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WCW - The New Millenium

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World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Federation continued going at it in the ratings department. WCW had the biggest change, going up by .34 in the ratings for Thunder. WWF's Smackdown! went down by .03 from 5.88 to 5.85. Thunder's rating last week was 4.00, and it climbed to a 4.34 this week. The results for each show are below:

Quick Results for Thunder :

Paul Heyman comes out and announces the matches, including the 2 World Title Tournament matches for the night and the tag team Main Event - 82%

Mike Awesome beat Buff Bagwell in a big squash match - 68%

Super Crazy beat Juventud Guerrera to face Yoshihiro Tajiri at Sin with the Cruiserweight Title on the line - 81%

Curt Hennig announced that he had found a partner for Sin - 85%

A mysterious video is played, saying Sting will face this mystery man at Sin - 81%

Eddie Guerrero/Booker T beat The Filthy Animals/Rick Steiner & Lex Luger to face The Impact Players at Sin for the Tag Team Titles - 72%

Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam have a confrontation in the back - 80%

Sandman beat Roddy Piper in the World Title Tournament - 64%

Rob Van Dam beat Diamond Dallas Page to advance in the World Title Tournament - 77%

Goldberg challenged The Outsiders to a handicap match at Sin - 86%

Randy Savage & Sabu beat Rhino & Jerry Lynn after they had some miscommunication - 79%

Overall Rating - 77%

Quick Results for Smackdown!

Triple H came out and said that Rocky didn't deserve his title shot, and he would give him a chance to prove he did tonight in a Non-Title Matchup - 81%

X-Pac beat Gillberg to retain his Lightweight Title - 56%

We see clips of Kane's burial of The Undertaker from last week - 79%

The Dudley Boyz beat Edge & Christian to retain their Tag Team Titles - 83%

Kurt Angle disses on The Big Show for a bit and makes fun of him losing at The Royal Rumble - 91%

Prince Albert beat Jeff Hardy & Al Snow in a Triangle Match via the use of brass knuckles - 71%

Tazz squashed Test in a singles matchup where Test was KO'ed - 71%

Tazz got on the mic and said the old Tazz is back - 82%

Chris Jericho beat Kane to retain his title after botched interference from The British Bulldog, Kane & Bulldog were chased off after Undertaker returned - 82%

British Bulldog runs right out of the building to his limo, but Jericho catches him and hits him with his IC belt - 88%

Triple H beat The Rock via cheating and quickly ran off afterwards, leaving The Rock pissed off in the ring - 97%

Overall Rating - 81%

Smackdown! might have been a little better this week, but fans are beginning to turn to the WCW product suddenly. And a mistake from last week, Chris Jericho will not be joining World Championship Wrestling until mid-April sometime. His contract is not up for three more months and he has reported that he isn't definite on his decision to join World Championship Wrestling. Either way, he will make an impact.

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WCW Monday Nitro Results

January 24th, 2000

We start the night with various wrestlers standing in the ring, posing for the camera. The WCW logo flies across the screen for a second before we zoom in to get a better view. We then fade out as we head to the live viewing of Monday Nitro!

Opening Segment

We start the night with, once again, Paul Heyman and his ECW goons coming down to the ring. The announcers say that one shouldn't have missed Thunder, as we saw a great Main Event where Randy Savage and Sabu beat Rhino and Jerry Lynn! They also point out that Lynn and Rhino have had some trouble working as a team lately. By this time, Heyman is in the ring. Behind him stand Rhino, Rob Van Dam, The Sandman, and Jerry Lynn. Heyman looks like he has something on his agenda, so he gets straight to work.

Paul Heyman - Rhino! Jerry!

He faces these two as Sandman and Van Dam back away a bit.

Paul Heyman - You two are so lucky I don't fire you right here on the spot! Twice! Twice now, you've screwed up. Last week on Nitro, you lost a Triple Threat match against Chris Benoit. Then, on Thunder last week, you lose a tag team match against Randy Savage and Sabu! RANDY SAVAGE AND SABU! I really don't know what I'm gonna do with you two. Thankfully, neither of you has a match tonight. But I have some matches planned for the two of you. Not tonight, and maybe not at Thunder, but Sin is just a week away! You will prove yourselves to me. I know you both are better than what you've been showing everyone lately, so I expect only the best from you! Now, onto tonight's business.

He looks over to The Sandman, who is wearing his Hardcore Championship.

Paul Heyman - Sandman! What a great example. Night after night you prove yourself. You show everyone what ECW is all about! And tonight, you got Goldberg in the World Title Tournament. But, just like last week, your Tournament Match is automatically a hardcore match, since your the Hardcore Champion. It makes sense, right? Now, Sandman, Goldberg is a man to be feared. You can't take him lightly. But I have no doubt in my mind you will win tonight.

Paul stops for a moment before he faces Rob Van Dam, his #1 star. He smiles to himself a bit and then continues.

Paul Heyman - Rob...Van...Dam! You've had some trouble with Chris Benoit lately. I want to help you. We both know Benoit isn't the athlete that you are. So, who says for sure that Chris Benoit can make it to the finals? I doubt he will get there. But if he doesn't, I will put him in your Finals Matchup, just so you can get a piece of him. It works both ways. Whatever match your in, he'll be in! I know you've wanted him in the ring for a long time, and I'm going to give you Chris Benoit at Sin! But for now, you watch our Main Event....Sting and Ric Flair. I'm not sure if you know or not, but you got the winner at Thunder this week. So, watch that one. And that is all for tonight.

With that, Heyman finishes his annual address to his ECW members and exits the ring. Jerry Lynn and Rhino look to be a little upset, but RVD and Sandman look fine. Sandman yells at a couple of fans and points to his Hardcore Title Belt as the four walk to the back and we prepare for our first matchup.

Overall Rating - 83%

Singles Matchup

Curt Hennig Vs. Buff Bagwell

Buff Bagwell is out first and the fans give him a decent ovation, nothing too good though. He tries to get them louder, but it doesn't work. Finally, he stands in the ring and just waits for his opponent, Curt Hennig. Curt Hennig's country music starts and he walks out from the back wearing his blue tights. He smiles his crooked smile as he walks down the ramp and gets in the ring. He stretches himself out for a bit and the bell rings. Curt Hennig immediately goes on the attack and grabs Bagwell's leg. He then locks in a submission move on the leg of Bagwell just to start things off.

Buff Bagwell is down and can't get an advantage for the first three or four minutes, but he finally turns it around in a big way after he blocks a suplex and hits a front suplex that sees Hennig land on the top turnbuckle, crotch-first. Hennig sells it wells as Buff then hits a Superplex on him. Buff is up and the fans are getting behind him, but Curt Hennig knows exactly how to slow Bagwell down. Buff comes running in and drops an elbow, but it misses badly as Hennig moves out of the way early. Hennig then gets Bagwell's legs and looks like he is about to apply a Sharpshooter, but he stops. He then stomps Bagwell clearly in the groin! The ref yells at Hennig, but Hennig snaps right back at the ref, scaring him away. Hennig then picks Bagwell up and hits a Hennig-Plex. He holds it and the ref has no other choice but to make the three count. Curt Hennig picks up the win and he decides to do some bragging. He gets in the camera's face and says, "that's what's gonna happen to you, Funkster!" He continues as we head to a commercial.

Crowd Reaction - 76%

Match Quality - 74%

Overall Rating - 75%


The Outsiders....no more??

We come back from a commercial to see Kevin Nash sitting on a couch. It appears as though we have a live feed from his house. He looks somewhat upset, and this is only met with boos from the fans to make it worse. He then speaks.

Kevin Nash - Ya know, Goldberg made the challege on Thunder. He wants me and Scott Hall in a Handicap Match....now, that would normally be the beginning of the end for that piece of crap, but we can't have that match. Scott is having some real family problems right now, so he won't be able to make it to Sin. But Goldberg, I WILL be at Sin! So, me and you, one-on-one! How 'bout it? And you WILL be facing me at Sin, because you will not make it one more round in that World Title Tournament! See you soon, Goldberg.

The fans boo some, but wonder what's going on with Scott Hall. This is soon forgotten as anything real important is in the world of wrestling when "Song 2" by Blur starts up in the live arena.

Crowd Reaction - 87%

Singles Matchup

Konnan Vs. Mike Awesome

"Song 2" by Blur continues as Mike Awesome walks out from the back. He looks quite focused, as usual. He walks into the ring as Konnan's music plays and Konnan walks out. The announcers put over how well Awesome has been doing lately, and how it looks like no one can stop this monster. Konnan gets in the ring and bell signals the start of the match. To no one's surprise, this match doesn't last too long. We see Konnan get one punch in at the very start, but Awesome shrugs it off and proceeds to hit some impressive slams on Konnan. He even nails a big chokeslam that literally shakes the ring. Mike Awesome finishes him off quickly by nailing the Awesome-Bomb and making the pin. The ref counts the three and the fans sigh in relief that the match is finally over. Medics come to check on Konnan as Awesome leaves silently. The medics finally help Konnan up and he walks out on his own. Then, Chris Benoit's music starts up once the ring is cleared.

Crowd Reaction - 71%

Match Quality - 72%

Overall Rating - 71%

Mike Awesome gained overness from this match.

Benoit/RVD at Sin!?!

"The Crippler" Chris Benoit walks down to the ring with a mic already in hand. He steps into the ring and begins to talk. He looks all business, as usual.

Chris Benoit - This whole situation with Rob Van Dam is getting ridiculous. He says that he is better, and I say that I am better. So, let's settle everything right here, right now! How about it, Rob? Prove who's better! Prove that you are Mr. Monday Night....Mr. Pay-Per-View! Come on, Rob!

The ECW Theme starts up and the fans begin to boo. But they don't get Rob Van Dam. Instead, Paul Heyman walks out from the back. He stands at the top of the entrance ramp and holds the mic to his mouth.

Paul Heyman - Chris Benoit! You will get your chance at Sin! Whether or not you make it to the Finals of the Tournament, you WILL BE going against Rob Van Dam! Because RVD has been begging me each day to let him get his hands on you. But I choose to put things off so the anticipation builds. The climax will be great. But, Chris...

Chris Benoit - What!?!

Paul Heyman - I did want to give you one thing tonight. You will have an encounter with Rob Van Dam.

Chris Benoit - What are yo....

On cue, Rob Van Dam launches himself off of the top rope and nails a dropkick to the back of Benoit's head! RVD must have come in through the crowd! The announcers are going nuts as Rob Van Dam then goes back up top. He hits the Diving Headbutt the Chris Benoit made famous! Rob Van Dam then locks in the Crippler Crossface! By now, Paul has come down to the ring. The announcers point out that this is one of the most disrespectful things one wrestler can do to another wrestler! Security begins to rush the ring as we head to a commercial.

Crowd Reaction - 72%

Singles Matchup

Lance Storm Vs. Eddie Guerrero

The Impact Players' music plays and Lance Storm walks out to the ring with Justin Credible as we get back from commercials. Credible yells at the fans and even gives them the DX chop a couple of times before Storm gets in the ring. Credible waits on the outside as Eddie Guerrero's music starts. Booker T joins his partner as Eddie walks down to the ring, looking as cocky as ever. The announcers tell everyone that The Impact Players will be putting their Tag Team Titles on the line against Eddie Guerrero and Booker T. Eddie and Booker won a threeway tag team battle at Thunder against The Filthy Animals and Rick Steiner and Lex Luger.

Booker T waits on the outside as Eddie gets in the ring. The bell rings and we are treated to one helluva matchup....maybe Match of the Year in WCW. Eddie and Lance put on a wonderful technical masterpiece to start off the match. Reversals and blocks make up the first five or six minutes of the match. While some of the casual fans in attendance get bored, most of them are standing on their feet by the time this technical chain is completed. We get a standing ovation from those fans as Eddie and Lance stare down each other. Storm then goes to extend his hand, showing the mutual respect each wrestler HAS to have for each other. Eddie thinks a second and looks at the crowd, who boo the choice of shaking Storm's hand. Eddie then nods and shakes Storm's hand, but Storm doesn't let go. He pulls Guerrero close and hits a Super Kick that takes Eddie down immediately.

Storm then takes the advantage after the technical stalemate. His cheating ways were working as he went to undo the padding on the turnbuckle. But right when he got done, Eddie pushed him from behind. Eddie reminds us all why he is the master at cheating as Storm's head goes bouncing off of the steel turnbuckle that is lacking padding. Storm comes back and gets rolled up from behind by Eddie, but this only gets a two count. Storm kicks out and rolls to the outside. He decides to talk everything over with Justin Credible, his tag team partner. The Impact Players talk it over for about ten or fifteen seconds and we soon see what their decision was. Credible and Storm start walking towards the back as Storm throws his hands in the air, signalling that he doesn't care about this matchup.

But Booker T has something else to say. The fans pop as Booker T nails Justin Credible from behind with a clothesline and then grabs Lance Storm. He sends Lance Storm into the ring and the ref really can't disqualify Eddie Guerrero since Booker T just saved the match. Booker celebrates with the fans until Credible comes and hits him from behind. Credible then sends Booker T into the steel steps, shoulder-first. Credible mocks Booker T for a moment or two, but everyone's attention is turned into the ring where Eddie Guerrero and Lance Storm are going back at it. Eddie has all of the momentum suddenly, and he decides to speed up the pace of the match just a tad. He bounces off the ropes, and Storm ducks....Eddie bounces off again....Lance Storm drops to the floor. Eddie stops and hits an elbow drop. He smiles as the fans applaud.

Eddie continues to keep control for about six minutes, but everyone is still a little uneasy since Storm can take control in just mere seconds. This prophecy comes true, as well. Eddie is going to the top and Credible gets on the canvas suddenly. He has some words for Eddie, and Eddie doesn't look too pleased to be hearing them. Guerrero goes flying off of the top ropes and hits....Justin Credible! He hits a big forearm smash to Credible and we see both participants of this move crashing onto the outside floor. Booker T comes around, but the referee warns him not to touch either of the men. Booker T just stands there and we see something we never would have expected to see. Lance Storm comes flying off of the top rope and hits a big crossbody on all three men as Credible and Eddie get up! The fans pop since most have never seen Storm do this sort of high-flying move. Even Lance looks a little surprised with himself after what he just did.

Storm picks up Guerrero and rolls him back into the ring. He continues to keep advantage of this matchup and we are nearing the 20th minute of the match. Fans are starting to get a little winded as it has been highlight after highlight in this match. Now that we are late in the match, Eddie Guerrero's stamina begins to come into play. The announcers point this out, as well. Storm hits a big clothesline, but doesn't have the strength or stamina to get back up. Instead, the referee begins the 10-count, but only gets to five as Eddie gets up. He locks in a surfboard submission on Storm, who was still down, but Storm fights it off and gets out of the submission hold. Eddie then goes to the top rope and hits a big hurricanrana from the top. Storm sells it well and goes flying across the ring. Guerrero looks to be in control and the fans are starting to get back into the matchup.

Lance then ducks a clothesline from Eddie. Guerrero turns around and gets a Super Kick from Storm....but he dodged it! Eddie then hits a release German Suplex. He plays to the crowd a bit in an attempt to get them back into this matchup. They cheer him on, but Storm comes and grabs him from behind. Eddie forces his way into the ropes and bounces off of them, with Storm still holding him from behind. Storm bounces off of Eddie and goes flying back, but Eddie holds onto the ropes. Eddie then hits a flying cross-body on Storm. He tries a pin attempt, but only get a two count. Storm gets up and both of these men stare at each other, the stamina and energy almost completely drained from both of these great competitors. By now, the fans are cheering for both of them, forgetting who is the face or heel.

They soak in the crowd's cheers for just a bit, but they decide to lockup. Storm forces Eddie into the corner and pounds away on him. Eddie sulks down into the corner, resting his head on the bottom turnbuckle. Storm reaches down and grabs his legs. He puts him in a Boston Crab and attempts to drag him to the middle of the ring. Eddie grabs onto the ropes and catches himself. The referee sees this and turns around to yell at Storm. But as the ref turns around, Justin Credible punches Eddie square in the jaw, causing him to release his grip. Storm then pulls Eddie to the center of the ring and locks on the Boston Crab. Eddie is screaming in pain as Booker T comes over and starts delivering blows on Justin Credible in retaliation. Meanwhile, Eddie Guerrero somehow forces Storm to do a front flip and gets out of the Boston Crab, but he still shows signs of the punishment he just took.

Storm gets up and gets taken right back down with a nice lariat. Guerrero then heads to the top and nails his finisher, the Frog Splash! The fans pop for the move as Eddie stays on top to make the pin attempt. He gets a one.....a two...and a three! Eddie Guerrero just beat Lance Storm! The announcers ask if this will be the result at Sin as Justin Credible comes flying into the ring. He easily takes down the exhausted Eddie Guerrero with That's Incredible! The fans boo, but Booker T is right behind Credible. Booker T grabs Credible from behind and picks him up. He drops him down on his chest and the waits for him to get back up. He kicks him in the gut and hits the Harlem Hangover! The fans are going crazy, but Lance Storm low blows Booker T from behind and then locks on a Texas Cloverleaf-like submission hold. Booker T is screaming in pain as Storm holds the move. Credible then drops two or three elbows across the back of Booker's head before The Impact Players finally leave the ring, having lost the battle but won the war, so to speak. We head to commercials with the image of the Tag Team Champions celebrating with each other and Booker T and Eddie Guerrero down and out in the middle of the ring.

Crowd Reaction - 71%

Match Quality - 100%

Overall Rating - 85%


Singles Matchup

World Title Tournament

Hardcore Rules

The Sandman Vs. Goldberg

The Sandman is out first to "Enter Sandman" and some of the crowd still pops for him as if he was a face. The ECW legend comes down to the ring wielding his trusty Singapore Cane. He waves it at a couple of fans in anger to get over just a tad more, and it works as the fans jump away in fear. Goldberg's music starts up right as Sandman gets into the ring, and the fans go absolutely nuts! The announcers remind those who have already forgotten that this is a Hardcore Match because Sandman is the Hardcore Champion. Makes sense....doesn't it?

Goldberg comes in and Sandman goes to hit him with the Singapore Cane, but Sandman gets a Spear right away! Goldberg tries to make the pin, but Sandman kicks out. Wow, coulda been a short one there. Sandman gets back up and Goldberg comes after him. Sandman ducks a clothesline, picks up his Cane, and smashes it to the back of Goldberg's head. The fans gasp as it echoed throughout the arena. Goldberg....shrugs it off! Surprise! He no-sells the huge cane shot. Sandman looks shocked and a little scared to be in the ring with this calibre of a wrestler....okay, with this big, strong guy.

Sandman turns to run out of the ring, but Goldberg grabs him. We then see about a minute of Goldberg offense....looks like he got enough time to show off his whole array of moves...twice. Sandman is really in trouble here, but Goldberg makes two or three pin attempts for two counts. Sandman is relentless, and the announcers point that out. He is also fearless, as he gets back on top after rolling to the outside. Goldberg follows him out and gets a chair right to the face, busting Goldberg's lip in the process. Hmmm, that looked a little more real than most chair shots. Goldberg looks pissed, and this looks legit. He tackles Sandman and delivers some punches.

The referee has to come from the ring to pull the two apart. And since when did a ref stop a wrestling move? Oh well, looks like this match went a little too real. Sandman is down and Golberg is just staring at him as Kevin Nash comes running in from the back! He turns Goldberg around and nails him in the face. Nash works Goldberg over for about two minutes before finally hitting the Jacknife Powerbomb...through a table! Big spot right there and it looked real good actually. Sandman then droops an arm over him and makes the pin.

The referee counts the three count on the outside. Sandman immediately gets up and walks to the back, muttering something to himself. He walks straight for the back and Goldberg gets up pretty quickly, too. Goldberg then walks off to the back, as well. Way to sell that last move there, Goldberg.

Crowd Reaction - 69%

Match Quality - 58%

Overall Rating - 65%

Sandman gained overness from this match.

Rhino and Elizabeth...

We then head to the back where we see the always-pissed-off Rhino walking around in the back, wearing his wrestling tights. He turns a corner and bumps into Miss Elizabeth! Uh-oh! Rhino stares at her for a second and begins laughing. He corners her as Miss Elizabeth's piercing scream makes those at home turn the television to mute. Rhino nods to himself, but suddenly he is hit with a steel chair from behind. Rhino sells it a bit, but still manages to turn around. Randy Savage has showed up and he nails Rhino again in the gut. Rhino bends over and gets a third chairshot to the back. He then falls over as Miss Elizabeth continues to scream in terror. Savage pulls Miss Elizabeth close to her and they both walk off. Rhino gets back up and stares at them with a very angry face. We then head off to a commercial.

Crowd Reaction - 81%


Singles Matchup

World Title Tournament

Sid Vs. Sabu

Sabu is out first with Bill Alfonso. Fonzie does some whistle blowing and yelling at Sabu to encourage him. Sabu and his manager make their way down to the ring and the fans show a little interest, but not much. Sid is out next and he makes his first appearance on World Championship Wrestling television in quite some time. He walks down to the ring with the usual crazy look on his face. He gets in and the bell rings. Sid immediately locks up with Sabu. He then tosses Sabu to the corner as Sabu looks back at him in shock. Looks like Sid plans on using his power advantage in this matchup....what a surprise.

Sid is somehow in control for the longest in this matchup, which makes it somewhat boring. They do manage to do a little David and Goliath storyline in this matchup, though, with Sabu trying to take the big man down multiple times. Finally, Sid is down after Sabu trips him up. Sabu then goes to work on him on the mat. Sabu and Sid go back to the basic brawling skills (or lack of) to bore the crowd some more. Why Sabu hasn't hit the top rope is unknown, but it isn't working if he is trying to do something new. Sid does manage to hit a powerbomb on Sabu late in the match, but he holds the move. He picks him back up and delivers a second powerbomb....and holds it again! He hits a third powerbomb and this time releases it. He pulls Sabu's feet over his head, but only gets a two count on the pin attempt.

Sabu then gets upset, it appears. He fights back and eventually hits a nice Tornado DDT followed by a moonsault off of the top rope. He makes a pin, but Sid throws Sabu way up in the air to break it up. Sabu has the advantage now, and he keeps it for the remainder of the matchup. Sabu looks to have everything going fine, but Jerry Lynn appears at the top of the ramp! Lynn comes running into the ring and Sabu just stares at him. Lynn gets up in his face and begins yelling at him. Suddenly, Sabu looks behind himself and ducks. Sid comes and nails Lynn with a big clothesline that sends Lynn to the outside. Sid looks shocked, but Sabu rolls him up from behind. Sabu gets the three count and the win to advance to the next round of the World Title Tournament! Jerry Lynn comes back in as Sabu lays there and beats him down. Bill Alfonso tries to stop it, but he gets suplexed to the outside of the ring for his trouble. The fans are really booing Lynn until he finally decides to leave, the damage being done.

Crowd Reaction - 69%

Match Qualtiy - 57%

Overall Rating - 65%

The Stinger!!

After the ring is cleared, Sting's music starts up. He walks down to the ring in preparation for his Main Event bout against Ric Flair. But before Ric Flair's music starts, he gets a microphone and has something to say.

Sting - Week after week, I've been attacked by this mystery person....well that's gonna stop right here tonight. I'm sick and tired of being paranoid and watching my back with every single step I make. I will be ready to fight you at Sin, whether or not I'm in the Tournament. So stay out of my life, and out of my business until Sin. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you! If you want me tonight, come out here right now and get me.

Sting waits for a bit, looking around himself in a cautious manner. Finally, Ric Flair's music starts and we have our Main Event.

Crowd Reaction - 85%


Singles Matchup

World Title Tournament

Sting Vs. Ric Flair

Ric Flair makes his way out to the ring wearing his usual sparkling robe. The fans really get on to him as he struts down to the ring, but he lets out a couple "Woo's" and ignores them. He gets in the ring and the match begins. Flair starts it off by locking up with Sting. Sting powers Flair into the corner, but the ref tells them to break it. Sting breaks it and Flair holds his hands up as if to say that he's not going to do anything. But in the last instant, Flair uses a dirty trick and pokes Sting in the eyes. Then, he falls to a knee and low blows The Stinger. The fans are now into the match after Flair has already started using his dirty tricks.

This little sequence then gave Flair the momentum for a long time. He really worked Sting over here and eventually locked on the Figure Four Leglock early on. But Sting reversed it and forced Flair to break it up. Flair then attempted to send Sting into the corner, but Sting reversed it. Sting came in and delivered a Stinger Splash! He then tossed Flair hard into the opposite corner. Flair went flying up over the top rope and on the outside of the ropes, but still on the canvas. The Nature Boy walked a little, but was soon levelled by a forearm to the noggin from The Stinger. Sting celebrated with a "Wooo" of his own, mocking The Nature Boy.

Sting then pulled Flair back over and went to town on him. He worked Ric Flair over for about three or four minutes here, eventually getting him into a slapping contest. First, Sting hit two big Flair Chops that echoed throughout the arena. The crowd responded with a "Wooo" in respect for one of the greatest wrestlers in wrestling history. But Flair wouldn't allow someone to chop him without returning the favor, of course. Flair responded back with four HUGE Flair Chops. Flair nodded at Sting as if saying that he was the better at this part of wrestling. Sting then pushed Flair back and levelled him with a big lariat.

Sting and Flair were both down and the exhaustion was beginning to kick in on these two men. Their age was definitely a factor in this, since they obviously couldn't go at it like they used to. However, they do bring back some good memories of their old battles against each other. This one is a bit slower paced, but it still is an exciting one to watch. Sting and Flair just don't want to slow down. Late in the match, Ric Flair has the advantage. He has already begged off in the match, followed by a big open-hand slap to The Sting. This only served to piss Sting off, and we then saw a big back body drop from Sting that saw Flair high in the air. Flair landed on his side in a very awkward position, but Sting then just picked him up.

Sting then tossed Flair into the corner and hit another Stinger Splash. Flair fell down and Sting stomped on him in the corner for a bit. Sting then pulled him out and locked on the Scorpion Deathlock. Flair did not top for a long time, though. Flair tried to fight it, and he finally found his way to the ropes. Sting took a quick breather as The Nature Boy tried to recover from the punishing submission maneuver. Sting then bent down to pick The Nature Boy up, but he got a fist right between the eyes in return. Flair then waltzed around and hit up his trademark "Woo"'s a couple more times before he decided to lock on the Figure Four Leglock. This maneuver is very dangerous this late in the matchup, the announcers point out. They also remind everyone that the winner will face Rob Van Dam at Thunder....sounds like a good one!

Sting refused to tap out to the Figure Four Leglock, and the fans began cheering to encourage him not to. He finally flipped over and reversed the move. Flair tried to hold it for longer, and both men were in pain. Finally, Ric Flair let Sting go and both men just rested on the canvas. Their chests were pumping up and down trying to get oxygen, and Sting was the first one up. He picked Flair up and sent him into the ropes. The Nature Boy came back and got a nicely placed dropkick right to the jaw from The Stinger. Sting then picked him up and hit The Scorpion Death Drop! The fans popped as Sting reached his arm over and placed it on Ric Flair. He got a one...a two.....a three! Sting just beat Ric Flair to advance in the tournament! He will be facing Rob Van Dam at Thunder!

Sting immediately runs to the outside, leaving Ric Flair down and out in the center of the ring. Sting seems to be trying to avoid the mysterious person that has been attacking him lately by running straight out of the arena after his match. He is obviously exhausted from the matchup and now his running turns into fast walking. But right as he makes his way to the top of the entrance ramp, the lights in the arena cut out again! Seems like they are really trying to get this hyped up as they come back on and Sting is laying on his stomach, knocked out. Nothing appears around him - no chairs or other foreign weapons. Ric Flair is now up and he just stands in the ring, looking at the knocked out Sting in confusion and shock. We end this taping of Nitro with the picture of Ric Flair looking at the knocked out Sting!

Crowd Reaction - 92%

Match Quality - 70%

Overall Rating - 85%


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Once again, we are here to update everyone on the annual ratings battle that takes place every Monday and Thursday night between World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Federation. Skipping all the talk, the ratings for WCW Monday Nitro scored a 5.47. The ratings last week were 5.21. RAW won the ratings war, once again, with a rating of 7.15. This is a huge leap from the 6.86 rating they received last week. The quick results for each show are below :

Quick Results for WCW Nitro :

Paul Heyman came out with Rhino, Jerry Lynn, Rob Van Dam, and The Sandman to tell everyone about the night's matches - 83%

Curt Hennig beat Buff Bagwell pretty easily and then said that the same would happen to Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer at Sin - 75%

Kevin Nash was in the back and he said Scott Hall was having family problems, so it would be Kevin Nash Vs. Goldberg at the PPV - 87%

Mike Awesome squashed Konnan in a singles match - 71%

Chris Benoit came out and insulted Rob Van Dam until Heyman came out and responded, then RVD hit the ring from the crowd and hit Benoit's Diving Headbutt followed by The Crippler Crossface to disrespect Benoit - 72%

Eddie Guerrero beat Lance Storm in a classic matchup that shows how great the tag team title match at Sin could be - 85%

The Sandman beat Goldberg in a hardcore matchup in the World Title Tournament with help from Kevin Nash, who Powerbombed Goldberg through a table - 65%

Rhino ran into Miss Elizabeth backstage and was about to hurt her, but Randy Savage saved her and layed Rhino out with a chair - 81%

Sabu beat Sid to advance in the World Title Tournament - 65%

Sting came out and demanded that the mystery person did not attack him tonight - 85%

Sting beat Ric Flair cleanly to advance in the World Title Tournament, but was attacked after the match by an unknown person - 85%

Overall Rating - 78%

Quick Results for WWF RAW :

Vince McMahon came out and told Steve Austin that he would have a match tonight against his good friend, Mick Foley, and then announced a 4 on 4 matchup for the Main Event - 92%

The Dudley Boyz retained their Tag Team Titles over The New Age Outlaws - 78%

The Dudley Boyz got on the mic and said they were unstoppable - 77%

Kane arrives in the building, but we see a shadow behind him...it looks like The Undertaker is back - 83%

Tazz squashed Prince Albert in a singles match - 63%

Al Snow and D'Lo Brown came out to fight for the #1 Contendership to Jericho's Intercontinental Title, but British Bulldog destroyed both of them and named himself the #1 Contender - 71%

Chris Jericho came out and told Bulldog he could have his match at No Way Out - 86%

The Big Show is destroyed in the back, and Kurt Angle runs off with a chair as medics look at Show and say he won't be in the Main Event now - 79%

Steve Austin beat Mick Foley and they shook hands afterwards - 80%

Kurt Angle came out before the Main Event and said it is now a handicap match because Show is going to the hospital - 92%

Kurt Angle, Triple H, Kane, and The British Bulldog lost to Chris Jericho, The Rock, and Undertaker when Big Show came out despite his injury and Chokeslammed everyone, which gave The Rock the okay to hit the People's Elbow and pin Triple H - 85%

Overall Rating - 80%

Both shows were pretty good, with a heavy emphasis on building up the current feuds. WCW still has Sin at the end of this week, and we'll see how that turns out. Also, the Sandman/Goldberg match on Nitro got real serious as Goldberg hit some legit punches on Sandman. Sandman then responded with what appeared to be a legit chair shot that busted Goldberg open. Reports have said that Goldberg was not too happy about putting Sandman over. And in more bad news for WCW, Scott Hall was injured. His injury should put him out for about three months. It was described as 'real-life problems' on TV, but he pulled a calf muscle while working a house show. To make things worse, former United States Champion, Jeff Jarrett, was also injured in a house show. His injury looks more severe, though, and it could be a career-ending injury. He landed awkwardly on his neck at a house show and has been at the hospital for the last week. Wish both of these men luck in their recovery.

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WCW Thursday Thunder Results

January 27th, 2000

We tune into WCW Thunder to see the WCW logo. Then, we see the Thunder logo as lightning strikes down on the WCW one. Finally, we head to the live arena where the fans are getting pretty loud in anticipation of the last show before WCW Sin this Sunday! Already promised a huge Thunder, the fans have been anxious to see what exactly will be going down. But as the camera pans around the arena, it starts to loose focus. Suddenly, we are interrupted by a strange hype video.

Be Prepared...

We see a silhouette of a strange figure. He is standing near a dark forest, with the trees in the background swaying back and forth. He speaks, but his speech is changed a bit to keep his identity a secret.

Mystery Wrestler - Sting, for how many nights have you had complications when attempting to sleep at night? Has paranoia taken over your life? You've turned into a psychopath who gets no rest. You now suffer from insomnia, and it is all because of me. You have begun watching over your shoulder everywhere you go. Sting, I have you in the correct mindset. And we meet in less than one week. Please, Sting...be prepared!

With that, we head back to the live view of the arena as we prepare for a tag team matchup.

Overall Rating - 88%

Mystery Wrestler gained overness from this segment.

Tag Team Matchup

The Hardcore Icons Vs. Chris Kanyon & Perry Saturn

The Hardcore Icons are out first, and they are the team of Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer. The announcers remind everyone that they will be facing Curt Hennig and a mystery partner at Sin this Sunday. The announcers also say that Dreamer and Funk asked for this matchup to warm up. As they make their way to the ring, they are met with a decent response. Chris Kanyon is next out, and the fans get onto him a good bit. He plays to the crowd as he walks down the aisle. Finally, Perry Saturn's music plays and Saturn comes out. He flexes a bit as he walks out from the back. He gets in the ring and starts off for his team against Terry Funk.

The announcers really tried to hype the match for Sin between The Hardcore Icons and Curt Hennig's mystery team. In the ring, Terry Funk has taken over quickly on Perry Saturn by hitting some stiff jabs and a nice hook after 'winding up' his fist and delivering the big blow. Funk celebrated for a bit, but tagged in Tommy Dreamer to get the match moving quicker after less than two minutes. Dreamer came in and he was hot right off the bat. He stomped down on Saturn for a bit and then picked him up. These two put on a pretty good brawl. Saturn ducked a clothesline and hit a Russian Leg Sweep followed by an armbar submission. He held the submission in for a good amount of time until Dreamer made it to the ropes. Dreamer then got on the vicious end of a beatdown for a good amount of time. Perry Saturn finally tagged out to Chris Kanyon, and Kanyon used some more good brawling to take over.

Kanyon hit some original slams and moves to keep Tommy Dreamer reeling. He hit a variation of the Death Valley Driver, and then hit an atomic drop followed by a clubbing forearm to the back of the head. Kanyon worked over Tommy Dreamer for a couple more minutes, and we eventually saw Kanyon pick up Tommy Dreamer and send him, neck-first, onto the ropes. Dreamer sold this very well as if his throat had literally been crushed. Kanyon then tagged back out after three or four minutes and let Perry Saturn do some damage. Saturn came out and succeeded in controlling the momentum for his team. Dreamer looked to be about ready to give up in the matchup, and we kept getting teased for the hot tag to Terry Funk. Dreamer would get so close, but Saturn would come and drag him over to the opposite corner or stomp on his head.

Dreamer finally did manage to get the hot tag, though, and Terry Funk came in to clean house. Funk came in and dominated Kanyon for a bit, then nailed Perry Saturn on the side just for good measure. Terry Funk then hit a DDT on Kanyon as Saturn came sliding into the ring. Dreamer saw this and went in as well. Chris Kanyon was recovering from the DDT and began to stand up. We had all four men in the ring. Dreamer and Funk really started working over their two opponents. This was followed by both men getting their opponent in the position for the DDT! Dreamer had Perry Saturn ready and Terry Funk was holding Chris Kanyon. Dreamer and Funk both looked at each other and set it up to occur at the exact same moment. Suddenly, both men went down and nailed their respective finishers at the same time. Tommy Dreamer then pushed Saturn out of the ring as The Funkster pinned Chris Kanyon. He got the three count and the win for his team!

Suddenly, Curt Hennig came sliding into the ring! He decked Tommy Dreamer with a clothesline and began pounding on him. Funk did not see it at first, but he retaliated as soon as he did see it. Funk grabbed Hennig's long hair and pulled him up. Hennig screamed in pain as Funk hit a reverse-DDT. The Funkster then threw Curt Hennig out of the ring as these two legends stared each other down, both wishing that it was Sunday already. Tommy Dreamer got back up and joined in the staredown as we headed to the back for an interview.

Crowd Reaction - 70%

Match Quality - 81%

Overall Rating - 75%


We are in the back with Rhino and Paul Heyman. Heyman is on the mic first and Rhino just stares into the camera, looking extremely pissed.

Paul Heyman - Okay, I'm going to tell everyone right now. Rhino here is the most dominant wrestler in WCW...no, the world! And Rhino, you've been demanding a shot at Randy Savage lately. Every single day, you tell me that you want The Macho Man in the ring. Well, I'm going to grant you that wish.....this Sunday at Sin! You and him, one-on-one.

Rhino begins smiling and nodding as Heyman continues.

Paul Heyman - But business will be taken care of here tonight! You see, the semi-finals of the World Title Tournament will be happening here tonight. Kevin Nash will be taking on Sabu. The winner will face either Sting or....Rob-Van-Dam! And finally, The Sandman will go at it with Chris Benoit. The winner will go to the finals. And that match will be a hardcore match, of course. I really hope Chris Benoit is ready for this! Looks like we'll have an ECW-filled Finals. Let's go, Rhino.

With that, these two leave the view of the camera and we head to commercials.

Overall Rating - 93%

Paul Heyman gained overness from this segment.


Singles Matchup

World Title Tournament

Kevin Nash Vs. Sabu

Kevin Nash is out first and he struts to the ring. He does the clique symbol a bit as he walks down to the ring, fixing his hair in the process. Out next is Sabu and Bill Alfonso. Fonzie blows his whistle and Sabu gets a decent reaction from the fans. Sabu walks into the ring and does his usual pose on the mat before the bell rings and Nash immediately decks him with a Big Boot. We are then treated to a terribly sold match from Kevin Nash. You would think a professional wrestler would have some sort of selling skill, and maybe Nash does, but he definitely failed to show it off tonight. We see Sabu grounded mostly by Nash after some boring bodyslams and clotheslines.

The lack of entertainment continues in the middle of the match as Kevin Nash has really been taken it to Sabu. Bill Alfonso has been screaming from the outside at Nash. Meanwhile, Big Sexy has taken his time to show off to the fans by fixing his hair and mocking Sabu. Every time Sabu tries to get up, Nash just hits a single boot to the back of the head, slowing him down in the process. Sabu is finally up, and Nash takes him to the corner. Kevin Nash chokes him with his boot for a bit until the referee breaks it up. Nash then argues with the referee for a bit before Sabu is suddenly up. In a burst of energy, Sabu goes to the middle turnbuckle and leaps off. He catches Kevin Nash with a flying clothesline. He makes a quick pin attempt, but only gets a two count.

Sabu then takes control of the matchup for a decent amount of time. Although we are seeing Sabu's offense, Nash fails to sell the moves at all. This really ruins what could be a watchable match and makes one want to change the channel immediately. Meanwhile, we are nearing the end of the match. Sabu has been in control and the fans are getting behind him. His fast-paced offense has been great, but Nash's selling of the offense is killing any excitement his moves would usually receive. As Sabu goes to the top rope, he waits or Kevin Nash to get back up. Big Sexy is up and Sabu comes flying off at him...but Nash pulls the referee in front of him! The referee gets a big back-kick from the top rope from Sabu.

Sabu gets up and he has no clue what's going on. He turns around and Nash clotheslines him. Big Sexy picks him back up and sends him into the ropes. When Sabu bounces off, he leaps and flies into Nash, doing a flip in mid-air. Sabu poses for a bit on the canvas and the fans eat it up. They are actually showing a speck of interest in this matchup suddenly. But before anything else can happen, Jerry Lynn comes flying into the ring with a steel chair! The announcers remind everyone of his current feud with Sabu. Sabu gets up and Jerry Lynn comes flying at him with a chair....but Kevin Nash is standing right behind Sabu! As if one can't call what's gonna happen next, Jerry Lynn acts surprised as hell when Sabu ducks and Nash receives a steel chair to the face.

Jerry Lynn turns around and gets a hurricanrana that sends him to the outside of the ring. Sabu then hits a Moonsault on Kevin Nash and makes the pin. He gets the one....two....no! Nash kicks out! Sabu looks totally furious! He goes right back to the top and hits a second Moonsault! One....two....three! Sabu does it as he beats a resilient Kevin Nash to advance to the Semi-Finals of the World Title Tournament! The announcers tell everyone Sabu will face the winner of Sting and Rob Van Dam, which is coming up soon. But looking back at the ring, we see Jerry Lynn come in with a steel chair. Jerry Lynn sets the chair down and proceeds to hit the Tornado DDT on Sabu onto the steel chair!

As if that isn't enough, Kevin Nash prepares to nail the Jacknife Powerbomb on Sabu! But we hear someone's music...GOLDBERG! Goldberg is in the house! He comes flying down to the ring in his street clothes. Nash sees him and we have a classic look of shock on Kevin Nash's face. He tosses Sabu away and slides to the outside right as Goldberg slides in. Nash begins walking backwards towards the back and Goldberg is in the ring with....Jerry Lynn! Jerry Lynn turns around and Goldberg has his eyes on him. Goldberg delivers a Spear to Jerry Lynn! The fans pop big time now.

As Goldberg gets up from the Spear he just delivered, he sees Kevin Nash, who was trying to sneak back in the ring. Goldberg is furious, and he chases Nash off. Nash goes running at full-speed to the top of the ramp as Goldberg gives chase directly behind him. We see a downed Sabu and Jerry Lynn in the ring as Kevin Nash disappears behind the entrance ramp. About three seconds later, Goldberg goes flying to the back as well in an attempt to destroy his enemy, Kevin Nash.

Crowd Reaction - 63%

Match Quality - 57%

Overall Rating - 61%

Singles Matchup

World Title Tournament

Rob Van Dam Vs. Sting

After the ring is cleared, we go to our second World Title Tournament matchup of the night. The announcers point out that Sabu will have to wrestle again tonight against the winner of this matchup. They ask what kind of shape Sabu will be in later tonight. Sting comes out first and he is paranoid as hell. His eyes are low and he looks as if he hasn't had sleep in weeks. His facepaint is on, though, so he looks ready to fight. Sting comes out with his baseball bat in hand, ready to swing at the mystery wrestler who's been stalking him. He looks behind his back and into the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. Finally, he gets in the ring and Rob Van Dam's music starts. RVD looks pumped up as he makes his entrance. He comes down to the ring with Paul Heyman. The bell rings and these two go at it.

The announcers say that these two men are two of the favorites in the World Title Tournament, but only one of them can go on to the Semi-Finals tonight. Sting starts out very slow as Rob Van Dam hits some quick kicks and punches. He hits a nice Standing Side Kick that looks similar to Booker T's signature move. RVD is hot and this is why he is one of the top guys in World Championship Wrestling. The fans are really getting involved in this matchup, too. Sting finally manages to fight back about halfway into the matchup. This comes when Rob Van Dam goes to the top and attempts his Five Star Frog Splash way too early. Sting easily moves out of the way and suddenly locks on the Scorpion Death Lock!

The fans are going nuts for Sting as RVD sells the pain extremely well. He looks like he is ready to tap out, but the lights go out in the arena! This is only halfway through the match, too. Even though it is early on, this plays a big part in the outcome of the match. The lights come back on after only six or seven seconds. When they come back on, Sting is sitting in the corner with his hand over his head in an attempt to protect himself from anything or anyone who would harm him. A laugh is heard over the P.A. system as Sting looks up. Rob Van Dam is still down after getting the Scorpion Death Lock, and Sting finally gets out of the corner. He looks a little shocked nothing happened. The announcers are furious and say that is was the mystery wrestler just trying to scare Sting and playing mind games with The Stinger!

Sting gets back into control to start, but RVD had enough time to recover. As Sting grabs RVD's legs, Van Dam flips him over using his leg strength. He then gets up and does a flip in the air as he hits a leg drop on Sting's throat. Rob Van Dam then goes in control for most of the remainder of the matchup. RVD really speeds up the pace of this match, and Sting does a pretty good job hanging with him. They put on some great moves when RVD is in control, including a spot where Sting was on the outside. Van Dam hit a plancha off the top rope, but Sting dodged it and sent RVD crashing through the announcer's table! The fans were on their feet at this point and the announcers could do nothing more than ask how in the world the winner would be in any condition to face Sabu later tonight!

Finally, the end came when Sting was in control. Sting had somewhat forgotten about his mystery man since he has been caught up in the match. He still looked over his shoulder now and then just to remind everyone he was still worried about it, but he has shown more interest in the match lately. Sting was getting up as Rob Van Dam came leaping off the top rope to hit him with a dropkick. Sting just took a step back and RVD went flying to the canvas on his back. Sting then picked up Van Dam's feet and locked in the Scorpion Death Lock again. But this wouldn't last long....Sting was thinking too much and he released the hold on his own will. He went and looked around the ring.

Sting searched around the ring, looking from one corner to the other in fear that his mystery stalker would show up. The fans began to boo Sting a bit, urging him to finish the job he was almost done with. Sting finally turns around, but gets a crossbody from Van Dam. Sting rolls through it and makes a pin attempt, but RVD reverses it once again. Rob Van Dam pins Sting and gets a three count after the reversal! The fans are booing Rob Van Dam incredibly as he celebrates his win and advancement to the Semi-Finals of the World Title Tournament. Rob Van Dam celebrates as he makes his way to the back and we head to commercials. We can see Sting in the ring shaking his head at his mistake.

Crowd Reaction - 82%

Match Quality - 79%

Overall Rating - 81%



We come back from the break to see an event that occurred during commercials. On the bottom of the screen, "During The Break" is written. We then start the tape. It begins with Kevin Nash running outside of the arena. Goldberg is still behind him. Big Sexy goes running into the parking lot. He runs into his limo and almost gets caught by Goldberg as he slams the door. The limo sits there for a moment, and Goldberg keeps trying to open it. Finally, he breaks the window with his bare fist! The limo drives off right as Goldberg reaches into the broken window. We then go back to live coverage as Goldberg looks furious that he missed his chance and mutters, "Your Next at Sin!".

Overall Rating - 89%

Handicap Matchup

Mike Awesome Vs. Disco Inferno & The Cat

The Mike Awesome squash matches appear to be continuing here tonight. Disco Inferno's music starts off first and he comes dancing down to the ring. Next out is The Cat and he...comes dancing down to the ring. They both get pretty decent reaction from the fans. The announcers say that Awesome has been destroying anyone and everyone he has ran across lately, and he is a very dangerous man in that ring. "Song 2" by Blur comes on and Mike Awesome comes out to the ring. He looks all-business as usual as he walks down to the ring. He gets in and starts the match against Disco Inferno.

Disco gets absolutely slaughtered by Mike Awesome. Anything Disco tries gets blocked or reversed. Disco even tries to lockup with the big man, but he gets tossed way back to his own corner. Awesome is really showing off his strength and dominance against these two. Finally, The Cat comes in and attempts to hurt Awesome. He looks a little nervous and scared, but he goes right at Awesome. His head almost flies off as he catches a big clothesline from Awesome. Awesome nods to himself and proceeds to hit The Awesome Bomb. Disco comes in, but he gets an Awesome Bomb as well. Mike Awesome then goes to the top rope and hits a huge Splash on The Cat. The fans popped for that move! Awesome makes the pin and gets the three count for the win.

Crowd Reaction - 70%

Match Quality - 73%

Overall Rating - 71%

Disco Inferno lost overness from this match. Mike Awesome gained overness from this match.

The Tag Team Match...

We go to the back where we see Eddie Guerrero and Booker T. Booker T begins to speak first as they are on hype duty for their PPV match against The Impact Players for the Tag Team Titles.

Booker T - Yo, listen up! Justin Credible, Lance Storm....we got the both of you suckas at Sin, and I cannot WAIT to get my hands on yall. Man, yall is both little wannabes. You wanna be good in WCW, you wanna be the best tag team ever. But I know tag team wrestling, and I can tell ya, yall ain't nothing to be impressed with.

We then go to Eddie Guerrero.

Eddie Guerrero - Your right, 'esse! I can't, for the life of me, see why they want to come in World Championship Wrestling and wrestle two of the hottest stars in the business. We're both still far from our potential, but The Impact Players...'esse, these Impact Players are not even close to our worst. We will see them at Sin, and we WILL beat them at Sin! And that's the truth, holmes!

We then go to the ring for our first Semi-Final Match of the night in the World Title Tournament. Eddie Guerrero and Booker T give the camera a stare down as the crowd cheers a bit for them until "Enter Sandman" comes on.

Overall Rating - 82%

Singles Matchup

Hardcore Match

World Title Tournament Semi-Finals

The Sandman Vs. Chris Benoit

As "Enter Sandman" plays, The Sandman walks out. He is wielding his trusty Singapore Cane and wearing an "ECW" T-Shirt. He comes out and some of the fans sing along to his theme music. He gets in the ring and waits for Chris Benoit. Benoit's music hits up and he gets a large ovation from the crowd. The announcers say that the winner of this match will go on to face either Sabu or Rob Van Dam at Sin. Benoit goes into the match and immediately tries to make it a non-hardcore match. He grabs The Sandman's Singapore Cane out of his hand when Sandman swings it at him and tosses it to the outside. Benoit then goes on top as he kicks him in the gut and then drops an elbow across the back of his head.

'The Crippler' stays in control and mainly uses some mat wrestling at this point to get his momentum steady. He does a couple of nice submission moves, and even locks in a Dragon Sleeper. He has it and holds it in for a good amount of time, but Sandman gets out of it eventaully. Sandman then rolls to the outside. Benoit follows him to the outside and gets a Cane shot in return! The fans gasp as the crack of Benoit's head echoes throughout the arena. But Sandman isn't done, he hits another one right in the skull...and another...and one more for good measure! Benoit is down and Sandman raises his hands in the air and says something loudly that gets a big reaction from the fans.

The Sandman then picks Benoit up and tosses him into the ring. Benoit rolls around and the camera shows blood coming from his forehead. He looks absolutely destroyed already at this early point of the matchup. Sandman gets a chair from the outside and tosses it into the ring. He then gets a second chair and tosses it in as well. Sandman gets back in the ring and picks Benoit up. He pounds on him for a bit before tossing him to the side. Benoit just falls down on his face and attempts to get up by pulling on the ropes. Sandman then sets up the two chairs right beside each other. He walks over to Benoit and picks him up. He is going for something...a Powerbomb! He nails a HUGE Powerbomb on 'The Crippler' that sends him crashing through both chairs, denting the chairs AND Benoit in the process.

Benoit rolls around in pain as The Sandman celebrates his advancement to the finals that is no doubt coming. The fans are booing as Sandman pins Chris Benoit! He pins him and gets the thre....no! Benoit kicks out! Benoit has just kicked out and it looks like he is going on empty! The Sandman is completely shocked and the fans are going nuts. Sandman looks around as if he is looking for someone to give him advice, but he just stomps on Benoit while thinking. He pins Benoit again, and this time barely gets a two count. Sandman then goes to the outside and tosses two more chairs into the ring. He climbs back into the ring and sets the chairs up. The referee has discarded the other two chairs because they were dented badly.

Sandman sets the chairs up and turns around, but Chris Benoit is back up! The fans are going insane just to see him stand up on his own! Sandman locks up with Benoit, and Benoit goes behind Sandman. He lifts Sandman up and....nails a German Suplex(!!)....through the chairs!! The fans are going crazy as 'The Crippler' makes a pin attempt....he gets a one....two.....no! Sandman nows kicks out! Chris Benoit looks a little frustrated, but he blocks it out. He is out here on a mission! He puts the two chairs over The Sandman's face and heads to the top rope. A buzz begnis to go throughout the arena in wonder as Benoit gets to the top and launches himself into the air. It is a picture of perfect as Benoit extends and hits the Diving Headbutt onto the chairs, crushing them onto The Sandman's face.

The fans are going nuts again as Benoit and The Sandman both lay out in the ring, exhausted and destroyed. Benoit gets up and locks on The Crippler Crossface! The fans are really getting into it as Sandman screams in agony. He looks like he is going to tap out, but he fights his way to the ropes before tapping! Benoit is forced to release the hold and he then heads to the outside. Benoit then goes to the outside and puts two more chairs into the ring. He then comes back. He brawls around with The Sandman for a bit of time, exchaning lefts and rights with the well-respected brawler. To some surprise though, The Sandman leaves the exchange of brawling with the advantage. He now beats down on 'The Crippler' for awhile as both men regain their energy.

Benoit is getting a vicious beatdown delivered by The Sandman near the end of the match, and the announcers keep pointing out how much blood he has lost in this match. But Sandman shows no mercy. He eventually puts Benoit on the top rope. He has placed the chairs perfectly and goes to the top. He hits a Superplex on Chris Benoit....and Benoit goes crashing through the chairs! Sandman is extremely happy and a smile comes across his face as he gets up. He walks over to Chris Benoit and makes a pin. One....two...and thre...NO! Once again, Benoit has kicked out! He is defying all odds and somehow he still has the strength and energy to kick out of the pin attempt! The announcers are having orgasms as the fans are just going crazy in celebration and a "Ben-oit" chant starts up.

As if fueled by the chants, Benoit is up as The Sandman looks on shocked. Benoit backs Sandman into the corner. About four Flair Chops will do some damage and the fans react with some "Wooo"'s in responce to the move. Benoit then places Sandman on the middle turnbuckle, facing the outside of the ring. He lifts him up a bit and hits a German Suplex that sees Sandman go crashing through one of the other chairs in the ring! The fans can't believe what they are seeing. Benoit then locks in The Crippler Crossface and Sandman is out of it! He isn't tapping, though...but he really isn't doing anything. The referee keeps asking Sandman if he wants to quit, but Sandman's eyes are closed and his body is limp. The ref picks up Sandman's hand, and drops it....one....he picks it up....drops it.....two! He picks it up for the third time....and drops it......three! Sandman has lost! Chris Benoit is going to Sin to battle for the World Title Tournament!

The announcers are going crazy as Benoit lays in the ring, exhausted and bloody. The announcers ask who Benoit will be facing, Sabu or Rob Van Dam!?! We head to a commercial with the carnage in the ring being cleared out and medics checking on both men.

Crowd Reaction - 74%

Match Quality - 71%

Overall Rating - 73%


New Jack is Coming...

We get back to see a highlight video of a soon-to-be debuting superstar. New Jack appears to be the man shown standing on top of a ladder. We see him launch himself off of the ladder and come crashing down on two or three men outside of the ring. We then go to another highlight of New Jack from ECW where he staples a man in the head. We then see a still picture of New Jack. His name is above him and below him we see "Coming Soon". We then go to the ring for our Main Event.

Overall Rating - 67%


Singles Matchup

World Title Tournament Semi-Finals

Rob Van Dam Vs. Sabu

Rob Van Dam is out first along with Paul Heyman. He looks alive and well. Heyman taunts the fans on the way to the ring while RVD just looks at the ring, a serious look on his face. He gets in the ring and does his usual posing before Sabu's music starts. Sabu comes out a bit slower than usual. Bill Alfonso is by his side, and he runs down to the ring blowing his whistle. Sabu just walks very slowly and he is clearly showing the affects of that attack from Jerry Lynn earlier on. Sabu gets in the ring as Heyman has some words with Bill Alfonso. The bell rings and Van Dam takes it right to Sabu. Rob Van Dam and Sabu prepare to put on a classic encounter, but they are both tired from already having one match tonight.

Rob Van Dam starts out in control, and he gets a little too cocky as a result. He starts taking Sabu lightly and believing that he is still completely drained from the first match he had against Kevin Nash. RVD and Sabu do know how to entertain in their matchups, though. They have an incredibly quick pace to their matches and this clearly shows right here tonight in the Main Event. The announcers keep putting over how exciting it is knowing the winner will face Chris Benoit at Sin! Back in the ring, Rob Van Dam has been taking it to Sabu and he now goes to the top rope. He attempts a missile dropkick, but Sabu hits RVD with a dropkick of his own while Van Dam is in the air.

Van Dam is down and Sabu doesn't have the energy to get up after that nice move. The momentum has shifted, though, and Sabu finally manages to get up. He picks RVD up and hits a reverse jawbreaker. He then hits a springboard moonsault off of the ropes and makes a pin, but only gets a two. Heyman tries to come in the ring, but Bill Alfonso decks him at this point! The fans go crazy as Heyman rolls around on the ground. Bill Alfonso nods to himself as the camera goes back to the in-ring action. Sabu has thrown Rob Van Dam into the corner. Sabu comes flying in and hits a big shoulder to the chest. He then flips up and hits a hurricanrana on RVD that sends him out of the corner. RVD and Sabu are both pretty tired at this point, but Sabu has an added step to his walk as he makes his way over to RVD and picks him back up.

Sabu nails a couple of punches and then tosses RVD to the outside of the ring. Sabu poses in the ring as Heyman goes over to Van Dam and checks on him. Heyman helps him up and they do some talking. Back in the ring, Sabu bounces off the ropes on the opposite side. He comes between the middle and top ropes and nails Rob Van Dam AND Paul Heyman! The announcers say that Paul Heyman is really getting a beatdown here tonight, and it is a much-needed one in their minds. Heyman is down now, and Sabu grabs Rob Van Dam. He tosses him into the ring and we see Sabu dominate for about five or six more minutes. Rob Van Dam does tease at controlling the matchup a couple of times by ducking or dodging a move, but he can never get in complete control.

Sabu then goes to the outside. He grabs a chair and walks into the ring. The announcers point out that this is NOT a hardcore match and one chairshot will disqualify Sabu from the match and the Tournament! Sabu goes to the top rope carrying the chair. RVD is down and out in the ring after an Implant DDT. Sabu leaps off of the top rope and places the chair under his leg. He comes off and attempts a leg drop onto the chair to Rob Van Dam, but RVD moves at the last second. Sabu sells the pain well as RVD kicks the chair to the outside of the ring. Rob Van Dam beats on Sabu a bit until Sabu just falls onto the middle ropes to hold himself up, his face facing the outside of the ring.

The referee demands Rob Van Dam to back up away from Sabu for now. RVD argues with the referee and Paul Heyman comes over! He grabs the chair Van Dam kicked out of the ring and nails the already hurt Sabu right between the eyes with the chair! The fans are really booing when Bill Alfonso makes his presence known once again! He tackles Paul Heyman from the side and pounds away on him as Sabu rolls around in pain in the ring. Rob Van Dam does a Rolling Thunder and makes a pin attempt, but only gets a two count. RVD stomps on Sabu for a bit and then picks him back up. He tosses him into the corner and proceeds to hit a Monkey Flip. Sabu went flying completely across the ring.

Rob Van Dam dominated the very end of the matchup until Sabu ducked a dropkick attempt and then followed that up with a cross-body block once RVD got back up. Sabu had RVD down and out in the end of the match and he went for the Moonsault from the top rope. He climbed to the top and nailed a Moonsault! He made the pin, but once again we see someone kick out of Sabu's finisher. Rob Van Dam kicked out at two just as Kevin Nash did in the last World Title Tournament matchup for Sabu. So Sabu did just the same thing he did against Nash...he climbed to the top to hit a second Moonsault! The fans were buzzing as Sabu launched himself in the air and did a backflip...only to get a dropkick to the stomach! Somehow, Rob Van Dam dropkicked Sabu in the middle of the Moonsault! Oh my god!

That was an incredible counter-move and Sabu landed somewhat awkwardly! The fans are going nuts as Rob Van Dam positioned Sabu and headed to the top...and nailed the Five Star Frog Splash! RVD made the pin and got the one....two...and the three! Rob Van Dam is going to face Chris Benoit at Sin this Sunday! The announcers are going crazy as Paul Heyman comes in and helps his client get to his feet. Suddenly, the cameras look to the entrance ramp and we see Chris Benoit standing at the top of the entrance ramp. Benoit just smiles at Rob Van Dam and claps a couple of times in a mocking manner. Rob Van Dam signals for Benoit to come down to the ring now to no response. We get another look at Benoit just staring down Rob Van Dam and mouthing some words of his own. We then go off the air with Rob Van Dam mouthing something back and doing his finger pointing as he says "Rob-Van-Dam"! The announcers say that we will see you at Sin this Sunday! Don't miss it!

Crowd Reaction - 70%

Match Quality - 95%

Overall Rating - 82%

Overall WCW Thunder Rating - 77%

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World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Federation continued the ratings battle this week on Thursday night, as WCW's Thunder went up against WWF's RAW. Last week saw WWF drop by .03 in the ratings and WCW went up by .34. This week, World Championship Wresting went up by .25, from 4.34 to 4.59. RAW went up by .02 from 5.85 to 5.87. The quick results for each show are below.

Quick Results for WCW Thunder :

A hype video is played for the mystery man facing Sting at Sin - 88%

The Hardcore Icons (Dreamer & Funk) beat Chris Kanyon & Perry Saturn after a Double DDT, afterwards Dreamer got layed out by Curt Hennig but Funk then took care of Hennig - 75%

Paul Heyman granted Rhino a match with Randy Savage at Sin - 93%

Sabu beat Kevin Nash in the World Title Tournament and was attacked by Jerry Lynn afterwards until Goldberg made the save and chased Nash away - 61%

Rob Van Dam beat Sting cleanly in the World Title Tournament - 81%

Goldberg chased Kevin Nash to his limo and broke the window before Nash got away - 89%

Mike Awesome beat The Cat & Disco Inferno in a Handicap Match - 71%

Eddie Guerrero & Booker T talked trash about The Impact Players, who they will be facing at Sin for the Tag Team Titles - 82%

Chris Benoit beat The Sandman in a hardcore match to advance to the Finals of the World Title Tournament - 73%

A hype video for New Jack is played - 67%

Rob Van Dam beat Sabu to advance to the Finals of the World Title Tournament, and had a staredown with Chris Benoit afterwards - 82%

Overall Rating - 77%

Quick Results for WWF Smackdown!

Vince McMahon announced that Steve Austin and Mick Foley would go against The Dudley Boyz tonight for the Tag Team Titles - 96%

British Bulldog squashed Crash Holly, but Jericho came out afterwards - 59%

Chris Jericho told Bulldog he did an amazing job by beating Crash Holly in a mocking tone - 85%

The Kat beat Tori to retain her WWF Women's Title - 47%

Edge & Christian beat the New Age Outlaws - 80%

The Rock came out and talked trash about Triple H - 99%

Triple H came out and brawled with The Rock - 88%

The Dudley Boyz destroyed Mick Foley in the back, hoping to take him out of the Main Event - 81%

Kurt Angle beat The Big Show by hitting Show with the ring bell while the ref was down - 84%

A video is showed highlighting the Kane/Undertaker feud - 82%

The Dudley Boyz beat Stone Cold and Mick Foley cleanly and celebrated afterwards - 87%

Overall Rating - 80%

Both shows had their ups and downs, with WWF scoring a better rating here due to some great interviews from The Rock and Chris Jericho. This makes Jericho even more valuable and no doubt he will lose the feud with British Bulldog. Also, some have seen the push The Dudley Boyz are getting and believe it to be as a result of former ECW stars getting big pushes in WCW. The Dudley Boyz are both very over and they could be splitting up soon to get some singles pushes. Also, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam look to be going at it at Sin. Either man would make a good World Champion, but Rob Van Dam has to be the favorite. Also, New Jack looks to be coming to WCW soon. That could be good or great, depends on how WCW uses him.

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World Championship Wrestling Sin Preview!

January 30, 2000

Sin will be live this Sunday on January 30th, 2000! The first Pay-Per-View of the New Millenium looks to be an exciting one with many great matchups. Below is the final card for WCW Sin!

WCW Sin Preview!

World Tag Team Championship

The Impact Players © Vs. Booker T & Eddie Guerrero

United States Championship

Sabu © Vs. Jerry Lynn

Grudge Match

Kevin Nash Vs. Goldberg

Cruiserweight Championship

Yoshihiro Tajiri © Vs. Super Crazy

Randy Savage Vs. Rhino

The Hardcore Icons (Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer) Vs. Curt Hennig & ??

Mystery Opponent

Sting Vs. ??


World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Benoit Vs. Rob Van Dam

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Looking really good. Can't wait till Sin.

World Tag Team Championship

The Impact Players © Vs. Booker T & Eddie Guerrero

United States Championship

Sabu © Vs. Jerry Lynn

Grudge Match

Kevin Nash Vs. Goldberg

Cruiserweight Championship

Yoshihiro Tajiri © Vs. Super Crazy

Randy Savage Vs. Rhino

The Hardcore Icons (Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer)Vs. Curt Hennig & ??

Mystery Opponent

Sting Vs. ??


World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Benoit Vs. Rob Van Dam

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Okay...damn this show took a long time to do. I can't count how many hours I've spent working on this over the last four or five days. I really hope somebody likes it and any feedback is welcomed....and I need someone to acknowledge my work. Tell me whether it is good, bad, boring, exciting....sexy...anything. Hopefully, this is my best show yet. I'll start it off with a recap show just in case someone hasn't been reading this last month. Thanks for reading and enjoy...


WCW Sin Results

January 30th, 2000

We start the night with a red WCW logo on the screen. It fades out and we then have the Sin logo written in red letters. They crumble to the floor and we then fade out before we go to the live arena for World Championship Wrestling's first Pay-Per-View of the New Millenium, Sin!

Before we go to the matches, we are treated to a highlight video featuring actions over the last month in World Championship Wrestling. "Having A Blast" by Green Day begins to play as we go to these clips....

"I'm taking all of you down with me" ~ We see Lance Storm come flying off the top rope to the outside, taking out Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, and his partner, Justin Credible, in the process.

"Explosives duct taped to my spine" ~ The Sandman powerbombs a bloody Chris Benoit through two chairs.

"Nothing's gonna change my mind" ~ We see Rhino getting hit in the back by a chair from Randy Savage.

"I won't listen to anyone's last words" ~ Sabu poses in the middle of the ring with Bill Alfonso seen on the outside of the ring.

"There's nothing left for you to say" ~ Hulk Hogan does his posing in the middle of the ring.

"Soon you'll be dead anyway" ~ We see Sting knocked out beside a steel chair that is dented from the impact of Sting's skull.

"Well, no one is getting out alive" ~ Goldberg spears Jerry Lynn in the middle of the ring.

"This time I've really lost my mind and I don't care" ~ Yoshihiro Tajiri screams and nails the Kick of Death on Super Crazy.

"So close your eyes and kiss yourself goodbye" ~ Rey Misterio, Jr. misses a leg drop attempt from the top rope on Juventud Guerrera.

"And think about the time you've spent, and what they meant" ~ Paul Heyman stands in the ring with Jerry Lynn, Rhino, Sandman, and Rob Van Dam.

"To me it's nothing" ~ Justin Credible and Lance Storm hits simultaneous Superkicks on Rey Misterio, Jr. and Stevie Ray.

"I'm losing all my happiness" ~ Rhino hits a Gore on Miss Elizabeth.

"The happiness you pinned on me" ~ Bret Hart stands in the ring with a microphone, looking at Chris Benoit.

"Loneliness still comforts me" ~ Sabu is attacked by The Sandman and Jerry Lynn.

"My anger dwells inside of me" ~ Curt Hennig tackles Tommy Dreamer.

"I'm taking it all out on you" ~ Tommy Dreamer hits a DDT on Perry Saturn at the same time Terry Funk hits a DDT on Chris Kanyon.

"And all the **** you put me through" ~ We see Goldberg crushing the window of Kevin Nash's limo with his bare fist.

"Do you ever think back to another time" ~ We see Scott Hall standing with Kevin Nash in the ring, holding microphones.

"Did it bring you so down that you thought you lost your mind" ~ Ric Flair locks in the Figure Four Leglock on Randy Savage, who screams in pain and taps out.

"Did you ever want to lead a long ways of destruction" ~ We see Rob Van Dam doing his finger-point posing.

"And mow down any ******** that comforts you" ~ A bloody Chris Benoit leaps off the top rope and nails a Diving Headbutt onto two chairs that are over The Sandman's face.

"Do you ever build up all the small things in your head" ~ Mike Awesome hits a Splash on The Cat from the top rope.

"To make one problem that adds up to nothing" ~ Chris Benoit comes out and stares down Rob Van Dam.

The montage comes to an end as we see Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam having the staredown still. We stop on that view for about six or seven seconds until we fade out. We fade back and go to Mike Tenay and 'Mean' Gene Okerlund. The two announcers are standing in a set that has the WCW logo in big stones behind them. Next to that, 'SIN' is spelled out in giant letters, as well. Various televisions are shown that are highlighting certain wrestlers or matches for tonight. 'Mean' Gene begins first.

Gene Okerlund - Welcome, ladies and gentleman, I'm Gene Okerlund, and welcome to the Sin preview! Sin is just moments away, and we would like to show you what you have in store.

Mike Tenay - That's right, Gene. We have thirty minutes of previews...so, if you haven't ordered, get on the phone and dial! We have one of the biggest, most explosive Pay-Per-Views in World Championship Wrestling history. The number should be on your screen, so call your local cable provider and order Sin, for only 29.99!

Gene Okerlund - Okay, Mike. These fans want to know about wrestling. Let's tell them about Sin.

Randy Savage Vs. Rhino

We go to a video highlighting the Rhino/Randy Savage feud that has been going on since Extreme Championship Wrestlers appeared in World Championship Wrestling.

January 3rd, 2000 - Nitro

We now cut to the back where we see a huge group of security guards holding back two men who are attempting to brawl. One man is cleary Randy Savage, The Macho Man! He is shouting and yelling at the other one who is someone new. Those ECW fans would recognize him as Rhino! The announcers are begging for answers and make a big deal out of finally getting some information on how this occurred. We are still watching security hold back The Macho Man and Rhino as the announcers say that this somehow occurred because Savage accussed Rhino and the ECW wrestlers as being the small-time players that try to make it in the big time and fail miserably. Apparently, Rhino took some offense to this and wanted to show Savage just how "small-time" he was. We cut to the ring as the brawl finally dies down.

Mike Tenay - There it was, folks. It all began there, a small encounter between two of the biggest stars in World Championship Wrestling. This very small disagreement would turn out to be a huge deal in the weeks to come in WCW.

Gene Okerlund - Later that night, on Nitro, Rhino would make an impact on Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. This would never be forgotten by The Macho Man. Let's have a look...

January 3rd, 2000 - Nitro, Later That Night

Randy Savage and Ric Flair are having a decent matchup.  Randy Savage has gotten control and he goes to the top rope.  He signals for the Flying Elbow Smash, but he sees someone coming down the entrance ramp.  It is Rhino!  Rhino comes out and Savage stares him down.  But Rhino shows little interest in Ric Flair or Randy Savage.  Instead, he gets extremely close to Miss Elizabeth.  The announcers say that this is a very dangerous moment.  Savage is yelling at Rhino to leave, and Rhino finally looks up at him.  He nods, and turns to leave...but stops!  He turns around and hits The Gore on Miss Elizabeth!  Boos are echoing throughout the arena as Savage gets down, only to get a low blow from Ric Flair.  Flair then locks on the Figure Four Leglock and forces The Macho Man to tap.  After the match, Rhino gets in the ring and hits a Gore on Randy Savage before leaving to the back.

Gene Okerlund - The Man-Beast, Rhino, had the nerve to Gore Miss Elizabeth. Randy Savage did not take kindly to that.

Mike Tenay - That's right, Gene. But Paul Heyman and Rhino would actually try to explain their actions. This happened on WCW Thunder.

January 6th, 2000 - Thunder

Rhino stands in the ring with Paul Heyman.  Heyman has a microphone and proceeds to speak.

Paul Heyman - I am here with Rhino to explain a little something. You see, these last couple of days I have got hundreds of phone calls. Everyone wants to know what exactly happened between Randy Savage and Rhino on Nitro. Well, let me explain it. I will give the honest truth, too, which is something Savage will not do! Your hero, Savage, was in the back running his mouth like always. He had the nerve to call Rhino here a small-time player. Not only was that intended for Rhino, but it was intended for every wrestler to ever step foot in an ECW ring. Savage wanted to tell us that we were just here trying to hang with the big guys. Well, nope, that isn't it, Macho Man. We ARE the big guys. We don't have to prove anything to anyone in the back. We know we are great, and we know we are better than these WCW wrestlers. And to prove that point, Rhino here would like a match with Randy Savage next week on Thunder!

Mike Tenay - The challenge was set for Thunder next week. But Monday Nitro would also prove to be a part of their new rivalry.

Gene Okerlund - The World Title Tournament brackets were released on that edition of Monday Nitro, and Paul Heyman made their match on Thunder a Tournament matchup. This gave their feud a whole new meaning.

January 10th, 2000 - Monday Nitro

Randy Savage is standing in the ring with a microphone.  He begins to speak...

Randy Savage - You know what. I got one thing and one thing only to say. Rhino, brother, you made a huge mistake. Oh yeah! I just don't know what you were thinking when you decided to go at it with the Macho Man! Cause payback is coming, man. Oh yeaahhh, payback is coming! You want to come out here and go after Miss Elizabeth!?! Oh my god that's the biggest mistake you've ever made, brother! But it won't be your last. You see, we got a match on Thunder in just a couple days, bro, and that is when you will feel the craziness that is called the Macho Man, oh yeah! You can do whatever you want to me, but when you lay your fingers on Miss Elizabeth, oh boy, that's when you sign your deathwish. And that deathwish will be delivered by The Macho Man! Ooooh Yeahhhh!!!

The crowd cheers for Macho Man for a bit, until he a man comes in the ring behind him and nails him with a Singapore Cane!  The Sandman is here.  Rhino comes sliding into the ring just a second later and we see Sandman stand Savage up for Rhino.  Rhino hits a huge Gore on The Macho Man.  The two ECW stars leave as Rhino spits on the downed Randy Savage to disrespect him.

Mike Tenay - The stage was now set for Thunder. Rhino versus Randy Savage. A legend against a future legend in the business.

Gene Okerlund - These two men refuse to let the other have any kind of advantage in the rivalry. But things would go down on Thunder. Business was about to pick up...

January 13th, 2000 - Thunder

We see Rhino come out with Paul Heyman.  Then, we see Miss Elizabeth come out with Randy Savage, but Savage stops and signals for her to go to the back.  After a minute or two, she reluctantly heads to the back.  We cut to the end of the match and this is what we see:

Randy Savage has been killing Rhino. No one has treated Rhino this badly in the past. Rhino is reeling and hasn't managed one thing of offense. Savage even picks up the Man-Beast and delivers a big bodyslam. He signals for the Flying Elbow and this could be it already! This might be the biggest upset ever! Savage goes to the top rope, but Rhino gets up. Savage decides to try an axhandle smash, but as he jumps off he gets Gored right in the air! The fans have an incredible pop at that good spot between these two as Savage is down.

Rhino waits on Savage to get up and hits a second Gore for good measure. He then makes the pin and gets the three count in this quick matchup. Rhino looks like he is on a mission. Heyman gets in the ring and instructs Rhino to Gore him one more time. Rhino does so and Savage looks like he was just in a war. Finally, Rhino leaves towards the back as we go off the air.

Gene Okerlund - Rhino pulled one out against the legendary Macho Man. How did this affect the Macho Man?

Mike Tenay - Well, I think he will come better prepared tonight. Rhino is a firecracker that can strike at any time.

Gene Okerlund - That's right...but Rhino had other things on his mind on the following episode of Nitro. He would be in the second round of the World Title Tournament. He would be facing not only Chris Benoit, but his good friend Jerry Lynn, as well.

Mike Tenay - Chris Benoit was entering a handicap matchup basically, but Rhino's mind was on Randy Savage. Let's take a look.

January 17th, 2000 - Nitro

First, we see an interview from Macho Man that happened right before the Triangle Match that night.  We see Randy Savage standing in the back with Miss Elizabeth.  He then begins to speak.

Randy Savage - Ohhhh Yeahhhh! Rhino! Last week you beat me fair and square in the World Title Tournament....ohhhh yeahhh! That's for sure, brother...but it isn't over! It is nowhere near over, bro. Because you will NOT get to the next round! Noooo, that just ain't gonna happen! So, let's say you lose tonight. Ohhh yeahhh, you will lose tonight, too! And after you lose, brother. I want you, one-on-one at Sin! And The Ma-CHO Man will be waiting for you to accept, brother. Because next time we meet, there's gonna be a different ending. The Ma-CHO Man is gonna be jumping off that top rope and flying down on you with the big el-BOW brother! Oooohhhh Yeaaahhhh!

We then cut to the Triangle Match in the World Title Tournament.  Chris Benoit Vs. Rhino Vs. Jerry Lynn.  The odds were stacked against Chris Benoit, but the announcers thought Rhino and Lynn were focused on other things.  Let's take a look at the midway point of the matchup.

About halfway through the match, Jerry Lynn is holding Benoit up since he can barely stand. They are preparing for Rhino's Gore finisher. Rhino comes stomping in and Gores....Jerry Lynn! Benoit dove out of the way at the very last minute. Rhino gets up and looks around as Jerry Lynn rolls around in pain. Rhino checks on his fallen friend for a bit as Benoit gets a much-needed breather.

Mike Tenay - Jerry Lynn and Rhino having some trouble working together in that matchup. Let's go the the end of that match...

January 17th, 2000 - Nitro, Later in the Match

We are finally late in the match and Chris Benoit is still getting the vicious beating. Neither men has made a serious pin attempt. Jerry Lynn did make the pin attempt, but willingly got off of Chris Benoit after one. This was just an act to mock Chris Benoit. Jerry Lynn now hits the Tornado DDT on Chris Benoit. Rhino decides to pick Chris Benoit up and hold him for Jerry Lynn. Lynn comes flying in and hits a dropkick.....on Rhino! These two have done it once again! The fans are going crazy as these two get back up and start arguing with each other again.

Finally, we see someone running down to the ring....it is The Macho Man! The fans are going nuts as Macho Man stops right at the ring and looks up at the two men arguing and the one man down and out. Benoit is motionless under the ropes as Jerry Lynn and Rhino continue to argue with no clue about Macho Man. Jerry Lynn then spots him and points to him. Rhino looks over at The Macho Man and goes to the outside. He gets up in Savage's face, but there are no punches thrown yet by either man.

Back in the ring, Jerry Lynn looks at these two men arguing, his back to Chris Benoit. Benoit then turns Lynn around and nails him with a punch. He suddenly has a big boost of energy! He then whips Jerry Lynn into the ropes, but Lynn reverses....and Benoit turns this into the Crippler Crossface! Rhino is now up in Savage's face, and he turns to walk away on the outside.....but he turns around and goes for a Gore! But Savage moves at the last instant and Rhino goes shoulder-first into the steel steps! The fans are marking out big time as Jerry Lynn taps out inside the ring to the Crippler Crossface and the ref rings the bell. Randy Savage then starts giving the boots to the downed Rhino.

Gene Okerlund - Randy Savage getting his revenge from his loss in the World Title Tournament, and Chris Benoit advancing to the next round against all odds. That was a huge matchup right there, folks.

Mike Tenay - Paul Heyman would not take too kindly to the mistakes of Jerry Lynn and Rhino. He would issue a tag team matchup at Thunder....Jerry Lynn and Rhino against Randy Savage and Sabu. Let's take a look at that matchup from Thunder!

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder


Tag Team Matchup

Rhino & Jerry Lynn Vs. Randy Savage & Sabu w/ Bill Alfonso

The ECW alumnus are out first to their ECW Theme. They get a big reaction from the fans. They both seem to be on the same page after their embarassing mistake on Nitro when they allowed Chris Benoit to get to the next round of the World Title Tournament. They get in the ring and do some talking to each other as Randy Savage's music plays. The Macho Man comes out minus Miss Elizabeth once again. He waltzes down to the ring and stands on the outside as he waits for his partner, Sabu! Sabu is out with Bill Alfonso and he gets in the ring to start against Jerry Lynn.

These two really know how to put on a show. They dazzle the fans with nonstop action that is faster than anyone could imagine before the match. Jerry Lynn seems to be taking over, but this is stopped when Sabu tags out after about five minutes of very quick technical work. Sabu tags in Randy Savage and the fans get on their feet. Savage tells Jerry Lynn that he wants Rhino, but Lynn ignores him and goes for his feet, tripping him up in the process. Jerry Lynn then tries to stay on top, but Savage powers out of a headlock and slams Lynn down hard on his stomach.

Randy Savage really takes it to Lynn with his prehistoric brawling skills. He hits punch after punch....after punch...after punch. Finally, he uses a nice atomic drop followed by a forearm to the back of the head. He tags out to Sabu, who goes to the top rope and hits a hurricanrana once Lynn gets back up. Lynn flies over to his corner. Rhino then tagged himself in and went after Savage. Savage ducked a clothesline and then turned around to nail him with a couple fists to the jaw. Rhino was reeling, but he quickly shook it off. He then grabbed Savage's leg and tripped him up. He kept possession of his leg and let two elbow drops fall down on his leg, squeezing it between the canvas and Rhino's weight.

Rhino then threw Savage into the ropes and Gored him out of nowhere! The fans reacted with cheers and boos, a mixed reaction. But Sabu came in and hit a spinning heel kick on Rhino from behind, sending Rhino to the mat. Jerry Lynn then came in and we see Rhino work his way around Sabu. Now, Sabu is in front of Rhino and Jerry Lynn is making his way towards Sabu. He goes to clothesline Sabu, but Sabu ducks! Jerry Lynn stops just in time to keep his outstretched arm from landing across Rhino's neck. Jerry Lynn smiles a bit and points to his head, signalling how smart and intelligent he is. He begins to laugh a bit as he turns around to recieve a monkey flip from Sabu. This sends him to the outside of the ring.

Sabu gets up and looks over the top rope at Lynn. He turns around and gets Gored by Rhino! Rhino makes the pin, but the referee informs him that Sabu isn't the legal man. Rhino tosses Sabu to the outside and goes back after Savage. He stomps on him a bit and then picks him up. He hits a Running Powerslam that brings back memories of The British Bulldog. Jerry Lynn has now made his way back to the canvas on the outside. Rhino sends Savage into the corner and Lynn chokes him up top as Rhino distracts the referee.

Jerry Lynn then hits some blows to the chest before letting Savage go. But Savage is pissed off, he turns around and nails Lynn, sending him to the floor once again. The fans pop as Savage yells at Lynn. Jerry Lynn crawls back up to the ring as Rhino waits for Savage to turn around. The Macho Man finally turns around and Rhino comes charging in to attempt the Gore! But Savage jumps out of the way and Rhino hits the Gore on....Jerry Lynn! Lynn had gotten in the ring to attack Savage from behind at the last second. Lynn rolls over in pain and grabs his stomach as Rhino looks down at him.

Meanwhile, The Macho Man tagged in Sabu. Sabu hits a springboard dropkick on Rhino just as he turns around. Savage then comes flying in with the Flying Elbow Smash on Rhino. Rhino is out and Sabu hits a big Moonsault. He follows that up with a pin attempt and.....gets the three count! Rhino and Lynn have lost again after miscommunication between each other! Randy Savage and Sabu celebrate for a bit as Bill Alfonso blows his whistle. Meanwhile, Jerry Lynn helps Rhino up and proceeds to get in his face. These two look pretty upset as we go off the air.

Mike Tenay - Rhino and Jerry Lynn having problems, once again.

Gene Okerlund - Many believe these two are just better off in singles competition. That seems to be true for Rhino, as he has yet to lose in singles action.

Mike Tenay - And that could all come to an end here tonight against Randy Savage. The Macho Man has really had a lot of trouble with Rhino. Rhino seems to have a thing for injuring or scaring Miss Elizabeth. We've already seen him Gore her once, but something also happened on the January 24th episode of Nitro.

January 24th, 2000 - Nitro

We see the always-pissed-off Rhino walking around in the back, wearing his wrestling tights. He turns a corner and bumps into Miss Elizabeth! Uh-oh! Rhino stares at her for a second and begins laughing. He corners her as Miss Elizabeth's piercing scream makes those at home turn the television to mute. Rhino nods to himself, but suddenly he is hit with a steel chair from behind. Rhino sells it a bit, but still manages to turn around. Randy Savage has showed up and he nails Rhino again in the gut. Rhino bends over and gets a third chairshot to the back. He then falls over as Miss Elizabeth continues to scream in terror. Savage pulls Miss Elizabeth close to her and they both walk off. Rhino gets back up and stares at them with a very angry face.

Gene Okerlund - That really set Rhino off. After that, he demanded a shot at Randy Savage here tonight at Sin. He gets the match, but how will he fare tonight?

Mike Tenay - The match was confirmed at our last Thunder, and it looks to be one of the most brutal matches of the night. Both of these men have something to settle with each other.

Gene Okerlund - Now, let's take a look at another matchup for tonight that is really getting intense lately.

The Hardcore Icons Vs. Curt Hennig & ??

Mike Tenay - Tommy Dreamer came into World Championship Wrestling in a debut match against Terry Funk. Let's take a look at his first WCW match ever.

January 3rd, 2000 - Nitro

The end of the match comes when Dreamer looks to be on top. He has a Dragon Sleeper applied, but Funk battles his way out of it. Dreamer then bounces off the ropes only to recieve a clothesline from Funk. Funk then picks him up and hits a vicious backbreaker. He waits for Tommy Dreamer to get up and then hits a huge DDT that plants Dreamer to the canvas. He makes the pin and gets the three count. After the match, Funk helps Dreamer up and hugs him. The camera shows Funk saying "Welcome to WCW" as they hug. Dreamer holds up Funk's hand before they both exit to the back.

Gene Okerlund - A great display of friendship and loyalty, Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer have a father-son relationship that overpowers anything that is thrown in their path.

Mike Tenay - But Curt Hennig had some words of his own. He had a problem with the wrestlers who have been showing up from Extreme Championship Wrestling. This came out on the January 13th episode of Thunder. Let's have a look.

January 13th, 2000 - Thunder

Curt Hennig is standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone.

Curt Hennig - Lately, I've been in the back and I can't help but feel sick to my stomach. It's all because of these ECW guys in the back. Now, I'll admit, there are some of them that deserve to be where they're at. Guys like Jerry Lynn and The Impact Players. They deserve respect. They are near perfect and I can respect them. But then....then we have others like Terry Funk and Sabu. These guys make me want to vomit. Look at Terry Funk....sure, he was in WCW before ECW came here, but he is an ECW wrestler at heart. Just take a look at him....he's not in shape, he's hideous, and he's a disgrace to wrestling all-together. I really wish...

Before he can say anything else, he is interrupted by Tommy Dreamer's music!  The fans give him a decent reception as he runs down to the ring.  We cut to the final moments of the match :

Curt Hennig struts around the ring as he believes he has Dreamer right where he wants him. He stomps on him a couple of times, but continues to play to the crowd instead of hitting any moves on his opponent. He turns around and picks Dreamer up. He sends him into the corner and beats him down for nearly a minute. He even begins to choke him with his boot as Dreamer sulks down into the corner. The referee has to pull Hennig apart to break the illegal choke, but Hennig breaks free and continues the choke on Tommy Dreamer.

Finally, the referee stops Hennig and Dreamer gets the chance to get in a quick shot at his opponent. He beats down on Hennig for a bit, but Hennig stops it with a knee to the gut. He then hits a knee lift and struts around once again. Finally, he picks Tommy Dreamer up and signals for the Hennig Plex! The fans get up as Hennig goes to lift Dreamer up above his head.....but Tommy Dreamer blocks it! He then proceeds to hit the Dreamer DDT! He falls down and both men are out. Tommy Dreamer droops an arm over Curt Hennig and makes the pin. The referee count the three count and the match is awarded to Tommy Dreamer after a decent brawling matchup! We head to a commercial as Dreamer rolls to the outside, leaving Hennig motionless in the ring to recover.

Gene Okerlund - Tommy Dreamer picking up a win over Curt Hennig there, but Curt Hennig would not go away. He has a strong dislike towards ECW and their wrestlers, and he wants to get at them anyway possible.

Mike Tenay - The team of Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer soon began calling themselves The Hardcore Icons. On Nitro, they were given a shot at The Impact Players for the Tag Team Titles.

January 17th, 2000 - Nitro

Tommy Dreamer finally made the hot tag to Terry Funk and it appeared that The Funkster and Dreamer would come out on top in this matchup. This was all good and well until Terry Funk missed an attempted clothesline on Lance Storm and hit the referee instead. Funk looked down at his and tried to help, but Storm rolled him up from behind. There was no count and Storm looked upset. Justin Credible then came in and started to double-team Terry Funk. Tommy Dreamer wasn't having it, though. He came into the ring and layed out both men as there was some sort of noise coming from the crowd.

A man was running to the ring...it is Curt Hennig! He runs into the ring and lays out Dreamer with a clothesline. He then picks him up and hits a Hennig-Plex! He lets it go and starts stomping on Terry Funk. The Hardcore Legend rolls to the outside as Curt Hennig high-tails it to the back. Finally, the ref revives as if nothing happened. Justin Credible and Lance Storm proceed to hit the Deep Impact finisher on Tommy Dreamer. Lance Storm then locks in the Boston Crab and Tommy Dreamer taps out very quickly. The champions retain as Curt Hennig stands at the top of the ramp with a mic in hand, laughing at Dreamer and Funk.

Mike Tenay - Curt Hennig, perhaps costing The Hardcore Icons the Tag Team Titles.

Gene Okerlund - And immediately after that, Curt Hennig made the challenge for tonight....

January 17th, 2000 - Nitro, Postmatch

Curt Hennig stands at the top of the ramp as The Impact Players walk right by him, celebrating their victory. Tommy Dreamer is helped up by Terry Funk and the two hardcore icons look to the top of the ramp and begin pointing at Curt Hennig, yelling at him in the process.

Curt Hennig - Listen up, you two pieces of trash. That is exactly what you get for coming across Curt Hennig. You two...you really sicken me. Just look at you. Not in shape, not even attractive enough to be a star in this business. Terry Funk, your the most disgusting person to ever be called a wrestler. George 'The Animal' Steele would steal your wife from you on his worst day. But you two want to come into World Championship Wrestling and pretend to be wrestlers. Well, let's have a wrestling match then. It'll be you two against me and a person of my choice at Sin! I hope you two garbage wrestlers are ready...and it will NOT be a hardcore match. It will be a regular WRESTLING match.

Gene Okerlund - Curt Hennig quick to point out that he wants a wrestling match, and not a garbage wrestling match.

Mike Tenay - And The Hardcore Icons would have trouble preparing for the match, since they have no idea who Curt Hennig's mystery partner will be. And Hennig wanted to use this to his advantage, as he toyed with the idea of telling everyone who it was.

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder

Curt Hennig is in the ring with a microphone.

Curt Hennig - Shut up you stupid, fat slobs! I have a big announcement to make and I cannot speak over you ignorant fans. You can cheer when someone unimportant is in the ring, like Tommy Dreamer or Terry Funk....and they are the reason I am out here right now. These two garbage wrestlers are really a bother to me. I still want to vomit when I lay my eyes on them...I really hope I can make it through our match without spewing all over the ring. But I have been getting people who want to know who my partner will be. Well....my partner will be.....

He stops for a bit and lets the tension rise. Everyone actually looks interested to find out who Curt Hennig's partner will be against Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk at Sin.

Curt Hennig - .......at Sin! That's right. My partner will be at Sin! So, if you want to know who will be by my side, tune into Sin!

Gene Okerlund - Hennig is definitely playing mind games there. He wants to keep The Hardcore Icons guessing as to who will be at his side at Sin.

Mike Tenay - And he also wanted to enter the Pay-Per-View on a good note, so he asked for a match on Nitro. Let's see clips from that Monday Nitro matchup against Buff Bagwell...

January 24th, 2000 - Nitro

Buff Bagwell is down and can't get an advantage for the first three or four minutes, but he finally turns it around in a big way after he blocks a suplex and hits a front suplex that sees Hennig land on the top turnbuckle, crotch-first. Hennig sells it wells as Buff then hits a Superplex on him. Buff is up and the fans are getting behind him, but Curt Hennig knows exactly how to slow Bagwell down. Buff comes running in and drops an elbow, but it misses badly as Hennig moves out of the way early. Hennig then gets Bagwell's legs and looks like he is about to apply a Sharpshooter, but he stops. He then stomps Bagwell clearly in the groin! The ref yells at Hennig, but Hennig snaps right back at the ref, scaring him away. Hennig then picks Bagwell up and hits a Hennig-Plex. He holds it and the ref has no other choice but to make the three count. Curt Hennig picks up the win and he decides to do some bragging. He gets in the camera's face and says, "that's what's gonna happen to you, Funkster!" He continues as we head to a commercial.

Mike Tenay - The Hardcore Icons also wanted to enter the Pay-Per-View on a good note. That same week, on Thunder, they were given a warmup match against the team of Perry Saturn and Chris Kanyon.

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder

Dreamer finally did manage to get the hot tag, though, and Terry Funk came in to clean house. Funk came in and dominated Kanyon for a bit, then nailed Perry Saturn on the side just for good measure. Terry Funk then hit a DDT on Kanyon as Saturn came sliding into the ring. Dreamer saw this and went in as well. Chris Kanyon was recovering from the DDT and began to stand up. We had all four men in the ring. Dreamer and Funk really started working over their two opponents. This was followed by both men getting their opponent in the position for the DDT! Dreamer had Perry Saturn ready and Terry Funk was holding Chris Kanyon. Dreamer and Funk both looked at each other and set it up to occur at the exact same moment. Suddenly, both men went down and nailed their respective finishers at the same time. Tommy Dreamer then pushed Saturn out of the ring as The Funkster pinned Chris Kanyon. He got the three count and the win for his team!

Suddenly, Curt Hennig came sliding into the ring! He decked Tommy Dreamer with a clothesline and began pounding on him. Funk did not see it at first, but he retaliated as soon as he did see it. Funk grabbed Hennig's long hair and pulled him up. Hennig screamed in pain as Funk hit a reverse-DDT. The Funkster then threw Curt Hennig out of the ring as these two legends stared each other down, both wishing that it was Sunday already. Tommy Dreamer got back up and joined in the staredown as we headed to the back for an interview.

Mike Tenay - So there we have it. All of this will come to a conclusion here tonight at Sin.

Gene Okerlund - But who will Curt Hennig's partner be? Maybe speculations have been floating around the wrestling world, but it has been kept quiet by Curt Hennig. We will find out right here tonight when The Hardcore Icons face Curt Hennig and his mystery partner.

Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs. Super Crazy

Mike Tenay - The battle for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship has been on an entirely new level since the arrival of ECW superstars into World Championship Wrestling.

Gene Okerlund - It all began on the first show of the New Millenium when we crowned a new Cruiserweight Champion...

January 3rd, 2000 - Nitro

Triangle Matchup

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Madusa © Vs. Super Crazy Vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Madusa is out first and she stands in the ring waiting on her opponents. Next out is an unfamiliar wrestler. It is the first glimpse of ECW on WCW television! Yoshihiro Tajiri comes out and he immediately starts yelling at some of the fans. This Japanese wrestler is strange in appearance to most passive fans, but he is sure to wow them once this matchup starts.

Super Crazy is the third and final competitor out. He gets the fans on his side by slapping some hands on the way down and showing a lot of charisma as he makes his way to the ring. The announcers point out that Super Crazy and Yoshihiro Tajiri know each other pretty well from ECW and that they have had some classic encounters. Maybe this match will show everyone what Extreme Championship Wrestling is all about?

The bell rings as the announcers point out that this is an Elimination Match so there will be two pinfalls. Super Crazy starts off going after Tajiri, but it doesn't last long. Yoshihiro Tajiri soon gets advantage on Super Crazy, eventually sending him to the outside of the ring. This leaves Tajiri and Madusa, who looks shocked, scared, nervous, and about everything else. She comes running at Tajiri and gets a huge kick to the gut. After bending over, she gets a kick to the back of the head. Tajiri looks like a hawk stalking his prey.

Before Tajiri can really dish out any punishment, Super Crazy is back in the ring and he hits a big dropkick on Tajiri. Tajiri rolls to the outside, and Crazy hits a baseball slide, sending Tajiri into the railing. Madusa then tries to attack Super Crazy from behind, but she gets bodyslammed for her troubles. Crazy follows this up with a trip to the top and hits a moonsault on Madusa that gets the fans into it. He stays on top to make the pin and eliminate Madusa in the process!

Tajiri is now back in the ring and these two go at it for a good amount of time. Neither of them can get much of an advantage until Tajiri hits a low blow on Super Crazy that actually gets some of the fans into the match. Tajiri then keeps Super Crazy down for a good amount of the match. But this couldn't last forever as Super Crazy ducks a clothesline and comes back with a flying crossbody. Crazy then goes to the top and hits a huge splash on Tajiri. He makes a pin, but Tajiri reverses it for a two count. Super Crazy then bounces off the ropes as Tajiri gets up and hits a hurricanrana that takes him right back down.

Super Crazy waits for Yoshihiro Tajiri to get back up and attempts another hurricanrana, but Tajiri reverses this and we see him somehow turn this into the Tarantula maneuver that uses the ropes. The referee breaks it up after about eight seconds. Super Crazy is down and Tajiri measures him up. He tosses him into the corner and hangs him upside down on the turnbuckle. He comes sliding in and hits him right in the jaw with his feet. Super Crazy rolls off and tries to stand up only to get the Kick of Death! Tajiri makes the pin and gets the three count to win the WCW Cruiserweight Championship!

Gene Okerlund - Yoshihiro Tajiri winning there over Super Crazy and the former Cruiserweight Champion, Madusa. The cruiserweight division would really go to new heights the following weeks.

Mike Tenay - The #1 Contender to the Cruiserweight Championship would be decided on Thunder as Rey Misterio, Jr. and Juventud Guerrera met in the ring, but the outcome wasn't what was expected...

January 6th, 2000 - Thunder

We see Juventud Guerrera and Rey Misterio, Jr. in the ring.  It appears to be late in the match, as both are very tired.  We then start the tape of the live Thunder matchup :

These two continue going at it for a good amount of time. It is getting late in the match after Juventud and Rey have switched momentum a couple of times. Juventud Guerrera is on top at this point, but it doesn't last long. Rey hits a clothesline that sends Guerrera hard to the canvas. Guerrera gets up slowly and Rey backs him into the corner. He hits a Flair chop and the crowd echoes back with a 'Woo'! Guerrera then fights back and hits a couple chops of his own. Suddenly, the bell rings as these two continue going at it. The announcers wonder what is going on as the time keeper announces that this match has gone over the 15-Minute Time Limit and is a Draw! The announcers ask what will happen next Monday on Nitro if we have no #1 Contender.

Gene Okerlund - But quick thinking from the WCW office would prove to save the outcome of the match. The winner was supposed to be getting a title shot on the following Nitro, but we had no clear winner.

Mike Tenay - So what did WCW management do? They decided to have yet another Triangle Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship! Rey Misterio, Jr. and Juventud Guerrera would be getting a shot at Yoshihiro Tajiri's Title. Let's go to the end of that matchup...

January 10th, 2000 - Nitro

Juventud Guerrera gets on top near the end of the matchup. He has Tajiri down and he hits a snap suplex on Rey, followed by a rollover for a two count. Guerrera then goes to the corner and pulls Rey with him. He gets up top and sets up Rey for a powerbomb off the top rope! But Rey reverses it into a hurricanrana. Juvy goes flying across the ring as Tajiri comes into the picture and hits the Kick of Death on Rey out of nowhere! The fans react as that was the loudest kick so far. Tajiri makes the pin, but Juvy comes in and breaks it up. Guerrera then hits a neckbreaker on Tajiri. He goes for a pin on the downed Tajiri, but Tajiri reaches his foot back and kicks him at a very awkward angle. Tajiri then pins Juventud Guerrera for the three count to retain his WCW Cruiserweight Championship! He celebrates for a bit as we head to a commercial with a view of Tajiri standing in the ring and the downed bodies of Rey Misterio, Jr. and Juventud Guerrera.

Mike Tenay - Over the couple of weeks, we have seen many classic encounters between four of the top cruiserweights in the world. Yoshihiro Tajiri, Super Crazy, Rey Misterio, Jr., and Juventud Guerrera have spent a lot of time in the ring together over this last month.

Gene Okerlund - And these four would meet on Thunder in a tag team matchup, pitting the team of Juventud Guerrero and Cruiserweight Champion, Yoshihiro Tajiri, against Rey Misterio, Jr. and Super Crazy.

January 13th, 2000 - Thunder

Finally, we get to the end of this great match (easily the Match of the Night). We have Yoshihiro Tajiri in at the end against Super Crazy. The two ex-ECW superstars are really worn out and it is showing as they have each lost a step. Tajiri goes for the Kick of Death on Crazy, but Crazy dodges it and hits a Jumping DDT on him in return. Super Crazy then positions him and goes to the top rope. He hits the Triple Jump Moonsault as Juventud Guerrera comes running in. But he is cut off by Super Crazy's partner, Rey Misterio. Misterio hits a crossbody on Juventud Guerrera and then boots him until he rolls to the outside. Super Crazy makes the pin after the Triple Jump Moonsault and picks up the win for his team. Super Crazy and Rey Misterio, Jr. celebrate with the crowd a bit before walking to the back.

Gene Okerlund - The Cruiserweight Champion's team losing there to Super Crazy and Rey Misterio. But we would have another #1 Contenders match at Thunder not too long ago. The winner would be getting a shot right here tonight at Sin.

Mike Tenay - Super Crazy and Juventud Guerrera both wanted that spot to take on Yoshihiro Tajiri for his Cruiserweight Championship.

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder

We interrupt the match near the very end where Super Crazy is on top.  We see him attempting a Twisting Plancha.

Super Crazy misses a twisting plancha from the top rope. Guerrera rolls out of the way and then stomps on him a bit. He then picks him up and nails the Juvy Driver! The fans are starting to sit back down as Juvy makes the pin.....but Super Crazy kicks out! Juventud Guerrera looks absolutely furious as he picks Crazy back up and nails a second Juvy Driver! But Crazy kicks out for the second time! Juventud is really yelling at the referee as Super Crazy comes from behind and gets a schoolboy rollup on Juventud. The referee counts the three, but Juventud's feet are on the ropes! The ref doesn't see it, though, and counts the three! The match is awarded to Super Crazy, who celebrates while Juventud gets back up and argues with the referee about the ropes. Crazy then walks to the back, leaving Juvy to argue with the ref for a bit before leaving as well, pissed off.

Mike Tenay - And then we have Sin, right here tonight. Super Crazy will be taking on Yoshihiro Tajiri after that dramatic ending to the #1 Contenders Match.

Gene Okerlund - Many folks have stated that Juventud Guerrera should be in the match, but Super Crazy was awarded the win, so he will be here tonight getting a shot at that Cruiserweight strap.

Sting Vs. ??

Mike Tenay - The man known as Sting, an icon in World Championship Wrestling. Lately, he has been given trouble. What makes things even worse is that he has no idea who this man is

Gene Okerlund - No one knows who this man is. Each perfectly orchestrated attack is done while the lights are out in the arena. And lately, these attacks have really gotten to Sting.

Mike Tenay - The look on Sting's face is one of pain and trouble. This mystery man has been playing mind games with The Stinger. Let's see how it all started.

January 10th, 2000

We come into the matchup between Sting and Ric Flair.  It was the Main Event of the night and Ric Flair had Sting locked into the Figure Four Leglock...

Sting was fighting the pain for a good amount of time, but he wasn't sure if he could last much longer. He finally reversed the hold and Flair tries to keep it locked for longer, but he couldn't. Sting and Flair were both down and exhausted. Flair got up first and reached into his trunks. He got out some brass knuckles, oblivious to the referee. Sting got up slowly and Ric Flair went to swing with his brass knuckles, but Sting blocked it. He punched Flair a couple of times and sent him flying into the corner. He hit another Stinger Splash and Flair falls down again. Sting then locks in the Scorpion Deathlock.

The Nature Boy tries to fight the pain for a good while, but he can't hold out any longer. He taps out to Sting and Sting lets go. Sting stands on the top turnbuckle as Flair rolls himself to the outside. As Sting is celebrating, the lights go off suddenly. Some of the fans in attendance scream when this happens, but it is supposed to be happening. The lights are out for about half a minute. When they come back on, Sting is laid out in the middle of the ring, busted open. A steel chair is beside him and the imprint of Sting's skull can be seen on it along with some blood stains. The announcers are going crazy and asking who did this as we go off the air!

Gene Okerlund - Sting layed out from the mystery man right there. But these attacks would not stop there. The following week on Nitro, Sting came out and had something to get off of his chest. But things would not turn out how he wanted them to.

January 17th, 2000 - Nitro

Sting is in the mic with a microphone  He begins to speak as he looks over his shoulder in caution.

Sting - Look! I don't know who you are!

He turns to look in another direction.

Sting - But I'm really sick of this! Let's settle our differences!

He turns around again.

Sting - Right here, right now!

He turns in another direction. His eyes are extremely wide and he looks tired as well.

Sting - Come on out! Let's get this done!

Finally, his requests are answered. The lights cut out as the fans scream loudly.

After nearly half a minute, the lights return. Once again, we see Sting down and out in the middle of the ring. Blood has been shed as it runs down his white face paint. Beside Sting is a chair that has been crushed in. Suddenly, the announcers command the cameramen to show the big screen. The camera turns to it and we see a statement on it in white letters and a black background - "We shall meet at Sin, Stinger!"

Gene Okerlund - These attacks would soon turn into videos sending messages to Sting, warning him of the danger that was just around the corner. One of these videos was played at the following Thunder.

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder

The hype video is played for this mysterious wrestling who has yet to show himself.  We see Sting knocked out next to a steel chair in the middle of the ring. Blood has stained the chair and Sting's facepaint has been chipped a bit and blood has taken its place. The video then shows a black background with white lettering. It announces the match, "Coming to WCW". Next, it says, "At Sin". Finally, we see "Sting Vs. ???" The video then fades out.

Mike Tenay - And once again, Sting ran into some trouble with that mystery man. He was scheduled to fight Ric Flair in the World Title Tournament. It was the Main Event for the January 24th episode of Monday Nitro. Let's take a look.

January 24th, 2000 - Monday Nitro

We go to before the match as Sting came down and addressed the mystery man issue.  Sting is in the ring with a microphone and he begins speaking.

Sting - Week after week, I've been attacked by this mystery person....well that's gonna stop right here tonight. I'm sick and tired of being paranoid and watching my back with every single step I make. I will be ready to fight you at Sin, whether or not I'm in the Tournament. So stay out of my life, and out of my business until Sin. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you! If you want me tonight, come out here right now and get me.

Sting waits for a bit, looking around himself in a cautious manner. Finally, Ric Flair's music starts and we have our Main Event.  We cut to the end of the match and see the outcome.

Sting refused to tap out to the Figure Four Leglock, and the fans began cheering to encourage him not to. He finally flipped over and reversed the move. Flair tried to hold it for longer, and both men were in pain. Finally, Ric Flair let Sting go and both men just rested on the canvas. Their chests were pumping up and down trying to get oxygen, and Sting was the first one up. He picked Flair up and sent him into the ropes. The Nature Boy came back and got a nicely placed dropkick right to the jaw from The Stinger. Sting then picked him up and hit The Scorpion Death Drop! The fans popped as Sting reached his arm over and placed it on Ric Flair. He got a one...a two.....a three! Sting just beat Ric Flair to advance in the tournament! He will be facing Rob Van Dam at Thunder!

Sting immediately runs to the outside, leaving Ric Flair down and out in the center of the ring. Sting seems to be trying to avoid the mysterious person that has been attacking him lately by running straight out of the arena after his match. He is obviously exhausted from the matchup and now his running turns into fast walking. But right as he makes his way to the top of the entrance ramp, the lights in the arena cut out again! Seems like they are really trying to get this hyped up as they come back on and Sting is laying on his stomach, knocked out. Nothing appears around him - no chairs or other foreign weapons. Ric Flair is now up and he just stands in the ring, looking at the knocked out Sting in confusion and shock. We end this taping of Nitro with the picture of Ric Flair looking at the knocked out Sting!

Gene Okerlund - Sting came out with the win to advance in the World Title Tournament, but he could not escape the attacks. The tension would rise on Thunder last week as Sting had to face Rob Van Dam in the Tournament. The night started off with the mystery opponent for Sin having something to say in a strange video.

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder

We see a silhouette of a strange figure. He is standing near a dark forest, with the trees in the background swaying back and forth. He speaks, but his speech is changed a bit to keep his identity a secret.

Mystery Wrestler - Sting, for how many nights have you had complications when attempting to sleep at night? Has paranoia taken over your life? You've turned into a psychopath who gets no rest. You now suffer from insomnia, and it is all because of me. You have begun watching over your shoulder everywhere you go. Sting, I have you in the correct mindset. And we meet in less than one week. Please, Sting...be prepared!

With that, we head back to the live view of the arena as we prepare for a tag team matchup.

Mike Tenay - That served its purpose to scare Sting just enough to worry him and keep his mind off of the matchup with Rob Van Dam.

Gene Okerlund - And he needed to win that match with Rob Van Dam to advance in the Tournament. But would his mind be on the Tournament or the mystery man who has been stalking him all month?

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder, Later That Night

Singles Matchup

World Title Tournament

Rob Van Dam Vs. Sting

After the ring is cleared, we go to our second World Title Tournament matchup of the night. The announcers point out that Sabu will have to wrestle again tonight against the winner of this matchup. They ask what kind of shape Sabu will be in later tonight. Sting comes out first and he is paranoid as hell. His eyes are low and he looks as if he hasn't had sleep in weeks. His facepaint is on, though, so he looks ready to fight. Sting comes out with his baseball bat in hand, ready to swing at the mystery wrestler who's been stalking him. He looks behind his back and into the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. Finally, he gets in the ring and Rob Van Dam's music starts. RVD looks pumped up as he makes his entrance. He comes down to the ring with Paul Heyman. The bell rings and these two go at it.

The announcers say that these two men are two of the favorites in the World Title Tournament, but only one of them can go on to the Semi-Finals tonight. Sting starts out very slow as Rob Van Dam hits some quick kicks and punches. He hits a nice Standing Side Kick that looks similar to Booker T's signature move. RVD is hot and this is why he is one of the top guys in World Championship Wrestling. The fans are really getting involved in this matchup, too. Sting finally manages to fight back about halfway into the matchup. This comes when Rob Van Dam goes to the top and attempts his Five Star Frog Splash way too early. Sting easily moves out of the way and suddenly locks on the Scorpion Death Lock!

The fans are going nuts for Sting as RVD sells the pain extremely well. He looks like he is ready to tap out, but the lights go out in the arena! This is only halfway through the match, too. Even though it is early on, this plays a big part in the outcome of the match. The lights come back on after only six or seven seconds. When they come back on, Sting is sitting in the corner with his hand over his head in an attempt to protect himself from anything or anyone who would harm him. A laugh is heard over the P.A. system as Sting looks up. Rob Van Dam is still down after getting the Scorpion Death Lock, and Sting finally gets out of the corner. He looks a little shocked nothing happened. The announcers are furious and say that is was the mystery wrestler just trying to scare Sting and playing mind games with The Stinger!

Sting gets back into control to start, but RVD had enough time to recover. As Sting grabs RVD's legs, Van Dam flips him over using his leg strength. He then gets up and does a flip in the air as he hits a leg drop on Sting's throat. Rob Van Dam then goes in control for most of the remainder of the matchup. RVD really speeds up the pace of this match, and Sting does a pretty good job hanging with him. They put on some great moves when RVD is in control, including a spot where Sting was on the outside. Van Dam hit a plancha off the top rope, but Sting dodged it and sent RVD crashing through the announcer's table! The fans were on their feet at this point and the announcers could do nothing more than ask how in the world the winner would be in any condition to face Sabu later tonight!

Finally, the end came when Sting was in control. Sting had somewhat forgotten about his mystery man since he has been caught up in the match. He still looked over his shoulder now and then just to remind everyone he was still worried about it, but he has shown more interest in the match lately. Sting was getting up as Rob Van Dam came leaping off the top rope to hit him with a dropkick. Sting just took a step back and RVD went flying to the canvas on his back. Sting then picked up Van Dam's feet and locked in the Scorpion Death Lock again. But this wouldn't last long....Sting was thinking too much and he released the hold on his own will. He went and looked around the ring.

Sting searched around the ring, looking from one corner to the other in fear that his mystery stalker would show up. The fans began to boo Sting a bit, urging him to finish the job he was almost done with. Sting finally turns around, but gets a crossbody from Van Dam. Sting rolls through it and makes a pin attempt, but RVD reverses it once again. Rob Van Dam pins Sting and gets a three count after the reversal! The fans are booing Rob Van Dam incredibly as he celebrates his win and advancement to the Semi-Finals of the World Title Tournament. Rob Van Dam celebrates as he makes his way to the back and we head to commercials. We can see Sting in the ring shaking his head at his mistake.

Mike Tenay - So there you have it, folks. Sting has been haunted by this man for the last month.

Gene Okerlund - This mystery man...this man has been like a shadow to Sting. Sting cannot sleep at night, he can't do his everyday tasks because of this mystery man. But everything will be known tonight as we all find out who exactly this man is.

EDIT - More To Come....Couldn't fit it all......

Edited by Mello_Fox
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Kevin Nash Vs. Goldberg

Mike Tenay - Two other men have been going through some troubles lately here in World Championship Wrestling. The monster called Goldberg has had his hands full with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall lately.

Gene Okerlund - It all began when Rob Van Dam was set to take on Hulk Hogan in the Main Event of Thunder. Let's take a look at the end of that match and what happened afterwards...

January 6th, 2000 - Thunder

The fans are getting loud as Hogan bounces off the ropes and jumps in the air. He lands on nothing but canvas, though. Rob Van Dam moved out of the way. He runs to the turnbuckle as Hogan follows him. Van Dam jumps up on the second turnbuckle and launches himself at Hogan, who ducks. Hogan then goes for the Leg Drop again, but this time he gets it! He makes the pin, but the referee is distracted by Sandman on the outside!

We also have three other men coming down to ringside now. The Outsiders are making their way out from the back along with Jerry Lynn! Hogan points at them for a bit and then turns around to get a huge dropkick to the face. He falls to the outside and Van Dam follows him out. The Outsiders make a big deal about the fact that they haven't done anything. RVD hits a DDT on the outside of the ring on Hogan, who doesn't do much to sell the pain. Van Dam then gets in the ring and waits for Hogan.

Hogan is back up slowly and Scott Hall helps him stand up. He then throws him in the ring. The referee yells at Hall, but Hall can be heard saying, "I'm just helping 'em, ref!" Van Dam then nails the Frog Splash and both participants of this move sell the pain. RVD struggles for a bit, but makes the pin. The ref counts...one....two......three! Rob Van Dam has done it! This also signals the chance for all the men on the outside to get in the ring. The ring is now composed of Rob Van Dam, The Outsiders, Jerry Lynn, and The Sandman.

Nash picks up Hogan and prepares to hit the Jacknife Powerbomb, but we hear some music that shocks everyone.  Goldberg's music is playing on the P.A. system!  He comes storming into the ring as the ECW members and The Outsiders slide to the outside quickly. Goldberg checks on Hogan for a second, but decides to watch his back instead of giving him all of his attention. The fans are chanting his name as he points at Kevin Nash and The Sandman, telling them that they are NEXT!

Gene Okerlund - The battle between Goldberg and Kevin Nash had just begun, but it would really spark up in the following weeks. Kevin Nash's tag team partner, Scott Hall, would be taking on Goldberg the following week on Nitro. Of course, Kevin Nash would be at ringside with his partner and friend, Scott Hall.

Mike Tenay - This match was part of the World Title Tournament. Tension was rising as Scott Hall hoped to pull out a win over Goldberg.

January 10th, 2000 - Nitro

We go to this matchup near the end with Scott Hall getting a pretty vicious beating from Goldberg.  This was the turning point in the matchup, though...

Goldberg would finally lose momentum after Hall hit a low blow on the monster. Hall taunted him a bit afterwards before he hit a big forearm to the back of Goldberg. He then laid him out with a knee to the head as Goldberg bent over. Hall bounced off the ropes and hit a nice elbow drop on Goldberg's sternum. He made a pin attempt, but Goldberg threw him off of him, almost two feet in the air. Goldberg was right back up and he hit a Spear on Scott Hall! Hall goes down and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash comes flying in almost immediately after seeing the Spear. Nash delivers a Big Boot to Goldberg as Hall lies motionless. The referee rings the bell to signal a disqualification. Goldberg wins and the announcers say that Goldberg will advance to the next round!

The fans start to boo Kevin Nash, but they soon cheer Goldberg as Goldberg turns the momentum around once again and hits the Spear on Nash. He then lifts him up and hits the Jackhammer Suplex! The fans go crazy as Hall tries to come out Goldberg again only to get a Spear! Goldberg then exits the ring as the fans go nuts with the downed Outsiders in the ring.

Mike Tenay - That same week on Thunder, Goldberg got The Outsiders in a Tag Team Matchup. His tag team partner....'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!

Gene Okerlund - This matchup was a good one with The Outsiders having the experience together, but Goldberg and Piper had great energy in the ring.

January 13th, 2000 - Thunder

We go straight to the end of the matchup where Roddy Piper is going at it with Kevin Nash...

Piper and Nash go at it for a good amount of time. Nash gets in control and tags in his partner, Scott Hall. Hall and Piper go at it a bit until Piper makes the hot tag to Goldberg. Goldberg comes in and cleans house. He takes out Hall and then Spears Kevin Nash through the ropes, sending him down to the outside. Goldberg goes to hit the Jackhammer Suplex on Hall, but Kevin Nash comes back in and breaks up the pin attempt. Nash then delivers a Big Boot to Goldberg and exits the ring. Hall makes a pin attempt, but only gets two. Hall then tags in Kevin Nash as Goldberg tags in Roddy Piper.

Piper and Nash lockup and Nash hits him with a bulldog, which is strange seeing him perform that move. Nash then picks him up and signals for the Jacknife Powerbomb! Piper hits a low blow to stop it and Nash falls down towards his corner, tagging in Scott Hall in the process. Scott Hall comes in and stomps on Piper for a bit. We then see him hit The Outsider's Edge and keep the bridge for the three count and the win. Goldberg then comes in and tosses Scott Hall to the outside. Nash was entering the ring, but decided to go to the outside instead to avoid Goldberg. Goldberg looked over Piper as The Outsiders celebrated on the outside and walked to the back.

Mike Tenay - And the next week on Nitro would also prove to be a big part of this rivalry.

Gene Okerlund - That's right, Mike. Kevin Nash was all set to go one-on-one with Hulk Hogan in the World Title Tournament. Of course, things always go wrong when The Outsiders are involved...

January 17th, 2000 - Nitro

The clip starts near the end of the matchup, once again.

Nash stays in control for a good bit of time. Things stay normal until Hogan 'Hulks Up' and no-sells Nash's punches. He even no-sells a Big Boot and then bodyslams Nash once again (wow that move is getting popular in this match). Hogan then goes to the ropes and bounces off...but Scott Hall trips him up! The ref looks over and sees that Hogan has fallen. Hogan gets up and looks towards Scott Hall. He begins to yell at him until Nash gets a hold of him. Nash hits a headbutt of all things and then proceeds to hit the Jacknife Powerbomb! The fans are getting incredibly loud now as Nash makes the pin and gets the win.

Scott Hall now gets in the ring to beat down on him some more, but this doesn't last long. Once again, Goldberg is the savior! He comes running down to the ring and Hall and Nash both decide to fight another day as they bounce quickly to the outside on opposite sides. Goldberg comes in and tries to reach over the top rope to grab Kevin Nash, but he doesn't succeed. He then checks on Hogan as we go off the air like this again.

Mike Tenay - So The Outsiders pulled it out. But Goldberg had some words for the both of them at Thunder that same week.

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder

We see Goldberg in the back, prepared for an interview.

Goldberg - I've been in the back all night. I've seen two matches made for Sin! And Goldberg will NOT miss Sin! I WILL be at Sin! But, who should I destroy at the Pay-Per-View? I have an idea! How about...Kevin Nash!

The fans pop at the hopes of Goldberg Vs. Nash at the Pay-Per-View....for some strange reason.

Goldberg - .....and Scott Hall! That's right, a handicap match! Let's see if The Outsiders can stand in the same ring as me. I've gone through so many people! But The Outsiders.....YOUR NEXT!

Gene Okerlund - What a blockbuster announcement that was...Goldberg versus The Outsiders at Sin in a Handicap Match! But those thoughts were short-lived, as Kevin Nash came to Nitro the next week to make an announcement...

January 24th, 2000 - Nitro

Kevin Nash is on a couch in his home it appears.  He has some bad news to share with everyone.

Kevin Nash - Ya know, Goldberg made the challege on Thunder. He wants me and Scott Hall in a Handicap Match....now, that would normally be the beginning of the end for that piece of crap, but we can't have that match. Scott is having some real family problems right now, so he won't be able to make it to Sin. But Goldberg, I WILL be at Sin! So, me and you, one-on-one! How 'bout it? And you WILL be facing me at Sin, because you will not make it one more round in that World Title Tournament! See you soon, Goldberg.

Gene Okerlund - Kevin Nash had everyone tricked into believing that he was not in the building at Nitro. But Goldberg had a hardcore match with The Sandman in the World Title Tournament.

Mike Tenay - That's right...and Kevin Nash would show up. Let's have a look.

January 24th, 2000 - Nitro, Later That Night

Sandman turns to run out of the ring, but Goldberg grabs him. We then see about a minute of Goldberg offense....looks like he got enough time to show off his whole array of moves...twice. Sandman is really in trouble here, but Goldberg makes two or three pin attempts for two counts. Sandman is relentless, and the announcers point that out. He is also fearless, as he gets back on top after rolling to the outside. Goldberg follows him out and gets a chair right to the face, busting Goldberg's lip in the process. Hmmm, that looked a little more real than most chair shots. Goldberg looks pissed, and this looks legit. He tackles Sandman and delivers some punches.

The referee has to come from the ring to pull the two apart. And since when did a ref stop a wrestling move? Oh well, looks like this match went a little too real. Sandman is down and Golberg is just staring at him as Kevin Nash comes running in from the back! He turns Goldberg around and nails him in the face. Nash works Goldberg over for about two minutes before finally hitting the Jacknife Powerbomb...through a table! Big spot right there and it looked real good actually. Sandman then droops an arm over him and makes the pin.  The referee counts the three count and Goldberg loses to The Sandman.

Gene Okerlund - And things would continue to heat up on Thunder that week. Sabu and Kevin Nash were all set to battle it out in the World Title Tournament. But things got a little too intense...

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder

Sabu gets up and he has no clue what's going on. He turns around and Nash clotheslines him. Big Sexy picks him back up and sends him into the ropes. When Sabu bounces off, he leaps and flies into Nash, doing a flip in mid-air. Sabu poses for a bit on the canvas and the fans eat it up. They are actually showing a speck of interest in this matchup suddenly. But before anything else can happen, Jerry Lynn comes flying into the ring with a steel chair! The announcers remind everyone of his current feud with Sabu. Sabu gets up and Jerry Lynn comes flying at him with a chair....but Kevin Nash is standing right behind Sabu! As if one can't call what's gonna happen next, Jerry Lynn acts surprised as hell when Sabu ducks and Nash receives a steel chair to the face.

Jerry Lynn turns around and gets a hurricanrana that sends him to the outside of the ring. Sabu then hits a Moonsault on Kevin Nash and makes the pin. He gets the one....two....no! Nash kicks out! Sabu looks totally furious! He goes right back to the top and hits a second Moonsault! One....two....three! Sabu does it as he beats a resilient Kevin Nash to advance to the Semi-Finals of the World Title Tournament! The announcers tell everyone Sabu will face the winner of Sting and Rob Van Dam, which is coming up soon. But looking back at the ring, we see Jerry Lynn come in with a steel chair. Jerry Lynn sets the chair down and proceeds to hit the Tornado DDT on Sabu onto the steel chair!

As if that isn't enough, Kevin Nash prepares to nail the Jacknife Powerbomb on Sabu! But we hear someone's music...GOLDBERG! Goldberg is in the house! He comes flying down to the ring in his street clothes. Nash sees him and we have a classic look of shock on Kevin Nash's face. He tosses Sabu away and slides to the outside right as Goldberg slides in. Nash begins walking backwards towards the back and Goldberg is in the ring with....Jerry Lynn! Jerry Lynn turns around and Goldberg has his eyes on him. Goldberg delivers a Spear to Jerry Lynn! The fans pop big time now.

As Goldberg gets up from the Spear he just delivered, he sees Kevin Nash, who was trying to sneak back in the ring. Goldberg is furious, and he chases Nash off. Nash goes running at full-speed to the top of the ramp as Goldberg gives chase directly behind him. We see a downed Sabu and Jerry Lynn in the ring as Kevin Nash disappears behind the entrance ramp. About three seconds later, Goldberg goes flying to the back as well in an attempt to destroy his enemy, Kevin Nash.

Gene Okerlund - There we see Goldberg chasing Kevin Nash from the ring. But later that night, Kevin Nash would nearly be caught by the furious Goldberg.

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder, Later That Night

It begins with Kevin Nash running outside of the arena. Goldberg is still behind him. Big Sexy goes running into the parking lot. He runs into his limo and almost gets caught by Goldberg as he slams the door. The limo sits there for a moment, and Goldberg keeps trying to open it. Finally, he breaks the window with his bare fist! The limo drives off right as Goldberg reaches into the broken window. We then go back to live coverage as Goldberg looks furious that he missed his chance and mutters, "Your Next at Sin!"

Mike Tenay - And there it is...Kevin Nash and Goldberg have really been getting on each other's last nerve here in World Championship Wrestling. Each of them would want nothing more than to come out on top tonight, but it will take a lot of heart and a lot of determination.

Sabu Vs. Jerry Lynn

Gene Okerlund - Next, we have the United States Champion, Sabu, taking on Jerry Lynn. Two of the greatest entertainers in the history of our sport, and both of them want that gold.

Mike Tenay - And neither one of these men has any respect for the other. That's what's so scary about this matchup. I wouldn't be surprised if only one man could walk out of the ring afterwards.

Gene Okerlund - Their hate all began when Jerry Lynn and The Sandman showed up on our first Nitro of the New Millenium to 'save' Sabu...

January 3rd, 2000 - Nitro

First, we go to the Sabu/Rob Van Dam Vs. Outsiders matchup from that very same Monday Nitro.  We see Rob Van Dam turn on Sabu....

Hall continues the beating of Sabu. Sabu has multiple attempts to make the hot tag to Van Dam, but Hall cuts him off. This continues for a good amount of time with Hall and Nash switching a couple of times. Finally, Kevin Nash is in and Sabu is really hurt. After getting thrown into the corner, Sabu makes one last effort to tag in Van Dam. Van Dam is in and the fans are in anticipation. Van Dam looks at Nash for a bit, and then turns around. He nails a dropkick on Sabu, who is already in pain.

The crowd erupts in boos as we see Sabu get a vicious beatdown from the three superstars. Van Dam tosses Sabu to Nash as Hall goes to the outside for a chair. Nash hits the Jacknife Powerbomb as Bill Alfonso screams at the three men from the outside, afraid to get involved for his own safety. Hall gives RVD the chair and Van Dam proceeds to hit his famous Van Daminator! The fans are really onto these three guys, but the boos turn to cheers as two wrestlers come running from the back.

The Sandman and Jerry Lynn of ECW come running down to the ring on a mission! Sandman is wielding his trusty Singapore Cane! They get in the ring and Hall, Nash, and Van Dam all slide to the outside. This leaves The Sandman and Jerry Lynn to look at the hurt Sabu. Jerry Lynn helps him up and Sabu can barely stand on his own. Sandman and Lynn yell at the three wrestlers on the outside, but this changes quickly. The Sandman turns around and cracks Sabu in the head with his Singapore Cane! The fans erupt once again, but this time it is even louder! Jerry Lynn then hits the Tornado DDT on Sabu and he is busted open! Finally, these two wrestlers exit the ring and walk to the back with RVD and The Outsiders, leaving Bill Alfonso in the ring looking after his client as we head to a commercial break.

Gene Okerlund - The stage was set right there. A rivalry filled with hate would stem from that encounter.

Mike Tenay - And neither man wanted to let up. On our January 10th episode of Nitro, Sabu and his manager, Bill Alfonso, directed some words towards Jerry Lynn and his ECW group...

January 10th, 2000 - Nitro

We see Bill Alfonso in the ring with his client, Sabu.  Alfonso is holding the microphone to do all the talking.

Bill Alfonso - I just got a few things 'ta say. Imma' make it quick, too. First, lemme address Rob Van Dam. The man I stood beside fa' way too long. Well, dat's all ovah, you see. And RVD, ya' got it coming your way when Sabu here gets a hold of you. But right now, your not even at tha' top a' his list. Chris Benoit will give ya' what ya' deserve. Ya' see, Sabu is more pissed off at Jerry Lynn. 'Cause we both know that Jerry Lynn was tha' one dat gotchu to do whatcha did. He's always been dat little scheming weasle, and we wanna shut his a$$ up!

Mike Tenay - Strong words from Bill Alfonso. But Sabu had other things on his mind for that night. He was getting a shot at Jeff Jarrett and the United States Championship.

January 10th, 2000 - Nitro, Moments Later

Sabu and Jarrett go at it for a good amount of time and we are nearing the very end of this good matchup. Sabu is on top. Jarrett has retreated to the outside and he waits for Sabu to come out. He swings a chair at Sabu right as he exits the ring, but Sabu ducks. The chair goes flying into the corner post as Jarrett drops the chair and grabs shakes his hands in pain. Sabu then nails a DDT on the hard concrete before rolling Jarrett back into the ring. He hits the Triple Jump Moonsault and makes the pin on Jarrett! The fans count with the ref....one....two....three! We have a new United States Champion, Sabu! The fans are going crazy as Fonzie comes into the ring and blows his whistle while Jarrett rolls to the outside. Sabu and Bill Alfonso finally exit the ring and begin walking towards the back.

As Sabu and Bill Alfonso get close to the back, someone comes out of the entrance ramp and clotheslines Sabu. It is Jerry Lynn! Sabu is down and can't really do much after the tough US Championship matchup. Alfonso tries to fight Lynn, but Lynn sends him flying down the ramp with a shove. Lynn then stomps on Sabu for a moment and then yells at him that, "I'm the New F'N Show!" He then exits to the back as we go to another commercial break.

Gene Okerlund - The feud really heating up that night. But the same week o Thunder would see Chris Benoit and Jerry Lynn in the World Title Tournament. These two would battle to a Time Limit Draw, but what happened postmatch is just as important.

January 13th, 2000 - Thunder

The fans booed and cheered at the same time as they discovered that Jerry Lynn AND Chris Benoit both would advance to the next round. Jerry Lynn looked pissed off and Benoit was down and exhausted. Rob Van Dam came running down to the ring just in time. He climbed up the top rope and hit a Frog Splash on the already downed Chris Benoit. The fans were really getting onto him when Sabu came running down! The fans erupted as Sabu took out Van Dam and then went straight for Jerry Lynn. Lynn ran to the back as Sabu gave chase. We then headed to a commercial.

Gene Okerlund - And right after the commercial break, we saw Sabu catch up to Jerry Lynn in the back.

January 13th, 2000 - Thunder, Post Match

We see Sabu and Lynn in the backstage area. The tape rolls and we see Sabu nail Jerry Lynn with a tackle that takes both of them through a table. Sabu ignores the pain and pounds away on him, eventually busting him open. Sabu stands up and kicks him a couple of times before walking off.

Mike Tenay - January 17th, 2000...Monday Nitro saw one of the best matches in WCW history as Jerry Lynn, Rhino, and Chris Benoit went at it in a Triangle Matchup in the World Title Tournament. Of course, Chris Benoit would end up winning, but Sabu would once again show up to help after the match.

January 17th, 2000 - Nitro

Rhino and Jerry Lynn have been beating on Benoit after the matchup until Randy Savage made his way down to the ring!  But that was still a three on two advantage.  So, Sabu decided to make his way down.  Here's what happened :

Sabu comes rushing down to the ring. Bill Alfonso walks behind him, a bit slower. Randy Savage continues taking it to Rhino with some boots on the outside and Sabu has Jerry Lynn to himself, finally. Sabu sets Jerry Lynn up for a top rope maneuver and proceeds to hit a huge moonsault. He then yells at Bill Alfonso, who tosses him a chair that he has got from the outside. Sabu then goes straight to the top rope after giving Lynn a couple of boots. Sabu jumps off the top rope, puts the chair under his leg, and hits a leg drop onto the chair, sending it straight into Jerry Lynn's face. Sabu celebrates inside the ring for a bit with Bill Alfonso blowing his whistle. Savage then walks to the back. He is followed by Bill Alfonso and Sabu. We then head to a commercial after all of this carnage.

Mike Tenay - And on Thunder, Randy Savage and Sabu would get another shot at Jerry Lynn and Rhino. What seems like a strange team would do pretty well, as Randy Savage and Sabu gave it their all.

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder

We start viewing this clip near the very end of the matchup.

Jerry Lynn then hits some blows to the chest before letting Savage go. But Savage is pissed off, he turns around and nails Lynn, sending him to the floor once again. The fans pop as Savage yells at Lynn. Jerry Lynn crawls back up to the ring as Rhino waits for Savage to turn around. The Macho Man finally turns around and Rhino comes charging in to attempt the Gore! But Savage jumps out of the way and Rhino hits the Gore on....Jerry Lynn! Lynn had gotten in the ring to attack Savage from behind at the last second. Lynn rolls over in pain and grabs his stomach as Rhino looks down at him.

Meanwhile, The Macho Man tagged in Sabu. Sabu hits a springboard dropkick on Rhino just as he turns around. Savage then comes flying in with the Flying Elbow Smash on Rhino. Rhino is out and Sabu hits a big Moonsault. He follows that up with a pin attempt and.....gets the three count! Rhino and Lynn have lost again after miscommunication between each other! Randy Savage and Sabu celebrate for a bit as Bill Alfonso blows his whistle. Meanwhile, Jerry Lynn helps Rhino up and proceeds to get in his face. These two look pretty upset as we go off the air.

Mike Tenay - Sabu and Randy Savage coming out on the upside of that one.

Gene Okerlund - The war was nowhere near over, though. Both of these men still wanted a shot at each other. Sabu would be facing Sid in the World Title Tournament on Monday Nitro the following week. Let's take a look at the end of that match.

January 24th, 2000 - Nitro

Sabu then gets upset, it appears. He fights back and eventually hits a nice Tornado DDT followed by a moonsault off of the top rope. He makes a pin, but Sid throws Sabu way up in the air to break it up. Sabu has the advantage now, and he keeps it for the remainder of the matchup. Sabu looks to have everything going fine, but Jerry Lynn appears at the top of the ramp! Lynn comes running into the ring and Sabu just stares at him. Lynn gets up in his face and begins yelling at him. Suddenly, Sabu looks behind himself and ducks. Sid comes and nails Lynn with a big clothesline that sends Lynn to the outside. Sid looks shocked, but Sabu rolls him up from behind. Sabu gets the three count and the win to advance to the next round of the World Title Tournament! Jerry Lynn comes back in as Sabu lays there and beats him down. Bill Alfonso tries to stop it, but he gets suplexed to the outside of the ring for his trouble. The fans are really booing Lynn until he finally decides to leave, the damage being done.

Mike Tenay - Jerry Lynn hoping to ruin Sabu's chances of advancing the Tournament, but Sabu just one step ahead of him there. Things would really start getting hot on January 27th. Sabu could eventually have to wrestle in two matches that night. Let's take a look at the first matchup against Kevin Nash.

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder

Sabu gets up and he has no clue what's going on. He turns around and Nash clotheslines him. Big Sexy picks him back up and sends him into the ropes. When Sabu bounces off, he leaps and flies into Nash, doing a flip in mid-air. Sabu poses for a bit on the canvas and the fans eat it up. They are actually showing a speck of interest in this matchup suddenly. But before anything else can happen, Jerry Lynn comes flying into the ring with a steel chair! The announcers remind everyone of his current feud with Sabu. Sabu gets up and Jerry Lynn comes flying at him with a chair....but Kevin Nash is standing right behind Sabu! As if one can't call what's gonna happen next, Jerry Lynn acts surprised as hell when Sabu ducks and Nash receives a steel chair to the face.

Jerry Lynn turns around and gets a hurricanrana that sends him to the outside of the ring. Sabu then hits a Moonsault on Kevin Nash and makes the pin. He gets the one....two....no! Nash kicks out! Sabu looks totally furious! He goes right back to the top and hits a second Moonsault! One....two....three! Sabu does it as he beats a resilient Kevin Nash to advance to the Semi-Finals of the World Title Tournament! The announcers tell everyone Sabu will face the winner of Sting and Rob Van Dam, which is coming up soon. But looking back at the ring, we see Jerry Lynn come in with a steel chair. Jerry Lynn sets the chair down and proceeds to hit the Tornado DDT on Sabu onto the steel chair!

Gene Okerlund - Once again, Sabu one step ahead of Jerry Lynn. But the damage was done to Sabu, who would go on to face Rob Van Dam later in the night. Could he recover quick enough to be prepared for the Semi-Finals matchup in the Tournament?

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder, Later That Night

We fast-forward to the ending of the matchup...

Rob Van Dam dominated the very end of the matchup until Sabu ducked a dropkick attempt and then followed that up with a cross-body block once RVD got back up. Sabu had RVD down and out in the end of the match and he went for the Moonsault from the top rope. He climbed to the top and nailed a Moonsault! He made the pin, but once again we see someone kick out of Sabu's finisher. Rob Van Dam kicked out at two just as Kevin Nash did in the last World Title Tournament matchup for Sabu. So Sabu did just the same thing he did against Nash...he climbed to the top to hit a second Moonsault! The fans were buzzing as Sabu launched himself in the air and did a backflip...only to get a dropkick to the stomach! Somehow, Rob Van Dam dropkicked Sabu in the middle of the Moonsault! Oh my god!

That was an incredible counter-move and Sabu landed somewhat awkwardly! The fans are going nuts as Rob Van Dam positioned Sabu and headed to the top...and nailed the Five Star Frog Splash! RVD made the pin and got the one....two...and the three! Rob Van Dam is going to face Chris Benoit at Sin this Sunday! The announcers are going crazy as Paul Heyman comes in and helps his client get to his feet. Suddenly, the cameras look to the entrance ramp and we see Chris Benoit standing at the top of the entrance ramp. Benoit just smiles at Rob Van Dam and claps a couple of times in a mocking manner. Rob Van Dam signals for Benoit to come down to the ring now to no response. We get another look at Benoit just staring down Rob Van Dam and mouthing some words of his own. We then go off the air with Rob Van Dam mouthing something back and doing his finger pointing as he says "Rob-Van-Dam"! The announcers say that we will see you at Sin this Sunday! Don't miss it!

Gene Okerlund - Apparently, the damage done from Jerry Lynn's earlier attack was too much for Sabu. A great showing in the Tournament, but just not enough.

Mike Tenay - And now we meet at Sin...Jerry Lynn and Sabu, one-on-one for the United States Championship currently held by Sabu. You can expect Bill Alfonso to be at ringside, but will he have an impact on this match? And you can also expect one of the craziest matches of the night. You will NOT want to miss this one.

The Impact Players Vs. Eddie Guerrero & Booker T

Gene Okerlund - The Tag Team Title scene would never be the same. The Impact Players of Extreme Championship Wrestling would make their mark on every tag team in WCW on our first Monday Nitro of the New Millenium. The Filthy Animals took on Harlem Heak 2K for the titles, but we would not find a winner.

January 3rd, 2000 - Nitro

The tape begins at the very end of the matchup, with Rey Misterio, Jr. and Stevie Ray in the ring, their partners on the outside.

The match is actually becoming interesting when we see two strange figures coming down to the ring. One is dressed in some red tights and the other is wearing blue jean shorts. The one wearing red tights looks clean cut while the other is bald and looks a little tougher. They get in the ring and go straight after both people there. Each hits a Superkick at the same time, one on Stevie Ray and the other on Rey Misterio, Jr. Kidman and Big T try to come in, but they get Superkicks as well. Misterio tries to come back in from the top rope, but he is caught by the man in blue jeans. His partner lifts him up and they hit a double-powerbomb on the fearless cruiserweight. They are actually getting some heat now as they finally clear the ring and all four of the match's competitors lay out on the outside.

Mike Tenay - After disrupting the Tag Team Title matchup for the night, they wanted to make an open challenge. Let's see how it went down.

January 3rd, 2000 - Post Match

We see Justin Credible and Lance Storm, The Impact Players, standing in the ring.

Justin Credible - W-C-W. What a place, huh? I've spent some time in here. And I was smart, I left! World Championship Wrestling is a place for those people to sell-out. This is a place for those who don't know what real wrestling is. You can come here, pull some strings, and get World Title shots. That's ridiculous! And that ain't gonna happen no more. Because we got Paul Heyman, and we got some power. So, Lance, what should we do? We have everything we need.

Lance Storm - I have one idea. How about we get our titles on Thunder? We can talk to Paul and make it an open invitation to any and all tag teams that want to try to beat the best in the business. And that is what we are. So, in just a couple of days the challenge will go out.

Justin Credible - But Lance, I really doubt anyone will show up. Look at us? These people might actually know who we are.

Lance Storm - Well, we can only hope that they do not know of us. If they know our history, they probably won't want to get in the ring with us. But if they have no clue who we are, they will ignorantly step into the ring on Thunder. Either way, we will walk out the WCW Tag Team Champions.

Mike Tenay - The challenge was made for Thunder a few days later. They expected one team to show up, and one team did. The team of David Flair & Crowbar came down to the ring. But this was an open challenge, so the team of Diamond Dallas Page & Eddie Guerrero came out next to make this a Triangle Tag Team Match. Let's go to the end of that matchup.

January 6th, 2000 - Thunder

Justin Credible goes after DDP and hits a massive forearm smash to the head. DDP rolls around in pain and soon tags out to Crowbar. Crowbar comes in and Credible works him over for a decent amount of time. Finally, Credible stops the punishment and tags in his partner, Lance Storm. Storm comes in and locks on a Boston Crab to start off. This really softens Crowbar up, and Crowbar sells it extremely well. Storm then hits the Super Kick on Crowbar. David Flair comes running in, but gets speared by Credible as the referee makes the three count for Lance Storm, who is covering Crowbar. Storm gets the three count and The Impact Players are the new World Tag Team Champions! They celebrate in the ring for only a second as Eddie Guerrero and Diamond Dallas Page chase them off. The Impact Players slowly make their way to the back, each holding a Tag Team Title. The other two teams follow them soon after.

Gene Okerlund - The Impact Players had won Tag Team gold...but Eddie Guerrero and Diamond Dallas Page had not been pinned on Thunder.

Mike Tenay - So they made a challenge for the following week on Nitro. This would prove to be one exciting matchup.

January 10th, 2000 - Nitro

We start the clip off near the end of the match as usual.

DDP finally tags in Eddie and Eddie Guerrero is on fire to no one's surprise. He hits about three armbars on Credible and then takes out Lance Storm with a clothesline. He turns around and dodges a Superkick from Credible. When Justin turns around, he hits a monkey flip out of the corner. Guerrero then goes to work on Credible for a good amount of time. Eventually, Credible reaches over and makes the tag to Lance Stotrm. Eddie Guerrero gives it to Lance Storm, too. Guerrero is really getting the fans behind him, but he decides to tag in Page and give him a second chance in this matchup. Page comes in and hits some big rights and lefts on Storm, who sells them decently. Page then hits a Spinebuster and signals for the Diamond Cutter! He grabs Storm and gets him in the position, but Storm hits a low blow and tags in Credible.

Justin Credible comes in and hits That's Incredible! The fans go crazy as Credible lays out Eddie and makes the pin. But Page kicks out after two! The fans are getting into this match as Storm comes in and The Impact Players proceed to hit their finisher, Deep Impact! The fans boo as Credible makes the pin for the three count and the win. Justin Credible and Lance Storm celebrate for a bit until Eddie comes flying into the ring to chase them out. Eddie Guerrero looks over the fallen DDP for a bit as The Impact Players exit the ringside area and make their way to the back, tag team titles in hand. We then head to a commercial break.

Mike Tenay - So The Impact Players have successfully defended their titles.

Gene Okerlund - And a week later, they would also have to defend their titles...this time against The Hardcore Icons, Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer!

January 17th, 2000 - Nitro

Tommy Dreamer finally made the hot tag to Terry Funk and it appeared that The Funkster and Dreamer would come out on top in this matchup. This was all good and well until Terry Funk missed an attempted clothesline on Lance Storm and hit the referee instead. Funk looked down at his and tried to help, but Storm rolled him up from behind. There was no count and Storm looked upset. Justin Credible then came in and started to double-team Terry Funk. Tommy Dreamer wasn't having it, though. He came into the ring and layed out both men as there was some sort of noise coming from the crowd.

A man was running to the ring...it is Curt Hennig! He runs into the ring and lays out Dreamer with a clothesline. He then picks him up and hits a Hennig-Plex! He lets it go and starts stomping on Terry Funk. The Hardcore Legend rolls to the outside as Curt Hennig high-tails it to the back. Finally, the ref revives as if nothing happened. Justin Credible and Lance Storm proceed to hit the Deep Impact finisher on Tommy Dreamer. Lance Storm then locks in the Boston Crab and Tommy Dreamer taps out very quickly. The champions retain as Curt Hennig stands at the top of the ramp with a mic in hand, laughing at Dreamer and Funk.

Mike Tenay - But The Impact Players had no one else to defend their titles against. That was until Thunder, when three teams entered the ring to be named the #1 Contenders to the Tag Team Titles.

Gene Okerlund - Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio, Jr....The Filthy Animals. Eddie Guerrero and Booker T...and Lex Luger and Rick Steiner. All three teams entered the ring. Let's go mid-match and see who comes out on top.

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder

Eddie Guerrero makes his way to the back as his partner, Booker T, comes in to take his place. Booker T goes at it with Steiner once again, but Steiner tags out to Rey Misterio. Misterio and Booker T go at it and put on a pretty good matchup for the short time they are in the ring. Misterio is finally eliminated after Booker T hits the Harlem Hangover. He then celebrates for a bit until Rick Steiner comes in from behind once again and gets some punches landed right on Booker T. He hits rights and lefts as Booker T tries to block them, but to no avail.

Booker T and Rick Steiner put on a very, very basic brawling matchup for the finish of this match. Booker T looks to be on the recieving end of the punishment, until he blocks a suplex and hits one of his own. Booker T then sends Steiner into the ropes and hits a Standing Side Kick. He makes a pin, but Steiner kicks out after only two. Booker T looks a little upset, but he brushes it aside. He then clotheslines Steiner to the canvas and picks him back up. He sends him into the corner. We eventually see a superplex from the top rope. Afterwards, Booker makes the pin for the final elimination! Booker T and Eddie Guerrero are now going to face The Impact Players at Sin! We head to a commercial as Booker T celebrates.

Mike Tenay - So the team of Eddie Guerrero and Booker T showed their will to win right there. But how would these two teams match up against each other?

Gene Okerlund - Eddie Guerrero had already teamed with Diamond Dallas Page in an attempt to win the titles, but would things be different with Booker T? We would get a preview of the Sin matchup on Monday Nitro as Eddie Guerrero took on Lance Storm in a singles matchup.

January 24th, 2000 - Nitro

We start the clip right after a nice technical display.  Both men are accepting the cheers from the crowd as we begin.

They soak in the crowd's cheers for just a bit, but they decide to lockup. Storm forces Eddie into the corner and pounds away on him. Eddie sulks down into the corner, resting his head on the bottom turnbuckle. Storm reaches down and grabs his legs. He puts him in a Boston Crab and attempts to drag him to the middle of the ring. Eddie grabs onto the ropes and catches himself. The referee sees this and turns around to yell at Storm. But as the ref turns around, Justin Credible punches Eddie square in the jaw, causing him to release his grip. Storm then pulls Eddie to the center of the ring and locks on the Boston Crab. Eddie is screaming in pain as Booker T comes over and starts delivering blows on Justin Credible in retaliation. Meanwhile, Eddie Guerrero somehow forces Storm to do a front flip and gets out of the Boston Crab, but he still shows signs of the punishment he just took.

Storm gets up and gets taken right back down with a nice lariat. Guerrero then heads to the top and nails his finisher, the Frog Splash! The fans pop for the move as Eddie stays on top to make the pin attempt. He gets a one.....a two...and a three! Eddie Guerrero just beat Lance Storm! The announcers ask if this will be the result at Sin as Justin Credible comes flying into the ring. He easily takes down the exhausted Eddie Guerrero with That's Incredible! The fans boo, but Booker T is right behind Credible. Booker T grabs Credible from behind and picks him up. He drops him down on his chest and the waits for him to get back up. He kicks him in the gut and hits the Harlem Hangover! The fans are going crazy, but Lance Storm low blows Booker T from behind and then locks on a Texas Cloverleaf-like submission hold. Booker T is screaming in pain as Storm holds the move. Credible then drops two or three elbows across the back of Booker's head before The Impact Players finally leave the ring, having lost the battle but won the war, so to speak. We head to commercials with the image of the Tag Team Champions celebrating with each other and Booker T and Eddie Guerrero down and out in the middle of the ring.

Mike Tenay - Eddie Guerrero winning the match, but The Impact Players laying out both of their opponents afterwards.

Gene Okerlund - That's right, Mike. But Eddie Guerrero and Booker T had some words for The Impact Players on Thunder.

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder

We go to the back where we see Eddie Guerrero and Booker T. Booker T begins to speak first as they are on hype duty for their PPV match against The Impact Players for the Tag Team Titles.

Booker T - Yo, listen up! Justin Credible, Lance Storm....we got the both of you suckas at Sin, and I cannot WAIT to get my hands on yall. Man, yall is both little wannabes. You wanna be good in WCW, you wanna be the best tag team ever. But I know tag team wrestling, and I can tell ya, yall ain't nothing to be impressed with.

We then go to Eddie Guerrero.

Eddie Guerrero - Your right, 'esse! I can't, for the life of me, see why they want to come in World Championship Wrestling and wrestle two of the hottest stars in the business. We're both still far from our potential, but The Impact Players...'esse, these Impact Players are not even close to our worst. We will see them at Sin, and we WILL beat them at Sin! And that's the truth, holmes!

We then go to the ring for our first Semi-Final Match of the night in the World Title Tournament. Eddie Guerrero and Booker T give the camera a stare down as the crowd cheers a bit for them.

Gene Okerlund - Both of these teams ready to go for tonight. The Impact Players representing Extreme Championship Wrestling and the team of Eddie Guerrero and Booker T representing World Championship Wrestling.

Mike Tenay - Some would say these two teams are a clash of styles, but they are very similar and should put on an amazing matchup that is sure to wow the crowd.

EDIT - More to come....damn...

Edited by Mello_Fox
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Rob Van Dam Vs. Chris Benoit

Gene Okerlund - But the main focus of Sin tonight is the World Heavyweight Championship. We have two men that have not backed down from each other at all. In one corner....Rob Van Dam....the other corner....Chris Benoit! These two men are set to meet right here tonight in our Main Event.

Mike Tenay - That's right, Gene. And it all started on our first Monday Nitro of the New Millenium. Bret Hart was all set to retire, when Chris Benoit came out and said some words that would not sit well with Rob Van Dam. Let's take a look...

January 3rd, 2000 - Nitro

We see Bret Hart in the ring with Chris Benoit.  Benoit now has a microphone and he speaks...

Chris Benoit - Bret, I just want to say that I think you are making a mistake. After your entire career, I think I know you well enough to say that you aren't a quitter. You aren't the kind of guy that gives up something. You want to win or lose, nothing in the middle. And I want to give you that chance. So, how about instead of just giving up that title, you lose that title to me this month. Sin is coming up and I'm challenging you for a match. You are welcome to retire after losing that belt to me.

Bret Hart looks a little shocked at this, but the fans react with applause and cheer Benoit for his bravery.

Bret Hart - Chris, you really don't understand. You are just like me. You want to get out there and compete. But I can't handle that burden anymore. I really have to just give it up. You can try to win it from someone else.

Chris Benoit - So that's it? Maybe you don't understand, Bret. These fans want to see me and you in the ring one last time. Why do you think these fans tune in every night? Because of guys like me and you. We are the reasons people tune in every Monday night. We make Monday night wrestling. And it really hurts me to see you just walk away. You might not have the guts to continue, but I will be here for the fans every Monday night to show them grattitude for paying to see me.

Bret Hart - I really wish I could, Chris...but it just isn't possible.

With that, Bret drops the mic and walks to the back. He looks a little pained to be doing this, but the fans actually give him a great ovation even after the past where he hasn't been a fan-favorite. Benoit just stands in the ring, watching him walk to the back.

Gene Okerlund - Later in the night, Rob Van Dam would retaliate. Van Dam has made a name for himself by saying that he is "Mr. Monday Night" and "Mr. Pay-Per-View". Let's see what he had to say after 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit said that he was the reason people tuned in on those nights.

January 3rd, 2000 - Nitro, Later That Night

The scene starts to play and we see Benoit walking around. Suddenly, he gets a chair to the face. It is Rob Van Dam! With him is The Outsiders. Van Dam beats down on Benoit with the chair some more and he stands over the almost lifeless body. He does the "R-V-D" fingerpoint and then speaks.

Rob Van Dam - Dude, you think you are the reason people tune in every Monday night? I'm the Whole F'N Show! I'm Rob-Van-Dam! I'm Mr. Monday Night! Not you! Remember that!

He delivers one more chairshot to the back as Benoit lies there, motionless. The three wrestlers walk off as Nash and Hall laugh and point at Benoit.

Gene Okerlund - That same week, on Thunder, we saw Chris Benoit taking on The Sandman.

Mike Tenay - Of course, Rob Van Dam decided to join his friend, The Sandman, at ringside. Rob Van Dam would definitely make an impact...

January 6th, 2000 - Thunder

We cut to the middle of the matchup and watch it from there.

Sandman starts off on the recieving end of the punishment. He can't keep up with the speed of Benoit, but he does get one big power move to slow him down as he hits a huge backbreaker that almost shakes the ring. Sandman plays the heel very well in this match to a lot of people's surprise. Benoit manages to fight back through some very hard work and stiff punches. Benoit really starts to turn the tables as he head to the top rope after signaling for his Diving Headbutt! The fans are up to see this, but Benoit just goes down!

Benoit was pushed off the ropes by Rob Van Dam. But the referee saw it! The ref rings for the bell to disqualify Sandman as RVD argues with him. Van Dam eventually tosses the ref to the outside and turns his attention to Benoit as Sandman gets back up on his feet. Sandman goes to the outside and looks for something under the ring as RVD stomps down on Benoit. Sandman tosses a chair in the ring and then reaches back to get something else. We see Van Dam grab the chair and hit the Van Daminator on Benoit. Sandman then comes in and he is carrying a Singapore Cane! The fans really start to get into it as Sandman busts Benoit open with a huge Cane Shot that echoes throughout the arena.

Chris Benoit is down and out as Van Dam and Sandman celebrate for a bit. Some medics come to look at Benoit and eventually take him out to the back.

Mike Tenay - And their path to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship would begin on the January 10th episode of Monday Nitro. This is where the World Title Tournament was announced.

Gene Okerlund - Neither man had a match that night, but Rob Van Dam did have some words to say for Chris Benoit...

January 10th, 2000 - Nitro

We see Rob Van Dam in the middle of the ring with his microphone.

Rob Van Dam - Chris Benoit...dude, I really don't know what your thinking. I'm not gonna come out here and lie to ya, man. I have seen you before. Hell, we spent some time in ECW together. And I've watched you on Niro in the past, dude, but for you to come out here and say that you are the one reason people watch Monday night wrestling and Pay-Per-Views. Dude, that's totally uncool man. It's like you just don't understand what you did. Way before you were drawing people to watch you, I was Mr. Pay-Per-View! And dude, it's always gonna be that way. I know that me and you both are in this tournament. And we're on opposite sides, man. So, we could only meet in the finals. And if that is how it's gonna turn out, then so be it. Because the finals will be on Pay-Per-View...and I will be there in the finals to show everyone who the Mr. Pay-Per-View really is. Benoit, you don't have to worry about me getting involved in your matches. 'Cuz, dude, I want to meet you in the finals for that World Championship! And if you don't make it there, you'll be the first to get a title shot.

Mike Tenay - And that was not the first time R-V-D had choice words for Chris Benoit. That very same week, just a few days later, Paul Heyman came out with Rob Van Dam to insult The Crippler some more. Let's have a look...

January 13th, 2000 - Thunder

We now go to the back where Paul Heyman is with Rob Van Dam. Van Dam is in his street clothes and Heyman looks exactly as he did at the opening segment of the night. Heyman has the mic and decides to talk.

Paul Heyman - Chris Benoit...The Crippler....let me just tell you that you have made a huge mistake when you crossed Rob Van Dam's path. You just don't understand that he is Mr. Monday Night, he is Mr. Pay-Per-View, and he is the reason people watch wrestling on television. Honestly, Chris, you've spent time in ECW. Do you think you were on his level then? No! So what makes you think your better than RVD now after you've spent all this time in WCW and he's spent his time in ECW? Which company was better? ECW! So Van Dam has the credibility and the drive to beat you.

Rob Van Dam - Dude, Paul...lemme speak, man. Your right about a lot of things. I am better than him. But that's not just it, dude. Ya see, I might not get the chance to go against Chris Benoit until the Pay-Per-View. And that's fine with me. I don't wanna rush things....but I'm just gonna say that when we finally do meet, your the one that's gonna be getting pinned 1-2-3 in the middle of that ring. No help from my friends, no help from your friends. It's just gonna be me and you, dude. And I really know your not ready for that. Tonight, I really doubt your gonna beat Jerry Lynn. Ya see, Lynn is just like me. He bleeds ECW just like me. So I wanna give both of you good luck. Either way, I'll be happy. If Jerry wins, that's another ECW brother moving on. If Chris Benoit wins, that'll be one step closer to me and him meeting in the finals. And I will be in the finals, dude, because I'm Rob-Van-Dam.

At the end, he does his signature fingerpoint and some of the fans can be heard chanting his name with him as he does this. We then head to the ring for the World Title Tournament.

Gene Okerlund - Later that night, Chris Benoit would face Jerry Lynn in the World Title Tournament. The ending would come to no shock to those who know of Rob Van Dam.

January 13th, 2000 - Thunder, Later That Night

Benoit and Lynn continued to battle for a long time, with each person sharing plenty of time on offense and defense. Jerry Lynn was in control at the end and he was going for the Tornado DDT from the corner! The fans were booing as he hit the move. Lynn pinned Chris Benoit, but the bell rang too soon. Jerry Lynn got off of Benoit and celebrated, but the ref was trying to tell him something. Lynn ignored what the ref was saying and yelled at him to raise his hand. Most of the fans didn't know what was happening, either. Finally, the ring announcer made an announcement that said, "Due to the 15-Minute Time Limit, this match has come to an end. We have a Draw! Both competitors will advance to the next round!"

The fans booed and cheered at the same time as they discovered that Jerry Lynn AND Chris Benoit both would advance to the next round. Jerry Lynn looked pissed off and Benoit was down and exhausted. Rob Van Dam came running down to the ring just in time. He climbed up the top rope and hit a Frog Splash on the already downed Chris Benoit. The fans were really getting onto him when Sabu came running down! The fans erupted as Sabu took as Van Dam and then went straight for Jerry Lynn. Lynn ran to the back as Sabu gave chase. We then headed to a commercial.

Gene Okerlund - And exactly one week later on Thunder, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam would run into each other in the back. No punches were exchanged, but the intensity in their eyes can clearly be seen.

Mike Tenay - That's right. These two are ready to explode at any minute. And tonight, it all comes to a close.

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder

Rob Van Dam walks around the corner in the back and bumps into none other than Chris Benoit! The fans erupt as Rob Van Dam and Benoit get in each other's faces. Each has some words to share.

Chris Benoit - You got a lotta nerve.

Rob Van Dam - Oh, save it, dude. Your the one making false statements. You can't back up what you said, man. We both know it!

Chris Benoit - Yeah, I think I DID prove it when I beat Rhino AND Jerry Lynn on Nitro!

By now, a couple of security guards have stepped between these two, but they still continue to exchange words with each other.

Chris Benoit - We will be meeting in the finals!

Rob Van Dam - I know I'm gonna get there, dude! I'm praying you get there! That title is mine, man!

With that, the guards finally break it up and Rob Van Dam walks off, muttering to himself.

Mike Tenay - Later that night, Rob Van Dam would defeat Diamond Dallas Page in the World Title Tournament.

Gene Okerlund - But Chris Benoit was clearly upset after their altercation in the back, so he decided to show up after Van Dam's match.

January 20th, 2000 - Thunder, Later That Night

After the matchup is cleary over, Rob Van Dam is down and exhausted from the matchup. Paul Heyman gets in the ring and gives a couple of boots to Page, sending him out of the ring. He bends over to check on Van Dam, but the camera cuts to someone running down to the ring from the back. It is Chris Benoit! He runs right into the ring, but Paul Heyman cuts him off. Heyman starts yelling at Chris Benoit and he has a furious look on his face.

Rob Van Dam is still down as Heyman yells at Benoit. Benoit can't take it anymore. He decks Heyman with a punch and the crowd goes nuts. Benoit then locks on The Crippler Crossface as they get even louder. Soon, Van Dam breaks it up with a leg drop onto The Crippler's back. Rob Van Dam and Chris Benoit look to be ready to brawl, but security comes running down to the ring to break it up. They finally pull both men to the back as we prepare for our Main Event!

Gene Okerlund - And the next week on Nitro would also be a moment to remember. Good planning by Paul Heyman would lead an attack on 'The Crippler'. Let's see it...

January 24th, 2000 - Nitro

Chris Benoit is in the ring with a microphone to start the clip.

Chris Benoit - This whole situation with Rob Van Dam is getting ridiculous. He says that he is better, and I say that I am better. So, let's settle everything right here, right now! How about it, Rob? Prove who's better! Prove that you are Mr. Monday Night....Mr. Pay-Per-View! Come on, Rob!

The ECW Theme starts up and the fans begin to boo. But they don't get Rob Van Dam. Instead, Paul Heyman walks out from the back. He stands at the top of the entrance ramp and holds the mic to his mouth.

Paul Heyman - Chris Benoit! You will get your chance at Sin! Whether or not you make it to the Finals of the Tournament, you WILL BE going against Rob Van Dam! Because RVD has been begging me each day to let him get his hands on you. But I choose to put things off so the anticipation builds. The climax will be great. But, Chris...

Chris Benoit - What!?!

Paul Heyman - I did want to give you one thing tonight. You will have an encounter with Rob Van Dam.

Chris Benoit - What are yo....

On cue, Rob Van Dam launches himself off of the top rope and nails a dropkick to the back of Benoit's head! RVD must have come in through the crowd! The announcers are going nuts as Rob Van Dam then goes back up top. He hits the Diving Headbutt the Chris Benoit made famous! Rob Van Dam then locks in the Crippler Crossface! By now, Paul has come down to the ring. The announcers point out that this is one of the most disrespectful things one wrestler can do to another wrestler! Security begins to rush the ring as we head to a commercial.

Gene Okerlund - Tension would really increase on last week's Thunder episode, as the finals of the Tournament began. Rob Van Dam had to win two matches to get to where he is today.

Mike Tenay - His first match was against Sting....let's take a look at the ending.

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder

Finally, the end came when Sting was in control. Sting had somewhat forgotten about his mystery man since he has been caught up in the match. He still looked over his shoulder now and then just to remind everyone he was still worried about it, but he has shown more interest in the match lately. Sting was getting up as Rob Van Dam came leaping off the top rope to hit him with a dropkick. Sting just took a step back and RVD went flying to the canvas on his back. Sting then picked up Van Dam's feet and locked in the Scorpion Death Lock again. But this wouldn't last long....Sting was thinking too much and he released the hold on his own will. He went and looked around the ring.

Sting searched around the ring, looking from one corner to the other in fear that his mystery stalker would show up. The fans began to boo Sting a bit, urging him to finish the job he was almost done with. Sting finally turns around, but gets a crossbody from Van Dam. Sting rolls through it and makes a pin attempt, but RVD reverses it once again. Rob Van Dam pins Sting and gets a three count after the reversal! The fans are booing Rob Van Dam incredibly as he celebrates his win and advancement to the Semi-Finals of the World Title Tournament. Rob Van Dam celebrates as he makes his way to the back and we head to commercials. We can see Sting in the ring shaking his head at his mistake.

Gene Okerlund - RVD picking up a hard-fought win there to advance to the Semi-Finals of the World Title Tournament.

Mike Tenay - But Chris Benoit had a big challenge for the night, too. He had The Sandman in a Hardcore Matchup to advance to the Finals....let's see that outcome.

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder, Later That Night

Benoit is getting a vicious beatdown delivered by The Sandman near the end of the match, and the announcers keep pointing out how much blood he has lost in this match. But Sandman shows no mercy. He eventually puts Benoit on the top rope. He has placed the chairs perfectly and goes to the top. He hits a Superplex on Chris Benoit....and Benoit goes crashing through the chairs! Sandman is extremely happy and a smile comes across his face as he gets up. He walks over to Chris Benoit and makes a pin. One....two...and thre...NO! Once again, Benoit has kicked out! He is defying all odds and somehow he still has the strength and energy to kick out of the pin attempt! The announcers are having orgasms as the fans are just going crazy in celebration and a "Ben-oit" chant starts up.

As if fueled by the chants, Benoit is up as The Sandman looks on shocked. Benoit backs Sandman into the corner. About four Flair Chops will do some damage and the fans react with some "Wooo"'s in responce to the move. Benoit then places Sandman on the middle turnbuckle, facing the outside of the ring. He lifts him up a bit and hits a German Suplex that sees Sandman go crashing through one of the other chairs in the ring! The fans can't believe what they are seeing. Benoit then locks in The Crippler Crossface and Sandman is out of it! He isn't tapping, though...but he really isn't doing anything. The referee keeps asking Sandman if he wants to quit, but Sandman's eyes are closed and his body is limp. The ref picks up Sandman's hand, and drops it....one....he picks it up....drops it.....two! He picks it up for the third time....and drops it......three! Sandman has lost! Chris Benoit is going to Sin to battle for the World Title Tournament!

Mike Tenay - So, Chris Benoit advanced to the Finals there. Now, the Main Event for Thunder was Rob Van Dam versus Sabu. Two former good friends going at it with the chance of a lifetime on the line.

Gene Okerlund - Let's go to the clip.

January 27th, 2000 - Thunder, Main Event

Rob Van Dam dominated the very end of the matchup until Sabu ducked a dropkick attempt and then followed that up with a cross-body block once RVD got back up. Sabu had RVD down and out in the end of the match and he went for the Moonsault from the top rope. He climbed to the top and nailed a Moonsault! He made the pin, but once again we see someone kick out of Sabu's finisher. Rob Van Dam kicked out at two just as Kevin Nash did in the last World Title Tournament matchup for Sabu. So Sabu did just the same thing he did against Nash...he climbed to the top to hit a second Moonsault! The fans were buzzing as Sabu launched himself in the air and did a backflip...only to get a dropkick to the stomach! Somehow, Rob Van Dam dropkicked Sabu in the middle of the Moonsault! Oh my god!

That was an incredible counter-move and Sabu landed somewhat awkwardly! The fans are going nuts as Rob Van Dam positioned Sabu and headed to the top...and nailed the Five Star Frog Splash! RVD made the pin and got the one....two...and the three! Rob Van Dam is going to face Chris Benoit at Sin this Sunday! The announcers are going crazy as Paul Heyman comes in and helps his client get to his feet. Suddenly, the cameras look to the entrance ramp and we see Chris Benoit standing at the top of the entrance ramp. Benoit just smiles at Rob Van Dam and claps a couple of times in a mocking manner. Rob Van Dam signals for Benoit to come down to the ring now to no response. We get another look at Benoit just staring down Rob Van Dam and mouthing some words of his own. We then go off the air with Rob Van Dam mouthing something back and doing his finger pointing as he says "Rob-Van-Dam"! The announcers say that we will see you at Sin this Sunday! Don't miss it!

Mike Tenay - And there it is. Tonight, we see the climax to this rivalry that has really begun to heat up in World Championship Wrestling.

Gene Okerlund - And now we take you live to WCW Sin!


Finally, we get to the card....next up is Sin!

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World Championship Wrestling Pay-Per-View

Sin Results...

Opening Matchup

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Yoshihiro Tajiri © Vs. Super Crazy

Super Crazy appears at the top of the entrance ramp as some generic rock and roll music plays over the P.A. system. Super Crazy stands at the top of the entrance ramp and crosses his hands. He then raises them in the air as he nods his head up and down quickly. His long hair floats around as he does so. Finally, he jumps in the air and quickly walks down to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope and gets up. He stretches out his arms as he waits for his opponent's music to start. Yoshihiro Tajiri's music then starts as we hear some Japanese-sounding music. "Japanese Buzzsaw" is written on Tajiri's entrance video as none other than Jimmy Hart comes out first! He is wielding his trusty megaphone as usual.

Jimmy Hart comes out at the top of the entrance ramp and waves for Yoshihiro Tajiri to follow him. Tajiri comes out wearing his Cruiserweight strap on his waist. He slowly walks down to the ring as Jimmy Hart takes a spot in front of him. Jimmy Hart gets in the ring with his newest client, Yoshihiro Tajiri. At first, Jimmy Hart insults Super Crazy across the ring until he finally gets out, leaving the two to go at it finally. The bell rings and signals the start of the matchup. Yoshihiro Tajiri and Super Crazy lock up immediately and Yoshihiro Tajiri comes out on top. He pushes Crazy back into the corner until the referee breaks them up.

Tajiri backs up a bit, but then delivers a hard, stiff kick to the leg of Super Crazy. Crazy falls down and grabs his ankle, and Tajiri hits another kick to the back of the head. This one echoes throughout the arena and causes some of the fans to gasp. Tajiri then picks up Crazy by his hair and sends him right back down with a hard push to the canvas. Yoshihiro Tajiri then picks up Super Crazy and sends him into the ropes. Crazy comes right back out and hits a backspring elbow on Tajiri. Tajiri falls to the mat, and Crazy gets up. The fans applaud Super Crazy's early efforts as he goes to the top rope. Super Crazy waits on Yoshihiro Tajiri to get up, and launches himself at Crazy with a hurricanrana from the top rope.

Yoshihiro Tajiri goes flying across the ring. He gets up and gets a head-scissor takedown from Super Crazy for his efforts. Jimmy Hart is on the outside, and he looks furious as he bangs his megaphone on the ring. Back in the ring, Yoshihiro Tajiri is up and Super Crazy attempts a flying clothesline, but Tajiri ducks it. Super Crazy gets up onto his knees and gets a dropkick from Tajiri right to the face. Crazy sells it well and he rolls to the outside. Yoshihiro Tajiri then goes to the top rope. He waits for Crazy and comes off the top with an axehandle smash to the outside. Crazy goes straight to the cold concrete on the outside. Yoshihiro Tajiri then picks him up, but Crazy fires back with a couple hard shots to the gut. Tajiri bends over in pain, and Crazy hits a sunset flip that sees Tajiri's head hit the concrete very hard. Yoshihiro is down and out as Super Crazy picks him up. Crazy tosses him into the railing that surroundes the ring and Tajiri goes right up over it and into the crowd.

The fans are getting up in anticipation as Super Crazy pulls the railing closer to the ring. The announcers say that this is similar to Extreme Championship Wrestling, and it obviously is. As Super Crazy turns around, Jimmy Hart stops him. Hart is yelling at him and Super Crazy decks him with a clothesline. Super Crazy then goes to the ring as Yoshihiro Tajiri staggers back to his feet. Crazy bounces off the ropes on the opposite side, and then comes to the ropes closer to Tajiri. He hits a Springboard Moonsault over the railing on the outside as some of the fans start up an "ECW" chant. Super Crazy gets back up quickly and goes nuts with the fans before tossing Tajiri back over the railing. He then places Tajiri in the ring and follows him in. Super Crazy attempts a quick pin, but only gets a two count. Super Crazy argues with the referee for a bit, but this only gives Tajiri a chance to catch his breath.

Tajiri gets up as Super Crazy turns around, and Super Crazy attempts a kick of his own. Tajiri jumps at the appropriate time, though, and hits an enziguiri. Super Crazy sells it well once again and staggers back into the corner. Tajiri then hits a couple stiff kicks to the stomach as Crazy falls down. Tajiri picks him back up and places him upside-down on the top turnbuckle. Tajiri raises his hands in the air as Jimmy Hart explodes into cheers on the outside. He has a huge grin on his face. Tajiri then backs up to the corner and sizes us Super Crazy in the opposite corner. He then stops and runs straight into the turnbuckle where Super Crazy is hanging in a bad position. Tajiri goes with a baseball slide into the corner, and we see Super Crazy's head snap back immediately upon impact. The fans gasp for the second time in this matchup as Crazy still hangs from the top turnbuckle, dangling there almost lifeless.

Tajiri gets up and looks over at Super Crazy in the corner. He smiles once again as Jimmy Hart yells at him to "do it again, Yoshi!" Yoshihiro nods in his direction as he goes back to the corner he was in just moments ago. For the second time, he comes running into the corner where Super Crazy is and hits a baseball slide, snapping Crazy's neck back again in a very dangerous-looking move. Super Crazy falls to the canvas this time. Tajiri raises his hands as the fans boo him. He then goes over to Crazy and picks him up. He tosses Super Crazy into the ropes, but Crazy reverses it. Tajiri goes into the ropes and Super Crazy hits a back-body drop. Tajiri goes flying up in the air and crashes hard onto his back. Super Crazy gets a large ovation from the crowd as he hits a quick elbow drop on Tajiri. Super Crazy then goes up to the top rope and raises his hands in the air. He then comes off of the top rope and hits a huge Leg Drop! The fans react with cheers as Super Crazy makes a pin attempt...one...two....no! Only a two count for Crazy, and he looks somewhat upset.

Now, Super Crazy is in control and he picks Tajiri up. The fans are buzzing in anticipation of what the next big spot could possibly be. Super Crazy then tosses Tajiri into the ropes and meets him with a clothesline that takes Yoshihiro Tajiri right down to the canvas. Super Crazy then hits a flip that turns into a leg drop onto Tajiri from a standing position. He makes a pin attempt, but only gets a two once again. Tajiri then gets up and Super Crazy locks up with him. Super Crazy puts his foot behind him and trips him up. He then grabs his legs and stomps him in the stomach two times. Tajiri is in pain and Super Crazy pulls him over close to the ropes. He then turns around and stomps on Tajiri's head a couple of times. Eventually, Yoshihiro Tajiri hides his head under the bottom rope, but this just gives Super Crazy another way of causing punishment. He grabs Tajiri's legs and falls backwards, pulling Tajiri's neck right into the bottom rope. Tajiri screams in pain as some of the fans gasp at yet another good maneuver. Jimmy Hart is getting really upset on the outside, as well.

Yoshihiro Tajiri rolls around in pain and Super Crazy finally picks him up. He beats on him a couple of times until Tajiri falls onto the middle rope. Super Crazy sees this and nods to himself. He goes running in the opposite direction and bounces off of those ropes. Tajiri, in his prone position, can do nothing but wait as Super Crazy jumps in the air towards him. Super Crazy does a flip in mid-air and attempts to land on Yoshihiro Tajiri, but Tajiri has moved out of the way just in time. Super Crazy does his flip and goes flying over the top rope to the outside in a big bump. Yoshihiro Tajiri somehow manages to stand up by himself, but he falls backwards into the referee. The referee turns around and checks on him. Of course, what would the point of having a new manager be if that manager didn't make his presence felt? Jimmy Hart takes this time to nail Super Crazy across the face with a decent-looking right hand. He then hits him with the megaphone and pushes him towards the ring. Super Crazy slides in and Tajiri is on top of him immediately. The referee says something to Jimmy Hart, but Hart raises his hands as if saying that he didn't do anything.

Yoshihiro Tajiri picks up Super Crazy and hits a neckbreaker. He then makes a pin attempt, but only gets a two count. Tajiri then pounds on Super Crazy for a good bit of time and they go back to the corner again. Eventually, we see Yoshihiro Tajiri locking on his favorite submission move, the Tarantula! The fans pop bigtime for this move as the referee counts to five, giving him time to release the hold. Yoshihiro Tajiri finally lets go of the innovative submission maneuver and Crazy is down and looks to be pretty exhausted and hurt. Tajiri has the momentum, though, so he is just fine. He picks up Super Crazy and tosses him into the ropes. He attempts a clothesline, but Super Crazy ducks it. He then grabs hold of Tajiri's arm. Super Crazy then proceeds to hit a DDT after wrapping around one side of Tajiri and coming across the other in one swift motion. The fans really react to this. Super Crazy picks up Tajiri and tosses him hard into the corner. Super Crazy comes off and hits a monkey flip that sends Yoshihiro Tajiri pretty far across the ring. Tajiri lands perfectly, and Super Crazy hits a Springboard into a splash. He makes a pin attempt, but only gets two once again.

Super Crazy then heads up to the top rope again. He waits for Tajiri to get up and launches himself at him from behind. Super Crazy hits a nice bulldog from the top rope and Tajiri's face goes smashing into the canvas. Super Crazy gets up quickly and puts his hands into the air. The fans react and Jimmy Hart yells at them to shut up. They really seem to be getting no Hart's last nerve. Super Crazy is up and he stomps down on Tajiri for a bit. Tajiri finally manages to get back up onto his feet, but Super Crazy is all over him. Super Crazy tosses him into the ropes and proceeds to hit an armdrag when Tajiri gets back. But Tajiri blocks it, and sends Super Crazy across the ring with an armdrag of his own. Tajiri then runs towards Crazy, but Crazy hits a nice drop-toe hold. He then locks it into a short submission just to ware him down a bit more. Tajiri easily gets to the ropes. Yoshihiro Tajiri uses the ropes to help himself get up, and Super Crazy grabs him from behind. He hits a German Suplex and holds it. He comes over and makes a pin attempt somehow out of the German Suplex hold. Yoshihiro Tajiri kicks out after a very, very close two count.

Tajiri is up and he looks a little pissed off. Jimmy Hart is pounding on the mat in an attempt to get Tajiri back into the matchup. Super Crazy bounces himself off of the ropes and comes back at Yoshihiro Tajiri. He attempts an enziguiri, but Yoshihiro Tajiri ducks it. Super Crazy does come into contact with someone as he nails the referee right in the head. Tajiri gets up and Super Crazy dodges a Kick of Death attempt. He then grabs Tajiri's leg and comes through with a stepover kick. Tajiri falls down and Super Crazy heads to the top rope. The downed referee is in the corner by himself. Super Crazy is up at the top turnbuckle and Jimmy Hart attempts to distract him. Super Crazy shrugs him off and waits for Tajiri to get back up....but Tajiri is still down. By this time, Tajiri's manager, Jimmy Hart, has climbed up to the canvas. He grabs Super Crazy's leg, but Crazy kicks him back to the outside. The fans who were once booing Jimmy Hart are now cheering Crazy's feat of avoiding the attack from his opponent's manager. By now, Yoshihiro Tajiri is back up. Super Crazy sees him and launches himself into the air in an attempted dropkick.

Yoshihiro Tajiri sees this in time and spits something into the air. We see Green Mist go flying into Super Crazy's face. Crazy falls flat down to the canvas and rolls around in pain. The referee is finally beginning to come to as Tajiri measures up Super Crazy. The mist is finally disintegrating into the air as Yoshihiro Tajiri waits for Crazy to get up. Super Crazy gets up to his knees and gets taken right back down by a hard thwap of Tajiri's Kick of Death! Tajiri grabs Super Crazy's leg and flips over to make a pin attempt. The referee is still a little dazed...he counts a one.....two....three! Yoshihiro Tajiri has successfully defended his Cruiserweight Championship here at Sin against Super Crazy! Jimmy Hart comes running into the ring and holds up Tajiri's hand as Tajiri nods in happiness. Crazy rolls to the outside and falls down to the concrete. Yoshihiro Tajiri makes his way to the back as his music plays. His manager continues to insult the fans with his megaphone on the way out. Finally, Super Crazy leaves as well and the fans give him a decent reaction in appreciation of his hard work in the previous matchup.

Outcome - Yoshihiro Tajiri via pin in 18:21

Crowd Reaction - 69%

Match Quality - 100%

Overall Rating - 84%

Super Crazy lost overness from this match. The WCW Cruiserweight title has gained in image.

Singles Matchup

Rhino w/ Paul Heyman Vs. Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth

The ECW Theme starts up after the ring is cleared of the two previous competitors. Rhino makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp. Paul Heyman stands behind him and he points at Rhino as Rhino walks down to the ring. No gimmicks or fakeness as Rhino makes his way to the ring. Heyman does all the talking for him as he argues with some of the fans. Finally, Rhino is in the ring and The Macho Man's music plays over the P.A. system. Randy Savage comes out and waves his arms around as Miss Elizabeth stands behind him in a blue, sparkling dress. Macho Man spins around in two complete circles before he focuses on walking to the ring. He makes his way and kisses Elizabeth before climbing the steel steps and getting ready for the match.

The bell rings and Rhino circles around The Macho Man. Savage swings wildly at him a couple of times, but both are just used to keep Rhino at bay. Rhino finally comes away on top and grabs Savage's leg. Savage falls down to a knee as Rhino twists Savage's leg. Savage falls to his stomach and screams in pain as Rhino continues. He then stands up and pulls Savage's leg into the air. Savage's body goes up a bit. Rhino then rams Savage's leg down to the canvas and Savage howls in pain once again. Rhino has definitely took over the match early on and the announcers are warning that Savage should be getting something started as soon as possible. Rhino plays to the crowd a bit by stomping his foot. On the outside, Heyman can be heard screaming 'Get 'em Rhino!'

Randy Savage gets up and Rhino comes at him. Savage stops him with a big right hand. Rhino staggers back, but shakes it off quickly by charging Savage again. Savage then hits a second right...and a third! The fans cheer on Savage as he forces Rhino into the ropes. Savage then tosses him across the ring, but Rhino reverses it. Savage bounces off the ropes and comes back. Rhino lifts a knee and hits Savage in the gut. Savage flips over the knee and crashes hard to the canvas. The camera shows a worried Miss Elizabeth on the outside of the ring for a moment or two. We go back into the ring and see Randy Savage getting up. Rhino grabs him by the head and nails a headbutt. Savage is reeling, and he takes one last effort to nail a huge clothesline on Rhino. Rhino falls down to the ring as Savage does, as well. The Macho Man gets up after about seven seconds and picks up Rhino.

Savage hits two elbows to the forehead of Rhino and Rhino sells them pretty well. Macho Man then kicks him in the gut and hits an elbow to the spine in Rhino's back. Rhino falls down and looks to be in a pretty good bit of pain. Savage then picks him up and punches him as he leads him into the corner. Randy Savage then pounds away on him in the corner for a bit. Some rapid jabs to the stomach make Rhino lean back in the turnbuckles. Savage then rakes the eyes of Rhino and tosses him, head-first, out into the middle of the ring. The Macho Man hits a couple of stomps on him and Rhino looks to be in trouble. His manager, Paul Heyman, is on the outside yelling at Savage telling him to 'get off of 'em!'

Randy Savage then picks up Rhino and nails a bodyslam. He nods to the fans for a bit until he picks him back up. He then hits a knee lift that sees Rhino stagger back. Savage nods, but he gets taken down by the forearm of Rhino! The fans boo big time as Rhino stomps on Savage until Savage rolls to the outside. Rhino then follows him to the outside, where Paul Heyman and Miss Elizabeth are both at. Miss Elizabeth is on the opposite side of the ring, but Heyman is right there with Rhino and Savage. Rhino picks Savage up and tosses him into the railing. Savage hits his back hard on the railing and falls down to a knee. Rhino then kicks him hard in the head. Savage falls down and looks to be in a lot of pain suddenly. Miss Elizabeth is screaming for them to stop, and Rhino hears this. Like an animal, he turns his head in one very swift motion to where Miss Elizabeth is. He sees her across the ring and begins to approach her. The fans are really booing loudly as Rhino gets closer and closer.

Soon, Rhino is less than two feet away from Miss Elizabeth. He towers over her and it is definitely a scary sight to see this Man-Beast towering over such a small, beautiful girl. Rhino grabs Miss Elizabeth by the hair and she screams louder than ever. Soon, Rhino releases her and goes flying to the concrete floor. Randy Savage made the save! He put his two fists together and smashed them over the back of Rhino's head! Rhino went down hard and Savage checks on Miss Elizabeth. She seems in shock and can barely say a word. Randy Savage then gets a little pissed off and stomps down on Savage. He even stomps right on the throat of Savage. He picks him back up and tosses Rhino into the ring. Savage then follows him into the ring and picks him up. The Macho Man grabs The Man-Beast and proceeds to hit a nice piledriver. He makes a pin attempt, but only gets a one count as Rhino powers out of it.

Rhino then gets up in one very fast motion. Savage is still making his way to his feet as Rhino waits on him. Rhino picks him up in the air and charges into the corner. Savage's back goes hard into the turnbuckle and he sells it pretty well. Rhino then backs up and charges again....and again...and one more time! The fans are booing as an evil grin comes over Rhino's face. Then, he drops Savage down and charges his shoulder into the stomach of Randy Savage. Savage is now having trouble breathing, and Rhino takes advantage appropriately. He kicks Savage into the gut and Savage falls down to his bottom. Rhino then sticks his foot into the throat of Randy Savage for about five seconds until the referee breaks the blatant chokehold up. Rhino pushes the referee aside and goes on to choke him for about five more seconds again. The referee finally gets Rhino out of the corner and he gets between Rhino and Savage.

Savage is now up and Rhino comes charging into the corner. Savage jumps out of the way a little early, but Rhino continues going. He charges into the corner and his shoulder goes right into the turnbuckles. Rhino falls down in pain as Savage gets up. Savage then grabs Rhino by the hair from behind, and Rhino is in some pain. Savage then grabs Rhino and hits a DDT on him. He makes a pin attempt, but Rhino gets out after two. Savage then gets up and grabs Rhino. He tosses Rhino into the corner and comes charging at him with his fists up in the air preparing to smash down over Rhino. But Rhino is a quick one, and he Gores The Macho Man out of the corner, laying out the legendary Macho Man and getting a pop from the fans! Rhino then gets up and he looks furious! Instead of making the pin, though, he goes to the outside where Miss Elizabeth is standing. Rhino grabs Miss Elizabeth by her hair and tosses her into the ring. The fans are really getting onto Rhino here, but he doesn't care.

Rhino gets in the ring and grabs Miss Elizabeth by the hair once again. He pulls her up and stares at her. He says some words to her and another evil smile comes across his face. The announcers are telling anyone to get down to the ring and stop this immediately, but of course no one will listen. Rhino just stares at her some more, but this is stopped as Miss Elizabeth reaches back and slaps Rhino right across the face! The fans pop big time and cheer her on as she slaps him again...and one more time! But Rhino is now extremely pissed. He reaches back to punch her, but his hand is stopped! Randy Savage is back again! He pulls Rhino around and he releases his grasp of Miss Elizabeth. She falls to her feet as Savage hits a big suplex on Rhino! Elizabeth then rolls to the outside as Savage makes a pin attempt. He only gets a two, though.

Although he only got a two, Rhino is down and out. Savage takes this chance to signal for his finisher! The fans are up in anticipation as Savage climbs the turnbuckles and finds his way to the top. He comes flying off and nails the Flying Elbow Smash! The fans are going crazy as Randy Savage makes a pin. The fans count with the referee...ONE! TWO! No! No! Randy Savage did not get it! The fans counted the three, but the referee couldn't count as Rhino's shoulders got off of the canvas just in time! The fans are really going nuts as Randy Savage gets back up and looks at Rhino in shock. Paul Heyman is going crazy, banging on the canvas! Savage pulls Rhino up, but Rhino hits a low blow, blind to the referee! The fans are booing as Rhino pushes Savage into the ropes and then sends him across the ring into the opposite ropes. Randy Savage comes back and Rhino attempts a clothesline, but Savage ducks it. Rhino then stands still and turns around. Savage bounces off of the ropes again and goes to jump at the Man-Beast, but Rhino hits The Gore! The fans boo as Rhino celebrates for a bit. On the outside, Paul Heyman is going crazy for his client. Rhino makes the pin and gets the three count for the win.

Rhino gets up as the bell rings and Paul Heyman comes into the ring. Heyman points at his client for a bit as Miss Elizabeth comes running into the ring. She grabs Randy Savage's head and tries to check on him, but Heyman gives this to Rhino's attention. Rhino grabs Miss Elizabeth by her hair from behind and turns her around. Once again, she slaps the mess out of Rhino, but he just shrugs it off. He doesn't even blink. Instead, he walks over to the top rope and turns around. He is still holding Miss Elizabeth as he climbs the top rope. He stands on the top, still holding Miss Elizabeth by her hair as she stands in the ring, unable to get away. He then picks her up...oh my god! The announcers are going nuts begging anybody who can to stop this. The referee has tried, but Paul Heyman pushed him out of the ring. We then see one of the most brutal acts in WCW history, as Rhino jumps off the top rope and hits a Piledriver on Miss Elizabeth! The fans are beginning to throw trash in the ring as Rhino gets back up. Paul Heyman is celebrating as Rhino stands up and walks to the outside of the ring.

Randy Savage is finally beginning to come to as Rhino and Heyman make their way up the entrance ramp. Savage looks over at Miss Elizabeth and sees her lying on the canvas, motionless. The fans are still booing as Savage attempts to revive her. Soon, medics come rushing down to the ring. After about two minutes, we see Miss Elizabeth placed on a stretcher with a neck-brace. Savage looked incredibly worried about his beautiful valet and the announcers are putting over what an incredibly evil act Rhino just committed, saying that he clearly has no heart at all. The medics finally leave the view of the cameras as the announcers guarantee us that they will give us any information at all as soon as possible. We then prepare for our next matchup.

Outcome - Rhino by pin at 10:39

Crowd Reaction - 87%

Match Quality - 74%

Overall Rating - 83%

Tag Team Matchup

The Hardcore Icons Vs. Curt Hennig & ??

Tommy Dreamer's ECW Theme music starts up over the P.A. system and The Hardcore Icons make their way out from the back. Terry Funk is with his partner, Dreamer, and they both look pretty excited to be there. They stop at the top of the ramp and give each other a high-five before making their ways to the ring. Dreamer is first in the ring and he holds the ropes for his good friend, Terry Funk. These two get in the ring as their music stops and Curt Hennig's music soon takes its place. Curt Hennig comes out from the back wearing light blue wrestling gear. He is also holding a microphone. The announcers wonder aloud who his partner could possibly be. Soon, we will find out as Curt Hennig speaks over the microphone.

Curt Hennig - Cut the music, cut the music!

The music stops on cue.

Curt Hennig - Tonight, you ungrateful bastards will see who is on my side. You will see who chose to join The Perfect One in his mission to rid WCW of garbage wrestling. This man is an icon....a true symbol of perfection like me. He has been in your gritty Extreme Championship Wrestling...and he has carried the ECW World Championship! And he has realized the sin of his ways. He confided in me and told me that he only spent time in ECW because he had nowhere else to go. The entire time he was trying to make it to the big time, to WCW! And now, he is here! Ladies and gentlemen....Shane Douglas!

About half of the fans begin booing immediately as "The Franchise" Shane Douglas comes out to his music. He gives everyone a wry grin as he stands at the top of the ramp with Curt Hennig. Hennig hands him the microphone and gives him the chance to speak.

Shane Douglas - Curt, here, is right. I must admit...I've spent time in ECW. I had nowhere else to go. It was either compete in a run-down building night after night or starve. I'm surprised I didn't catch some kind of diseases in that place, though. But I met some good people while I was there. Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Rhino....these guys were the types of people I could enjoy being in the company with. Now, at that time we had our disagreements, but we are all on the same page now. And then, there were guys like Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer! Guys that would get out there and use flaming branding irons to attack people. How juvenile is that? These two in the ring should be locked up. So...that's where Curt and I come in. We are here to beat you...in a WRESTLING match. No, not a hardore match..not a garbage wrestling match, but a WRESTLING match! Let's go, Curt.

With that, Curt Hennig and Shane Douglas come down to the ring. Curt Hennig slides in first as Terry Funk stands on the outside of the ropes. Curt Hennig and Tommy Dreamer then start the match with a lockup. Hennig challenges Dreamer to a test of strength, but soon kicks him in the stomach after distracting him. Hennig then picks him up and nails a backbreaker. He drops a knee to the nose of Dreamer immediately afterwards, and mocks him a bit by walking on the stomach of Dreamer. Hennig then flexes a bit for the fans, really pissing them off and getting on their nerves in the process. He quickly tags out to Shane Douglas, who gets received with a large bombardment of boos and jeers. Douglas comes in and walks over to the downed Tommy Dreamer in a cocky way. He then picks a shot and nails Dreamer in the head with a boot.

The fans are really getting onto Shane Douglas as he picks up Dreamer. He punches him a couple of times before kicking him in the gut and nailing a front suplex. He gets up quickly and yells at the fans. He then walks over to Terry Funk on the outside and spits at him. This gets Funk into the ring and forces the referee to turn his attention towards him. Curt Hennig then comes in and assists Shane Douglas. They proceed to hit a double suplex on Tommy Dreamer followed by a double elbow drop. Curt Hennig smiles as he walks to the outside and the referee finally gets Terry Funk to the outside of the ring. He turns his attention back to the two people in the ring just in time to see Shane Douglas hit a reverse atomic drop on Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer gets up and hops around in pain for a bit as Douglas goes and attempts a clothesline. Dreamer ducks it and hits a decent-looking dropkick on Shane Douglas in return.

Terry Funk is on the outside and he gets the fans to cheer on Dreamer as he stomps his feet on the canvas. Dreamer tries to crawl over to Terry Funk, but Douglas grabs him at the last possible second and pulls him over to their corner. He then tags in Curt Hennig and Hennig comes in and stomps on Tommy Dreamer. Curt then picks him up and backs him into the corner of Hennig and Douglas. Hennig hits a Flair Chop on Dreamer that echoes throughout the arena. He hits a second one and then starts viciously choking Dreamer! The referee is forced to pull Hennig away, and Douglas sees this as a perfect opportunity to get a choke of his own into the matchup. He grabs Dreamer's throat from behind and pulls across it, allowing little air to go through the windpipe. Tommy Dreamer thrashes in pain until the referee turns around and Douglas lets go to avoid any disqualification.

Hennig picks up right where he left off and hits another Flair Chop. He then grabs Dreamer's feet and trips him up. Hennig holds onto his feet and waits a moment. In one swift motion, he jerks Dreamer's feet into the air and Dreamer goes flying through the air, landing hard on his back as Hennig smiles. Dreamer once again attempts to crawl towards his corner, but Hennig stops him halfway through the ring. He then pulls him back over to his ring, and we can see Tommy Dreamer attempting to get out of Hennig's grasp. Hennig then picks him up, but Dreamer gets a blast of energy and hits Hennig with a couple of right hands. Hennig staggers back into his corner, and Tommy Dreamer decides that it is time to get on top. He goes straight for Hennig with a clothesline attempt, but Hennig ducks. Dreamer then runs right into a fist from Shane Douglas on the outside! The fans boo as Hennig points to his head, signalling how smart he is.

After all this time, Terry Funk still hasn't stepped foot in the ring. The fans are getting a little anxious as Hennig picks Dreamer up and hits a sit-out powerbomb. The ring literally shook there and Hennig tries to make a pin...one...two....th...NO! Tommy Dreamer managed to kick out somehow. Dreamer then crawled over to his corner once again, but Hennig grabbed his leg! Dreamer then turned over and kicked Hennig right in the head! He then made one last effort and tagged in Terry Funk! The crowd exploded as Terry Funk came in and moved fast than he has in a long time. He hit a big forearm on Curt Hennig and then ran over to Shane Douglas and clotheslined him to the concrete outside the ring. Funk then turned around and hit Curt Hennig with a nice punch. He followed this up with a bodyslam. He then made a pin attempt, but only got a two count. Funk was still on fire, though, as he stomped on Hennig a couple of times before picking him back up. He raked his nails across the back of Hennig, who sold it as if it was a very intense pain. Funk then picked Hennig up by his side and hit a sidewalk slam. He made a quick cover, but only got a two count again. Funk then threw Curt Hennig to the outside and followed him out.

Dreamer was still down on the outside ropes, and Shane Douglas was recovering from the clothesline he had received from Terry Funk. Funk was stalking Hennig, who was trying to crawl away. Of course, Funk caught him and rammed Hennig's head into the steel railing. He then threw Hennig into the steel steps, but Hennig reversed it and Funk went flying in, shoulder-first. The steel steps bounced off of their base and went flying as Funk went all-out with that move. Curt Hennig then picked up Funk and tried to ram his head into the steel railing, but Funk blocked it. He then gave Hennig one last taste of metal. Hennig went flying down to the ground and rolled around in pain. Funk looked around for a bit, as if wondering what to do. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. The announcers pointed out that Funk could be extremely dangerous on the outside like this. Funk picked up Curt Hennig and hit a badly-executed piledriver. Hennig looked like he was passed out on the cold concrete. Funk then climbed back into the ring. He didn't go over the ropes, though, and he stayed on the outside as if he wasn't the legal man in the tag match. Instead of just standing there, though, he began running. He then leaped off and caught an elbow drop on Curt Hennig's chest, also ramming Funk's backside into the hard concrete in the process.

That move, stolen from his good friend Mick Foley, hurt both Terry Funk and Curt Hennig. The fans were pretty pumped to see it, but nothing can really show how much it hurts the person delivering the move. The announcers try to make it sound like it was the biggest spot in the history of wrestling by saying how hard the concrete is and how there was nothing protecting Funk from it, but it really doesn't do the move justice. Douglas then came into the picture and stomped on Terry Funk a couple of times. That is, until Tommy Dreamer came running aroudn and took him out with a clothesline. All four men were in a confined area, and Dreamer was the only one standing. He helped up Terry Funk and then stomped down on The Franchise. Curt Hennig was picked up by The Funkster, who then tossed him back into the ring. Curt Hennig was in a lot of pain, as was Terry Funk. A bruise on the side of Funk was really beginning to show, but he shrugged it off and pounded away on Hennig. Hennig finally hit a low blow that slowed Funk down for good. Hennig then went back over to his corner and tagged in The Franchise, who was just getting back from the outside. Terry Funk fell down to his corner and tagged in Tommy Dreamer.

Shane Douglas caught Dreamer with a nice dropkick and then waited on him to get back up. He hit an arm drag followed by a hanging suplex. Dreamer was reeling off of these moves, but he shook them off when he played chicken and let Douglas launch himself towards him. Dreamer moved out of the way and Shane Douglas went flying into the turnbuckles in the corner. Dreamer then rolled him up from behind and got a one...two...NO! The Franchise somehow managed to kick out and it looked like the match was over for sure. Dreamer got back up and Shane Douglas came flying at him again. This time, Dreamer caught him and powerslammed him down, using The Franchise's momentum to control where he was taking him. Douglas played like his back was very hurt, and Dreamer went for yet another pin attempt. He only got a two and it is clear that both teams want to get this match over with as soon as possible. Dreamer then got up and signalled for his finisher, the Dreamer DDT! The fans were buzzing a bit as Dreamer picked up Douglas. He then nailed The Dreamer DDT and made a pin attempt! One....two....a boot to the back of Dreamer's head! Curt Hennig was not going to let it end that easily.

Curt Hennig was finally forced out of the ring by the referee. Dreamer got Shane Douglas up and brought him to their corner. Dreamer tagged out, but held onto The Franchise. Funk climbed to the top and came down with an elbow onto the head of Shane Douglas. Douglas fell down and The Funkster made a pin attempt only to get a one and a half. Douglas was getting back into the matchup now, as he ducked a wild swing from Terry Funk and caught him with a neckbreaker. He then waitied for Funk to get up and hit a jawbreaker. Two good moves right there, and the announcers put over how hard of a competitor Shane Douglas can be at times. Douglas then went and tagged out to Curt Hennig. Hennig came in but fell victim to a drop toe hold from Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer then pounded away on Hennig with some boots to the midsection. Hennig flailed around trying to avoid or block these kicks, but he couldn't get away from them.

Finally, Tommy Dreamer picked up Curt Hennig and sent him into the ropes. Hennig came off and kicked Dreamer in the groin! Another blatant low blow by Curt Hennig and the referee is doing nothing more than yelling at him and warning him. Curt Hennig then went for the Hennig-Plex, but Dreamer blocked it! He then hit a spinebuster and jumped right back up on fire! He ran over to Shane Douglas and clotheslined him to the outside. Douglas finds his butt on the floor once again and the announcers are loving it! Dreamer then picked up Curt Hennig as Terry Funk climbed to the top rope. Dreamer set Hennig up on his shoulders and The Funkster took him right off of Dreamer's shoulders with a flying clothesline! What a move by those two and the announcers are asking where in the world these two learned that move!?! Dreamer then makes a pin as Funk counts with him. One....two.....three! Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer, The Hardcore Icons, have done it! They have beaten Curt Hennig and Shane Douglas! Curt Hennig rolls to the outside and allows The Hardcore Icons to celebrate a bit before the exit the ring and walk to the back, the fans cheering with them the entire time.

Outcome - The Hardcore Icons via pin at 14:20

Crowd Reaction - 72%

Match Quality - 74%

Overall Rating - 73%

Singles Matchup

WCW United States Championship

Sabu w/ Bill Alfonso © Vs. Jerry Lynn w/ Paul Heyman

The ECW Theme starts up and the challenger to Sabu's United States Championship comes out. He is joined by Paul Heyman and the fans meet them with boos and jeers as has come to be usual of most of the former ECW talent. Lynn comes down and stands in the ring. He stretches himself out on the rope as he yells at a couple of the fans in the front row. Then, we are treated to the United States Champion, Sabu, coming down to the ring. Sabu is joined by Bill Alfonso, who runs out in front of Sabu and blows his whistle. Sabu gets in the ring opposite of Jerry Lynn as does Bill Alfonso. Alfonso blows his whistle a couple of times and stares at Jerry Lynn as Sabu does his pose where he points to the sky in the middle of the ring. The bell then rings as the two managers get out of the ring and allow their clients to go to work.

Sabu and Lynn start the match up with some fast-paced action. Lynn ducks a clothesline and turns around only to get a head-scissors takedown from Sabu. Sabu then goes and hits a springboard dropkick on Lynn as he gets back to his feet. Sabu is in complete control of the matchup and Paul Heyman is furious. Trying to make his mark, he begins yelling at Sabu as Lynn lies motionless in the ring. Sabu looks over at him, but just ignores him for now. This gives Lynn enough time to get up and get some momentum. He runs at Sabu and hits a dropkick to the knees of Sabu. He then grabs him from behind and proceeds to hit a Dudley-Dawg like maneuver. He makes a pin attempt, but only gets a two. Lynn then stomps on Sabu a couple of times and picks him up. Jerry Lynn then hit a roundhouse kick on Sabu that forced him to stagger back in an attempt to regain his composure. He then hit a Northern Lights Suplex and made a quick pin attempt only to get a two count again.

Sabu was up and Lynn was going after him. Lynn attempted an enziguiri, but Sabu avoided it pretty easily. Sabu then went to the top rope and quicky hit an Asaii Moonsault. The fans popped for this move and Fonzie began blowing his whistle loudly on the outside. Sabu then waited for Lynn to get up and hit a jawbreaker on Lynn. He followed this up with a springboard bulldog just as Lynn got to his feet. Once again, Sabu went to the top rope and waited for Lynn to get up. Sabu launched himself off of the top and hit a head-scissors takedown from the top rope. He made a pin attempt, but didn't get a three count. Sabu then gets up and waits for Lynn again. Sabu grabs Lynn and throws him into the ropes. Sabu then backs up and bounces off as well. Both competitors meet in the middle of the ring and they were both thinking the same thing. A big double-clothesline takes both men to the canvas. The referee begins a count and gets to six before Sabu gets up. As Lynn gets up, Sabu launches himself at him and hits a back elbow. The two men are down again and Fonzie is whistling at Sabu to get up as Heyman bangs on the canvas yelling 'Come on Jerry!'

Lynn gets up first this time as Sabu gets up a bit slower. Jerry Lynn slides under Sabu between his legs. Sabu turns around and gets punches right in the face. Sabu tries to fire back, but Lynn blocks it. Jerry Lynn then hits an inverted DDT. He makes a pin attempt, but can't get it. Jerry then grabs Sabu and tosses him to the outside. Jerry Lynn then yells something at the referee. The referee turns around to talk to Lynn, and Paul Heyman walks over to Sabu on cue. Jerry Lynn continues to talk to the ref about something as Paul Heyman stomps down on Sabu. Heyman then gets a chair and walks back to Sabu. He lifts the chair up and it comes crashing down on Sabu's skull! A hard smack is heard, but something else happened that Heyman was not expecting! The referee had turned around and saw this! He rings for the bell to end the match and it is awarded to Sabu by disqualification! The announcers say that this is a huge letdown for these two, and it looks like nothing will be solved here tonight. Heyman gets in the ring and argues with the ref. We eventually see Paul Heyman begin choking the referee until Sabu comes back into the ring.

Sabu takes out both Jerry Lynn and Paul Heyman with clotheslines. He then throws Heyman into the corner. He comes at him and hits a monkey flip that sees the fat man go flying to the middle of the ring. But Lynn is up now and he nearly takes Sabu's head off with a forearm blow just as Sabu was getting up. The fans gasped at that move as it looked a lot better than it should. Jerry Lynn then hits the Cradle Piledriver on Sabu as Heyman gets up. The two men then walk to the back as Heyman holds himself in pain. Fonzie then gets in the ring and checks on his client, Sabu. Soon, Sabu is up and he holds his hands up to the fans. They respond pretty well with some cheers until he walks out to the back, his United States Championship over his shoulder.

Outcome - Sabu via disqualification at 7:10

Crowd Reaction - 79%

Match Quality - 99%

Overall Rating - 89%

The WCW United States title has gained in image.

Tag Team Matchup

WCW Tag Team Championship

The Impact Players © Vs. Eddie Guerrero & Booker T

The music of The Impact Players begins and we are treated to our tag team champions. Lance Storm is out first and he looks as serious as ever. His partner, Justin Credible stands right behind him and he delivers a couple of 'DX' chops to the crowd as he jaws at them. The two walk down to the ring. Storm is wearing his Tag Team belt and Justin Credible has his drooped over his shoulder. As Storm walks seriously to the ring, Justin mouths off at each and every fan in the crowd that he possibly can. They seem to be getting more and more into these two as heels. They get in the ring and do some talking as Eddie Guerrero's music starts up. The Mexican star comes out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp, accepting the applause from the fans. He looks pretty pumped up for this matchup. He walks down to the ring and waits on the outside as Booker T's music starts. The fans give him an even bigger pop as he comes out. He stands at the top of the ramp and raises the roof. The fans are really into Booker now as he walks down to the ring. The pyros explode behind him as he gets on the outside and does a quick post-match talk with his partner, Eddie Guerrero.

Eddie then gets in the ring against Justin Credible as the bell rings to start the match. Credible goes right at Guerrero, but Eddie ducks a clothesline attempt and catches Credible with a sidekick after Justin turns back around. Booker then raises the roof to start the momentum early on. Booker then picks up Credible and punches him a couple of times. He backs him up into the ropes and then tosses him across the ring. Justin Credible bounces off the ropes and comes back towards Booker only to get a kick in the gut. Booker then nails his famous Scissor Kick and makes a pin attempt, but it is too early to get a win at this point. Credible then gets up a bit slower than usual. Booker goes for another standing side kick, but Credible ducks it. He then bounces off of the ropes and comes with a shoulder block at Booker. But Booker doesn't budge! He just stares at Justin Credible and tells him to try again. Credible is in a bit of shock, and he acts like he is going to run at the ropes, but turns around and nails a bit right hand on Booker. Booker falls down and Credible tags out to Lance Storm now. Storm comes in and immediately locks on a half-Boston Crab, really trying to work over Booker's legs. The announcers point out that Booker T's most dangerous weapons are his legs, so this is a smart strategy to be using.

Storm soon has to break the hold as Booker T gets to the ropes. Lance Storm then picks Booker up and nails a right hand. He follows this up with a dropkick. Booker T goes staggering back into the ropes and bounces back at Storm. Storm then hits a drop toe hold and holds it for some sort of submission move. Storm holds this submission move for a decent amount of time, but Booker T soon gets to the ropes again. Booker gets up and shakes the pain out of his leg, selling that it is really hurting at the moment. Storm goes up to Booker and hits a Flair Chop. The fans respond with a 'Woo' in respect to the WCW legend, Ric Flair. Storm then rolls Booker T up with a small package, but Booker manages to kick out after a two count. Booker then rolls over to his corner and tags out to Eddie Guerrero. The announcers remind everyone of the great matchup we saw between Eddie Guerrero and Lance Storm not too long ago, where Eddie Guerrero came out on the winning side. Meanwhile, Eddie has reversed an armbar to toss Storm to the other side of the ring. He holds onto the armbar and locks in an armwrench on Storm. Storm somehow reverses this and stays on the canvas to take out Eddie's legs.

Storm then locks in a headlock as Eddie attempts to fight out of it. Eddie finally manages to stand up and reverse the hold. He flips Storm over his back and then makes a quick pin attempt. Storm reverses it after one and makes a pin attempt of his own. But Eddie kicks out after only one, too. Storm and Eddie then both get up and have a staredown for a moment. Storm then charges at Eddie and Eddie dodges him and shoves his head forward. Storm goes flying into the ropes and comes back to get a nicely placed dropkick from Guerrero. Storm goes down quickly and with a hard impact. Eddie picks him back up and chops him a couple of times before sending him into the ropes again. Storm comes flying back and Eddie jumps over him. When Storm comes back, Eddie hits a Diamond Cutter-like maneuver that sees Storm's head bounce off of the canvas pretty hard. Eddie then gets up and tags out to Booker T. Booker comes in and kicks Storm in the gut as he was trying to get back up. Booker then picks Storm up and hits a bodyslam. He then bounces off of the ropes and drops an elbow across the sternum of Lance Storm. Storm rolls around in pain and manages to tag out to Justin Credible. Credible comes in and hits a nice Super Kick right off the bat. It seemed to come out of nowhere! The impact echoed throughout the arena, as well. Credible then taunts the fans for a bit by giving them the 'DX' chop once again. Credible picks Booker back up and tosses him into the ropes. Booker comes back and gets a big back-body drop that sees him nearly hit a full flip in the air.

Booker T really needs to make the tag to his partner, Eddie Guerrero, but he continues getting worn down by The Impact Players instead. Credible sends him into the corner right beside Lance Storm. Credible hits a couple of chops on him that are pretty loud. Storm then tags himself in as Credible continues pounding away on him. We then see a blatant double team as both members of The Impact Players take turns taking shots at Booker T. Booker is really hurt now as Credible goes to the outside. Storm stomps away on Booker in the corner some more until Booker falls down to a sitting position. Storm then tags right back out to Justin Credible, who goes to the top rope. Storm picks up Booker's leg as Booker hangs on to the turnbuckle. Booker is now elevated off of the ground and Credible comes landing down on him with a splash-like maneuver. Booker T sells this move extremely well and it looks like it was very devastating. Credible then chokes Booker T a bit in the corner, but he lets go as the referee counts to four. Justin then picks up Booker T and hits a piledriver that sees Booker's head bounce off of the canvas. Credible makes a pin attempt, but Booker gets a hand on the ropes. The referee sees this after two and stops the count. On the opposite side, Eddie Guerrero has gotten the crowd into the match by raising his hands up in an attempt to get them to cheer on Booker T. A fast and furious clap starts in the crowd and it seems to get louder each second. Credible takes notice to this and tells them to shutup, which gets them even louder.

Justin then stomps away on Booker a bit and Booker finds himself in the corner once again. Credible takes a knee right to Booker's face and Booker's head snaps back upon impact. Credible hits another one for good measure. Justin Credible then leads Booker T out of the corner and hits a Northern Lights Suplex. He makes a pin attempt, but Booker kicks out! The count was extremely close, and Booker T kicked out at the last possible moment. Booker tries to get up on his own, but Justin Credible grabs him and helps him up. Credible then slaps him right across the face! The fans boo as Credible turns around and hits yet another 'DX' chop towards Eddie Guerrero. Justin then turns around and gets slapped by Booker T! Booker T then starts unloading on Justin Credible! A flurry of punches causes Credible to back up into the ropes. Booker goes with his momentum and sends Credible flying across the ring. Booker T meets Justin Credible in the middle of the ring with a flying forearm. He gets up and starts raising the roof. The fans react with cheers, but this gives Credible time to tag out to Lance Storm. Booker T turns around and gets nailed with a Super Kick right in the chin! The short-lived momentum of Booker T is now back to nothing as Storm locks in a full Boston Crab. Booker looks as if he is going to tap, but he manages to get to the ropes once again. Booker then gets up slowly and is met by a nice clothesline from Lance Storm. Storm then stomps away on him for a bit. Eddie is on the outside and he is just begging to be tagged in to get his hands on The Impact Players.

The fans start up another loud clap as they cheer Booker on. But it just isn't meant to be right now, as Lance Storm continues beating on the downed Booker T. Justin Credible is yelling at the fans to shut the hell up, but this just gets them even louder. Storm then picks up Booker and holds him as he tags to Justin Credible. Credible comes in and The Impact Players hit a double-suplex on Booker T. Booker T holds his back in pain as Storm walks out and Credible takes over for now. Justin picks up Booker and pokes him in the eyes just to disrespect him. He then points to his head and smiles as the fans boo him. The Impact Players have the fans right in the palm of their hands. Justin Credible then picks up Booker and sends him into the ropes. He attempts another Super Kick, but Booker T launches himself into the air and hits an elbow to Credible's face! The fans are going crazy as Booker T crawls over to his corner in an attempt to tag in Eddie Guerrero! Eddie can barely stand still as he begs and pleads with Booker to use all of his strength to get there. Credible is coming to and he tags out to Lance Storm, but Eddie is tagged in at that very moment! Storm runs at Eddie, who takes him down with a nice punch to the face. Eddie then runs over to Justin Credible and picks him up. He pounds away on Credible in the corner, but turns around to see Lance Storm coming at him. He ducks as Storm jumps in the air and splashes his tag team partner in the corner! Eddie then hits a release German Suplex on Lance Storm.

Guerrero then gets up and hits a monkey flip on Justin Credible that sends Credible flying on top of Storm. Guerrero then goes to the top rope and signals for the Frog Splash! The fans are going absolutely nuts as Eddie comes off the top rope and nails a Frog Splash on Justin Credible, who is laying on top of Lance Storm! Both members of The Impact Players sell the move as Eddie makes a pin. One....two....no! The awkward pin is broken up as Storm and Credible both get Eddie off of them. Eddie is back up and the fans are all going crazy. Eddie backs up a bit and then charges at both Impact Players. He lays them out with a double clothesline. He then picks up Lance Storm and pounds away on him. Justin Credible grabs Eddie's shoulder and turns him around, but Eddie hits a Flair Chop and then a DDT to Credible. The announcers are putting over how intense Eddie Guerrero is at this moment and how he is showing how much he wants to win that gold! Eddie then ducks a Super Kick attempt from Lance Storm and grabs his leg. He falls to the canvas and tosses Lance Storm over him by his leg. Guerrero then goes to the top as both Impact Players are attempting to get up and recover. Guerrero comes off of the top rope and lays them both out with a flying double-clothesline! He gets up a bit slowly, but manages to flip over Lance Storm and make a pin attempt. He gets a one....two....Justin Credible breaks it up! Eddie gets up quickly and nails a head-scissors takedown on Credible. Guerrero then waits in the corner and goes after Credible as he gets back up.

Justin Credible ducks a clothesline and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Eddie that really slows him down for now. Lance Storm gets up and walks over to Credible. They do some quick strategizing as the announcers point out that Booker T hasn't moved on the outside in awhile. Credible then takes to the top rope as Storm waits on Eddie in the same corner. Guerrero gets up and takes a quick glance to see what is going on. He sees Lane Storm standing in the corner with Justin Credible right behind him on the top rope. Quick thinking leads to Eddie running at Lance Storm. Lance Storm tosses him up in the air and Eddie reaches the top rope with his feet and hits a hurricanrana on Justin Credible. Credible goes across the ring as the fans do a pretty big pop for that last move. Storm slows down Eddie, though, by nailing him right in the jaw with a hard fist. Justin Credible then rolls to the outside and allows the two legal men to go at it in the ring. Storm picks up Eddie and hits a knee lift. Eddie bounces back, but then swings at Storm. Storm ducks it and turns this into a backslide pin attempt, but Eddie gets out before the ref can even make a count. Storm then goes for a dropkick, but Eddie sidesteps it. Eddie then drops an elbow on Storm's back. Eddie then locks on a Surfboard and Storm is in obvious pain. Sometimes, this move can be pulled off just right, and this is one of those rare occassions. Lance Storm sells the Surfboard extremely well and Eddie is nodding his head, enjoying the pain he is implementing on his foe. Finally, Justin Credible comes in and breaks it up, but this brings Booker T into the ring.

Booker T jumps in the air and lays out Credible with two fists together. Credible goes down and rolls immediately to the outside. Booker T follows him out and pounds away on him. We see Booker T plant Credible's head onto the railing. On the inside, Eddie has gotten up and is taking it to Storm with some punches. Eddie then jumps up for a dropkick, but Storm avoids it and turns this into a Boston Crab. The fans get anxious as they wait for Eddie Guerrero to get to the ropes. Eddie is very close to tapping, and Storm is leaning back further and further. Eddie finally forgets about trying to make it to the ropes and uses his leg strength. He uses one surge of energy to flip Storm over and reverses the move. Eddie then gets up and bangs on his chest in intensity. He turns around and catches Storm with a nice kick to the head. Storm rolls into the corner and Eddie follows him. On the outside, Booker T has finally left Justin Credible down and out on the cold concrete after dropping him, throat-first, across the railing. Eddie Guerrero is now in control of the match in the ring and he delivers some boots to the head of Lance Storm. He then picks Storm up and places him on the top turnbuckle. He backs up a bit and then runs straight at Storm, who is perched on the top turnbuckle. Eddie Guerrero uses a great display of athleticism to jump into the air and dropkick Lance Storm from the top turnbuckle. Storm falls down to the outside of the ropes, lands on the canvas, and then falls down to the concrete on the outside. The fans are going crazy for Eddie Guerrero as he looks over the top rope. Storm begins to get up, and Eddie decides to take him back down. He jumps over the top rope and hits a Suicide Dive on Storm, taking himself and Storm out with the move.

Finally, Eddie Guerrero gets up and tosses Storm into the ring. He makes a pin attempt and gets a one.....two.....and Justin Credible breaks it up again. Credible then hits That's Incredible on Booker T, who falls to the outside and looks down and out. Guerrero then gets up only to get a That's Incredible from Storm's partner. Then, Lance Storm gets up and locks on a Boston Crab. Justin Credible then locks on a variation of the Crippler Crossface. The ref can be seen watching Eddie's hands, but he can't tap as both of his hands are tied up by Justin Credible. The camera zooms in as the referee is asking Guerrero if he wants to quit. Finally, we hear Eddie screaming 'Yes' in pain as the referee turns around and signals for the bell to ring. At that very moment, just a second too late, Booker T comes flying into the ring and breaks the submission hold up. The fans are booing the outcome of the match as Booker T kicks Storm in the gut and hits the Scissor Kick. He then lays out Justin Credible with a sidekick. He helps up his partner, Eddie Guerrero and helps him to the outside of the ring. The Impact Players get back in the ring with their belts and celebrate as Booker T looks back at them and yells at them. Eddie Guerrero can't really look back, as he is busy holding his side in pain. Finally, they exit off of the ramp and disappear into the back. The Impact Player's music starts up as they make their way to the back. Credible continues to disrespect all of the fans by yelling at them as Lance Storm holds his arm in pain. We then prepare for our next matchup.

Outcome - The Impact Players via submission at 21:04

Crowd Reaction - 76%

Match Quality - 89%

Overall Rating - 82%

Lance Storm gained overness from this match. Justin Credible gained overness from this match. The WCW Tag Team titles have gained in image.

EDIT - Coming up...Sting Vs. ???

Edited by Mello_Fox
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World Championship Wrestling Pay-Per-View

Sin Results...continued...

Singles Matchup

Sting Vs. ??

The lights go out as Sting's music starts up. The mysterious man known as Sting comes down to the ring and he looks incredibly focused. He doesn't appear to be as nervous as he usually is when he makes his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring without any dazzling entrance and prepares for the matchup. He gets in the ring and waits for a moment or two as the announcers ponder over who this mystery wrestler could be that has been stalking Sting over the last month. Finally, the lights go out. A single 'caw' is heard over the P.A. system and a very familiar (to ECW fans) song is played. "Come Out And Play" plays over the P.A. system after the caw, and some of the former Extreme Championship Wrestling fans get up in anticipation of one of their favorite superstars. A man comes out and stands with his hands up at the top of his entranceway. At the moment, only his silhouette can be seen, but it is somewhat familiar. His hair is tangled and a mess. The lights come on completely and we see....Raven! Raven is in World Championship Wrestling tonight! He is the man who has been following Sting around the last month. A view of Sting shows shock and anger in his face as Sting gets prepared for this matchup. The fans are really cheering for Raven more than they should at this point as he walks down to the ring very slowly. The announcers say that there is no telling what is going through his head at this moment. Raven then gets into the ring and the bell signals the start of the much-anticipated matchup.

Raven and Sting have a staredown from across the ring. Sting then approaches Raven, as Raven takes a few steps towards the center of the ring as well. Raven and Sting mere inches away from each other, and they get even closer. Sting exchanges some words with Raven, who just smiles at Sting. Sting then turns to walk back to his corner, but Raven grabs his arm. Raven then turns him around, kicks him in the stomach, and nails the Evenflow DDT! The fans are in shock as Raven gets up and stares at Sting. A slight smile comes over Raven's face as he walks out of the ring, never taking his eyes off of Sting. Raven then goes to the outside and grabs a chair. He places the chair in the ring and picks a groggy Sting up. He then tosses Sting into the ropes and trips him up with a drop-toe hold that sees Sting's skull go crashing hard into the chair. The referee signals for the disqualification and tries to pull Raven back, but Raven nails the Evenflow DDT on him, too. Raven then walks to the back without saying a word more. The fans are really booing him and a couple pieces of trash have been thrown at him as he walks to the back. He stops at the top of the entrance ramp, turns around, and raises his arms up in celebration. Sting is still motionless in the ring. Raven then turns back around and walks to the back. The announcers are just in complete shock at what just happened. They are begging for answers as to why Raven didn't compete in the match or say anything to explain himself. Finally, Sting begins to get up. He gets up slowly and leans over the ropes to support himself. He then looks to the entrance ramp and a look of wonder and confusion comes across his face. He then gets out of the ring and walks to the back slowly.

Outcome - Sting by disqualification at 00:31

Crowd Reaction - 90%

Match Quality - 82%

Overall Rating - 87%

Singles Matchup

Goldberg Vs. Kevin Nash

The Outsiders' music plays over the P.A. system and Kevin Nash struts out from the back. He plays with his hair a bit as he does his strut to the ring. He flashes his genuine smile at the fans, who are booing him pretty badly. He walks to the ring slowly, but surely. He gets in and waits as the fans begin to get louder and louder in anticipation. Goldberg's music starts up suddenly and the fans explode into cheers! Nash looks on and mocks Goldberg as Goldberg stands in the middle of the smoke from his pyros and fireworks. He then begins hitting himself as he steps out of the smoke and into sight. He stands at the top of the entrance ramp and yells in intensity before walking down to the ring, hitting himself some more in the process. Nash looks as if he is trying to hide his fear by laughing, but it really isn't working. Goldberg gets in the ring and the referee signals for the match to start. The bell rings and the fans have started up a 'Gold-berg' chant already. Goldberg walks over to Nash, who pushes him. Goldberg takes only one step back and regains his balance. He then shoves Nash, who goes flying back into the corner. Goldberg comes charging at Nash, but Nash ducks behind the ropes and holds his hands up to stop his attacker. Goldberg backs away and Nash fixes his hair a bit. The fans are really getting annoyed with Big Sexy, who seems like he is trying to avoid the start of this matchup. Nash then gets back into the ring completely and Goldberg comes at him again. This time, Nash drops to the ground and rolls to the outside to avoid Goldberg. Goldberg looks furious and shows Nash he wants him to come into the ring by holding the ropes open for him. But Nash just ignores Goldberg and walks around the ring. The referee begins a count and Goldberg keeps mouthing off to Nash, who returns some of his harsh words. Nash finally gets back into the ring at an eight count and it appears we are finally going to start this matchup.

Goldberg locks up with Nash, who knees him in the gut. Goldberg buckles over and Nash takes advantage by bringing a big forearm down across his back. Goldberg falls to a knee, and Nash slams his fist into the back of Goldberg's head. Goldberg is trying to shake this punishment off, and he stays on his knee. Nash then bounces off the ropes and comes into Goldberg with a knee to the head. Goldberg falls down and rolls around in pain. Nash taunts the crowd by strutting across the ring. He then makes the signal that this match is over and picks Goldberg up. He has Goldberg in the position for the Jacknife Powerbomb, but Goldberg flips Nash backwards and reverses it! The fans erupt as Goldberg picks Nash up and hits a running powerslam. Nash lands hard on his back, but Goldberg shows no mercy. He is relentless right now! The announcers are saying that Goldberg has a great surge of energy right now and he has to ride that momentum. Goldberg then picks up Nash and puts him in the position for a bodyslam. But he begins pressing him! Goldberg is hitting a Gorilla Press Slam on one of the biggest men in the industry! The fans and announcers alike are in shock as Goldberg pressed Big Sexy three times and then throws him down hard to the canvas. The strength of this man is incredible! Goldberg then grabs Nash's leg and wraps his own legs around it. In a weak-looking submission hold, Goldberg seems to be twisting Nash's leg in some awkward position. This doesn't do much and the crowd pretty much ignores this. Also, Nash's poor selling of the move doesn't help much. Goldberg then releases the hold and picks Nash up by his hair. He violently throws Nash into the corner and comes at him with a shoulder. He works over Nash's stomach in an attempt to slow him down and cause some punishment.

Goldberg then picks Nash up from the corner, turns around, and nails a big spinebuster. It litereally shakes the ring ropes as the announcers put over what a move that was. Goldberg makes a pin attempt, but Nash somehow manages to kick out before the three count is made. Nash is picked up by Goldberg, who then hits a short lariat that sees Nash go right back down to the canvas. Goldberg picks Nash up again and sends him into the ropes. Goldberg swings with a clothesline, but Nash ducks it. Nash then bounces off of the ropes and hits Goldberg with a Big Boot. Nash makes a quick pin attempt, but Goldberg kicks out even quicker. Goldberg and Nash then exchange punches for about a minute as the match slows down some. Big Sexy comes out on the winning end of this exchange and he eventaully sets Goldberg into position for his Jacknife Powerbomb finisher! The fans are booing as Nash lifts Goldberg up. But Nash doesn't stop. He lifts him up some more and puts him on his shoulders. He then nails a variation of the Outsider's Edge. He pins him, but doesn't get a three count. Somehow, Goldberg got a shoulder up in time. The fans are going crazy as Goldberg kicks out. Nash looks a bit frustrated and begins to yell at the referee. He then gets in the ref's face and grabs the ref's shirt! Nash rears his arm back and prepares to deck the referee, but he stops. He thinks about it and realizes that he will get disqualified. Goldberg then grabs his arm and kicks him in the gut. He hits a snap suplex on Nash and then makes a pin attempt, but only gets a two count. Nash then gets up with help from Goldberg. Goldberg swings at him, but Big Sexy blocks it and hits a punch of his own. He then punches him a couple more times and leads Goldberg into the corner.

Nash rams Goldberg's head into the top turnbuckle three times and then slams Goldberg down to the canvas. Goldberg lands on his back and Nash steps up onto the second turnbuckle. He then jumps off and nails Goldberg with a boot from the middle rope. He makes a pin attempt, but Goldberg kicks out. Nash then begins to look more frustrated as the fans start up another 'Goldberg' chant to cheer on their hero. Nash picks him up and then hits a reverse atomic drop. Goldberg sells it decently, and Nash takes him off of his feet with another Big Boot. The fans are really beginning to get into the match, and Kevin Nash knows exactly how to play it. He looks at the fans and tells them to shut up, which draws more heel heat for him. Kevin Nash smiles at them as he goes back to work on Goldberg. He reaches down, but Goldberg grabs his arm and tosses him across the ring with an armdrag. Goldberg then gets up and measures Nash up! The fans are starting to buzz with excitement as it looks like Nash is about to receive the Spear! Goldberg nails Kevin Nash in the gut with his Spear finisher right when he gets up. Kevin Nash is really hurt and Goldberg is starting to feel it now! He jumps and lands with a yell as he picks Nash up. He then puts Nash in position for the Jacknife Suplex....and nails it! Kevin Nash is out of it and Goldberg pins him. One....two....and a three count! Goldberg has defeated Kevin Nash tonight! The bell rings and signals the end of the match as the fans explode into cheers and taunts towards Kevin Nash. Goldberg grabs the ropes and stares into the cameras for a bit before he leaves. Nash gets up a lot slower and makes his way to the back, trying to shake off the pain Goldberg has inflicted onto him. The fans let Kevin Nash hear it the entire time he was still out there.

Outcome - Goldberg via pin at 8:52

Crowd Reaction - 92%

Match Quality - 62%

Overall Rating - 82%

The Hitman!!

Before our Main Event, we are treated to our former World Heavyweight Champion, Bret Hart coming down to the ring. His music starts and the fans explode for the biggest pop of the night! He walks down to the ring wearing his trademark leather jacket and shades. But something else catches everyone's eye. He is wearing his World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder. The fans give him a great ovation as he makes his way to the ring. He gets in the ring and grabs a microphone from a ring technician. He smiles a bit and moves his hair out of his eyes as he begins to speak.

Bret Hart - Ya know...I've had about a month to do some thinking. I thought about what people have been telling me. Bret, don't leave....Bret, don't go..Bret, we need you...Bret, WCW is your home. Well, that might be true. I had to realize something. I had to tell myself that my only love in this world would not be possible anymore. I could not come out and wrestle on a day-to-day basis. This was the hardest thing to understand. I hated it. I still do hate it. I didn't have a chioce. Serious injuries just ruined everything for me. There is no way I could show up week after week and wrestle. But....I also realized I was the best in the world right now. And I still am the best. I'm the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. So, why the hell am I just going to vacate my title without a fight? Why should I just give it up? Because...honestly...these two guys wrestling for my title tonight just...well....Chris Benoit is not fit to hold this title!

The fans explode into boos as Bret Hart makes his true intentions known.

Bret Hart - Chris Benoit is a lousy replacement as World Champion. Now, I'm not too sure of who will win this next match. Chris Benoit or Rob Van Dam. Sure, RVD is great and he deserves to get this belt handed to him...but there is always that little chance that Chris Benoit will somehow pull off the upset victory. Rob Van Dam has done nothing more than impress me each and every night. Chris Benoit...well, this guy is just like me when I was younger. He is ignorant and truly believes that he is God's gift to wrestling. Well, Chris, I will NOT let you touch this title. If I am to get rid of it, it will be on the waist of Rob Van Dam. So...you might wonder how I expect to make sure of this. I'm gonna skip right to it...tonight will be a Triple Threat Matchup! Chris Benoit....Rob Van Dam....and....The Hitman! I am entering myself into this matchup and as World Heavyweight Champion, I have the right to do so. So, let's get this match started.

The fans are in complete shock as Rob Van Dam's music starts up and he walks down to the ring. He looks as focused as ever.

Overall Rating - 86%


Triple Threat Matchup

WCW World Heavyweight Champion

Bret Hart © Vs. Rob Van Dam Vs. Chris Benoit

RVD's music continues and he gets into the ring. He looks over at Bret, but doesn't seem to pay him much attention. Van Dam climbs to the top turnbuckle and does his 'R-V-D' fingerpoint pose. He then drops down and Chris Benoit's music starts up. The fans are going nuts for Benoit as he appears to be the only fan-favorite in this matchup. Benoit comes down and looks like he is all-business tonight. He gets in the ring and we have a staredown between Chris Benoit and Bret Hart. The announcers say that Bret Hart was like a hero for Chris Benoit, and it must really hurt Benoit to hear Bret say those things about him. The bell rings and Chris Benoit stands there, cautiously. He isn't really 100% sure what to do. Does he attack Rob Van Dam? Does he attack Bret Hart? Does he let one of them make the first move? Well, Bret Hart goes right at Chris Benoit and these two are just straight up brawling. Benoit blocks a punch and delivers a couple of his own, but he is soon taken out from behind by Rob Van Dam. The announcers are saying that this is terrible for Chris Benoit because it is nothing more than a handicapped matchup. The announcers also say that this matchup will end with the first pin! Chris Benoit now becomes the victim of a savage beatdown from Rob Van Dam and Bret Hart. But Van Dam is smart. He then looks over at Bret and decks him with a spinning heel kick out of nowhere it appears! Bret Hart is in shock as he gets right back up and pushes Van Dam. RVD just does his fingerpoint pose and says that he wants to win this matchup. Bret then decks Van Dam with a punch and the fans are loving seeing these two go at it. Van Dam bounces back a bit and comes right into a back body drop from Bret Hart. The Hitman then goes right to lock on the Sharpshooter, but Benoit breaks it up with a clothesline right to the throat of Hart.

Bret Hart goes down and Chris Benoit stomps on him a bit. He then picks up Rob Van Dam and hits a nice Flair Chop. He follows this up by a second one...and a third! The fans respond with 'Wooo' each time. But RVD can't take anymore. He circles around behind Chris Benoit and lets him turn around. He then backs him into the corner and follows this up by irish whipping him into the opposite corner. RVD then goes flying at Benoit as he leans back on the turnbuckle. Van Dam splashes Benoit and then follows this up with a monkey flip. He gets back up and catches a right hand from Bret Hart. Hart picks RVD up and hits an atomic drop. He then finishes the move off with a bulldog. He makes a pin attempt, but Benoit is there to break it up. 'The Crippler' hits a couple of punches on Hart and then whips him into the ropes. Bret Hart comes flying back and catches a knee. Hart does a flip in the air and lands hard on his back. Benoit then locks in a headlock for a couple moments, but this doesn't last long. RVD picks up Benoit from behind and hits a reverse DDT. He makes a pin attempt, but Benoit kicks out quickly. RVD then jumps over onto the ropes. Benoit is getting up, and Bret Hart is just behind him getting up as well. RVD does a springboard dropkick off of the ropes, but Benoit ducks it. Bret Hart catches the impact of the move and goes flying back to the canvas. Benoit then grabs RVD as he gets up and hits a release German Suplex. Benoit then stomps down on Bret Hart before picking him up. He then nails a snap suplex, but he holds it. He hits a second snap suplex...and one more for good measure! The fans are going crazy as Benoit seems to have gained the momentum for the time being. Bret Hart gets up very slowly, as does Rob Van Dam. Van Dam comes flying into both of his opponents with a crossbody that sees all three men land hard on the canvas. The fans are really starting to get into the match at this point. Van Dam is the first one up and he goes to the top rope almost upon instinct. Bret Hart gets up second and he falls victim to a huge crossbody from the top rope. But Bret rolls through it and gets up. He then locks on the Sharpshooter almost out of nowhere! The fans still pop upon seeing this move being used, but it doesn't last very long at all as Benoit soon breaks it up with a forearm.

Benoit then stomps on Rob Van Dam and sends him to the outside of the ring. Benoit turns around and gets a Super Kick from Bret Hart that takes him down hard. It appears as though a tooth went flying out of Benoit's mouth upon impact. Benoit rolls to the outside and Bret Hart follows him out. We now have all three men on the outside. Bret Hart takes Benoit and sends him flying into the steel steps with his back taking all of the punishment. He then turns his attention to Rob Van Dam and rams his head against the steel railing. RVD hits the railing three times before falling out. Bret Hart then goes and grabs a chair. He walks over to Benoit as Benoit is just starting to get up. Bret Hart swings the chair at 'The Crippler', but Benoit falls out of the way. The chair crashes into the steel steps and causes some pain in The Hitman's hands. Bret then turns around and gets a Van Daminator from Rob Van Dam! The fans pop at this move as Van Dam gets up and does his 'R-V-D' fingerpoint. He then climbs into the ring and measures up his opponents. The Hitman is down and out, but Benoit is starting to get up. Rob Van Dam jumps onto the ropes and hits a flip into a suicide dive on Benoit. Benoit hits the ground hard as Rob Van Dam tries to recover from the damage done by that move as quick as he possibly can. Van Dam then tosses Bret Hart into the ring under the bottom ropes. He goes in, but climbs to the top turnbuckle again. Rob Van Dam waits for The Hitman to get up, and when he does he leaps off at him. But Bret Hart is quicker, as he meets RVD with a dropkick of his own that sends RVD hard down to the canvas. Bret Hart taunts the fans a bit and drags RVD to the center of the ring. He locks in a Figure Four Leglock out of nowhere and really goes to work on Van Dam's legs. By this time, Chris Benoit has found his way to the top rope. He launches himself off and hits a Diving Headbutt onto Van Dam from the top. The impact causes Hart to release the Figure Four Leglock, but it does a lot of damage to Van Dam.

Now, all three men are layed out in the ring. Bret Hart is the first to get up and he stomps on Rob Van Dam a bit. Benoit starts to stagger up to his feet, and he hits a German Suplex on Bret Hart from behind. He holds it, but only gets a two count. Bret Hart then gets hoisted up by 'The Crippler'. Benoit then attempts a short lariat on Bret, but Bret ducks and Benoit ends up taking out the referee! Rob Van Dam starts to stir and begins getting up just in time to see Bret Hart swing at Benoit. Benoit blocks it and nails a punch of his own. He then spins Bret Hart around and nails another German Suplex. He holds the bridge and makes a pin attempt, but there is no referee to make the count. Benoit still holds the move as the fans count the three count for him. Rob Van Dam is a quick thinker, and he climbs to the top rope. Benoit is still holding the move, and Van Dam launches off of the top rope. He comes down and nails the Five Star Frog Splash on Benoit, who is forced to let go of The Hitman. Benoit is really rolling around in pain after that move as the announcers are saying how these guys are going all out, which they really are. Rob Van Dam then picks up Bret and hit a stepover kick that takes him down. RVD goes to his favorite spot now at the top rope and waits for Benoit. Benoit gets up, but he can barely stand. He staggers around until he turns aroud and faces Rob Van Dam. RVD comes off the top rope and hits a Blockbuster-like maneuver that really looks good. Bret Hart comes back up and low blow Van Dam to slow him down. The referee is beginning to come back to life suddenly as he stands back up. The announcers say that Chris Benoit should have already won this matchup just moments ago!

Rob Van Dam is still selling the aftermath of that low blow from The Hitman as Bret Hart picks up Benoit. He measures him up and hits a nicely placed dropkick right to the jaw. Benoit bounces off of the ropes and comes back to a drop toe hold. Hart holds the move and locks in some sort of submission maneuver. He then switches over to the other leg for a moment as the fans begin to boo loudly suddenly. Bret Hart then releases the hold and enjoys the time for him to relax a bit. But this doesn't last long, as RVD gets back up. Hart his a leg-scissors takedown on Van Dam and RVD sells it pretty well. Bret Hart gets back up and makes a pin attempt on Van Dam, but it doesn't get anywhere close to a three count. Benoit is now up again and he goes right at Bret Hart. The announcers are going crazy as Benoit suddenly locks in the Crippler Crossface! It came out of nowhere, but once again we see a finisher move cut short by the other member of the matchup. Van Dam hits a flip into a legdrop on Benoit and he is forced to break the hold. Benoit then gets up and exchanges some punches with Rob Van Dam. RVD blocks one and clotheslines Benoit down. Then, he grabs Benoit's legs and flips over, making a pin attempt. But Benoit kicks out after two. Bret Hart is now up by now and he decks RVD with a flying back elbow. RVD sells the pain pretty well and Benoit gets up as Bret Hart looks the other way. 'The Crippler' then grabs Hart's leg and trips him up. He locks in a variation of the Ankle Lock and holds it as Bret Hart screams in pain. The hold doesn't look as if it is going to be broken any time soon, as RVD is down and out. Bret Hart has to fight his way through the pain, and he somehow manages to make it to the ropes, breaking the hold. Benoit looks a bit ticked off, and he grabs Hart's ankle and brings him back out to the center of the ring. He locks in the Ankle Lock once again as Van Dam begins to get up.

Rob Van Dam bounces off the ropes and comes at Benoit. He hits a very stiff-looking dropkick right to the head of the bent over Chris Benoit. Benoit falls back and grabs his mouth as some blood begins to trickle down. Hart is picked up by Van Dam, who attempts a roundhouse kick. But Hart ducks it and hits a gutwrench suplex on RVD. Rob Van Dam is really hurt and Bret Hart makes a pin attempt. But 'The Crippler' breaks it up quickly and then nails Hart with some Flair Chops to the chest. Red marks begin to swell up on The Hitman's chest from the chops, but Bret shakes them off and nails Benoit with a couple Flair chops of his own. Bret Hart then tosses Benoit into the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. Benoit comes flying back and Bret Hart is very close to the ropes. Bret Hart hits a backbody drop and Benoit goes....flying to the outside of the ring! He lands hard on the concrete after completing a full flip in the air. The fans pop big time at this move as Bret looks down at Benoit. This give RVD a chance, and he hits a schoolboy rollup from behind, but only gets a two count. Bret Hart gets up a little slow, and he is still very close to the ropes by Benoit. Rob Van Dam bounces off of the opposite side and then comes flying at Bret Hart. Once again, Bret hits a backbody drop and sends Rob Van Dam flying to the outside. RVD lands right on The Crippler and both men are out on the outside! The announcers are saying how great of a matchup this is turning out to be, and they both expect a winner to be named pretty soon. Then, Bret Hart looks over the top rope at both men as they begin to stir and get up to their feet. He grabs the ropes, leans back, and launches himself over the ropes! Bret Hart hits a suicide dive on Benoit and Van Dam! The fans are going absolutely nuts as all three men are layed out on the concrete.

Bret Hart is the first one up and he slides into the ring. He then begins to yell at the referee, demanding that he make a 10-count to disqualify both men. The referee reluctantly begins to make the count...1....No one moves...2......still no motion.....3......Rob Van Dam seems to come around.....4......Rob Van Dam gets to a knee.....5......Chris Benoit begins to get up........6......Rob Van Dam makes it to his feet.......7........Rob Van Dam slides into the ring......8......Chris Benoit gets up on both feet.......9......Benoit slides into the ring at the very last second possible! The fans are now going crazy for Chris Benoit as he makes his way into the ring, only to be met by The Hitman's boots. Benoit grabs himself in pain and in attempt to cover himself from more pain as Bret Hart finally turns his attention to Rob Van Dam. But Rob Van Dam trips up Bret Hart with his feet and then locks on a sleeper hold of his own. The fans are not really expecting this move, but it works as Bret Hart starts to fade out, slowly but surely. The referee asks Bret if he wants to tap, but Bret is shaking his head no furiously. He looks pretty upset, but also in a lot of pain. Finally, he quits shaking his head....he looks to be passing out. The referee picks up his hand and drops it.....one! The referee does it a second time......two! This is it! Rob Van Dam could have it right here! The fans are booing loudly as the referee lifts Bret Hart's hand in the air...but Chris Benoit breaks the hold up by grabbing RVD from behind! Bret Hart falls to the canvas, and his hand falls down motionless as well. RVD then falls victim to a German Suplex....and Benoit holds it. He rolls through and hits a second German Suplex. Benoit holds it again! He gets ready to attempt a third one, but Rob Van Dam lifts his leg behind him and hits a low blow on 'The Crippler'!

Chris Benoit now lets go of his grip on RVD, and RVD drops down and hits a small package-like move on Benoit to make a pin attempt. He only gets a two count, though. Rob Van Dam then gets up and goes to the top rope. Bret Hart starts to move around first, and he gets up. But Chris Benoit is also getting up, a bit slower. Rob Van Dam jumps off of the top rope and launches himself at The Hitman. RVD hits a hurricanrana from the top rope, and Bret Hart goes flying...right into Chris Benoit! Rob Van Dam has successfully taken out both men with that one move! The fans are going crazy as Hart and Benoit try to shake off all the pain. Rob Van Dam does his fingerpoint pose at the top turnbuckle, facing the fans. But Bret Hart gets up and comes behind him. He sticks his head under RVD and proceeds to hit a powerbomb from the top turnbuckle! The impact shook the ring and the ropes are still shaking as The Hitman makes a pin attempt on Van Dam. But Bret Hart uses the turnbuckles for leverage...one....two....Benoit stomps down on Bret's head, breaking up the pin attempt. he then picks up Bret Hart and takes him across the ring. He rams his head into the turnbuckle a couple of times and hits a Flair Chop. The fans react as Chris Benoit hits a HUGE forearm on Bret Hart that takes him straight down to the canvas! The forearm looked incredibly painful as Hart knows exactly how to sell it, rolling around grabbing his throat in pain. Chris Benoit then goes over to Van Dam and stomps on his head a couple of times before picking him up. He then hits a sidewalk slam and leaves an arm over for a pin, but barely gets a two count. Benoit then picks Van Dam up, but Bret Hart starts walking towards him.

Bret Hart rears his hand back to punch, but Benoit kicks him in the gut, still holding on to RVD. The Hitman bends over in pain, and Benoit grabs his head as well. He then bangs both men's heads together and they go flying backwards immediately after the impact. Chris Benoit then stomps down on Van Dam until he goes to the outside of the ring. He then turns over to Bret Hart and picks him up. He tosses Hart into the ropes and nails an axehandle smash on him when he comes back. Benoit then begins to lock on The Crippler Crossface! The fans are erupting in cheers as it appears Bret Hart could be losing his title right here, right now! Benoit holds the move for about six or seven seconds, and Bret Hart is in pain. The ref is asking Bret if he wants to quit and the announcers are begging for it to happen. Everyone wants to see Chris Benoit win the title right here tonight. The announcers wonder if it would be sweeter to win the title for Bret Hart or Rob Van Dam. Finally, Bret Hart begins to inch his way towards the ropes. Inch by inch, The Hitman crawls as if this is his last opportunity to prove himself to the millions of fans who have watched him over his career. The camera zooms in and shows a closeup of The Hitman's face, in pain and fear. Pain from the move, and fear from the fact that he could lose it all right here tonight. Bret Hart begins to get closer and closer....and he reaches out.....he makes it! Bret Hart just got to the ropes! The fans are booing as Benoit releases the hold and stands up. He looks physically and emotionally exhausted from this matchup. He gets up and studies his surroundings. Bret Hart is down right in front of him and Rob Van Dam is down on the outside of the ring, a good distance from the ring. Something suddenly pops into Benoit's mind and he goes to the top rope.

Chris Benoit climbs each step slowly to the top rope. The fans are all buzzing at what could happen. He isn't facing Bret Hart....he is facing Rob Van Dam! Van Dam is a good distance from the ring and the announcers ask if he can even reach him!?! They get just as excited as the fans as Benoit holds his hands up. The fans cheer as Benoit leaps off of the top turnbuckle to the outside of the ring. Benoit comes off and nails the Flying Headbutt onto Rob Van Dam. Van Dam twitches in pain as Benoit rolls around and holds himself, feeling probably the exact same pain. The fans are still going crazy and begin chanting 'Ben-oit!' repeatedly. Bret Hart is still out in the ring, but he begins to turn a bit. He gets up and slowly slides to the outside. He walks over to Rob Van Dam and picks him up. He slides him into the ring and then stomps on him a bit. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and waits for Van Dam to get up. RVD gets up, but is facing the wrong way. Bret Hart then comes off and nails a flying bulldog on Rob Van Dam, crashing Van Dam's face hard against the canvas. Bret Hart gets up and then decides to go to work on the knee of Van Dam. He lifts RVD's knee up and then places his foot on it. He then slams his foot down to the canvas, crushing RVD's knee between the mat in the process. Hart then does some technical work and ties Van Dam's feet around his own feet in some weird way. Bret Hart falls back and RVD begins writhing in pain. It looks pretty impressive as RVD is fighting in an attempt to get out of the hold. Bret Hart finally releases the hold and he picks Van Dam up. He irish whips RVD into the opposite corner and follows him in. Van Dam jumps up onto the middle turnbuckle and then leaps out at Bret, but Bret ducks. Van Dam does a full flip and lands on his feet in an adjustment to Bret's dodging of his first move.

Bret Hart turns around and gets a roundhouse kick from Van Dam. By now, Chris Benoit has begun to come back towards the ring. He is moving pretty slow, but he is getting there. Bret Hart sulks down into the corner after the roundhouse from RVD. Rob Van Dam then beats on him with some punches and kicks until he falls down some more. By now, Benoit is back in the ring. Rob Van Dam hears him and turns around. Benoit comes flying towards him, but RVD jumps over Benoit. Benoit's knee goes ramming right into the temple of Bret Hart! Hart's head snaps back and goes into the turnbuckle. It appears as though Bret Hart has been knocked out from the move, as he lies motionless in the corner. Benoit looks down at him, a bit confused, but Rob Van Dam grabs Benoit from behind. He takes him down and then locks on a Dragon Sleeper. Benoit begins waving his hands about very quickly at first as he begins to understand the dangers of this move in a long match. Benoit then gets up to a knee and attempts to fight this move some more. He then gets up and nails Van Dam with an elbow to the stomach. Van Dam jumps up in response to the pain, but RVD holds the move. Benoit hits a second elbow to RVD's stomach....and a third! Van Dam releases the Dragon Sleeper, and Benoit nails a Flair Chop. He then bounces off of the ropes and comes flying at Van Dam. The two men each hit a clothesline on the other person. This takes both men down and out, along with Bret Hart apparently knocked out in the corner, his head lying motionless under the bottom turnbuckle.

Rob Van Dam slowly gets up to his feet as Benoit begins to move a bit. Van Dam pounds away on the forehead of Benoit. Benoit falls to a knee once again, and Van Dam does a nice kick to the side of the head. RVD then goes to the ropes behind Benoit and hits a springboard bulldog. Benoit gets up slowly and Van Dam begins to pick him up. RVD slaps him on the chest and Benoit staggers back a bit. Rob Van Dam then hits an enziguiri. He then grabs Benoit's legs and flips over him, making a pin attempt. He only gets a two count, though. Bret Hart is still motionless under the bottom turnbuckle as RVD gets up and takes a breather on the ropes. Benoit gets up as Van Dam turns and faces the fans. RVD begins taunting them with his 'R-V-D' fingerpoint once again until Benoit comes behind him and nails him in the back with a forearm, sending him to the outside. Benoit then falls down and attempts to catch his breath. Van Dam begins stirring on the outside, making it to his feet. Benoit looks over at Bret Hart and begins walking towards him as Van Dam comes back into the ring. This time, Van Dam goes to the top rope immediately. Benoit then drags Hart out to the middle of the ring just as RVD makes it to the top, but RVD is still catching his breath. He falls down a bit and catches himself on the canvas. 'The Crippler' then goes to the turnbuckle and climbs it a bit faster. Bret Hart is now moving his hands a tad bit as Benoit makes it to the top turnbuckle. RVD is crawling up to the top as well. Benoit then leaps off and catches Bret Hart with a Diving Headbutt. Upon impact, Bret Hart rolls around in pain. Benoit comes off and lays on the other side of Hart, between him and Rob Van Dam. Benoit looks in a lot of pain, as well. He lies on the canvas in the same spot as he grabs his head in pain. Van Dam is now on the top and he takes this opportunity to make his move. He leaps off, as well, but comes down with a Five Star Frog Splash! The fans erupt as Benoit falls victim to Van Dam's trademark finisher. Van Dam bounces off of Benoit and back into the air. He lands hard on the canvas and grabs his stomach in pain. Now, all three men are exhausted and in pain in the middle of the ring.

Bret Hart is the first one to move, and he gets up very slowly. He falls back on the ropes and regains his balance before looking around at the carnage in the ring. He then falls to his knees and makes a pin attempt on Chris Benoit.....one....two.....no! Benoit somehow kicked out. Benoit then rolls over on his back as Hart gets up. He looks over at Rob Van Dam and makes a pin attempt on him as well.....one......two......thre....NO! Rob Van Dam kicked out at the last moment possible! The fans are going crazy and really beginning to get into this matchup now as the referee shows a sign of two to the announcers on the outside. Benoit is now up and Bret Hart gets up, facing the opposite way. Benoit looks on as Bret Hart stomps down on Rob Van Dam until RVD rolls to the outside. Beniot then grabs Hart from behind and hits a German Suplex....he holds the move....one....two....NO! Bret Hart just barely kicked out of that one! The match looked over and the announcers are questioning whether or not that was a three count. Benoit then picks up Bret and hits a Flair Chop. Bret Hart responds with a Flair Chop of his own. He then goes to irish whip 'The Crippler' into the ropes, but Benoit stops and locks on The Crippler Crossface! The announcers are going crazy now, as are the fans! Benoit is holding the move down and Bret Hart looks to be in a tremendous amount of pain! The fans get louder by the second, and Bret Hart is shaking the head at the referee, who is asking him whether or not he wants to quit the match. The announcers are saying that Benoit is doing the incredible here, if he can pull off the win. Beating Rhino and Jerry Lynn in a handicap match, and then beating Rob Van Dam and Bret Hart! The announcers continue to say that Benoit has climbed a huge mountain, but Hart and Van Dam just won't give up! They refuse to give up! Bret Hart is still avoiding the urge to tap out by gritting his teeth. Benoit leans back as far as he can to get the hold causing as much pain as possible. The Hitman is now squirming around in pain, his feet flailing and kicking the canvas. Rob Van Dam is beginning to get up on the outside. He is very slow in getting up. He finally makes it to his feet and staggers around a bit before looking into the ring. His face turns into complete shock as he sees what is happening inside the ring.

Bret Hart inches closer and closer to the ropes as Van Dam tries to will himself into sliding into the ring. But he is in too much pain and too exhausted to do it as quick as he would like to. Hart makes it a bit closer to the ropes, but he is about to die in pain. He finally reaches out one last time for the ropes......and he misses it! He then taps out just to stop the pain. The announcers are going crazy, saying that this might be the hardest thing Bret Hart has ever had to do! Chris Benoit holds the Crossface submission until he sees the referee get up and signal for the bell to ring. Van Dam finally slides into the ring as the bell rings and Chris Benoit drops back to the canvas in pain. Rob Van Dam looks furious and shocked as he stomps down on the new World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit! He then runs to the outside and grabs a chair. He comes back in and kicks Bret Hart out of the ring. He then beats down on Benoit and puts him in the corner. RVD places the chair right on Benoit's face. He then goes to the opposite side of the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He wastes no time as he jumps right off and nails a dropkick onto the chair, smashing it into Benoit's face. The announcers say that this is the Van Terminator! Benoit writhes in pain and rolls down to the outside, grabbing himself in pain that seems to be all over. Rob Van Dam then stands up on the top turnbuckle and does his fingerpoint pose as the ring announcers awards the matchup to 'The Crippler', Chris Benoit over a microphone! Rob Van Dam looks furious once again as we head off the air, the announcers getting in their last words to tell everyone to tune into Monday Nitro tomorrow night!

Outcome - Chris Benoit via submission at 31:45

Crowd Reaction - 80%

Match Quality - 86%

Overall Rating - 83%

Overall WCW Sin Rating - 81%


And that's it. I really hope at least one or two people enjoyed it. That's the hardest I've ever worked on a card. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Maybe I'll have Nitro up soon, but I gotta do my EWR Idol and still try to recover from all this work. Hope you enjoyed Sin.

Edited by Mello_Fox
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WCW Notes

Sin recorded a rating of 1.16. The quick results for Sin are below :

Quick Results for Sin :

Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Super Crazy to retain his Cruiserweight Title - 84%

Rhino beat Randy Savage - 83%

The Hardcore Icons beat Curt Hennig and Shane Douglas - 73%

Sabu beat Jerry Lynn to retain his United States Title - 89%

The Impact Players defeated Booker T & Eddie Guerrero to retain their Tag Team Titles - 82%

Sting beat Raven by Disqualification after Raven hit the Evenflow DDT onto a chair - 87%

Goldberg beat Kevin Nash - 82%

Bret Hart came out and made the Main Event a Triple Threat Matchup - 86%

Chris Benoit beat Bret Hart & Rob Van Dam to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship - 83%

Overall Rating - 81%

Coming up on Nitro....

Kevin Nash says that he isn't done with Goldberg, and wants him one last time. Our main event will be inside of a steel cage as these two go at it once and for all.

Also, Mike Awesome is set to take on Prince Iaukea in a one-on-one bout.

Confirmed Matches :


Steel Cage Grudge Match

Kevin Nash Vs. Goldberg

Singles Matchup

Mike Awesome Vs. Pricne Iaukea

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