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11th September

Orlando, Florida


Cassidy Riley vs. “Mr. 630” Jerelle Clark

The pre-show got kicked off with a bang, but not by Riley or Clark. Not even three minutes into the match up, “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown made his presence felt by Pouncing both young athletes. Brown then grabbed the microphone and had quite a bit to get off his chest. After venting for a while about being held back, he openly challenged the winner of tonight’s NWA World Heavyweight Title Match between Raven and Rhino. Upon hearing this, Jeff Jarrett quickly made his way to the ring.

The King of the Mountain explained to Monty Brown that he was the reason TNA is where it’s at today and that he is more deserving of another title shot. Before things could have gotten real ugly, Kip James showed up and got in between the two superstars. While Jarrett was still lashing out at the Alpha Male, Jeff Hardy’s music hit.

The Charismatic Enigma then charged the ring and went right after Jarrett. The two battled it out in and out of the ring. Hardy was able to DDT Jarrett right on top of a steel chair, but before things could get worse for the former champ, Kip James pulled him out of the ring.

Sharkboy vs. Mikey Batts

The second pre-show match up saw yet some more great X-Division action between two up and coming talents here in TNA. The crowd favourite Sharkboy was able to get the win using his patented move, the Dead Sea Drop. Winner: Sharkboy


The Diamonds in the Rough vs. The 3 Live Kru

Now that the 3LK is on the same page again, it was time for them to recapture the magic in the ring. Konnan got the crowd going on the microphone before the match, while BG James did his classic introduction. Their opponents were not too thrilled with this and were out to make a name for themselves as a collective unit. Since aligning with Simon Diamond, both Young and Skipper seem to have found more success in both of their careers. Unfortunately for Diamond and his new team, tonight wasn’t meant to be. After throwing his shoes at all 3 members of the Diamonds in the Rough, Konnan was able to get the victory by pinning David Young. Winners: 3LK

Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong

The fans spoke out last month and voted to see Austin Aries in a TNA ring. This month, due to popular demand, Aries is back. His opponent was a familiar one in Roderick Strong. Both men put on one hell of a show in this awesome match up. The fans got exactly what they asked for in this one. Strong looked impressive in his TNA debut. Both athletes pulled off moves many of us have never seen before and dazzled us with their X-Division Style. Although Aries was able to get the pin after hitting a 450 splash, I think it is safe to say that we have not seen the last of Roderick Strong or Austin Aries. Winner: Austin Aries

Kip James & “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt & Apolo

Questions arose before the match about whether Brown and James could work out their differences from earlier in the evening and function as a team. It didn’t appear as if there were any problems at the beginning of the encounter as both men worked together to get the job done. Both Hoyt and Apolo were looking for some pay back for the Monty Brown and Kip James’s actions earlier in the month. Even Sonny Siaki came to the ring with a brace around his neck looking for some revenge, but Hoyt and Apolo pleaded for him to go back to the dressing room.

While both teams showed impressive size, it was Monty Brown getting the victory for his team with a Pounce on Apolo. However, before the victory there was some miscommunication between James and Brown and Kip put a boot right to the Alpha Male’s skull. After the match ended, both tag team partners had some words for each other. Winners: Kip James and Monty Brown

Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams

This match was what the X-Division is all about. Sabin and Williams, both former X-Division Champions, put on a wrestling clinic for the crowd in Orlando and the fans watching all over the world. Both athletes have that never die attitude and would just keep getting up after every bone crushing move or submission that they applied to one another. The question of the night would be whether we see the punishing “Canadian Destroyer Piledriver” or the “Cradle Shock” first. At the conclusion of the match, Petey Williams had the Canadian Destroyer locked in, but Sabin was able to reverse it into the Cradle Shock for the victory. Before Sabin could celebrate his win, he was met with a boot to the chin from none other than the returning Matt Bentley.

Matt took the microphone and announced that TNA was his home and that he is going to the Bound for Glory PPV and compete in a match he made famous. Ultimate X! After announcing this, Petey Williams was also on the receiving end of a viscous superkick by Bentley. Winner: Chris Sabin

Abyss w/James Mitchell vs. Sabu

Before this match got underway, James Mitchell got on the mic and told Sabu that he stuck his nose in business that did not concern him, thus signing his death warrant. Then the lights went out. When they came back on, the hardcore legend himself, Sabu was standing in the middle of the ring. One word VIOLENT. This match got ugly. I am sure a lot of parents were covering their children’s eyes during most of this match which included tables, chairs, and yes, tacks.

Each man put a massive beating on one another in this sick encounter. Sabu went through a table. Abyss went through a table. Both took many shots from a steel chair. In the end, Sabu was pinned after receiving a Blackhole Slam on top of hundreds of tacks lying below. Mitchell seemed almost prophetic having predicted Sabu was in for some pain. Abyss and Mitchell left the Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Sabu lying in the ring looking like a pin cushion. HARDCORE! Winner: Abyss

Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode

Having suffered one loss already earlier in the evening, Bobby Roode was intent on getting Team Canada back on track by beating Jeff Hardy. Roode and Hardy looked very impressive and had an outstanding match. About halfway through, Petey Williams came down with the Canadian Flag on the hockey stick providing a distraction for Hardy. It wasn’t long before Williams got involved.

Jeff Hardy managed to overcome the double team, but wasn’t prepared for Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett came down and broke the hockey stick in half over Hardy’s back, costing him the match. Petey Williams and Roode both celebrated the victory for Team Canada. Winner: Bobby Roode

Fourway NWA World Tag Team Title Match

The Naturals (Champions) w/ Jimmy Hart vs. Americas Most Wanted vs. Team Canada (Eric Young and A1) vs. Alex Shelley & Sean Waltman

After winning the Candido Cup earlier in the month, both Alex Shelley and Sean Waltman won a slot in this huge tag team title match up. However, there was no sign of Sean Waltman. Nobody knew where he was, not even his partner Alex Shelley. This stacked the deck against Shelley from the get go. Could one man really win the titles by himself?

In what came to a shock to most, Johnny Candido (Chris Candido’s brother), who was sitting at ringside during the match, jumped the guard rail to help out Alex Shelley. Shelley got the tag in to Candido and Johnny began to clean house. Unfortunately, his free for all didn’t last long as he was pinned by Team Canada and eliminated. Since Shelley did tag Candido in, he was eliminated along with him.

The hockey stick reared its ugly head again as A1 broke it over the back of Wildcat Chris Harris as he was ready to take out Eric Young. Young quickly rolled up the former tag team champion for the 3 count. America’s Most Wanted was eliminated from the match. Team Canada continued on a roll by gaining the edge on the current NWA World Tag Team Champions, The Naturals. “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart was at ringside cheering on his boys, urging them to get up.

Jimmy Hart was able to get some revenge on Team Canada after being assaulted himself earlier in the night. He tripped up an unsuspecting Eric Young on the top rope while Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas hit A1 with the Natural Disaster for the victory, retaining the NWA Tag Team Title. Winners: The Naturals

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Rhino vs. Raven (Champion)

If you thought Sabu vs. Abyss from earlier in the night was brutal, this one was worse. As announced earlier in the pre-show, the match was changed to Raven’s rules. What’s that you ask? There are no rules. Raven came down to the ring with a shopping cart full of weapons from kendo sticks to pizza cutters, to regular household appliances. It didn’t take long for the blood to spill. Both Raven and the challenger Rhino had crimson masks not even midway through the encounter.

Rhino put at least 3 staples in Raven’s head, while Raven dropped Rhino on a ladder bending the steel in half. The ring was full of weapons and drops of blood. Rhino attempted to Gore the champ on several occasions but failed. Jeff Jarrett then became involved and picked up the title belt ready to use it on Raven until Jeff Hardy came in to make the stop. After seeing this Raven was able to give Jarrett the DDT and knock him out cold. Rhino tried to take advantage of this by coming up from behind for a suplex, but Raven reversed it and hit him with a DDT for the pinball. Raven retains the title! Winner: Raven

X-Division Title Match

“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels (Champion) vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles

The undefeated Samoa Joe. The 2-time Triple Crown Winner in TNA, AJ Styles. The longest reigning X-Division Champion in TNA history, Christopher Daniels. This had the makings for the biggest match in TNA history and it DELIVERED! Not only was it one of the best in TNA history, but one of the best in professional wrestling history. Bias aside, it now ranks up in my own personal top 3 matches I have ever seen. Unbelievable.

There were too many high spots and incredible moves that it’s too hard to write them all. All 3 men brought their A game tonight. The TNA crowd started chanting “This is Awesome!” It truly was awesome. It’s just a shame there had to be two losers. These three are truly the class of the X-Division. People will be talking about this match for a while and never record over. Every time a pin fall was about to take place, the third competitor in the ring made the save. In the end, Christopher Daniels was about to put AJ Styles away with the Angel’s Wings, but Styles reversed it into a pinning combination and got the 3 count for the victory making him a 5 time X-Division Champion. While Daniels couldn’t believe it, Samoa Joe looked on with hatred in his eyes. Winner: AJ Styles



WINDSOR, Ont. -- It is somewhat fitting that on a show entitled International Incident, held in a border town, that America's Most Wanted would be the key players in putting the NWA World title back around the waist of Jeff Jarrett.

That's what happened Thursday night at a Border City Wrestling show in Oldcastle, Ontario, just outside of Windsor at the Ciociaro Club.

In the main event, the champion Raven faced off against Jarrett. During the bout, America's Most Wanted turned heel, interfering and helping Jarrett while the referee was knocked out. They helped knock out Raven, and Jarrett covered him. The referee woke up in time to count the 1-2-3.

Edited by therockbox
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Taped at Universal Studios

Attendance: 2,000

Broadcast: Saturday, October, Week 1


The first ever episode of TNA on Spike TV kicks off with a bang as we’re welcomed to the show by Mike Tenay and Don West! They thank everybody who's watching at home for tuning in, and promise that they won’t be disappointed before telling them to prepare for a new era in professional wrestling! We’re then taken to a video recapping want went down on September 11th at Unbreakable, where Raven successfully defended his title against Rhino. However, we’re then shown what happened just five days later at an independent event in Canada, where Jeff Jarrett regained the strap thanks to America’s Most Wanted. The tape ends with a still of AMW holding the new champion’s hands up in the air, drawing a loud chorus of boos from the full-capacity Impact zone.

Match 1: AJ Styles (Champion) vs. Christopher Daniels, X-Division Title Match.

The first ever match of the Spike TV pits two of the companies most recognisable stars against each other, giving Christopher Daniels a chance to regain the title he lost at Unbreakable. As Daniels makes his entrance the camera pans around the Impact zone, focusing on the “revolutionary” six-sided ring. With Styles out next Mike Tenay takes the opportunity to sing the X-Division’s praises, telling us that “this is what TNA is all about.”

The two men didn’t disappoint with a fast-paced match full of high flying moves, as both Daniels and Styles were keen to make an impression on the Spike TV audience. Styles’ over eagerness was almost his undoing as he went for the Styles Clash far too early, only for Daniels to fight his way into a pinfall. Styles managed to kick out on two though, but Daniels was able to take control of the match. “The Fallen Angel” got a couple more near falls throughout the course of the match but both times, after a picture perfect Springboard Moonsault and then the Angel’s Wings, Styles was able to get his shoulder up at the last second.

Daniels began to get frustrated and this gave Styles a way back into the match, capitalizing on Daniels going up-top one to many times by throwing him off the top turnbuckle down into the centre of the ring. Daniels charged at Styles, but the champion caught him with a small package for the one-two-three! Winner (and still X-Division champion): AJ Styles.

Daniels holds his head in his hands as the referee hands Styles his title, before the champion exits the ring and begins heading back up the ramp. However, he’s stopped before he can get even halfway when SAMOA JOE steps out into the Impact zone! Joe, looking focused as ever, locks his eyes on Styles. AJ turns back towards the ring, only to realise he’s caught in the middle of the two men vying for his title! The champ is visibly becoming more and more agitated, but breathes a huge sigh of relief when Joe turns round and heads backstage. West points out that Joe will be happy enough to bide his time before making another move for the X-Division title.

Back at the announcers' desk Tenay and West are in hype mode, promising that Jeff Jarrett WILL be here later on to discuss what they call the “controversy in Canada.”

Match 2: Monty Brown vs. Mikey Batts.

We come straight back to the action as “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown makes his way to the ring, with Tenay building up his past in the NFL. His opponent is Mikey Batts, who according to Don West looks like a “deer in the headlights.”

Looking intense and focused, Brown made short work of Batts dispatching of him in under a minute. Batts tried to take the fight to Brown as the fight got underway, but Brown was simply to powerful. With just 49 seconds on the clock Batts was floored with the Pounce, and it was all over as Brown picked up the win. Winner: Monty Brown.

As Monty makes his way to the back we're taken to the parking lot, where Jeff Jarrett has just arrived. Flanked by Chris Harris and James Storm, Jarrett is proudly displaying the NWA World Heavyweight title on his shoulder. Jarrett stops and tells America’s Most Wanted to go on ahead, as he’s “got some business to sort out.”

Elsewhere in the depths of the Impact zone, Shane Douglas manages to catch up with Monty Brown for a quick word. Brown’s message is short and sweet; no matter what happened up in Canada, the title is coming home to the Serengeti. Spike TV, “get ready to feel the POUNCE!”

Match 3: Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt.

Before the match we’re shown a video highlighting the X-Division and, in particular, the innovative Ultimate X match. A number of high profile TNA stars have been involved in the match, including AJ Styles, “The Fallen Angel” and two of this matches competitors; Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt.

Despite being billed as a triple threat this match was effectively a one on one, as Alex Shelley seemed to have picked up an injury early on when he was tossed to the outside by Chris Sabin. Tenay put over Dutt’s high flying abilities, but Sabin had obviously scouted his opponent and managed to keep him grounded for large portions of the match. He almost slipped up when he sent Dutt towards the ropes with an Irish whip, only for Dutt to use the ropes as a springboard and catch Sabin with a cross body for a near fall.

Dutt had caught his second wind and looked like he could pick up the victory, but when Sabin got the knees up to block the Hindu Press the wind was – literally – knocked out of his sails. Now in control, Sabin nailed the Future Shock and looked on course for an impressive victory, only to get spun round and nailed with the Shellshock! Now standing tall in the middle of the ring was Alex Shelley, who had been faking the injury all along! Shelley, who by now was wearing a beaming grin, covered Sabin to pick up the win! Winner: Alex Shelley.

With Shelley’s underhand tactics earning the disdain of both Mike Tenay and Don West, the victor milked his victory in the ring to a loud wall of jeers from the Impact crowd. Shelley’s celebrations are cut short though when Matt Bentley makes his way to the ring, and delivers a Superkick straight to the jaw of Shelley! Bentley takes a microphone and once again addresses Larry Zbyszko, practically demanding that an Ultimate X match is added to the Bound For Glory card.

Mike Tenay tries to offer his views on what just happened, but informs us that there’s some commotion in the backstage area. We’re taken to what looks like the lockeroom, where Abyss is shown leaning over someone pounding them repeatedly with his fists! The camera moves round to get a better angle, revealing that Shark Boy is the victim of the attack. Abyss continues pounding away at Shark Boy before James Mitchell steps into view, ordering the giant to “finish him.” Abyss complied with the orders, picking up his victim before drilling him to the hard concrete floor with a Blackhole Slam!

With Shark Boy lying motionless on the floor, Mitchell faces the camera directly and warns TNA that the games are over. If Abyss doesn’t get a title shot, then he’s going to wreak havoc until he gets one. “Bodies will be broken, blood will be spilled, and it will be on YOUR hands Mister Zbyszko!” finished Mitchell. Back in the arena, Mike Tenay pointed out that the Director of Authority may not have any choice but to give Abyss his title shot.

Main Event: Jeff Hardy vs. Kip James w/ Monty Brown.

This match came about after what went down during the Unbreakable pre-show, when Jeff interrupted Kip James and Monty Brown whilst they were in the ring with Jeff Jarrett. Mike Tenay says that this match was requested by Kip James earlier tonight.

With Brown on the outside this was never going to be a fair contest, as “The Alpha Male” used every chance he got to interfere on Kip James’ behalf. James almost got the win when Brown distracted the referee, allowing Kip to low blow Hardy before rolling him up for a two count. Despite the odds it was Jeff Hardy who finally picked up the win, putting James down on the canvas with a DDT before going up top and hitting the Swanton Bomb. Winner: Jeff Hardy.

The bell rang but as soon as Hardy was up on his feet he was attacked by Brown, who speared him down to the ground! When James got to his feet it soon became a 2 on 1 assault, and Brown instructed James to hold Hardy up. The man from the Serengeti seemed to looking for the Pounce, but suddenly the lights went out in the Impact zone. They stayed off for about 30 seconds or so, and when they came back on Sabu had joined us on Spike! Sabu, chair in hand went for Monty Brown, but both James and the Alpha Male decided to cut their losses and quickly bailed out of the ring. Sabu stood over Hardy making sure that Brown and James, who were slowly retreating up the ramp, didn’t have the chance to do anymore damage.

After a quick advert for Bound For Glory, NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the ring. Followed closely by AMW, the champ happily points out to the fans at ringside that “he’s the champ.” Once in the ring Jarrett grabs a mic, and introduces the “Canadian Controversy” tape from Border City Wrestling’s International Incident show on September 15th. Harris and Storm are shown helping Jarrett regain the title by defeating Raven, before holding the champions arms aloft in the air. When the video finishes, the boos and insults begin from the crowd.

Jarrett, ignoring the fans at first, says that he kept his word. He promised to lead TNA onto Spike TV, and he’s done just that. Jarrett says that he is TNA, and tonight is his night. However, he takes a moment to thank Scott D’Amore, whose company ran the event where the title change took place, telling the Team Canada coach that he owes him one. Jarrett then moves onto the former champion , saying that it would have been a travesty if Raven had been the one standing here as champion. Jarrett says that instead of booing him, “all you idiots should be THANKIN’ me!”

A small “Raven” chant begins to build, but Jarrett tries to kill it dead by proclaiming “birdman’s sat somewhere now sulking.” Before Jarrett can continue though, Raven’s music does hit sending the crowd wild! Once the noise has died down Raven begins to speak, remaining calm and focused on Jarrett at all times. He tells the champion to enjoy the next couple of weeks, because his revenge will come quickly. He doesn’t forget AMW though, and says that next week he’s bringing a couple of “old friends” to make America’s Most Wanted pay. The show ends with Chris Harris and James Storm looking worried, whilst Jarrett and Raven lock eyes.

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Good solid show their rock box man. I do like your lay out a lot. Really easy on the eye, and with some good matches on that card. My personally favorite was Monty vs. Batts purely for the Dear in headlights remark and Kip James being beaten despite help by Hardy. TNA could be doing so much more with Impact than what they are doing (IMO at least)rushing something that could be done a lot better. I have every faith with this solid start you can put forward a good product. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this...

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Taped at Universal Studios

Attendence: 2,000

Broadcast: Saturday, October, Week 2


It’s another sell out crowd in the Impact zone, and we’ kick things off with Jeff Jarrett and America’s Most Wanted. Harris and Storm both look nervous, but Jarrett tells them not too worry about what Raven said last week. Harris wonders who’s coming, but Jarrett cuts him off. “He’s just bluffin” Jarrett proclaims confidently, and his confidence seems to give AMW a lift as well. The three high-five each other as we head to the arena, where Mike Tenay informs us that AMW will take on the men that Raven has brought to TNA later on tonight.

We get a short Bound For Glory video before being taken backstage once more, this time to see the Diamonds in the Rough. Simon Diamond is talking to Elix Skipper and David Young, telling them to “bring home the gold” tonight! Young tells Diamond that he can “count on us”, before sarcastically adding; “right, Elix?” Primetime doesn’t appreciate Young’s question and walks off, leaving Diamond looking worried as we head to ringside.

Match 1: The Naturals (champions) vs. Diamonds in the Rough w/ Simon Diamond, NWA Tag Team Title match. Tenay notes that Elix Skipper is walking ahead of David Young as the challengers make their entrance, and asks how they’re going to co-exist in a match when they can’t even walk to the ring together. He was made to eat his words though, as Young and Skipper dominated through most of the match – even if Simon Diamond was to thank for his constant interference. Things went pear shaped for the Diamonds let on though when Skipper accidentally caught Young with a missile dropkick, when Chase Stevens pushed him into the firing line. With Young of the match Douglas and Stevens hit the Natural Disaster on Skipper for the 1-2-3. Winners (and still champions): The Naturals.

It’s celebration time for The Naturals as they raise the titles up on opposite corners, but Simon Diamond – angry at his teams loss – decides to get some revenge on the champions. Douglas jumps back down into the ring, only to get nailed square in the head with a steel chair! Before Chase Stevens has a chance to register what’s happening he takes a shot to the back, before falling down to the mat. Diamond is soon joined by Young and Skipper, and the Diamonds take turns in beating down on the helpless champions. A Spinebuster to Douglas and a Play of the Day to Stevens finish the assault off, before the three make their way to the back.

Matt Bentley has something on his mind as he heads down to the ring with a microphone in hand. Pacing back and forth he demands that Larry Zbyszko comes down to the ring right now, and add Ultimate X to the Bound For Glory card. When there’s no response Bentley gets impatient, and decides that he’s not leaving the ring until Zbyszko gets himself down here. Finally, the Director of Authority decides he’s had enough and makes his way down to ringside. Zbyszko says that he agrees with Bentley, the most innovative match in professional wrestling should be showcased on the biggest pay-per view in TNA’s history. Bentley looks pleased, but Zbyszko soon wipes the smile off his face. AJ Styles will defend his title at Bound For Glory in an Ultimate X match – but the other four spots will have to be earned.

Zbyszko says that tonight and next week on Impact, there are going to be two tag team matches. The winners from the two matches will then go onto Bound For Glory to compete in Ultimate X. Later on in the show, Matt Bentley will team up with the man he Superkicked at Unbreakable; Chris Sabin! Bentley stares at Zbyszko with his teeth gritted, and almost flies off the handle when Zbyszko announces that their opponents will be Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe! As Bentley throws a tantrum in the ring Zbyszko heads back towards the lockeroom, with a sly smile and a shrug of the shoulders.

Match 2: Roderick Strong vs. Jerrelle Clark. In the few brief minutes this match had the two competitors showed a lot of promise. Strong’s matwork was countered well by Clarke’s high-flying, but just as the fans seemed to be getting into it Abyss hit the ring. No Contest.

With James Mitchell shouting orders from outside the ring, Abyss tears through Clarke and Strong leaving the two men broken and battered on the mat. Mitchell steps on the apron bringing Abyss’ destruction to a halt, allowing Mitchell to speak. He says that this is on Larry Zbyszko’s hands, and promises this is just the beginning.

Shane Douglas is in the backstage area with Christopher Daniels, who is set to team up with Samoa Joe to take on Matt Bentley and Chris Sabin. Douglas asks Daniels whether Joe and himself can co-exist, even for one match? Daniels says that, as long as Joe is, he’s willing to put their differences aside for the greater good.

Match 3: Christopher Daniels & Samoa Joe vs. Chris Sabin & Matt Bentley. Mike Tenay reminds us that the winners of this match will go to Bound For Glory and compete in Ultimate X, along with AJ Styles and two opponents to be decided next week on Impact. This give Don West the chance to shill tnawrestling.com, as apparently the two teams that will compete for that last spot will be announced online during the week.

During the match you could cut the tension between Daniels and Joe with a knife, and their squabbling and arguing when they were in control almost cost them the match on a couple of occasions. However, they eventually picked up the win when Joe hit the MuscleBuster on Chris Sabin. Replays even showed Daniels saving Joe from a Superkick, as he barged Bentley to the outside as he was lining Joe up. Winners: Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels.

The bell rings and Daniels goes to celebrate the victory, momentarily forgetting that Joe is still in the ring. The Samoan takes advantage and immediately attacks Daniels, and seems to be setting him up for the MuscleBuster until AJ Styles makes the save. With a chair in hand Styles slides into the ring, but he doesn’t need to use it as Joe makes a hasty exit. Joe looks on from the ramp as Styles and Daniels exchange words in the ring, only for Matt Bentley to floor the X-Division champion with a Superkick out of nowhere! Bentley looks extremely pissed off as he heads up the ramp, whereas Joe looks on with a grin whilst Daniels simply stares at Styles.

Sabu is shown warming up backstage, throwing air punches and psyching himself up. Then, Jeff Hardy swings into the picture hanging upside down, Eric Draven like, before flipping down onto his feet. He asks Sabu; “Ready?”, and the two head to ringside.

Match 4: Sabu w/ Jeff Hardy vs. Monty Brown w/ Kip James. A quick video shows us what happened last week, leading to Jeff Hardy and Sabu requesting a tag match. However, Zbyszko decided to pit Sabu against Monty Brown, but agreed to let Hardy and James down to ringside. Tenay said that this was a smart move by the DOA, as the two men would act as a deterrent to the other.

Tenay’s prediction was right, and the majority of the match went off without interference from James or Hardy. Monty Brown eventually picked up the win following a Pounce, but a replay showed that Sabu had managed to put his foot on the bottom rope – only for Kip James to push it off. This lead to a post match brawl between the four men, and once again Rhino came out to make it three on two for the second week in a row. However, the numbers advantage didn’t work out this week as Rhino inadvertently nailed Kip James with a Gore, as Jeff Hardy managed to shake off The Outlaw’s grasp before sliding to the outside. James clutches his mid-section as Jeff and Sabu head to the back, staring down Monty Brown and Rhino. Winner: Monty Brown.

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett tells America’s Most Wanted that “it’s time to call Raven’s bluff” before leading Harris and Storm to ringside. Mike Tenay informs us that AMW will face the “old friends” Raven referred to last week, and wonders who they might be.

Main Event: America’s Most Wanted w/ Jeff Jarrett vs. ? & ?. Harris and Storm came down to the ring wearing confident smiles on their faces, with Jarrett obviously having convinced them that Raven was bluffing. However, those smiles were soon replaced by a look of shock as a new music hit the Impact zone, before one of the most successful tag teams in wrestling stepped out onto the ramp…


The Dudley Boys! The Impact zone erupted as Bubba and D-Von made their way down to the ring, whilst they were introduced as Brother Ray and Brother Devon of Team 3D. Whatever they were being called, the two men wasted no time in delighting the Impact zone by defeating AMW thanks to a 3D (or the Deadly Death Drop, as Don West called it) which put James Storm down for the count of three. Winners: Team 3D.

Brother Ray and Devon celebrated their win by getting up on opposite turnbuckles to salute the crowd, but were quickly attacked by Chris Harris and Jeff Jarrett. Having been caught by surprise Team 3D were on the back foot, and when James Storm recovered Jarrett instructed him to grab his guitar. However, just as Jarrett was getting ready to smash Brother Ray, former champion Raven ran in to make the save! After disposing of America’s Most Wanted, Raven turned his attention to Jarrett and hit the champion with the Raven Effect! It wasn’t to be the end of what had been a bad night for Jarrett, as Brother Ray shoved Devon and yelled his trademark “Deee-von, GET THE TAAAAAABLES!”

The crowd joined in with the shout before Brother Devon produced a table from underneath the ring, and sliding it into the ring for Ray. Raven looked on from the sidelines as Team 3D set the table up, and sent the champ crashing through the wood with a 3D! With the second Spike TV edition of Impact coming to a close, Team 3D led the celebrations as Raven made his way to the back. Brother Ray and Devon have made their presence in TNA felt already, but what will happen next week in the Impact zone?

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Sunday, Week 2, October



Last week on Impact, TNA’s Director of Authority Larry Zbyszko announced that AJ Styles will defend his X-Division title in an Ultimate X match at Bound For Glory! Zbyszko decided that the competitors would have to earn their spots in the match, and as a result Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Sabin and Matt Bentley. This week, the final two entrants into Ultimate X will be decided as AUSTIN ARIES and Team Canada’s PETEY WILLIAMS take on ALEX SHELLEY and CASSIDY RILEY.


One of the most successful tag teams in wrestling history, BROTHER RAY and BROTHER DEVON made their TNA debut last week and defeated America’s Most Wanted before delivering a message to Jeff Jarrett – with a 3D through a table! This week, Team 3D have been granted an ‘open mic’ to discuss why they came to the Impact zone!


Over the last two weeks, Abyss has put three of TNA’s roster on the sidelines in his quest to get an NWA World Heavyweight Title shot. James Mitchell has sent word to tnawrestling.com, telling us to warn Larry Zbyszko that tonight Abyss’ title hunt continues. Is anyone safe from The Monster?


After being attacked by Simon Diamond and his allies, The Naturals have granted Elix Skipper and David Young a non-title rematch in an attempt to get some revenge on the trio. However, if the Diamonds in the Rough can beat The Naturals then they will get a title shot at Bound For Glory, with a match type of their choice!

Edited by therockbox
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Taped at Universal Studios

Attendence: 2,000

Broadcast: Saturday, October, Week 3


After a recap of Team 3D’s debut in the Impact zone we’re welcomed to the show by Mike Tenay and Don West. They run down what we can expect to see tonight, including the match which will decide the final two competitors in Ultimate X at Bound For Glory.

The show starts proper as James Mitchell leads Abyss down to the ring, whilst Mike Tenay condemns their actions over the past couple of weeks. A quick video shows us what happened last week on Impact, as Abyss interrupted a match between Roderick Strong and Jerrelle Clarke before destroying the two in the middle of the ring.

The tape ends and the camera focuses in on James Mitchell, who has a microphone in his hand and a sadistic smile on his face. Mitchell addresses Larry Zbyszko, and says that the TNA Director of Authority can stop all of this right now. All he has to do is give Abyss what he deserves – a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title.

Mitchell looks up towards the ramp expectantly, but instead of Zbyszko he gets Roderick Strong and Jerrelle Clarke! The two X-Division stars rush the ring and attack the monster, knocking the big man off his feet with dual dropkicks to his knees! Mitchell tries to escape the ring but is yanked back into the middle by Roderick Strong, who grabs him round the collar and pushes him towards the corner. Clarke meanwhile has been stomping away on Abyss’ upper body, but is soon overpowered by the now enraged monster. After dispatching Clarke with a Black Hole Slam he turns his attention to Strong, pulling him off James Mitchell before hoisting him up and nailing him with some Shock Treatment.

Mitchell calls Abyss off after straightening his jacket, and delivers a slap to the face of Roderick Strong. With the two men left down and out for the second week running, Mitchell leads Abyss to the back.

We cut to Shane Douglas who is in the lockeroom, awaiting the arrival of Jeff Jarrett and America’s Most Wanted. He’s addressing the camera and the two commentators, talking about what happened last week. As he’s talking Jarrett arrives and, as always, is flanked by Chris Harris and James Storm. Douglas tries to get a quick interview with the champion, but is blanked by all three men as they walk straight past the Franchise without so much as a glance.

Match 1: The Naturals vs. Diamonds in the Rough w/ Simon Diamond. Douglas hands back to the Impact zone, and we’re ready for the first match of the night. Tenay explains that if Skipper and David Young win, then they’ll receive a title shot at Bound For Glory – as well as being able to choose the match type. As Mike Tenay and Don West discuss the match Simon Diamond leads Skipper and Young down to the ring, ready to face two men who will be looking for revenge.

After an opening exchange that saw The Naturals clear the ring, Skipper and Young managed to assert some control by isolating Chase Stevens in the corner. The blonde half of the Naturals eventually broke free though, making the tag to Andy Douglas. Young and Skipper were both sent sprawling with a couple of hard clotheslines, and it looked like Douglas had things under control. Unfortunately for the champions Simon Diamond chose to get involved, stepping up onto the apron and distracting the referee. With his back turned Douglas was hit with a Spinebuster from David Young, followed by the one-two-three. Winners: David Young & Elix Skipper.

Mike Tenay calls what’s just happened an ‘injustice’ as Diamond enters the ring to raise the hands of his Diamonds in the Rough. Stevens and Douglas regroup on the outside, knowing that they’ll now have to face Young and Skipper at Bound For Glory. Diamond makes a point of shaking Elix Skippers hand, but suddenly soccer kicks him straight in his crown jewels! “Primetime” doubles over as the other two members of the Diamonds begin to chuckle. After a Spinebuster from Young Diamond takes a microphone, and leans over the prone Skipper. Diamond says that he’s been nothing but a letdown and, as of now, he’s no longer part of Diamonds in the Rough. He also says that he’ll be replacing Elix in their tag team match at Bound For Glory, before warning Skipper to stay out of their way.

We’re taken to the lockeroom where Monty Brown is standing next to an agitated Kip James, whose ribcage is heavily taped after the Gore he suffered last week. James is determined to go and get an apology out of Rhino. Brown reminds James that it was only an accident, and that he’ll feel better when they get their hands on Jeff Hardy and Sabu. James isn’t having it though, and says that later on tonight he’s going to go down to the ring and demand an apology from the manbeast!

Match 2: Chris Sabin vs. Bobby Roode. Roode is accompanied to the ring by Team Canada cohorts Eric Young, Petey Williams and the groups leader Scott D’Amore. However, with all eyes on Team Canada to interfere on behalf of Roode it was Matt Bentley who made his presence known. With D’Amore’s usual antics distracting the referee, Bentley was able to sneak into the ring and lay Sabin out with a Superkick. Seeing that Sabin was out for the count, D’Amore quickly allowed the referee to turn back to the action just in time to make the three count. After the match as Team Canada celebrated, Matt Bentley explained his actions as he said to the camera that Sabin had “cost him his shot.” Winner: Bobby Roode.

We backstage with Shane Douglas for the second time this evening, but this time he’s standing by with X-Division title contender Christopher Daniels. Douglas asks “The Fallen Angel” why he didn’t even attempt to help AJ Styles last week, after the champion had saved him from a beating by Samoa Joe. Daniels snaps back at Douglas, asking “what would The Franchise have done?” Would Douglas have helped a man who has what he wants – what he needs? Daniels waits for an answer, but his attention is soon diverted as a familiar voice yells “Daniels!” The Fallen Angel turns just as a fist connects with the side of his head, knocking him off his feet. AJ Styles steps into view and connects with another right hand, before numerous TNA officials arrive on the scene to restrain the X-Division champion. As Daniels gets back to his feet Styles shouts that from this point on, he’s on his own.

Match 3: Austin Aries & Petey Williams vs. Alex Shelley & Cassidy Riley. Backed up by Scott D’Amore, Williams and Aries always had the advantage in this Bound For Glory Ultimate X qualifier. Indeed, it was D’Amore’s presence that once again helped Team Canada on their way to victory as he held threw Cassidy Riley head first into the steel steps, allowing Aries and Williams to double team Shelley before Williams hit him with the Canadian Destroyer for the victory. Winners: Austin Aries & Petey Williams.

After Mike Tenay and Don West offer their opinions on what just happened, we’re taken to the back where the victorious duo are being congratulated by D’Amore and the rest of Team Canada. After all the commotion has died down Williams turns to Aries, and offers his hand. Aries extends his and accepts, before Williams thanks him. Team Canada gladly praise the newcomer, but stop when Williams says this his services will no longer be required. Immediately he’s set upon by Eric Young and Bobby Roode, before Williams draws blood by smashing his head into the concrete wall. Satisfied, Williams and D’Amore lead the way as Team Canada leave Austin Aries bloodied on the floor.

Back to the Impact Zone and Kip James is in the ring with a microphone, whilst Monty Brown is jawing with some of the ringside fans. He takes a step back as James begins to speak, and demands that Rhino comes down to the ring right now and apologises for what happened last week. Never one to back down from anyone, the manbeast is quick to answer James’ challenge. However, instead of offering his apologies he gets straight into the New Age Outlaw’s face. The two take turns in shoving each other before Monty Brown steps in, trying to play peacekeeper. Rhino turns away apparently ready to forgive and forget, but suddenly turns and slaps Brown!

The Alpha Male, along with Kip James, looks shocked as Rhino challenges him to retaliate. Rhino steps towards Brown and dares him once more, and this time Brown catches him with a right hand! A flurry of punches leads to Brown getting knocked down to the mat, before Rhino turns his attention to Kip James. After a quick exchange of words the two are going at it hammer and tong, but inevitably it’s James who comes off the worst as he’s unceremoniously dumped to the outside. Rhino yells something unintelligible at James before turning back to Brown, whose (just about) on his feet, using the turnbuckle for support. Crouching down, Rhino locked onto the Alpha Male and waited for him to turn, before crashing into him with a Gore! The manbeast pounded his chest and, just for good measure, spat on Monty Brown before leaving the Impact Zone.

With the end of the show nigh we’re treated to a quick recap video of the debut of Team 3D in TNA. The clip ends with Brother Ray and Brother Devon putting the NWA World Heavyweight Champion through a table, before Mike Tenay introduces the newest members of the TNA roster.

The two men are given a loud, enthusiastic welcome from the TNA fans as they make their entrance (complete with an impressive pyro display). The two milk the applause as they step up onto opposite turnbuckles, saluting all four corners of the Impact Zone. When the noise has died down Brother Ray takes hold of a microphone, and begins to talk. He says that Team 3D has come to TNA because it’s the hottest company in wrestling right now. As expected, this draws another large cheer from the crowd. Ray responds to the cheer by saying that’s another reason – the best FANS in wrestling right now, and they couldn’t sit by and watch Jeff Jarrett and AMW rip them off.

Cue Jeff Jarrett, who, along with Chris Harris and James Storm, struts down to the ring. Team 3D refuse to be intimidated, and instead challenge Jarrett and AMW to ‘bring it’. The champ declines the offer though, and instead takes a microphone of his own. He says that last week, when Team 3D put him through that table, they made the biggest mistake of their life. Jarrett says that putting your hands on the champion is unforgivable, and isn’t something that goes unpunished.

Before Jarrett can continue he’s cut off by Larry Zbyszko, who tells Jarrett to “wait a damn minute” as he makes his way down to the ring. The DOA gets into the ring and tells Jarrett that TNA isn’t his plaything; he can’t go round doing whatever he likes. Zbyszko’s in charge, and just to remind Jarrett, he’s making a match at Bound For Glory – Team 3D versus America’s Most Wanted, in a tables match! Harris and Storm look shocked as Jarrett tries to plead with Zbyszko, but he’s not interested as he tells Jarrett that his decision is final.

This causes Jarrett to try a different method, pushing Zbyszko in the chest! The DOA staggers backwards but then comes back with a shove of his own, before nailing the off-guard Jarrett with a hard right hook! AMW respond by charging towards Zbyszko, but Brother Ray and Devon cut them off! A quick brawl leads to Jarrett, Harris and Storm all being thrown over the top rope, before Zbyszko takes the mic one last time. He says that Jarrett didn’t let him finishes, because he’s got one more announcement to make. At Bound For Glory, as well as the tables match between AMW and Team 3D, it’s going to be Jeff Jarrett versus Raven in a rematch for the World Heavyweight title!

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Monday, Week 4, October



Bound For Glory is just days away, and Director of Authority Larry Zbyszko has announced a massive main event for the final stop on the road to Bound For Glory! With RAVEN set to challenge JEFF JARRETT for the NWA World Heavyweight Title and TEAM 3D to face AMERICA’S MOST WANTED, Zbyszko has confirmed to TNAWrestling.com that these six men will face off on Impact, as Jarrett and AMW will get a change to gain some revenge on Raven and Team 3D!


Despite being destroyed twice in two weeks by ABYSS, both RODERKICK STRONG and JERRELLE CLARKE have managed to convince the TNA DOA to give them another shot at The Monster, this time in an anything goes match! Can Strong and Clarke turn the tide against the unpredictable Abyss on Impact?


  • After the events of last weeks show, “The Alpha Male” MONTY BROWN issued a challenge to Rhino to face him in a Six Sides of Steel match at Bound For Glory! As seen last week, the Manbeast is never one to back down from a challenge and will be in the Impact Zone to make the match official!

  • Despite helping his team earn a title shot at Bound For Glory, Elix Skipper was thrown out of the Diamonds in the Rough last week on Impact, before Simon Diamond announced that he’d be replacing “Primetime” in the match against The Naturals. However, before their match at Bound For Glory Diamond and David Young will team up against LANCE HOYT and APOLO.

  • SAMOA JOE versus SONJAY DUTT. Before he enters Ultimate X at Bound For Glory, the Samoan Submission Machine will face Sonjay Dutt in singles action.
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Taped at Universal Studios

Attendance: 2,000

Broadcast: Saturday, October, Week 4


We’re welcomed to the final stop on the Bound For Glory trail by Mike Tenay, who is on his own at the Impact announcers table tonight. Before the opening video begins Tenay says that, for the foreseeable future, Don West won’t be joining him on Impact or Pay-Per View. West has got some “personal demons” to take care of, and everyone associated with TNA wishes him all the best.

After Mike’s opening Jeff Jarrett and AMW make their way down to the ring, and Jarrett in particular does not look happy. After stepping into the ring Jarrett takes a mic from his pocket, pacing around the ring as he speaks. The champions contempt for the TNA Director of Authority shines through as he recalls what happened last week, calling Larry Zbyszko corrupt and “a thorn in TNA’s side.” He says that it isn’t fair that he’s being forced into defending his title at Bound For Glory – but “Double J is a fightin’ champion.” Jarrett promises that tonight he’s going to give everyone a taster of what’s going to go down at Bound For Glory.

Simon Diamond and David Young are backstage with Shane Douglas. In a brief interview Diamond says that they’re better off without Skipper, and at Bound For Glory they’re going to prove it by becoming the Tag Team Champions.

Match 1: Samoa Joe vs. Sonjay Dutt. As Joe makes his entrance Mike Tenay wonders Joe can be considered the favourite going into the Ultimate X match at Bound For Glory, because his size puts him at a disadvantage when it comes to getting to the title. It didn’t affect this match however, as he dispatched Sonjay Dutt with the Coquina Clutch. Winner: Samoa Joe.

Despite having made Dutt pass out Joe decides to keep the hold locked in, and no amount of bell ringing or pleas from the referee are going to make him release Dutt. However, all that changes when “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels comes sprinting down to ringside, stomping on Joe’s head and causing him to let go! Joe manages to fight his way up onto both feet despite the continued assault from Daniels, even getting in a few chops and kicks of his own.

Daniels manages to get the upper hand as he jabs a thumb into Joe’s eye before sending him to the outside with a well placed Dropkick. Daniels turns back to face the opposite side of the ring – only to get nailed with the X-Division title! The Fallen Angel collapses to the mat in a heap as AJ Styles tosses the belt aside, before dragging Daniels up to his feet. It isn’t easy as Daniels is practically dead weight, but Styles manages to get him up to hit the Styles Clash! AJ picks up his title and raises it up into the air, but he’s clearly forgotten about Joe as the Samoan Submission Machine takes out Styles from behind. Joe places Styles on the top turnbuckle, before bringing him crashing down to the mat with a MuscleBuster! Heading into Bound For Glory Joe clearly has the psychological advantage, but will it count for anything come Sunday?

Backstage, Jerrelle Clarke and Roderick Strong are getting ready for their match with Abyss before Shane Douglas approaches them for an interview. When asked why they requested this match after what’s happened over the last couple of weeks, Strong responded by saying that what’s happened in the past counts for nothing. He goes on to say that Abyss and James Mitchell need to be shown that they can’t go round doing what they want, and that they don’t run TNA. Douglas wishes them luck as they head off to prepare, before adding “because you’re going to need it” when they’re out of earshot.

A quick Bound For Glory video airs, recapping the card so far. In addition to Jeff Jarrett defending his NWA World Heavyweight Title against Raven, we’ll also see; AMW vs. Team 3D, the Ultimate X match for the X-Division Title, The Naturals vs. Diamonds in the Rough and Monty Brown vs. Rhino, which will be made official later on tonight.

Match 2: Diamonds in the Rough vs. Lance Hoyt & Apolo. An impressive performance from Young and Diamond saw them beat Hoyt and Apolo with relative ease. After dominating for most of the match the Diamonds survived a late flurry from their opponents, before securing the victory with a tandem Spinebuster and Simonizer for the dual-one, two, three. Winners: Diamonds in the Rough.

The bell rings as Diamond and Young begin to celebrate, but attention is soon switched to the top of the ramp where ELIX SKIPPER has made his way into the Impact Zone, despite being restrained by security. “Primetime” is desperately trying to break free and get to his former team-mates, and Diamond – knowing that Skipper isn’t going to get anywhere near the ring – antagonises his former stable mate. After challenging him to “come down to the ring”, Diamond tells Skipper to face facts – he isn’t good enough for the future tag team champions.

Elsewhere Shane Douglas is interviewing Kip James, and asks the Outlaw his thoughts on Monty Brown’s match with Rhino at Bound For Glory. Confidently, James says that when Brown beats Rhino at Bound For Glory, it’s his turn to get some payback. However, before he can continue he’s interrupted by Jeff Hardy, who taps James on the shoulder. Jeff says that he hopes Kip hasn’t forgotten about him, before challenging James to a match at Bound For Glory. Reluctantly James accepts, mostly to avoid losing face after being asked whether he was ‘scared’ by Hardy.

With the match made Jeff turns away, but James suddenly flips and takes Hardy out from behind. James throws Hardy into a metal crate, before telling Jeff that he’ll see him on Sunday.

We cut back to ringside where Chris Sabin is standing in the ring. Sabin calls out Matt Bentley, because he’s fed up with Bentley costing him matches. It doesn’t take long for the subject of Sabin’s challenge to make his way to the ring, apparently ready for a fight. However, Bentley suddenly seems to change his mind just before he enters the ring, and instead reaches for a mike. As he heads back towards the lockeroom he says that seeing as Sabin screwed him out of the Ultimate X match, he’s not going to fight him – tonight. If Sabin wants a match then he can wait until Bound For Glory on Sunday. Sabin seems hesitant, and Mike Tenay wonders why Bentley is so eager to agree to a match with Chris Sabin, but on Sunday. Sabin puts these questions out of his mind though and agrees to face Bentley at Bound For Glory, but warns him that he’d better not be planning anything.

Match 3: Abyss vs. Roderick Strong & Jerrelle Clarke, Street Fight. Despite having a one man advantage over Abyss, both Strong and Clarke must have known that they never really stood a chance. Despite putting up a spirited fight they were eventually beaten with relative ease by the Monster. With Strong still down in the ring following a Shock Treatment, Abyss got the pinfall off the back of a Black Hole Slam to Clarke at the top of the ramp. Winner: Abyss.

After the match Abyss seems content, but James Mitchell has other ideas. He hands Abyss a chair, before pointing him in the direction of Clarke. After a couple of brutal chairshots Clarke blood is streaming from Clarke’s head, and it isn’t long before Roderick Strong gets the same treatment. With his point well made Mitchell leads Abyss to the back, as a number of medics and officials tend to Strong and Clarke.

Up next is the contract signing for the Six Sides of Steel match between Monty Brown and Rhino. With a table and two chairs set up in the ring, Jeremy Borash introduces the two men. Brown’s out first, and The Alpha Male uses the time to promise us that at Bound For Glory, Rhino’s going to feel the Pounce.

Rhino doesn’t take too kindly to this, and after making his way down to the ring he gets straight into the face of Monty Brown, exchanging words with the man from the Serengeti. Once they have celebrated it’s down to the contract signing, and with both men’s signature on the contract it’s handed to JB. After a quick check Borash confirmed that the match is now official, but by this point nobodies listening as both men are in each others face once again. This time though there’s no backing down as Brown throws a punch, and Rhino retaliates with one of his own. A full-blown brawl ensues and for the second week in a row it looks like Brown’s going to get hit with a Gore, but this time he has it scouted and quickly rolls to the outside. Tenay says that when these two clash on Sunday it’s going to be anything but pretty, and is thankful that they’ll be within the confines of a steel cage.

Main Event: Jeff Jarrett & America’s Most Wanted vs. Raven & Team 3D. Even though the six men will be in action again on Sunday they held absolutely nothing back, going at each other with everything they had. Their were a number of near falls throughout the match, but the best chance fell to Brother Ray following a 3D to Chris Harris – but Jarrett managed to break up the three count at the last second.

With tensions between the two sides at breaking point it was inevitable that things would eventually spill to the outside, and when they did the referee was simply unable to keep control. As Team 3D and AMW brawled with each other into the crowd we were left with Raven and Jeff Jarrett in the ring, taking it in turns to nail each other with right hands. With the referee’s back turned Jarrett was able to go downstairs, and as Raven gasped for breath on the mat Jarrett went to the outside to get his guitar. Jarrett lines Raven up as he gets back to his feet, and as he turns blasts the former champion over the top of the skull, smashing the guitar into pieces! With Raven down for the count Jarrett calls the referee back into the ring, and as the three count follows the Impact zone erupts into boos. Winners: Jeff Jarrett & AMW.

Jarrett doesn’t care though as he takes the NWA title, raising into the air whilst standing over the spread-eagled Raven. This is how Impact ends, but will Jarrett’s victory count for anything come Sunday? There’s only one way to find out; tune into Bound For Glory live on Pay-Per View!

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TNA Wrestling Presents


Live on Pay-Per View; Sunday, Week 4, October



TNA X-Division Title



The Rematch

NWA World Heavyweight Title

JEFF JARRETT (champion) vs. RAVEN


Tables Match



NWA Tag Team Titles



Six Sides of Steel Match

“The Alpha Male” MONTY BROWN vs. RHINO





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TNA Wrestling Presents


Live on Pay-Per View; Sunday, Week 4, October



TNA X-Division Title


This match seems like it could go anyway really, but I don't see any of these guys taking it from AJ, at least not right now.


The Rematch

NWA World Heavyweight Title

JEFF JARRETT (champion) vs. RAVEN

No point in hotshotting the belt back to Raven after Jarrett just won it, give Jarrett a couple more months and then maybe a challenger could take the belt from him.


Tables Match


TNA talent, putting Team 3D over the home grown AMW would be kind of stupid, it wouldn't do anything for 3D except maybe take away a bit of momentum for them.


NWA Tag Team Titles


The Diamonds aren't ready for the gold in my eyes yet, The Naturals would be the better choice in this one in my eyes.


Six Sides of Steel Match

“The Alpha Male” MONTY BROWN vs. RHINO

The Alpha Male can easily go into contention for Jarrett's title if he gets big wins, this is a big win and it would give Brown a push towards the gold.



Bentley seems like a more practical choice here, I don't know why but I just feel like he'll get the win over Sabin.



This one's simple, I don't like Kip and I think Jeff should get the win here. Jeff has more to bring to the table than Kip and losing to Kip would only hurt his image.

Edited by Tarheels.
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TNA Wrestling Presents


Live on Pay-Per View; Sunday, Week 4, October



TNA X-Division Title


There's no sense in having him lose the belt this quick, when he won it just a month ago.


The Rematch

NWA World Heavyweight Title

JEFF JARRETT (champion) vs. RAVEN

The above statement could be said for this match, aswell.


Tables Match


Even though Team 3D's "specialty match" is a tables mach, they never seem to win, and I think that's going to stand out here, because Team 3D wouldn't gain anything from this, except a little momentum.


NWA Tag Team Titles


The Naturals losing to DITR? No way. Now if Skipper were still in the Diamonds, and were teaming with Simon, I could see them winning, but with David Young, you're almost assured a loss.


Six Sides of Steel Match

“The Alpha Male” MONTY BROWN vs. RHINO

A win here might solidify Monty's World title chances, same with Rhino, but I just think Monty will win.



I have no idea why, but I think Sabin will win here.



Hardy needs this win if he's going to be somewhere near the top.

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