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The two and a half block on Sunday nights on HBO.


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So, yeah, who else has caught any of these four shows as of late? I'm not a Deadwood viewer, but I'm a big Entourage fan and the show has stayed class this year.

Lucky Louie has been meh. I do love Jerry Minor's stuff on the show, though, as it's usually his and C.K.'s banter that steals the episode.

Tourgasm's far too weak than it should be. I was more hyped when I thought he was just doing an HBO comedy special by the way the first ads were leaning. And Jay Davis is such a pussy. Coming from a person who is a pussy, believe me, he's a pussy.

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Deadwood is good. Not as good as the previous two seasons so far, but still good. Entourage has been good so far. Johnny Drama in last nights episode was great. I liked Lucky Louie. Jim Norton was great as usual. I hate the black family. They are shit. And Tourgasm sucks so far. Give me some good comedy not them on a tour bus. Jay Davis is a fag and needs to stop doing that terrible TLC "joke." He sucks ass.

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I've only been watching Entourage so far (I'm a season and a half behind on Deadwood), but it's been at its best the first two eps. This week's was ridiculously good.

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So the most recent Entourage was alright. Not as good as the last two episodes, though. I'm hoping they keep Dom a bit on the low end, but it is a decent idea to have some conflict for Vince's boys.

Didn't catch LL or Tourgasm this week. That's probably for the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously, this latest episode HAS to be the most badass all year. I know it seems I say that about every Entourage, but in this one Vince comes off as a badass, Ari shows a brief bit of humanity, and the Paul Haggis cameo worked well.

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I love Entourage. It is probably one of my top 5 favorite tv shows. Haven't seen the latest episode yet will probably watch it sometime this week when it replays everyday on the movie network.

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Other then that, it was awesome this week. Johnny Drama getting pissed when even Turtle had more on the go than him > *.

Oh, and I saw a bit of that Lucky Louie. It was awful. Like late 90's CBS sitcom awful.

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