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The top 100 films according to EWB

Crybaby Bunting

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I do agree the point system is unbalanced. I'd prefer it based on a .5 instead of 1 whole point scale.

10 for 1, 9.5 for 2, and so on.

But wouldn't that be exactly the same as the system i was using already, only using 0.5 instead of 1, so it is still going up at the same proportion? In effect it is used to seperate two or more entries that are relatively close to each other, so the ranking scheme works easier. Although i'll take them ideas into considreation next time (Y)

Yeah, the order would end up being exactly the same, wouldn't it? I'm no good at this stuff though, so maybe I'm wrong.

Come to think of it, that's probably the case. For some reason when I posted that I was thinking differently.

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I do agree the point system is unbalanced. I'd prefer it based on a .5 instead of 1 whole point scale.

10 for 1, 9.5 for 2, and so on.

But wouldn't that be exactly the same as the system i was using already, only using 0.5 instead of 1, so it is still going up at the same proportion? In effect it is used to seperate two or more entries that are relatively close to each other, so the ranking scheme works easier. Although i'll take them ideas into considreation next time (Y)

Yeah, the order would end up being exactly the same, wouldn't it? I'm no good at this stuff though, so maybe I'm wrong.

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I do agree the point system is unbalanced. I'd prefer it based on a .5 instead of 1 whole point scale.

10 for 1, 9.5 for 2, and so on.

But wouldn't that be exactly the same as the system i was using already, only using 0.5 instead of 1, so it is still going up at the same proportion? In effect it is used to seperate two or more entries that are relatively close to each other, so the ranking scheme works easier. Although i'll take them ideas into considreation next time (Y)

Yeah, the order would end up being exactly the same, wouldn't it? I'm no good at this stuff though, so maybe I'm wrong.

Come to think of it, that's probably the case. For some reason when I posted that I was thinking differently.

I propose a new idea, how about 100 for 1, 95 for 2, etc. :shifty:

It's alright, damshow, just had to take the piss out of you a little. We all still love you, though. :P

This is the last time I ever offer you guys any help.

Don't ask me for the cure for cancer, because you're not getting it!

Edited by damshow
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DJMasterScooter's Top 20 Films:

1. Empire Strikes Back

2. Annie Hall

3. Clerks

4. Singin' In The Rain

5. Pulp Fiction

6. Four Rooms

7. Say Anything

8. The Breakfast Club

9. Vertigo

10. La Jetee (or it's American remake: 12 Monkeys)

11. American Beauty

12. Monty Python & The Life of Brian

13. A Clockwork Orange

14. Logan's Run

15. Blade Runner

16. Shaun of The Dead

17. The Two Jakes

18. The Godfather

19. Schindler's List

20. Sophie's Choice

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Guest Chasing Ringy

I go through phases, so I'll just list the movies based on my current whims

1. Citizen Kane

2. The Breakfast Club

3. Le Samourai

4. Blue Velvet

5. Almost Famous

6. Chasing Amy

7. The Godfather

8. American Beauty

9. The Shawshank Redemption

10. The Bycycle Thief

11. Cria Cuervos

12. The Princess Bride

13. La Haine

14. Mullholland Drive

15. Insomnia (The Swedish one)

16. Chinatown

17. The Usual Suspects

18. Mephisto

19. Smalla Sussie

20. Casablanca

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1. Reservoir Dogs

2. Clerks

3. Pulp Fiction

4. Fight Club

5. The Godfather Part II

6. Chasing Amy

7. Monty Python And The Search For The Holy Grail

8. The Godfather

9. Sin City

10. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

11. Back To The Future

12. Dogma

13. Rounders

14. Office Space

15. Old School

16. The 40 Year Old Virgin

17. The Butterfly Effect

18. Walk The Line

19. Clerks II

20. Boogie Nights

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1) It's A Wonderful Life

2) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

3) Crash

4) American Beauty

5) Goodfellas

6) Reservoir Dogs

7) The Usual Suspects

8) Battle Royale

9) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

10) Die Hard

11) Die Hard: With A Vengeance

12) Big Trouble In Little China

13) Singin' In The Rain

14) The Shawshank Redemption

15) The Lady Vanishes (the 1938 original)

16) Ten Little Indians

17) Ong-Bak

18) Serenity

19) Big Fish

20) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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