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Who Wants To Be A Superhero

Fanku Kaibutsu

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So, anyone else been watching Who Wants to Be A Superhero on Sci Fi? It's a reality show hosted by Stan Lee where a group of people dress up like superheros and compe to have a comic book made based on their character. It's pretty decent so far. There've been some nice swerves with some of the eliminations and tests.

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Yes. I'm glad Iron Enforcer is still on the show, and Stan Lee's incessant whining about how "superheroes don't kill people!!!1" gets on my nerves. This is the same guy who founded the company that publishes the likes of X-Men & The Punisher, and while they're not necessarily superheroes in the strictest sense of the term, kids still see them as such.

Glad he's a villain now though, I just want to see him on the show.

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My GF and I are big fans of this show...

We both agree that Feedback is the one that we want to win

We really don't like his new costume....

SHE said from the beginning of the first show that Iron Enforcer would make a great supervillian and damn if she wasn't right!!

That is why I love her, the dark little girl that she is...

This actually is a very cool show idea...

PROPS to Marvel and Stan Lee...

BTW We agree with you Cloudy completely!!!!

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I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. The one chick after her makeover looked hot too... and not Fat Momma, why is she there?

I like Feedback's new costume. And I love Iron Enforcer as a Villian. I'm not sure who I am rooting for yet, but this is high quality entertainment.

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Who do you guys like the least?

I have to say I don't like Creature much, nor did I care for Cell Phone Girl at all. Cell Phone Girl as a superhero was just a really fucking stupid idea, and to me it screamed "LOOK AT ME. I'M TRYING TO GET ON TV WITH A RIDICULOUS GIMMICK."

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Fat Momma needs to go next. I mean, really now, what the hell.

Monkey Girl continually doing that laugh is annoying but shit, she deserves props for that challenge with the dogs so she should at least last longer than Fat Momma.

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I easily disliked Iron Enforcer the most. it wasn't because of the whole 'super heroes don't kill' thing, it was because he looked like a bad Image character from 1996. I'll give him a chance as a heel, though. Cellphone girl sucked too, giving up on the dogs after 4 seconds 'cuz she had a headache? Bitch, you're supposed to be a superhero. You gotta rise up and overcome shit like that.

And I have to say, I think Creature is hawt. :shifty:

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Iron Enforcer does have a very 90's look but aside from Major Victory he's the most entertaining when it comes to confessionals, so I'm glad he's still around.

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This show makes me kick myself for not applying as The Zinger (who only GhostMachine had the honor to behold in City of Heroes.)

Untrue! I saw The Zinger as well.

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It seems kind of hypocritical to me to chastize The Heroes for giving up their real names while the biggest thing going on in comics today, hell probably in the last 5 years, is a story arc about superheroes like Spiderman and Iron Man giving up their identities to the government and public.

And I wonder, would they have been chastized if they'd have given a fake 'real' name?

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It seems kind of hypocritical to me to chastize The Heroes for giving up their real names while the biggest thing going on in comics today, hell probably in the last 5 years, is a story arc about superheroes like Spiderman and Iron Man giving up their identities to the government and public.

And I wonder, would they have been chastized if they'd have given a fake 'real' name?

No, the real irony is that the comic book that pretty much made Stan Lee the legend he is now starred superheroes with public identities (the Fantastic Four). Unfortunately, nobody was clever enough to bring this up and clearly they're going for superhero cliches ra

It really sucks that Tyveculus is gone. He fucked up big (come on, after the first two volunteered themselves to go it was just stupid not to do the same), but now we've got Fat Momma being a total drama queen.

The Dark Enforcer is awesome, though.

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