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Just got my PSP - so fill me in!

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Just got my PSP through the post (5 days before my birthday - amazed Amazon shipped it 4 days early!) along with a copy of Footy Manager 07 for it which is really lush and looks great, and I signed Alex from under Arsenal's nose :P

Anyways enough of that...

What's the deal with connecting to the net etc. Do I have to pay subscription or can I log in nearby any wireless connection cafe in town?

Are there things I should think about downloading/editing before I do ANYTHING else at all?!


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Just got my PSP through the post (5 days before my birthday - amazed Amazon shipped it 4 days early!) along with a copy of Footy Manager 07 for it which is really lush and looks great, and I signed Alex from under Arsenal's nose :P

Anyways enough of that...

What's the deal with connecting to the net etc. Do I have to pay subscription or can I log in nearby any wireless connection cafe in town?

Are there things I should think about downloading/editing before I do ANYTHING else at all?!


Edited by CKN
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For you're looking for a odd-ball crazy original Japanese game, get Loco Roco. It looks cute and adorable at first, I was laughing straight for the first 4 minutes I was playing. But once the "cute ze" feeling wears off, you'll realize it is a very fun game to play. It is kind of short however, and can be beaten in around 6 hours. But the fun is replaying through levels to try and collect everything. I've spent around 12 hours on the game so far.

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For you're looking for a odd-ball crazy original Japanese game, get Loco Roco. It looks cute and adorable at first, I was laughing straight for the first 4 minutes I was playing. But once the "cute ze" feeling wears off, you'll realize it is a very fun game to play. It is kind of short however, and can be beaten in around 6 hours. But the fun is replaying through levels to try and collect everything. I've spent around 12 hours on the game so far.
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For you're looking for a odd-ball crazy original Japanese game, get Loco Roco. It looks cute and adorable at first, I was laughing straight for the first 4 minutes I was playing. But once the "cute ze" feeling wears off, you'll realize it is a very fun game to play. It is kind of short however, and can be beaten in around 6 hours. But the fun is replaying through levels to try and collect everything. I've spent around 12 hours on the game so far.

Though even though it is short isn't it one of the games that releases more levels for free like Exit?

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