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The Hamster's little excitable PSP thread...

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They ARE loved by millions. The only games in both respective series that haven't cracked a million are Jak X Racing (which is a spin off anyways), Ratchet: Deadlocked (arguably almost a spin off) and Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters (which is on its way anyways).

Daxter itself has sold over 2 million copies alone in the US.

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Ok then. Just because there owned by millions of people doesn't mean their loved by millions of people.

I feel too strongly about this. I have no problem with other sort of similar games, like Crash or Rayman.

I don't really even know what it is about them I don't like.

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So because you have an irrational problem, that you can't even explain why, with electronic entertainment that precludes other people who obviously paid money from enjoying them?

That's just units sold officially counted by Sony. That's not considering the used game market or just households with multiple people who enjoy games. Nor is it taking into consideration that people make borrow from friends and/or just rent. Hell, even those who pirate things.

Why on earth would you "feel too strongly" about such a thing anyways? They're games. YOU don't like them, tonnes of others do. I really don't see why you have an issue with that.

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Good point about renting and stuff.

By feel too strongly I mean actually dislike it enough to say how much I dislike it. There are plenty of games I don't like. But I just bypass any conversation about them. These games I just dislike enough to talk about it, even though it is a irrational dislike.

I can't really see that this discussion is actually going to go anywhere, so unless you can think of something to say that will make me like the games (I can't think of anything to make you dislike them) this should probably be where it ends since its just going back and forth.

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It was you who decided to rail road it into said direction, to which you have brought nothing up to back your previous apparent stance that no one else should like the games (and it's a seeming impossibility to you anyways) due to an unjustified and unsubstantiated loathing of.... video games.

Unless Ratchet raped your dog and your illegitimate father happens to be Jak, I see not what the issue is or why you brought it up with such animosity and vigour in the first place.

Lots of people love them, you don't. End of story really.

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I admit to not having justification of why I don't like them. But I never said that no one should like them. I said that I didn't understand how they were seen as such a good game. I also don't understand how people can read DC comics and listen to Soulja Boy, but I'm not saying people shouldn't read, play, listen to them. I just can't see how they can enjoy it.

I have a loathing of video games? Although stating I enjoy playing Crash and Rayman? Even without saying that I cannot see how disliking Jak & Daxter translates to a loathing of video games.

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Ratchet & Clank along with Jak & Daxter are video games. You loathe them. Check up on your reading comprehension. Did I say you loathe all video games? No.

You're now mincing my words in an effort to make some sort of issue out of nothing.

I made two brief references to the series in my post about what we own (even going so far as to say Size Matters wasn't even that good). You said you dislike the games and don't see why people enjoy them since they bore you to tears. I asked why they bore you to tears, and stated why I liked them along with stating millions of people love them. Which is true. You come firing back seemingly offended by that at which I brought up sales data (do you perhaps have a seemingly better way to judge how well games are liked? even looking at aggregate rating sites they do extremely well)....

See it's a matter of I made reference to them, you loathe them. Why exactly are you causing a problem where there needs not be one just because of your own self affirmed irrational dislike or a... video game?

They're video games. Drop the fucking subject, as I am doing now since this is pointless.

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I was not trying to mince your words I mistook what you said.

The main reason I posted was to ask about FFVII, I just stuck it in on the end of my post. I was not offended when you mentioned sales data, in fact I only begun to get aggravated with your post yesterday about Sony official sales. As it was going on too long, which is why in my next post I asked to end it. To which you replied the only possible reason I could dislike Jak & Daxter is (and I quote) "Ratchet raped your dog and your illegitimate father happens to be Jak"

I tried to stop a few posts ago but YOU chose to carry on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two pleasing PSP nuggets....

First of all there are rumours from the developing studio that Little Big Planet may well be finding it's way onto PSP. Tasty.

Kinda better though is that BUZZ! is definitely coming to the PSP (it's already been developed etc) with an enhanced single player mode (of course) but some decent online multiplayer modes....And best of all two very tasty sounding modes - firstly Quiz Master where it turns the console into a question cue card for the holder to ask a question off it's screen to an opponent, score the answer and then pass it over to answer questions of their own.

Best of all is the Pass Around option which is perfect for car and train journeys and lazy afternoons in the park..Or parties at home. It's kinda like Buzz - Bop It edition. The PSP is passed around with players in turn answering questions and in some rounds choosing who to pass the PSP to in order to screw the other players. Up to 6 players will be able to play that mode which seems really really cool and I'll definitely be getting it, along with Buzz on the PS3 which is probably one of the biggest releases these days on ANY console (which is an interesting statement on the state of console gaming). Edge magazine have done an interesting article on it singing it's praises and thankfully it's far better than Millionaire, Telly Addicts and all the other quiz tat on handheld consoles...

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