going to flourish unlike ever before. Ladies and gentlemen, without further a due, I’d like to introduce to you Jim Cornette’s newest client…


Gordon Solie: What an announcement! Muta working with Cornette can only lead to great things.

Jim Ross: Time will tell Gordon, it certainly will but as for now I am speechless. What could those two men have in common?

Gordon Solie: It’s simple Ross, they both want to win!

Cornette: Yes people, The Great Muta now works for me. Tonight he will get things started by removing a thorn in not only my side, but the entire universe: Terry Funk.(73)

  • The next match of the night consisted of ‘Mean’ Mark Callous taking on The Z-Man. Per instruction before the bout, the ref thoroughly searched Callous for any foreign objects. The Committee has become very adamant in their demands to keep the wrestling clean and Callous has been in clear rejection. Z-Man never really got much offense in against the beat Callous, who used his clear size advantage. A devastating spinebuster ended any momentum that Z-Man hoped to be gaining, and it was followed up by a chokeslam to end the match for Callous. Afterwards Callous would inflict an unnecessary beating to The Z-Man, possibly sending a message to Terry Funk.(76/75/77)

A pre-taped interview with Sid Vicious is shown. Sid is in a locker-room setting by himself of course.

Sid: I want all of you to listen to me and listen well. As Master of The Universe I have an obligation to not only rid the world of anything that disturbs me, but I am also to teach those less fortunate then me. You can clearly see that I’m in the process of destroying a force in this industry… Sting. Sting has been a thorn in my side for the past few weeks, and it’s about time for Sting to face the inevitable. That being the worst beating he’ll ever receive. Now there is nothing that I would like more then to pulverize Sting tonight, but as I’ve stated I do have an obligation to teach. I know I don’t have to question Sting’s manhood, he’s certainly a warrior who is never afraid to battle. An associate of mine, will issue a challenge tonight for the Stinger. I’m sure Sting won’t back down from a challenge. (79)

Jim Ross: Can you believe that? Sid Vicious actually believing he’s supposed to show another the way. What an idea.

Gordon Solie: I actually like it Ross, and I wish we could find more like that man. If more great individuals such as Sid Vicious took the time out to show those less fortunate then him the ropes, then maybe just maybe Ross, I wouldn’t be stuck here with you.

  • Spotlight’s next contest featured the contrasting styles of The Great Muta and Terry Funk. Muta was accompanied by his new manager, Jim Cornette. Before the match Cornette declared that Muta would win this easily. Funk obviously wanted to prevent that and his early offense confirmed that. He was all over Muta with hard punches, and laid him out with a snap suplex. His first cover was broken up quickly though, which led to more Muta punishment. A high-angle back suplex had Cornette displaying obvious concern over his client’s debut under him, but not to worry as Muta is very resilient. His offense is second to none in the NWA, combining an arsenal of stiff kicks and chops with an exciting repertoire of aerial maneuvers. A Mafia Kick to the chin of Funk spelled trouble as Muta ascended to the turnbuckle. Rushing to the ring ‘Mean’ Mark Callous would earn Muta the win by knocking him off the turnbuckle and awarding him the disqualification victory. Cornette celebrated like he’d just won the lottery, while ‘Mean’ Mark crushed Funk’s skull with that damned steel chain. Muta also began to celebrate as if he’d won something significant, before stumbling into The Dragonmaster who was waiting for Muta at the entrance ramp. They brawl as Spotlight goes to commercial. (79/77/82)

Jim Ross: Tensions are running rampant in this arena Gordon.

Gordon Solie: Way to be Mr. Obvious Ross, but I’ve just learned through the whole headset that next week in tag-team action The Great Muta will team with ‘Mean’ Mark Callous to square off against Terry Funk and The Dragonmaster. That’s some big stuff.

  • Owen Hart took on Buzz Sawyer in Spotlight’s “Go take a piss-break or fix yourself a snack match” for the week. This is no knock against as Owen Hart as he could probably have a match with a mop and make it entertaining, but no one in their right mind wants to see Buzz Sawyer. His offense consisted of missed clotheslines and shoulder charges, as the speedster Owen had a ball with Sawyer. Owen only needed an Enzuguri Kick to seal the deal, continuing his successful streak in the NWA. After the match, Gary Hart attempted to make a deal with Owen Hart. Going on the basis that they have the same surname, it would only make sense for the two to combine. Gary acknowledges that he can lead Owen to new heights, but Owen humbly declines.(63/65/60)

Jim Ross: I’ve just received word that in addition to the two big tag-team matches for next week’s Spotlight, Steve Williams will defend the Television Title against Tony Michaels!

Gordon Solie: It’s about time I say Ross. It’s called the TV Title for a reason, and that’s because the champ should be defending his belt on tv. All Williams has done since gaining the title is run-in other people’s matches.

Jim Ross: Well Gordon, the Championship Committee was well aware of Steve Williams’ light injury and he hasn’t broken any rules. As it states, all NWA Titles must be defended once at least every 30 days.

Cactus Jack emerges to a decent response, a few boos. He isn’t expected here tonight but as always he always delivers with a mic.

Cactus Jack: Today is a very good day! In case you weren’t aware I’ve taken on a new venture as opposed to my usual work. For a very small fee, you can have Cactus Jack physically “take care” of any nuisances you may have. Basically what I’m saying is I, Cactus Jack, will destroy anyone for a fee! So as I was saying, my first day on the job and I’ve already found an offer I can’t refuse. The wonderful human being that is Sid Vicious gave me a call, and he said to me Cactus, I’ve got a problem. He says he’d do anything to punish Sting tonight, but he’s been asked by a higher power to hold off on eliminating the Stinger just yet. Yes, that’s where I come in. It is I Cactus Jack, summoned by Sid Vicious, to destroy the nuisance that is “The Scorpion King” Sting. I’ll begin my lengthy mission, now!!!

Cactus Jack grabs a folding chair and sits in the ring, hi-jacking Spotlight. He doesn’t sit long, as Sting arrives to a huge ovation and we have an impromptu match!(69)

  • Sting enters the ring like a madman and unleashes a flurry onto Cactus. The match doesn’t officially begin as it takes the referee an awful long time to get to the ring, allowing for a little bit of roughhousing from both individuals. Sting’s reverse DDT would have scored a quick victory according to the 3 count from Jim Ross and the fans, but an official NWA referee wasn’t there to make the count. Bill Alfonso hurries to the ring to make the count, but Cactus who rested up quite a bit makes a quick break at only 1. The match loses it’s breakneck pace with a referee added to the mix, allowing Cactus to apply his standard offense. DDT here, followed by a snap-mare, leading into an agonizing sleeper hold where Cactus drives his knee into Sting’s back. Sting rallies out, and catches a stiff European Uppercut after breaking the sleeper hold. Sting’s decision to go up to the top turnbuckle seemed risky at the time, but his Flying Crossbody surprised Cactus and led to Sting scoring a pinfall victory. Cactus can’t believe it and attacks Sting before he gets to his feet. The folding chair from earlier returns and greets Sting across the cranium. To make matter worse, Cactus Jack Double Arm DDT’s The Stinger on the chair!(75/71/80)

Ric Flair is standing next to Lance Russell in the back, this should be good.

Lance Russell: Excuse me but Ric…

Ric Flair: Do use all a favor Lancer, and don’t speak. You’re in the presence of a living legend, all you need to do is stand there and smile. You probably want to ask me how I feel about possibly having to defend the NWA title against my buddy Arn Anderson. Me and Arn have always discussed the possibility of meeting in a match of that magnitude, and we both promised that we’d try to kill each other like we were responsible for the death of the other’s mother. Point I’m trying to make is it doesn’t matter to Ric Flair one way or the other as to who he has to face. I wish Arn all the luck in the world, and I wish Lex Luger would just disappear. And oh, by the way, I won’t be watching this one from the back. No, The Nature Boy will be joining the announce team for this baby.(100)

Jim Ross: Wow how lucky are we? We get to rub elbows with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair!

Gordon Solie: Finally I actually get to work with someone who actually knows what he’s talking about, maybe there is a God!

  • The Spotlight Main-Event was a doozy on paper. Lex Luger, the current United States Champion, and also the current number one contender to Ric Flair’s NWA World Heavyweight Championship would be putting that status on the line against ‘Double A’ Arn Anderson, Ric Flair’s best friend. And did we mention that Flair was going to be doing a little bit of announcing? Sounds like all of the ingredients for a combustible fire. Luger was reluctant to brawl immediately with Arn, throwing a few punches before cowardly sliding out of the ring to buy himself time. He even yelled to Flair “that what he was about to do to Arn can’t even compare to what Flair would get”, to which Flair responded by shoving Luger. This allowed Arn to attack him from behind, gaining an important advantage. Back inside the ring Luger’s worst fears were coming true as Arn was on fire. His offense was capped-off with a pump-handle slam that would have put most men away. Not Luger, who kicked out on a long 2 that had Flair ready to congratulate Arn. Not yet Luger says, as he continued to receive punishment, courtesy of a Sidewalk slam. Arn was hitting on all cylinders as he charged into Luger’s beaten body which rested on the turnbuckle. Luger who was playing possum coolly steps out of harm’s way sending Arn’s shoulder into the turnbuckle post. Luger would execute an inverted DDT aimed to impact Arn’s shoulder. He then signaled for The Torture Rack, but not before taunting Ric Flair again. Luger locks in the Torture Rack, as Arn Anderson refuses to give up. After not receiving a response from Arn after repeated requests to quit, Nick Patrick had no choice but to award Luger the victory. Disgusted, Ric Flair wanted to even the score. Entering the ring with his championship belt, Flair calmly stalked Luger who was still celebrating his victory. With a burst of speed Flair tries to nail Luger with the belt, who somehow gets out of the way but WHAM! Flair crowns Arn Anderson as Spotlight comes to a close!(78/82/71)

Spotlight Ranking: 75

Spotlight TV Rating: 3.95

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NWA Stumbles to National!

Being the bearer of bad news is something we never wish we have to do here at Sports Illustrated,

but if we don't give you the news no one will. With the recent numbers pointing to a slump throughout

the entire industry of professional wrestling, the National Wrestling Alliance has gone back to being just

that, National! As of now, the plans to go overseas and do the Japanese Invasion show in August have been

scrapped, as the NWA attempts to put itself back on the world map. Once again, NWA represenatives have been

extremely quiet over the last week.

Worldwide Cancelled!

With the recent crisis within the NWA, Worldwide for May 5th wasn't aired. Consider it one of the lost


NWA Spotlight Preview!

Spotlight takes place from the Cassell Coliseum in Blacksburg, Virginia this week with a huge main-event.

Announced at last weeks show, The Steiner Brothers will defend the Tag Titles against The Midnight Express!

At the conclusion of last weeks show, we witnessed Ric Flair strike Arn Anderson with the Heavyweight

Championship Belt. With Luger, Flair, and Arn all in attendance, things should get heated.

Tony "The Machine" Michaels has made a good impression on the Championship Committee. So good in fact,

he'll take on Steve Williams for the NWA Television Championship.

Confirmed Matches

NWA Television Championship

Tony 'The Machine' Michaels vs. Steve Williams©

'Mean' Mark Callous/The Great Muta vs. Terry Funk/The Dragonmaster

Spotlight Main-Event

NWA Tag-Team Championship

The Midnight Express vs. The Steiner Brothers©

Edited by SeanB
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  • 7 months later...

NWA Spotlight

May 6th, 1990

Blacksburg, VA: Cassell Coliseum

Announcers: Jim Ross and Gordon Solie

Spotlight comes to you this week with a PPV Quality Main Event. The Midnight Express will take on The Steiner Brothers for the NWA Tag-Team Championships. Also in action, “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson looks to rebound from last week’s loss to Lex Luger, when he goes one-on-one with Booker T.

I – Spotlight opens up with Jim Ross and Gordon Solie giving us a rundown of what we can expect from tonight’s action. Besides the two above mentioned matches, we’ll also be treated to Cactus Jack squaring off against Road Warrior Hawk. Meanwhile “The Total Package” Lex Luger arrives to a chorus of boos. As expected he continues to drag the United States Heavyweight Championship on the ground as he enters the ring. Immediately he grabs a microphone and goes into a soliloquy about how much he had to endure physically to defeat Arn Anderson. He comes to the illogical conclusion that Ric Flair must defend the championship against him immediately as stated in the rematch clause of their contract. Having heard enough of this nonsense, “Double A” hits the ring. He wants Luger to remember that his victory was purely an accident, and that he shouldn’t put much into it. Luger tells Arn not to be bitter, and maybe one day he will achieve something of note besides being Flair’s “Enforcer”. Arn has heard enough and storms to the ring, ready to rip Luger apart.


II – Before these two titans could go toe-to-toe again, wiseguy backstage announcer Lance Russell interrupts the battle, claiming that he has a message for the two courtesy of the NWA Championship Committee. It reads… “Due to the recent ongoings of the battle for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, we have reached an agreement that we believe will settle things for everyone. On May 28th at our PPV Capital Combat, Ric Flair will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against Lex Luger. Then in the main-event of Capital Combat, the winner of the match between Flair and Luger will defend the title against Arn Anderson! It’s something we like to call, “Double Jeopardy!” Arn couldn’t be more pleased, but Luger is irate.


III – The first match of the night featured Tony “The Machine” Michaels defeated Steve Williams by disqualification in a bout for the NWA Television Championship. As the bell rang for the match to begin, Scott Hall decided to watch this match up close and personal. Obviously both contestants performance were affected by Hall’s decision. Williams used a headlock takedown to gain an advantage. Instead of continuing his offense, he taunts Scott Hall which backfires. Williams who looks to land a powerful clothesline bounces off of the ropes but gets tripped by Scott Hall. Hall then strikes Tony Michaels intentionally gaining him the DQ victory. Hall hightails it out of there laughing hysterically at what he has done. Although it doesn’t quite mean as much, “The Machine” picks up a win over the current NWA TV Champ, which has to do wonders for his morale.

(O:58 C:48 M:76)

IV – We go to a video of Sting backstage. Sting is confused as to why Cactus Jack is not only looking to make a name for himself at the expense of Sting, but why would he align himself with the most inept wrestler on the planet? Sting actually gives Cactus some credit, recognizing his skill level and at least agreeing that with the right attitude that he maybe able to do something with his career. However, he’s starting off making the wrong choices and he should have never decided to get involved in the conflict between Sting and Sid. Sting promises to make Sid and Cactus Jack feel an obscene amount of pain.


V – Next up we witness an injustice in our first tag bout of the night, when the duo of Mark Callous and The Great Muta defeat Terry Funk and The Dragonmaster. Funk is eager to get his hands on Mark, and they start the match with a flurry of chops and punches from Funk to the larger man. He gains up enough steam that he eventually clotheslines Callous of the ring. Instead of allowing Callous to get a rest, a baseball slide from Funk right to Callous’ kisser sends him into a barricade separating the fans from the action. Ross notes that Funk is competing with an extra incentive, as if he has something to prove. Solie admits that he saw big things coming for Funk after he nearly ended Ric Flair’s career, and now it is a shame to see him getting treated by a youngster. Back in the ring now, the competitors have each tagged out with Muta and The Dragonmaster squaring off now. If you remember, these two brawled throughout the arena as Spotlight broke to a commercial last week, and they pick right back up where they left off. Dragonmaster does an excellent job of isolating Muta to their side of the ring, where he makes a quick tag to Funk. In the midst of the action, Cornette is able to slip that damned steel chain to Callous. Funk executes a sidewalk slam to Muta and signals the Texas Clover Hold. Before he can lock it in, Cornette hops onto the apron distracting the referee. This allows Callous to nail Funk right between the eyes with the object, allowing Muta to score the pinfall. Solid contest, even if the crowd was a little out of it. Funk is irate that he let Callous get one up over him again.

(O:67 C:67 M:84)

VI – In a match that can be classified as feasible at best, Ole Anderson scores a surprising victory over Sid Vicious. This outcome was pretty surprising as Sid Vicious basically threw his weight around the entire contest, but he definitely seemed in control of the match. Obviously this match wasn’t supposed to be a show-stopper, and according to Jim Ross Ole specifically requested to battle Sid Vicious, in an effort to extract some revenge for his fellow Horsemen member Sting. It wasn’t looking that good for Ole, as there were numerous occasions where Sid should have just put Ole away when he was down. After every high impact move, Sid would taunt Sting yelling things such as “Scorpion King, more like King of Crayfish.” After nailing Ole with a running boot to the kisser, Sid wanted to set up the powerbomb. Suddenly, The Stinger’s music hits the PA and the fans go wild. Sid is obviously distracted and waits for Sting to appear, but wait it was a trick! Sting never appears, Ole roles up Sid in a School-Boy Pin and picks up the victory! Sid goes berserk after the match, and demands that Sting come to his ring now!!!

(O:58 C:68 M:59)

VII – Next on the Spotlight lineup features NWA’s only bounty hunter Cactus Jack earning himself a disqualification loss to Road Warrior Hawk. Jim Ross notes the new intensity level that has arisen in the spirit of Cactus Jack, almost as if he is a new man. This match takes a very violent turn early, when after a bodyslam Cactus Jack goes looking for a steel chair. He snatches one from the timekeeper, and enters the ring looking to inflict pain. After setting Hawk up for a vicious chair shot, the ref snatches it right at the right time. Hawk fights back with a swinging neckbreaker, and goes for a cover. He nearly gets 3, but the match continues. Disgusted with trying to win the bout legally, Cactus again turns his attentions to that steel chair he grabbed earlier. He shoves the referee who tries to reprimand him again earning the DQ, before scrambling Hawk’s skull with a chair shot. Obviously not finished, Cactus places the bent steel chair on the mat, and Double Arm DDT’s Hawk onto it leaving him crushed. Animal is nowhere to be found, who was given the night off to rest a knee injury. Solid contest by two individuals with similar styles.

(O:66 C:63 M:85)

VIII – ”Double A” Arn Anderson is seen exiting his dressing room, psyching himself up for his bout with Booker T. Lance Russell stops him. Among his pointless questions, he comes to a few pressure-cookers. For instance, he asks Arn if he has a preference as to who he would face for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Unlike most Arn doesn’t dodge the question, and basically says he would rather have to take the strap away from Luger then his buddy Flair. But he promises that should it be Ric Flair advancing to the main-event at Captial Combat, then those two will have to put the friendship on hold and do battle. Before he continues, Arn warns that he must not get ahead of himself, as he must first slap some Apollo Creed wanna-be around.


IX – In a very entertaining contest, Arn Anderson defeats Booker T with the dreaded spinebuster. This is a testament to the notion that while everyone loves a 30 minute slobberknocker, you don’t actually need a lengthy match just for it to be entertaining. The official timing of this bout was 5:15, and it certainly gave the fans everything they wanted. It appeared as if Arn didn’t heed his own statements, as he allowed Booker to gain early advantages with his “street-fighting” style of brawling. It wouldn’t take Arn long to snap out of it though, because before you knew it he was punishing Booker T into the mat with a powerful Spinebuster. Very entertaining contest, and with this we should definitely expect to see future contests between these two.

(O:68 C:68 M:85)

X – The Steiners appear on our monitors now, and boy are the pumped. Rick is barking up a storm, and promising to shred into the bodies of Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane. Scott warns everyone who was looking for a classic to leave now, as this is going to be nothing but a massacre. Wow, harsh words. SPOTLIGHT MAIN-EVENT NEXT!!!!


XI – In a controversial Spotlight Main-Event that is sure to have all the big wigs talking for weeks, The Midnight Express defeated The Steiner Brothers to capture the NWA Tag-Team Championship. The crowd was extremely hot for this entire bout, as expected as these two teams have been butting heads over the past month. Rick and Bobby Eaton would begin the match with a test of strength, where Rick clearly showed he had the advantage here sending Eaton spiraling to the mat. Ross noted how it became incredibly hard to hear in the arena as the fans were all over this one. Declining to enter a power struggle, or a roughhouse brawling contest with Rick, Eaton wanted to slow things down. Leg lock here, sleeper hold there, anything to keep the high octane offense of The Steiners slowed down. Using natural tag-team instincts, Eaton cut off half the ring for Rick Steiner bringing him to The Midnight Express Corner. A series of quick tags between Eaton and Lane would ensue, masterfully coordinated by this experienced duo. Cornette was busy again working the referee, ensuring that his squad could inflict as much damage to Rick as possible. With Scott rallying the crowd, Rick managed to mount a feasible offense. Clothesline, followed by a belly 2 belly suplex to Stan Lane sent the crowd into a frenzy. He finally was able to make the tag to Scott, who entered the ring like a ball of fire. He tossed Stan Lane out of the ring through the middle ropes, followed by knocking Eaton off of the apron. Cornette also tries to get involved, and he too gets leveled off the apron. All of a sudden The Midnight Express’ tag-title hopes is on life support as Scott is rolling, Jim Ross notes. That’s about as good as it was get for the Steiners as things would take a turn for the worse. With all 4 men brawling in the ring, the usually competent referee Tommy Young gets into the middle of the action before taking a flying lariat from Scott Steiner sending him out of the ring. On instinct Cornette retrieves a chair and cautiously slides it into Stan Lane. Lane cracks Scott Steiner across his back, before leveling Rick Steiner across the head. Then out of nowhere Nick Patrick sprints down to the ring to serve as the new referee, just as Bobby Eaton hits the Alabama Jam onto a falling Rick Steiner. Cover, and it’s over baby! Midnight Express scramble out of the joint, to a chorus of boos from a heated fanbase.

( O: 85 C: 91 M:99)

Spotlight Grade: 74 = C

Spotlight TV Rating: 2.92

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NWA Signs a Star!!!

We here at Sports Illustrated pride ourselves on bringing you the people the most informative of news concerning the National Wrestling Alliance. According to an anonymous source, we have learned the NWA has reached an agreement in principle to bring in one of the hottest free-agents on the planet. Everyone around the NWA has been tight-lipped about who this person may be, and not even one outside source including ourselves have been able to get anywhere near their headquarters as of late. The fact that the NWA have been so tight-lipped about this acquisition only adds more spark to this growing story.

Great American Bash Date and Venue Announced!

NWA’s Great American Bash, its centerpiece of the summer, will take place on July 30th at the Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas. The usual cast of NWA Superstars such as Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Sting, Arn Anderson, and Sid Vicious will be in attendance! Get your tickets now, call 1-800-LOVE-NWA or Visit your local Ticketmaster.

NWA Capital Combat Card as of Today

With NWA Capital Combat 2 weeks away, we take look at the show's current crop of bouts:

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Double Jeopardy

Arn Anderson vs. Winner of Flair/Luger©

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Double Jeopardy

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair©

There Must be a Winner

Sting vs. Sid Vicious

There are sure to be more matches to be announced so tune into your weekly NWA Programming for more announcements!

NWA Worldwide Results (Taped 05-06-1990)

Blacksburg, VA: Cassell Coliseum

Announcers: Gary Michael Cappetta and Bob Caudle

Road Agent Terry Garvin Reporting

Eddie Gilbert d. Kevin Sullivan- (O:61 M:54 C:69)

Notes: Nothing worth note of mentioning here, both men had their usual stuff which is a side of bland mixed with a side of ugly.

Booker T does his stuff- (72)

Notes: Booker T is entertaining, and I can totally see where Arn Anderson was going with that Clubber Lang reference.

Recap of The Steiners taking on The Midnight Express- (68)

Notes: Recap of the hot match from Spotlight. Midnight Express captured the titles, albeit a shaky finish.

Booker T d. Johnny Ace (O:61 M:50 C:73)

Notes: Booker T wins the bout with that wicked top-rope legdrop he calls “The Harlem Hangover.” Booker is definitely one of those blue-chippers mixed into the NWA Roster, I expect big things from him.

Samoan Swat Team with Sir Oliver Humperdink do something- (52)

Notes: The SSW were out with Sir Oliver ripping into their opponents, The Road Warriors. He was trying to fire his guys up as they know a chance such as this won't come around that often.

Road Warriors d. Samoan Swat Team- (O:79 M:66 C:93)

Notes: Say what you want about the quality of the actual match, this one really had the crowd going. Swat Team had their moments, but Road Warriors were not going to let themselves lose on Worldwide.

Worldwide Grade: 67 = D

Worldwide TV Rating: 0.27

NWA Spotlight Preview

We’ll be at the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia for the May 13th, 1990 edition of NWA Spotlight. We should have a very interesting main-event has the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair does battle with Brian Pillman in a non-title match.

Lex Luger’s problems with the NWA Championship Committee continue as they order him to defend his United States Championship against Ole Anderson! With Luger taking on “The Enforcer's” uncle, you can be sure Arn Anderson will be keeping his eye on this one.

In a tag-team contest created due to Cactus Jack's heinous attack on Road Warrior Hawk, The Road Warriors will square off against Cactus Jack and Sid Vicious!

Scott Hall is expected to make an announcement in regards to his NWA Television Title Shot.

With Capital Combat 2 weeks away, what if any more matches will be added?

Confirmed Matches

Spotlight Main-Event:

Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

NWA United States Championship

Ole Anderson vs. Lex Luger©

The Road Warriors vs. Cactus Jack/Sid Vicious

Edited by SeanB
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NWA Spotlight

Richmond, VA: Richmond Coliseum

May 13th, 1990

Announcers: Jim Ross and Gordon Solie

Spotlight is live from the Richmond Coliseum, and the NWA is just 2 weeks away from Capital Combat. With a main event scheduled to feature Ric Flair taking on Brian Pillman, and Lex Luger defending the US Championship against Ole Anderson, things are certain to get testy here. We pick up with Jim Ross and Gordon Solie.

Jim Ross: Welcome to Spotlight, as always we have Gordon Solie, and Oklahoma Jim himself go Sooners!

Gordon Solie: It’s not even football season and you’re already annoying me with this, please Lord help me. Anyway I’ve got word that we are going to get an announcement regarding that wild finish to last week’s main-event!

JR: What? Are you stealing my stuff again? I was just about to say that…

I – This week the NWA Championship Committee has decided to let Gary Michael Cappetta do its biding. He approaches the ring with an envelope in his hand.

GMC: I’ve received this document from the Championship Committee, and with it I quote “Due to the fact that The Midnight Express received the titles in the manner that they did, violating specific rules and such, we have no choice but to award the NWA Tag-Team Championships back to the The Steiner Brothers. But amongst ourselves we begin discussing a possible rematch between these two teams, and decided on the following: at Capital Combat, less then 2 weeks from now, we will see a re-match between The Steiner Brothers and The Midnight Express, but in a No Disqualification Match. However, The Midnight Express’ manager James Cornette will be barred from ringside. His actions last week are part of the reason we’ve had to reach such a decision. Sincerely, The Championship Committee.” That is all.

JR: Wow what an announcement! The Steiners weren’t cheated, there is a God!

GS: I can’t say I support the decision but I can definitely appreciate the fact we’re going to get a re-match in 2 weeks time.


II – Spotlight’s first contest of the night featured Owen Hart defeating Tommy Rich in a perfectly acceptable wrestling match. Owen can wrestle a broom and a mop and I’m sure I’ll find it somewhat interesting. Keep an eye out for him Jim Ross points out, he’s got a lot of potential. Comes from a rich tradition of wrestling within his family. Anyways concerning the actual match, the crowd was actually pretty lifeless. Aside from Owen Hart executing a Superplex to finish the bout, there wasn’t a lot of heat within the audience. Maybe because Tommy Rich isn’t much of an attraction, but Owen certainly is. Anyways after the match, James Cornette hits the ring with a message for Owen.

O:61 C:43 M:79

III – But before Cornette begins to speak, The Great Muta emerges from the crowd and attacks the young Owen Hart. Minus any weapons, Muta burns Hart with the dreaded Red Mist, with Jim Ross urging for someone, anyone to come out and stop this. With Owen rolling around on the mat, temporarily blinded, Muta with instructions from Cornette exposes one of the ringpost turnbuckles. He would next whip Owen sternum first into the turnbuckle, with Owen’s crash leaving a sickening thud throughout the arena.

Next a video clip is shown with James Cornette entering the locker room of Owen Hart. He requests Owen join forces with Muta and The Midnight Express.

Cornette: So what’ll it be Hart, you ready to make a big splash and join up?

Hart: I don’t know any other way to put it, but you guys just don’t fit my type. I apologize but you’re trying to recruit me for all of the wrong reasons, and I couldn’t live with myself if I made this choice.

Cornette: Ok I’m an adult, I can accept where you’re coming from. Just remember you had an opportunity.

Now we focus back on Cornette.

James Cornette: Listen up Mr. Owen Hart! You thought you could just turn down the opportunity to align with the newest force in the National Wrestling Alliance! You thought I was just going to let you deny me, and then not take any kind of punishment? Well when I told Muta of your decision, he was thoroughly disappointed. He actually thought you had what it took to be apart of our revolution. Oh but he was wrong, he was so wrong. Now you’re an enemy, and that’s what you’ll always be. But oh don’t fret, we always had a back-up plan. The revolution is still on!!


JR: Well that was just not right at all! Someone should have stopped these goons!

GS: You should have got involved then Ross. I didn’t have a problem with it, I actually liked it. Owen Hart’s got a lot of talent, but it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have the brain to go along side it.

JR: I’ll certainly argue that statement, but we’d be here until Memorial Day. Let’s keep Spotlight rolling, we have Lex Luger backstage with Lance Russell.

IV – Shoot backstage and Lex isn’t exactly there yet.

Lance Russell: Lex is still in his locker roo…

Lex Luger: Wait just a minute, didn’t I tell you to wait until I came out of the dressing room before you had me in front of a camera! You’d better start listening or I might just rack you tonight.

Russell: Well I’m sorry…

Luger: That will be enough. It isn’t about you, and it never will be. The people want to hear about “The Total Package” Lex Luger and how he is going to beat Ric Flair at Capital Combat in 2 weeks. Then how “The Total Package” is going to beat Arn Anderson in the main-event at Capital Combat again, and walk out of DC with both the World Heavyweight and United States Championships! But first, in what I will refer to as a tune-up, Lex Luger goes one-on-one with Ole Anderson. And for some odd reason, the NWA Championship Committee would like me to put the US strap on the line. The nerve of these fools, don’t they know I’m in a hunt for the World Heavyweight Title? I’ll gladly give them this strap back after I win the big one, if there is actually a worthy contender around. But oh I forgot, that’s not the case.

Russell: So…

Luger: Don’t talk, just listen. To make things interesting, I’m going to try to imagine that Old Anderson, oops I mean Ole Anderson is actually Arn Anderson. That way I’ll be focused and this will actually be entertaining!


V – In a ho-hum slobberknocker, Ole Anderson defeats Lex Luger by disqualification after Lex shoved the referee. I guess Lex didn’t do too grand a job of the imagination game, because he wasn’t on his best tonight. And with Ole you already know what you are going to get going in, a decent slobberknocker. That’s what this turned into, after Luger just decided to go against the all out power regime he displayed in his bout with Arn. Maybe he’s tanking it in for the PPV, who knows? Best spot in this one came when Luger whipped Ole to the ropes and surprised everyone with a powerslam. Normally that’s not surprising but under these circumstances where Luger wasn’t giving it his all, well you get the point. Luger went for the cover after this powerslam, and when Ole managed to just kick out, that prompted Lex to confront the referee. The ref was not intimidated, and in turn Luger shoved him through the ropes out of the ring. “What a coward!”, JR exclaims, and Luger walks away title in hand.

(O:62 C:65 M:57)

VI – Scott Hall is scheduled to grace us in a few minutes.

GS: What a sly move by Luger, you have to love when a man is able to use technicalities to escape.

JR: I think that he just showed his true color, and it’s one that makes me sicker even more then Texas Burnt Orange, yellow!

Scott Hall hits the ring and this should be good.

Scott Hall: Hey yo, chico! The Bad Guy has been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve been asked to hurry up and make a decision as to when I want to take the strap off of that nobody TV Chump Steve Williams. I mean quick question, who would you the people rather see, me?

Scott gets a nice reaction from the crowd.

Or Steve Williams?

Steve also gets a nice reaction, nothing mind blowing.

Hall: You see? That was almost unanimous. Everyone wants to see this face on tv! I tell you, stick my face on a t-shirt, and you can sell those like hot-cakes. But as I was saying, you see it’s easy to get distracted when you got a lot on your mind. To make a long story short, I want you to do me a favor Steve. Get the TV strap, spray it with some kind of cleaner to get your smell off of it, and bring it to Washington DC! I’ll see you, chico, at Capital Combat! Now why you say, would I wait till the PPV? Cuz I wanna get the strap in the nation’s capital!

GS: There you have it, we’ll see Hall vs. Williams for the Television Championship at Capital Combat.

JR: It should be a good one, as well as our next contest with ‘Mean’ Mark Callous taking on The Dragonmaster


VII – ’Mean’ Mark Callous would pick up the victory over The Dragonmaster in impressive fashion. Word around those who consider themselves “in the know” around the NWA scene see a lot of potential in Mark Callous. They believe this big man has what it takes right now to make an impact on the professional wrestling scene. It will be interesting to see how this holds up. You would expect the crowd to be a bit more lively with these two as opposed to our opener, but once again it was silent. Callous was on the offensive for the majority of this contest, and slowly but surely we are beginning to see him expand his moveset. Today we saw him whip out a top-rope flying clothesline, which was a sight to behold according to Jim Ross. Gordon Solie made a comment about how intimidating a presence this man has, and how he can probably use his influence on any of the spineless referees within the NWA. Solie might be onto something because after Taker hit that clothesline he went for a cover which could have been 3, but Dragonmaster managed to kick out. The look Callous shot the official made it seem like the ref wished he had counted 3. This one didn’t last much longer after that, with Callous delivering a devastating chokeslam to finish the match.

(O:61 C:45 M:77)

JR: Another impressive win for ‘Mean’ Mark Callous on Spotlight, he has really been on a roll.

GS: Did you expect anything different? He’s a big man that has realized he can just throw his weight around here and no one will be able to stop him. It’s that simple for Mark Callous.

JR: Terry Funk might disagree, and I’ve just gotten word that Funk would like to address Callous later on tonight. But up next, exciting tag-team action when The Road Warriors battle the duo of Sid Vicious and Cactus Jack!

VIII – In Spotlight’s match of the night, and perhaps the NWA’s match of the month, The Road Warriors defeated Sid Vicious and Cactus Jack by pinfall. We have started to see some type of common bond form between Cactus Jack and Sid, and it showed in the squared circle today. Obviously when The Road Warriors are involved they can make any tag-team look experienced. Hawk and Cactus Jack started us off and they picked up where they left off from last week’s show. Big right hands from Hawk gained him an advantage, and he began his offensive attack with a snap suplex. The momentum would soon shift to Cactus Jack, who unloaded with his signature style of roughhouse brawling. Eventually he and Sid were able to cut Hawk off to their side of the ring, allowing them to make quick tags to keep each other fresh. When Hawk finally managed to get an advantage, he made a match-saving tag to Animal. Animal entered the ring and cleaned house. First he hit Sid with a shoulder charge, and then he clotheslined Cactus Jack to the outside of the ring. Cactus Jack was then attacked by Sting! Replay would show that during the match Sting pulled a switcheroo with one of the camera men. He knocks Cactus Jack out with a recording camera, allowing Hawk and Animal to set Sid up with the Doomsday Device. Cover, and The Road Warriors pick up the victory. Sting would wait until Sid laid in the ring by himself, before striking him with the camera as well. Sting would next lock in the Scorpion Death Lock before officials broke the battle up.

(O:82 C:72 M:92)

GS: You wanna talk about cowards? You’ve got to start with this Sting character? Where does he get off pulling that stunt?

JR: It was quite an idea I must say Gordon, and maybe, just maybe Sid Vicious had that coming to him. I know that Cactus Jack did.

IX – Terry Funk would make his anticipated trek to the ring. The fans gave him a decent response, and something interesting to point out, he was still carrying that steel chain that he choked Callous out with.

Terry Funk: Boy oh boy, I must say how fast do things change. If I remember correctly, not too long ago I was battling with Ric Flair, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. I was the hunter, the guy doing whatever it took to make a name for himself. Just a little while ago, it was me looking to take out whoever I had to just to make a name for myself. So if there is anything I understand, it’s I can see why Mark Callous has been targeting me for his vengeance. However, there is something this guy must know. I’m not some “rookie” to this game right here, I’ve been around. I know what it takes to get to the top, and I’m still on an attempt to do so. Callous, you’re nothing but a bump in the road. I’ve got a better analogy, consider me a pitbull. You’re a pussy cat. Right now the only thing keeping this pitbull from tearing apart that pussy cat, is this chain!

GS: Where is this guy going with this, I hope he knows we’re not a 3 hour show.

JR: Quiet, he’s getting to it.

Funk: That one may have went over a few of your heads, but Callous I want you to get out here right now. I want you to hear this directly.

‘Mean’ Mark Callous reappears from the back.

Callous: Before I hear what you have to say, you’d just better know it better be worth my time. I’m about 2 seconds from takin…

Funk: Wait just a minute, hear me out. It’s no secret that the two of us have continually attacked each other with this steel chain. So what do you say we do this Callous, how about we have ourselves a Steel Chain on a Pole match! We’ll take this here steel chain, get a nice-sized pole to place on one of these turnbuckles, and let the chain ascend from the pole. Whoever gets to it first gets to use it however they see fit!

Callous: It’s a shame I’m going to have to beat you like a drum Funk, because I actually like the way you think. I accept, we’ll do it at Capital Combat.

Funk: I couldn’t see any better place!


X – Lance Russell is backstage again. Hopefully this will go better then last time.

Russell: Lance Russell here again, always bringing you the news you care about. I’m here with Brian Pillman, who is moments away from taking on NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair. Brian.?

Brian Pillman: Yes? Don’t worry about me interrupting you, I’m not like “The Terrible Poison” Flex Kruger.

Russell: Thanks…

Pillman: But anyway, can I first start off saying that this is what I have been asking for, been dreaming for. Ever since I stepped foot in this promotion, all I’ve asked for is an opportunity to compete. That’s it, all I’ve wanted is a chance to compete against the best. And really, who is there alive right now better then Ric Flair? “The Nature Boy” styling and profiling, he’s probably got more World Title wins then anyone else on the roster. And who am I? I’m “Flying” Brian Pillman. The most underrated superstar on the planet. Well not anymore. Brian Pillman is evolving. Brian Pillman is emerging. Brian Pillman is ready. How about you Ric? You ready?


GS: Talk about determination, I like that in a wrestler.

JR: And I love it. I’m as big a Ric Flair supporter as the next guy, but he might have his hands full here. Determination can take a guy far.

XI – In the Spotlight Main-Event, Ric Flair defeats Brian Pillman by disqualification, after Lex Luger decided to get involved. Pillman has also been looked upon favorably by the powers that be, and tonight he was given a chance to prove himself against the best. He didn’t disappoint, but I’m still thinking he could have been a bit better. This match had a quicker pace then you are used to with Flair, and that certainly favored Pillman. Many near falls, and Pillman was in a hurry to get this thing over with. Best spot I saw in this one had to be Pillman’s missile dropkick that caught Flair in the kisser. And of course Flair, the actor that he is, sold it beautifully. Fans actually began rooting for Pillman, as expected with the underdog in this match. Flair, the genius that he is, changed the course of this match when he began to target Pillman’s knee. Slowly but surely he worked the right knee of Pillman, setting him up for the Figure Four Leglock. The damaged showed, when Pillman tried to go for another top-rope maneuver but slipped which allowed Flair to snap-mare him to the mat. With the Figure Four locked in, Pillman looked to be fading until Lex Luger gets involved. He pulls the referee out of the ring, earning Flair the DQ win and attacks Flair. Pillman is visibly upset but doesn’t get involved as Luger pounds away. Arn Anderson would make the save as Pillman left the scene, leaving Luger to flee as Spotlight ended.

(O:74 C:67 M:82)

Spotlight Grade: 73 = C

Spotlight TV Rating = 2.92

Edited by SeanB
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Ricky Steamboat to the NWA?

With the obvious benefits of competing in a nationally recognized federation, the hottest rumor concerning free agents involves 36 year old Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat’s talent is widely recognized as he is a world-class athlete, and with the news that he has interest in the 2 big North American promotions, the WWF and NWA, everyone has been contemplating certain scenarios as to where Steamboat could go. When asked about the situation after the past Spotlight event, Jim Ross gushed about the possibility of Steamboat coming to the NWA.

“Ricky Steamboat, what a talent right there. Of course we have heard that he wants to wrestle on a full-time basis, and it would be stupid for our promotion to not pursue him. With everyone jockeying for position in what has been sort of a down period for everyone within the business, Ricky Steamboat is the type of wrestler who could make an immediate impact within your promotion.”

Well we here at SI have developed our own theory, based on a story we received last week. We learned that the National Wrestling Alliance has signed a big wrestling star, which leads us to believe that maybe they have already acquired Steamboat. Who knows, but it definitely makes for compelling television.

James Cornette said to be a huge fan of Owen Hart

If anyone was surprised to see the interaction between The Great Muta and Owen Hart, don’t be. It’s well known that James Cornette is a huge fan of Owen Hart, and has specifically requested to see Owen and Muta battle in the ring. Look out for more of these two in the upcoming weeks.


What do NWA and ESPN have in common? NWA prides itself on sports first and entertainment second, while ESPN is a major sports network. News has leaked that representatives from both ESPN and NWA have met on a continual basis this month in regards to a new television show for the NWA. This couldn’t come at a better time as the locker room has gotten much testier after Power Hour was dropped. Landing a new deal could kill a lot of the heat between various individuals.

Current NWA Capital Combat Card

With just a week to go, this is the current lineup

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Double Jeopardy

Arn Anderson vs. Winner of Flair/Luger©

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Double Jeopardy

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair©

NWA Tag-Team Championships

No Disqualification

James Cornette barred from ringside

The Midnight Express vs. The Steiner Brothers©

NWA Television Championship

Scott Hall vs. Steve Williams©

Steel Chain on a Pole

Terry Funk vs. ‘Mean’ Mark Callous

NWA Worldwide Results Taped(05-13-1990)

Richmond, VA: Richmond Coliseum

Announcers: Gary Michael Cappetta and Bob Caudle

Road Agent Terry Garvin Reporting

The Juice d. The Iron Sheik(O:48 C:39 M:70)

Notes- Pretty solid opener, Juice is another one of those young gunners in the NWA.

Doom d. The Mod Squad(O:42 C:48 M:46)

Notes- There has been a lot of support to get Doom more TV time, and voila here there are. They squashed The Mod Squad handily, and then made a reference to becoming tag-team champs.

Tony Michaels issues an open challenge to anyone of the “untalented nobody’s in the back”, because he was kind of bored with just being here and not actually defeating anyone. Eddie Gilbert accepts, and we have a bout. – (73)

Tony Michaels d. Eddie Gilbert(O:59 C:55 M:78)

Notes- No matter where Michaels competes, whether it is on NWA Worldwide, or within the confines of the University of Texas, he succeeds.

Shane Douglas rips into Cactus Jack- 73

Notes- Good buildup for the main-event, can’t actually see Douglas beating Jack though. Cactus Jack has gained that killer instinct and is starting to assert himself.

Cactus Jack d. Shane Douglas(O:57 C:49 M:79)

Notes- See I told you, Highlight of the Night was when Cactus, who was standing on the apron is punching Shane Douglas who is inside the ring. They get tangled up, and with an impressive show of strength Jack suplexes Douglas to the mat on the outside of the ring!

Worldwide Grade: 58 = F

Worldwide TV Rating: 0.29

NWA Spotlight Preview

We’ll be in Baltimore, Maryland at the 1st Mariner Arena for this week’s spotlight, featuring a huge tag-team main-event. Ric Flair and his potential opponent at Capital Combat, Arn Anderson will team up to battle Brian Pillman and Lex Luger. With the 3 competitors in the Double Jeopardy competition all involved in this bout, and Brian Pillman serving as the wildcard, this one could get interesting.

With just 8 days remaining until The Steiners and The Midnight Express battle for the tag-titles again, we’ll see them compete in singles matches this week. Rick Steiner will battle Stan Lane while Scott will hook it up with Bobby Eaton.

Sid Vicious is expected to address Sting. With these two continually bumping heads, will anything get solved?

NWA Press Release

“NWA Spotlight, which is normally a 2 hour show on the TBS network, will be reduced to just an hour for the May 27th edition, which is also one day before the PPV.”

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NWA Spotlight

Baltimore, Maryland: 1st Mariner Arena

May 20th, 1990

Announers: Jim Ross and Gordon Solie

Jim Ross: Welcome to NWA Saturday Night Spotlight…

Gordon Solie: And I’m your host Gordon Solie, along with my co-host Jim Ross. Just so you know Ross, it isn’t fair that you are known as the lead host of Spotlight. No one would watch the program if it weren’t for my amazing insight.

Jim Ross: Of course Gordon, because after all you are the brilliant one.

Gordon Solie: Enough small talk Ross, let the people know what they can expect to see tonight.

JR: Right, our main-event features Lex Luger and Brian Pillman taking on Ric Flair and Arn Anderson. This one should definitely be noted, as with the 3 Double Jeopardy Contestants involved, I expect things to get very testy.

GS: And testy is exactly how I like it. But one thing I must point out, can Flair and Anderson coexist together? I know their background, but just think in 8 days they could be competing against each other for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. One has to wonder.

JR: Don’t forget that a few weeks ago, Flair cleaned Arn Anderson’s clock with that very belt.

GS: I nearly forgot, they haven’t even addressed each other about that one.

I – First up is Mr. Terry “I don’t need no music” Funk. He walks down to the ring with a steel chain around his neck, taunting Mark Callous.

Terry Funk: Mark Callous has been a thorn in my side for too long now. At first it started off as a joke to me, some youngster trying to make a name for himself. For a while I thought it was actually kind of interesting, but now I’m starting to get upset. With Callous running around here like he’s the man. ‘Mean’ Mark Callous actually believes that he is putting fear into our hearts. Give me a break Callous! You’re nothing but an egg-sucking dogg, yellow-bellied coward, who only makes a move when the odds are on his side. But you see me Callous, I don’t have the quality. I’m so stupid, I’ll fight whenever I feel my manhood being challenged. And you Callous, you’re putting me real close to the edge! If I wasn’t going to be a rule following citizen today, I’d John Wayne your butt from here all the way to DC!

JR: I haven’t seen Funk this riled up in ages.

GS: Yeah that Callous is really getting under his skin, it’s good to see some more fire out of Funk. I was beginning to think he was going soft.

Funk: You may have noticed this steel chain that I’m wearing around my neck, I know it seems a little weird. But after Callous tried to choke me out with it, call me cuckoo but I actually liked it. That’s right Callous, you actually made me appreciate the type of pain such a small object can cause to humans. You may have thought heading into our match next week, that allowing a steel chain to be used was going to be to your advantage. Oh but you are wrong, you are so wrong! Callous if you don’t remember one thing from right now, I want you to remember this: You Might Be Mean, But I’m Crazy As FUNK!


GS: Those are fighting words if I don’t say so myself, and I’m in a fighting mood. What do you say Ross, let’s get in that ring and square up?

JR: Not a chance Gordon, but we do have Rick Steiner taking on Stan Lane in the Spotlight Opener.

II – In perhaps the greatest Spotlight opener ever, Rick Steiner defeats Stan Lane in a back and forth contest. Going into the match, Ross noted how neither team has earned a legitimate pinfall or submission victory over the other, and how this could really gain some momentum heading into Capital Combat. Stan Lane controlled the match early on, slowing the match down to his style and playing to the cowardly heel. Anytime Rick seemed to get on the offensive, Stan Lane would coolly slide out of the ring and regain his composure. James Cornette would occasionally give him tips on how to attack Steiner, and one of his main tips was to take out the legs. You can’t be a force if you can’t actually move. Lane listened and slowly been to target Rick’s ankle. After a few minutes of this Rick turned the tide of the contest with a monsterous Belly 2 Belly Suplex. With the crowd giving him full support, he unleashes a clothesline to Stan Lane, followed up by one to Cornette who was trying to interfere. Steiner would finish Lane off with a well-executed German Suplex Pin, and wasted no time getting out of the ring as the match ended.

(O:87 C:85 M:89)

JR: Every time a Steiner battles a member from The Midnight Express, we are given a show.

GS: Yes no doubt about it, that battle has me excited for not only our other singles, but the tag title match as well.

JR: Speaking of titles, we now get see “The Bad Guy” Scott Hall, who will battle Steve Williams for the Television Title at Capital Combat, take on The Dragonmaster.

GS: I predict good things to come Hall’s way, really fast. He’s really an imposing figure.

JR: That is for sure, but The Dragonmaster can mix it up with the best.

III – In what normally would have been the Spotlight opener, Scott Hall defeats The Dragonmaster cleanly in this one. Talk about your contrasting of styles, it definitely showed up in this one. Hall would have preferred to keep this one a knockdown drag out brawl, while Dragonmaster wanted to use his speed to his advantage. As expected when you have a confrontation where power is meeting speed, 75 percent of time power is going to win out as it did here. Dragonmaster was simply overmatched here, as Hall could have ended the thing after he laid the master out with a big-time Chokeslam. Instead he decided that this would be the best way to send a message to Williams, who was shown to be watching the match backstage. JR marveled at how a 6’7 man could maneuver around the ring so easily. He’s right, Hall’s pretty nifty and he ended this contest with his newly crowned signature Hall-Away Slam. Nice name for the Fall-Away Slam. After the match he had a message for Williams.

Scott Hall: Stevie I hope you was watching, and I hope you were paying close attention. You see this right here, this was nothing. The Dragonmaster is a nice wrestler, pretty much like Steve Williams is a nice wrestler, pretty much like there are other nice wrestler’s within the National Wrestling Alliance. But you see then you have a guy like me, “The Bad Guy”. Far from nice, but still people would go wild if they couldn’t see me on TV. They also want to see me with TV Strap, and not just some cockroach. Williams it would be smart for you to think about going into another trade, because this just ain’t for you! Now Baltimore, say goodnight to the Bad Guy. It’s the last time you gonna see a Bad Guy like this, that’s for sure.

(O:54 C:32 M:76)

JR: That Scott Hall is a show-off. Bad Guy this, bad guy that. He’s one of the reasons I don’t leave my house after 10 PM.

GS: I thought it was because your wife would divorce you…

JR: Well that too. We now shall pay a visit to Sid Vicious, and this is sure to be interesting.

GS: It always is.

IV – Pre-taped video of Sid Vicious is shown.

Sid: STING! Once again you’ve decided to stick your painted face near the pits of hell. What type of man goes around with paint on his face anyway? And the fact that you decided to harm my good companion Cactus Jack, just who do you think you are Sting? Are you listening to me Sting? Well let me tell you this Sting, that doesn’t sit well with The Master of the Universe. Each time I step into that ring, I plan on hurting people. I plan on putting people in their worst misery. It doesn’t matter who they are. And last week Sting, I went to war with some of your buddies. You and The Road Warriors probably take turns putting paint on each other’s faces, like a bunch of prissy little women! Just thinking about something so feminine brings pain to The Master of The Universe’s MIND! Sting… I want you to know this. I know that you are scared to step in the ring with me, I sense that you dread the day that you have to meet me one-on-one again. Why else would it have taken so long for us to receive a singles return match Sting? Why else? We battled to a draw at Clash of The Champions, which means we should have met again at the next Spotlight! But No! You’re running scared Sting. Which has led me to start thinking.

I thought to myself Sting, what defines you as a competitor? What is it that sets you apart from other wrestlers, and no I’m not referring to the fact that you wear makeup. Then Sting, it hit me. When you hit the ring and attacked myself and Cactus Jack, I realized what separated you from any other nobody here. It’s that patented Scorpion Death Lock of yours, a very pain-inflicting hold if I don’t say so myself. While I certainly question all of your other decisions Sting, I must applaud you on your decision to add that to your repertoire. Like I was saying Scorpion King, I got to thinking and I finally reached the conclusion. What type of match would Sting most feel confident in facing me in? The Master of The Universe doesn’t care what he has to do to get you in the ring, just as long as it happens. So Sting, at Capital Combat, you’ll face me at Capital Combat. And since I am in the giving mood, I’ll give you a nice advantage. The only way to win our match will be by Submission. So get ready Sting, because The Master has been preparing. He’s got something up his sleeve!


JR: What a bizarre individual. What is he thinking of going against Sting in a match that clearly favors Sting?

GS: Well when you’re The Master, you can do things like that. I’m sure Sid knows what he is doing, and remember Ross, during submission matches anything goes so that also favors Sid. Makes for compelling TV, wouldn’t you say so?

JR: Most definitely, and now we are going to receive a good treat. Terry Funk against Sid Vicious.

V – In a surprisingly short contest, Sid Vicious and Terry Funk battle to a draw after ‘Mean’ Mark Callous refuses to allow the match to even begin. Terry Funk may just be the most well known competitor to enter the ring with no theme music. Like he says, he’s crazy as funk. And as for Sid, the crowd really loves to give it to him. One fan had a sign that labeled Sid as “The Master of Bation”, which is pretty witty if you ask me. This one only got about 5 minutes into it, until ‘Mean’ Mark Callous interrupted things by sitting by the announce booth. JR tried to speak and get him a headset but Callous ignored him, and he closely zoned in on the match. Funk was unable to concentrate at all and constantly watched Callous. Sid took advantage and used The Big Boot of Doom to send Funk to the outside of the ring. Once on the outside, Callous attacks and sends Terry Funk head first into the ring post. Sid refuses to be apart of this and instead of earning himself a victory by countout, he heads to the back. Bad move as Sting attacks him on the way, and announces that he agrees to participating in a submission match. Good stuff all around.

(O:78 C:74 M:83)

VI – Shane Douglas would defeat Mike Rotunda in a match featuring two talented individuals that aren’t getting enough TV time. We must get another show because these two really lit it up and sent a message that they want to get back on TV. They didn’t really create much a reaction among the crowd however, but still they didn’t bore anyone to death either. Rotunda created some heat by proclaiming his school would kill the University of Maryland in any sport. You don’t do that in Terrapin country and Douglas quickly capitalized and gained momentum. This match was slugfest city, each wrestling throwing dozens of punches. Rotunda gets a nomination for “Flex of The Night” with his beautiful Butterfly Suplex that looked like it was going to end it. It didn’t, Douglas kicked out but he didn’t gain from it. Rotunda brought the match to a standstill by applying the abdominal stretch, a hold that I always used to love but still wonder why it slowly got erased from wrestler’s move sets. He held Douglas in it nearly gaining a submission victory. A comeback attempt, a dropkick from Douglas, followed by a small package roll-up earned Douglas a victory. Obviously steamed that he got beat after controlling the thing, Rotunda snapped and planted Douglas with a Brainbuster.

(O:73 C:57 M:89)

JR: I don’t know about Gordon but I can’t wait to get to DC next week!

GS: And why is that Ross?

JR: Because it doesn’t get much better then Capital Combat, live on PPV on May 28th from the DC Armory in Washington DC. That Double Jeopardy Heavyweight Championship Two Step should be a doozy.

GS: Yeah I know it’s rare, but we actually agree. I wonder how Luger is going to react when he walks out of DC with both the United States and World Heavyweight Titles.

JR: Is that a prediction?

GS: No it’s a fact, no disrespect to either Arn or Flair, but they cannot match the strength of The Total Package. I really haven’t seen anyone that can. And Arn has already lost to Luger, why’s he even in the match?

JR: That was not legitimate and you know it. Another brawl I am going to enjoy is Mark Callous and Terry Funk in the first ever NWA Steel Chain on a Pole Match. Speaking of which, we have Mark Callous backstage with Lance Russell. Lance?

VII – Lance is backstage and he doesn’t look too pleased. It’s bad enough when you’re trying to get a word with an asshole like Lex Luger and the like, but ’Mean’ Mark Callous? He’s in his own category.

Lance Russell: I’m hear with Terry Funk’s opponent at Capital Combat, ‘Mean’ Mark Callous!

Mark Callous: I think you meant to say that Terry Funk is my victim at Capital Combat. No don’t worry, I’m not going to beat you up. That wouldn’t get me to where I am trying to go, which is to the top.

LR: That’s good to hear.

Mark Callous: But you must be quiet and let me speak. From my previous actions over the past month or so, you may think that I see beating Terry Funk has a great accomplishment. That is far from the truth and anyone who believes that garbage needs to come see me as soon as possible. I’ll beat that idea out of you so fast you’d want me behind bars. But as far as The Funker is concerned, he is just a stepping stone to ‘Mean’ Mark Callous’ career. I mean honestly what really am I going to gain out of beating him? He doesn’t hold any major championships, he’s just a regular guy. But the thing is, because he’s more experienced then I am. Wait a minute, we all know Terry Funk is an over the hill bum. He only continues to put his body through pain because it’s all he knows. Terry Funk has to get beat up because that’s the only thing he can do to make a living.

Wow talk about taking a shot.

Callous: I hate that since the Funker is an elderly senior citizen, that he expects me to go around showing him respect. Where I come from, respect ain’t given. It’s earned and the best way I learned how to get my respect was to beat it out of people. Terry Funk got off lucky back in April at The Clash, because I didn’t get as much time with him as I wanted. But he should know this, in 8 days, at Capital Combat, there is not going to be a shortage of time. When he enters the ring, he’d better go straight for the chain. You wanted a fight Funk, you got it. You want respect, you better be ready to earn it!

Strong words, he’s ready to go at it today.


GS: Ross I can say one thing, I’m glad I don’t have to interview people. That guy is intense.

JR: I don’t think he’s so bad.

GS: Oh really? Let’s get him down here and he can take my spot. Then we’ll see how you feel.

JR: That won’t be necessary, but here’s one guy I never mind sitting down with. Ladies and Gentleman, Arn Anderson!

VIII – We go to a pre-taped video of a sit down conversation between Arn Anderson and Jim Ross.

JR: Arn what is it going to be like if you have to face Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship next Sunday?

Arn Anderson: You know that’s tough Jim, I’ve been putting a lot of thought into that. Sure it’s easy to say I’m going to go into it like it’s any other match, but it’s obviously far from that.

JR: How so?

AA: Well you take my opponent, who’s also been attached to my hip for the better part of my career, Ric Flair. Then you think about the circumstances. A PPV Main-Event. The richest prize in the game, the National Wrestling Alliance’s World Heavyweight Championship! I mean it doesn’t get any bigger then this. I haven’t had too many opportunities like this, and Ric has. Ric may have wrestled in more World Title matches then anyone else in the locker room combined. He’s the real deal.

JR: So obviously that means you should root against Flair then right?

AA: Well I hate to say it even though I think he’s got half a brain, but Luger’s no push-over. He’s probably the strongest guy I’ve ever faced. It won’t be a cakewalk in the ring with him either. Physically he can really wear you down. But Ric Flair, great buddy, great champion, he’s got all of the experience in the world compared to me.

JR: Flair’s got a reputation for being the dirtiest player in the game. Would you be able to count on getting a straight-up contest with Flair?

AA: Listen, The Nature Boy and I have already discussed this. It’s pretty much an unspoken rule that if any of the Horsemen ever have to battle each other, it’s to be as clean a match as possible. No funny business, because that would ruin the integrity of The Horsemen. Ric looked me in the eye and said he would have it no other way. Luger may not be so lucky, but that is not one of my concerns.

JR: How do you think things would change should you win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship?

AA: Things shouldn’t change at all. When you’re a member of The Horsemen, and we are traveling and going from hotel to hotel and someone yells champ, we all turn around!

JR: But really Arn, what’s it going to mean to get over the hump and win the World’s Title?

AA: I’ve dreamed of being the World Heavyweight Champion ever since I was a little boy. I knew aligning myself with Ric Flair could halt that process, and that was something I was willing to deal with. I’d much rather be a companion of Flair’s then an adversary. I’m sure he feels the same way. But still within my heart, no matter what I still need to be the World Heavyweight Champion. At the end of my career, I don’t want to have that stigma of playing second fiddle to anyone. I don’t want to be known for not ever winning the big one. It’s pretty clear that I have all the abilities that will allow me to finally hold the strap. Now it’s just a matter of going out and taking what’s coming to me.

Arn always delivers the promo goodness.


IX – Scott Steiner would defeat Bobby Eaton in a wild one, continuing the recent trend of great matches between the two factions. As with the match from earlier between Rick and Stan Lane, and the tag-title match from a couple of weeks ago, this bout is also nominated for Sports Illustrated NWA Match of The Month. With further deliberation maybe this one should have been the main-event as opposed to what actually is the main-event. About 3 minutes into the match, Stan Lane decided to come to the ring and support his teammate directly. Rick Steiner refused to allow his brother to have to face other odds, and he too made a ringside appearance. Inside of the ring both unleashed a preview of what to expect from the match in 8 days. Scott Steiner displayed an offense with a lot of variety, showing his power with a Pumphandle Slam. A big Steiner Line clothesline knocked Eaton out of the ring. And Scott gave him no time to rest, lunging over the top-rope and crashing onto him. Order was quickly restored and back in the ring Bobby Eaton was now showing Scott his offense. Gordon Solie claims that Eaton as the best Brainbuster in the business, and he’s not going to get any arguments here. Steiner looked finished but he just made a kick out at 3. Meanwhile on the outside, Rick used those annoying barks to get the crowd on his brother’s side. Scott responded with a couple of snap suplexes before delivering a standing vertical suplex. Cover is broken up by Stan Lane conveniently placing Eaton’s leg on the nearby ropes. Steiner calls him on it, nearly costing him the match as Eaton rolls him up in the school boy. Cover is broken and the crowd releases a collective sigh of relief. Stan Lane would change the course of the match, but not in favor of his opponent. After a Cornetter caused distraction which sees him trying to clean Rick’s clock with his tennis racket, Stan Lane enters the ring. With Eaton holding Steiner’s arms, Stan Lane attempts a superkick. Usually masters of illegal double teaming, TME somehow allows Steiner to move out of the way which follows with Lane taking out Eaton. Steiner then throws Lane out of the ring, gets the cover and the win. Rick would eventually snatch the racket away from Cornette, and chases him up the entrance way as The Steiners look unstoppable heading into Capital Combat.

(O:90 C:86 M:95)

JR: Wow what a match!

GS: Yeah it doesn’t get any better then that, you’ll only find action like that on NWA Spotlight!

JR: No doubt about it. And you’ll only find Ric Flair here too!

X – Ric Flair is backstage with Lance Russell. He’s excited to be around Flair as he should be.

Lance Russell: Ladies and gentleman, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ric Flair!

Ric Flair: You know the Nature Boy is stylin’ and profilin’, anywhere he’s at. We all know that Charlotte is really Flair Country, but I don’t know these people here in Baltimore love the Nature Boy too! WOOOOO!

Fans go nuts for Flair.

Lance Russell: Well Ric not many people in this business are capable of entertaining like you. I can only think of handful of guys that can. Sting, Arn Anderson, Terry Funk and… Lex…

Flair: Please don’t say it. Don’t say Flexy Lexy, “The Toilet’s Problem” Lex Luger. Everyone knows that Lex Luger is not half the man that I am, but he’s the wrestler too. If I am not mistaken Lex Luger’s got half a brain too, because if he a full functional brain, he wouldn’t be challenging The Nature Boy Ric Flair.

Lance Russell: I’ve heard some even believe that Luger is the wildcard in all of this, and he could leave DC as a Double Champion.

Flair: Lance! Luger can’t win. He doesn’t have what it takes to hold this strap! I’ve seen Luger at his best, and while it may be good enough to be champion of the United States, it don’t qualify him to be champion of the World! To be champion of the World, at any given moment you have got be able to wrestle the full 60 minutes! You know why in some parts of the world they call Ric Flair the 60 minute man? Do you?

LR: Not really, please elaborate?

Flair: Well because on any given night, Ric Flair can satisfy your woman in the bedroom for a full 60 minutes, and then beat her man in the ring for a full 60 minutes. I’d be surprised if Luger could even give me half an hour, let alone the full 60!

LR: What about Arn Anderson?

Flair: What about him?

LR: Can he go the full 60 minutes?

Flair: It’s obvious that if Arn Anderson is a member of the 4 Horseman, then he’s one of the best alive!

Obviously dodging the question, Russell goes even deeper.

LR: Are you afraid to face Arn Anderson for the World Heavyweight Championship?

Flair: Russell, it’s about time you understand something. The only thing that puts fear into the heart of The Nature Boy, is the man upstairs. Arn bleeds the same blood I bleed, and so does any of the other boys in the back! But as for Lex Luger, I think his blood more or less matches the color of this fine robe I’m wearing.

In case you can’t tell, Flair’s robe is yella. Luger’s a yellow-bellied coward.


XI – In the Spotlight Main Event, the odd pairing of Lex Luger and Brian Pillman picked up the upset over Flair and Arn Anderson. The crowd may have been a little worn out after this one, as this Spotlight did feature a few marquee matches. And this one wasn’t that long either, with the official time not even hitting 12 minutes. You know the big wigs don’t want to give away their main-event on free TV, and this one saw a lot of Brian Pillman getting beaten up by Flair and Arn Anderson. Each time Pillman tried to make a tag, Luger made no attempt to comply. He seemed very disinterested and allowed his partner to take much of a beating. As for the other side, Arn Anderson and Flair have great chemistry together as a team. Take note of that maybe they’d turn their attentions towards the tag titles currently held by The Steiners? That would sell, trust me. Pillman however did manage to mount an offensive attack on Flair, taking him down with a Russian Leg Sweep near his own corner. With a blind tag Luger inserted himself in the ring and took advantage of a fallen Flair. Stomps to the head, kicks to the abdomen, and he was really letting him have it with each. After a blantant choke out Arn had to get involved, but was quickly shooed away by the ref which allowed for more blatant Luger choking. With Flair taking such punishment, Lex called for the Torture Rack. He locks it in but Flair refuses to submit. Lex releases the hold and flexes in the face of Arn Anderson. Arn is livid and dying for Flair to make a tag. The match would end with a huge statement: Luger again racking Flair and this time with Flair submitting! Ref calls for the bell, and Luger continues to hold Flair in the rack. He finally releases and puts a beating on him. Arn who was busy dealing with Pillman takes an issue with Luger embarrassing his buddy. He goes to retrieve the World Heavyweight Title, in a similar sequence to last month, Double A misses Luger with the belt and nails Flair. Luger escapes and Spotlight concludes on a sour note.

(O:80 C:77 M:83)

Spotlight Grade: 78 = B-

Spotlight TV Rating: 2.99

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