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So....I finished Grenadier.....and I'm glad. The series is just so....average.

Young, skilled, attractive main character? Check.

Bad guys have a deep, dark history with the main characters? Check (one and a half years, what the fuck?)

Main characters know too much for their own good? Check.

Big chested women? Check and check.

I really didn't care for the series, I was expecting more and was disapointed. It was more or less the same thing episode in and episode out. Too fucking cheesy. Also, the last 10 mins, if someone came in and watched they would think it was a yuri or yoai hentai. But alas, I am done, and time to move on.

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Both are awesome.

Just be sure that you don't get confused by the 'first' episode of Haruhi. Partially because it's a magical girl parody that the characters made themselves and not what the rest of the series is like, and partially because, well, it's not really the 'first' episode at all. I think it's actually episode 10.

Perplexed? Just wait and see... :shifty:

Edited by stokeriño
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Put it this way: in the preview at the end of every episode, Haruhi will say "Next time on The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - episode 7!" and Kyon will correct her, saying "No, it's episode 4."

Kyon's number is the order in which the episodes are broadcast. Haruhi's number is the true chronological order of the episodes.

You may not think so, but it actually works brilliantly. The series finale is actually the 6th chronological episode, while the 'real' final episode (14) is a piece of filler lodged in the middle somewhere.

Prepare for vague references to shit that has already happened but you haven't seen yet. AND for a two-part murder mystery episode to have something else randomly jammed in the middle.

(Don't worry, it's not as confusing as it sounds)

Edited by stokeriño
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...should I watch Evangelion before Haruhi now?

Yes, but only cause it's better.

Not that I don't love Haruhi to death or anything, but still. Although the way the English DVDs of it not only remove the Haruhi/Kyon banter between the episodes, but actually lists them in chronological order thus defeating the ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE SHOW still... still makes me want to hurt people. Multiple people.

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There's not really any reason to watch Evangelion before Haruhi or anything else. I just found that the part of the final Haruhi episode which started getting all orchestral and "end-of-the-world-ish" reminded me of EVA in some way.

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