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Kimbo Slice vs. Tank Abbott


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Silva has some satellite dish ears.

Nice commentary by Goldberg. "When it comes to the ground, Ricco is at the top...top....top whatever when he's in shape."

EDIT: I can't wait for this, I hope they knock the fuck out of each other.

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How can you say the guy isn't really a monster?

Sure Tank isn't credible anymore, he's not on top form obviously. I mean every one of his fights in I don't know how long haven't gotten out of round one.

I don't think it proves Kimbo is a supreme MMA fighter, but I think it shows that someone who obviously has immense physical talent can funnel it into success.

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How can you say the guy isn't really a monster?

Sure Tank isn't credible anymore, he's not on top form obviously. I mean every one of his fights in I don't know how long haven't gotten out of round one.

I don't think it proves Kimbo is a supreme MMA fighter, but I think it shows that someone who obviously has immense physical talent can funnel it into success.

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But Kimbo also isn't making the mistake of fighting top level competitors right off the bat like Lesnar. Lesnar also didn't get 'clobbered' he was handling himself and if he had more experince under his belt he would have saw that hold coming a mile away.

Abbot was the perfect the matchup for Kimbo even if he isn't what he used to be in MMA he's still a threat, but he's no Frank Mir.

Don't get me wrong. I know Kimbo is unexperienced, and I know Tank Abbot isn't a big challenge compared to alot of other names, or even compared to what he was billed as. It doesn't prove that Kimbo is ontop of the MMA world, he's just a capable fighter.

Edited by rocksta
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In the preshow Tank said he isn't what he used to be. But he still benches 600 pounds..so I don't care if your in shape or not..you have to be packing some fucking power to bench 600.

Benching 600 pounds really has nothing to do with fighting. At all.

When Kimbo gets with someone who actually knows how to fight MMA he will get clobbered like Brock Lesnar.

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He didn't get beat easily either, He had Mir hurt but got himself caught, that could happen to any fighter(See Anderson Silva get tapped out by a flying scissors heel hook). It wasn't easy for Mir, ask his forehead if the fight was easy

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That was great. I cant wait until Kimbo's matched up with another great brawler, to see how good of a punch he could take. I've got a feeling that Kimbo ain't going down anytime soon by KO. A submission might be the only way to do it, because Slice will punch the shit out of you whether your mounted, mounting or standing.

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Kimbo is never getting KO'd in his MMA career. He took bare hand punches in previous fights shown online and he never even got knocked down. Yeah, he may get knocked down in MMA, but not knocked out. Only way I can see him losing if someone who has strength like a Brock Lesnar who can take him to the mat, but then submit him and not ground pound him.

Honestly, right from the start I thought Tank had an outside chance even though I knew Kimbo was winning from the beginning. Right when Tank pinned Kimbo against the cage I was surprised, but Slice had so much confidence.

Tank was a great opponent for him. I don't know who is next, but I really think he is the real deal in MMA. More of a big deal then Brock for sure.

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