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Cactus Drags

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...are so fucking awesome. Saw them at Southampton Joiners on Tuesday (I thought I made this thread when I got back on Tuesday, but clearly I haven't). The new material sounds awesome, almost a cross between the first and second albums (leaning slightly more towards the stylings of Very Fast Very Dangerous).

What's more, my assignment for Uni this week was to do a gig review. I tried to be objective, but there really was nothing wrong with the set besides the legnth (I think it worked out about half an hour shorter than their support slot with Billy Talent in October).

And Olly, I'm sorry, but I couldn't meet the band, so I couldn't get them to wish you well with your detox :(

I did get the DVD however, and it is quality. Very high quality at that.

So yeah....we all love Reuben, yes?

EDIT: Oh, and the band were so cool that when they saw people were pretty much dying because it was so bloody hot and sweaty in the Joiners they passed out THEIR OWN WATER from their own stock because the venue refused to give us any.

Edited by Dragsy 7-0
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Sounds cool, I'm not as much into Reuben as lots of the guys here, but they're a good band, and really mixed things up with their two albums. I also think I'm one of the few who prefers "Racecar is Racecar Backwards" to the second album.

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I also think I'm one of the few who prefers "Racecar is Racecar Backwards" to the second album.

I dunno who you see posting, but the only person I've ever seen try to pimp the 2nd above or even close to the 1st was Ollie. Other then him, nearly everyone on the board who likes Reuben seems to like the 1st album more, including myself.

The 2nd album was one of the bigger music let downs for me, as I expected a lot more (whilst not expecting much with the debut), and it was just really average.

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Saw them about 2 weeks ago and got the DVD. Met Jamie last year sometime aswell. Nice guy.

I've always perferred VFVD. Racecar has some quality tracks on it but I can't really listen to it all the way through in one listen but with VFVD, I can listen to in on a loop over and over again.

Edited by Turbonegro
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Hmm, I just think song by song, Racecar is miles above what VFVD has to offer. There isn't a song on that album that I'd list in my top 5 of thier songs, to be honest.

Admittedly, VFVD didn't get as much time as Racecar did in my CD player, as one grabbed me, the other didn't.

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I also think I'm one of the few who prefers "Racecar is Racecar Backwards" to the second album.

I dunno who you see posting, but the only person I've ever seen try to pimp the 2nd above or even close to the 1st was Ollie. Other then him, nearly everyone on the board who likes Reuben seems to like the 1st album more, including myself.

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