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Super Smash Brothers Brawl Rumor

Guest clintcasey

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Guest clintcasey

So, I would have posted this in the smash brother's brawl thread but then I realized that that thread has probably been burried now for well more than a year and sense searching "Super Smash Brothers" didn't turn up any hits on the boards search I decided to make a new thread for this.

Anyhow I heard something interesting today. It would seem that Square Enix is going to get at least 1 character (possibly more) in the next Super Smash Brothers game. As to who that character could be your guess is probably as good as mine, but there is one interesting tidbit of information. The Composer for Chrono Trigger has signed on to work on the new Smash Brothers game. Which means come release day we could very well be seeing this guy.


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... it's going to be Sora, possibly Crono packed in with him. If you look at the soundtrack page, both the composer for KH and CT are involved-- couple this with the fact that Mario is making an appearance, with a keyblade, in the next KH game, and the fact that the game's going to be on the Wii, all but confirms that Sora will be onboard.

Which would be, as we say, fucking epic.

EDIT: Though, admittedly? Frog would be pretty epic too.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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Well, admittedly, it COULD be fake in that it was reported in EGM's April magazine that there would be a "Mushroom Kingdom Hearts" game.

On that same notion, it might not be. They've yet to confirm that it WAS a joke. Disheartening, pardon the pun, if it turns out to be a joke... but otherwise? That's gonna be fun.

All we really have is idle speculation. Personally? I won't be surprised if Sora makes it in. I will be if Crono does, but it'll be a pleasant surprise. It's just, Sora seems alot more likely.


EGM has confirmed in their March 26, 2007 podcast that the article was in fact the year's April Fool's joke, commenting on how the Mario design was a photoshopped image of the Super Mario Sunshine artwork.

Fuck me with a rake, I hate how much this game is getting me worked up over it. God damn SSBB, it's going to ruin my life when it comes out.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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Guest clintcasey

Wait..when did they announce Kingdom Hearts 3 for the Wii? I thought they weren't making any announcements till late Summer?

If I recall correctly, EGM announced it.

In the April issue.

As an April Fool's Joke.

And just because the composer from Chrono Trigger has signed on for the game, it doesn't really mean anything. All it means is that the composer of Chrono Trigger is doing music for Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Anything beyond that is wild speculation and conjecture. And besides, everyone knows Square likes to pretend Chrono Trigger never existed. :shifty:

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