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Deal or No Deal


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I've become addicted to the UK version of Deal recently. The top prize is £250k (around half a million dollars), there's only been one winner just over a year ago. The guy on today was a bit of a dickhead so i'm glad he only got £3000.

How does the American show work? There's 3 $1m's on the board?? Over here there's only one of each amount.

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I've become addicted to the UK version of Deal recently. The top prize is £250k (around half a million dollars), there's only been one winner just over a year ago. The guy on today was a bit of a dickhead so i'm glad he only got £3000.

How does the American show work? There's 3 $1m's on the board?? Over here there's only one of each amount.

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When it first came on I liked it. Now it's ridiculous. And what's more, my mum and dad are addicted to it. They can't bear to miss an episode. It's exactly the same thing every episode! And they usually end up going one round too many, and generally just play the odds awfully, and end up profiting from it. Frustrating I say.

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I've seen the US version with the cases and it doesn't seem to have the charm of the UK version - first round you take out five, then you get an offer, then you take out three more before the next offer, then another three, another three, then another three, another three then you're left with the chosen box and one other...That way to call No Deal means you have to wait three boxes before your next offer.

I generally desire players to do ok until they go past the point at which I would mathematically and odds-wise would deal then I wish them ill and defeat (like the £3000 guy today who turned down £21,000 like a greedy fool).

It's all luck though so I get annoyed when people talk about "systems" and lucky numbers.

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Two more things that annoy me:

When the crowd chants "BLUE! BLUE! BLUE!" as if it's gonna make any difference. And contestants who encourage it are even worse. And then the ones who lose all the red boxes so they're like "I REALLY WANNA JOIN THE 1P CLUB NOW!" and jump around screaming really happily when they've got it at the end. Actually I think that was only once, but she was a cunt to be fair.

And when the people on the wings are like "I've got a bad feeling about this box, I wouldn't go for it", and it's like £1 or something. And the people who believe them are even worse, aargh

I actually can't watch it without getting pissed off at it. But with all that said, it got Noel Edmonds back on my TV so it can be as shit as it wants.

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Don't get me started on Deal Or No Deal. It was interesting when it started, but now it's just turned into some kind of hippie love-fest, with people thinking that "positive thinking" can influence what's in a box. As Pesci says, it's not gonna make any difference. People having good feelings, bad feelings, happy thoughts, bringing in good luck charms, telling horribly boring stories about why such and such a number is important to them, how their dad died 3 years ago and now they avoid the number 18 for whatever completely unconnected-to-the-show reason. WE DON'T CARE! I don't watch it often, but when I do I'll inevitably end up wanting the person to lose horribly because they're either a total chav, a total knobend, really boring, really thick or just plain pisses me off.

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When it was new I used to watch it more or less everyday. Then the concept got a little old and I got a real job, so it was no longer an option. When I see it now, it seems like they're now encouraging the sob stories. "I need the money for this...my son wants to go to...my Mum can't live unless..." which I hate. Even when watching an old Supermarket Sweep on Challenge on the weekend, everyone wants to tell us either a sob story or a zaney tale from their lives, it is quite simply the most innane, pointless part of any show and a further reason why the general public should be heavily screened before going on TV.

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I like the show, but it's kind-of annoying to watch. They draw things out for far too long. The episode the other night with the 10 million-dollar cases lasted an hour and a half. That's the thing I hate about game shows, they talk too long. I hate it when the person has to go through their entire thought process out loud before they make a decision. Just make the decision, we don't need to know EXACTLY what is going on in your mind.

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