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Cole versus Hurricane

Story: You've been accepted as a freelance graphics artist by a film company, and they want you to design for them a promotional poster for their upcoming movie, _________. The design will be featured in movie theaters wherever the movie is being shown, so they especially want you to do a good job with it.

Basic Rules: Create a movie poster for whatever upcoming movie you'd like or, if there are none that you're interested in doing, create one for your favorite movie. Take a look at actual theater promotional posters for movies before you make one, though... remember: the more professional the design, the better the results.

Restrictions: Credits for the film are optional, but you MUST have the names of at least one or two main actors/actresses featured in the movie featured somewhere on the poster, as well as the name/logo of the movie itself.

Size: 600x860

Deadline: Sunday, March 26th

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Nice work Cole.

If I could make a suggestion, you might want to see if you can clean up some of the fade effects. Theres spots where things are going through where they shouldn't. - You can see Def's tie through Bruce Willis's head on the far left and the center cut of Def has the same problem with the haad and right shoulder area.

Also you might try to get the large 16 in the middle a bit less choppy around the edges.

Other than that, although its a bit busy for my taste I definately get a feel for the movie and its something that would easilly grab my attention at the theater.

really nice work.

Edited by Wildcat
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Since I haven't been told otherwise, I'm guessing I've been allowed to replace Hurricane. This is my interpretation of Iron Man, which IMDb lists as coming out in 2007. I've chosen Brendan Fraser for the role because I think he'd fit it perfectly. I'm unsure whether or not New Line are still distributing this, but IMDb lists them as distributors, so why not.

Ye olde linketh

Good luck to you Cole.

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Holy shit, I was totally working on iron man earlier, but got stuck so I gave up and did a different movie. My current poster is still called ironman.psd cause I'm using the same canvas.

Looks good btw

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Pros: Uhm...

Cons: Okay, let's start with the thing that caught my attention first: You've got one person on that picture who isn't blended, and instead has very prominent colors coming from his attire and his skin. The rest of the graphic? Red, all red... except for the logo, which is BLUE. All of the fonts are white, except for the 'blocks' text, which is BLACK. The logo is of poor quality around the edges, that bevel is horrible, the blending of the pictures used is really, truly poor. That bottom area? Completely useless! Why would you have it fade off into a graphical-esque background when you're going for a movie poster look? Browse a few theatrical posters, when they put in hype like you tried to do, they make it really subtle, yet your text is bold and isolated yet huge. The poster really doesn't give off the idea to the casual viewer as to what the movie is about, except that there's been a witness and 16 blocks... you could have done a better way of explaining the movie subtley to the viewer then that. I really hate to be mean and all, but I honestly could find nothing good about this as a movie poster.



Pros: Your placement is great, and you picked some really crisp quality pictures there for the poster-- always a plus. The logo looks nice and sharp, the city looks perfect as the backdrop there, just all in all a nice, quality effort.

Cons: I wouldn't have included a picture of Fraser, actually... it's unneccesary since the actor's name is already placed on the poster. What I would have done was find a larger picture of Ironman in the pose you have him in there, and make the 'flying effect' larger, so that Ironman took up the majority of the graphic with the city backdrop still behind him. Also, I'd have centered him, so as to draw more focus on him.



I really am sorry if I'm coming off as an ass, but I can't seem to find anything good with Cole's attempt at a poster... and that in and of itself is the biggest thing bringing it down.

Maiden, on the other hand, has a quality idea with a few chips that bring it down. Like I said, my suggestion would be to remove Fraser, enlarge Ironman and the flight effects, and center him. That's all you'd need to do and I'd have thought this was a really, really great quality effort. Just a few kinks to work out.

In the end, I'm giving this one to Aaron Maiden without, unfortunately, any questioning of the decision. Cole's effort just wasn't even close to his best... and Aaron came out full stride. There was a huge gap between the two in this thing.

Thank you both for participating, I hope to see you back and improved next time Cole; and welcome to the second round, Aaron.

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