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New sigs...you know the drill

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^ I really can't read the text on this one.

They are all very busy / scratchy / grungy. I prefer it when you do other styles. These images would give me a headache after a while.

For example, the picture of Orton kicking Triple H in the head is not needed, it just makes the image busier. The fact that there's another picture of Orton hiding the kick, just makes it confusing, in a "Why is there a random pair of legs in an Orton sig?" kind of way.

The other thing I would say is that I don't like the random contrast / brightness changes that you can see on Quinton's (?) body. Why are they there? If it's just random stocks over the top, I don't like it.


There are things I do like about them as well, like how in the second image the background is clearly defined as the band looking at themselves, with the foreground picture being presented as the focus very well, both by the outline on the cut and also the subtle suggestion of where you should be looking because of the background girls looking at the foreground cut as well.

But yeah, none of them are awful or anything. It's the style of them as much as anything that I dislike looking at, and what's one mans junk is another mans treasure - so I'm probably not the best person to critique this type of image.


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thanks man I appreciate the critique, best way to learn. I see what you are talking bout on the orton sig. got a bit carried away there lol. I admit the kittie text is really hard to read now that I look at it. I couldn't find the official font(thought I had it on my system lol) so I chose to use the logo from one of the pics.

Thanks again man now I know what to work on . appreciate it

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