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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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Hey Basha remember during that same period when Montreal fucking sucked so hard that you were only filled your arena at around 92% capacity. And remember when the Leafs suck our capacity is still filled out over 100%.

Maybe that is why the Leafs need their own thread.

2001 by Percent

2004 - Jesus you made the playoffs this year

2008 - 103% in a shitty year? Yep, that's Toronto

Edited by Clawson
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It doesn't work when they have won recently enough to remember a Stanley Cup parade. EDIT: I mean any Leafs vs. Habs shit... Leaf fans will always lose in any category by default.

The last time the Leafs won anything was before color was introduced to the World.

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The majority of Habs fans that will post on the internet won't remember 93. Hell, I'm sure me and Basha remember our team winning the same amount of Stanley Cups.

And the fact that they've won a Cup in the past 20 years mean they should be selling out every game but it just happens to be something they only do when the team is in the top four in the conference. They made the playoffs in 02 but still didn't manage to fill the Bell Centre to 100% capacity. It's pretty pathetic.

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And is this entire season going to be you Leafers thinking about the "good times"? That 5 year or so span in the mid to late 90's where you guys didn't suck? I know this year is going to be hard for you. But make your own thread. Make a Leafs Nation Appreciation Thread or maybe a failure of a franchise AA thread, whatever you need.

Fuck off.

Go start your own Montreal thread where you can jack yourself off.

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The majority of Habs fans that will post on the internet won't remember 93. Hell, I'm sure me and Basha remember our team winning the same amount of Stanley Cups.

And the fact that they've won a Cup in the past 20 years mean they should be selling out every game but it just happens to be something they only do when the team is in the top four in the conference. They made the playoffs in 02 but still didn't manage to fill the Bell Centre to 100% capacity. It's pretty pathetic.

Just to clarify, I was talking Leaf vs. Hab specific. General anti-Habness I'm all for.

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So if all goes well I'm hoping to come out to Montreal around mid-April to catch the Habs in their first set of play off matches. I just need to try and raise the money as quickly as possible and set it aside so it's all sorted for.

Will be good fun if it works out. Especially to see the Habs. I've been to see the Thrashers and it was good, but nothing will compare to the atmosphere at a Habs game in the play offs, in their centenary year. The fact it'll be so wild is probably the main reason keeping me wanting to come to Montreal in 10 months time.

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If I was going to go watch a Leafs vs. Habs game, my money would be going to seeing the game in Montreal.

The atmosphere is just so much better there, even from the Leafs fans. Its similar with games against Ottawa, where you can hear the Leafs fans start chanting and then the home fans try to drown them out with there own cheers. I love that.

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Let us have some more fun with the Habs and Leafs since 1993.

Conference Finals Appearances

Leafs: 3

Habs: 0

Playoff Appearances

Leafs: 9

Habs: 8

Playoff Series Wins

Leafs: 9

Habs: 4

Longest Non-Playoff Streak

Leafs: 3

Habs: 3

Total Points in Regular Season

Leafs: 1217

Habs: 1165

Division Championships

Leafs: 1

Habs: 1

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Not directly related to post above, because I agree, the atmosphere is awesome.

Leaf crowds get way too much shit. The lawyers in the front aren't that much of a buzzkill, the hardcore fans always level it out. Sure, if there is no action or were losing there can be lulls, but even with the place packed with the suits, it's still a rocking crowd when the game is hot.

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I played NHL 05 the other day, and realized that Toronto was fucking stacked going into that season if the lockout hadn't happened. Made me sad.

I am going to laugh when the players we have play out of their skin and get Toronto into the playoffs or something stupid like that. That would be both awesome and painful.

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I seem to have touched a nerve with Clawson and Be.

To be honest, The whole cup thing is just fun because man has since conquered the moon, but Montreal's not doing too much better...

Then again...

Montreal finished last season... what? #1 in the East? Toronto finished? 12th or 13th? I can't really see that far down the standings when I'm cheering for a first place team.

Fine they choked against Philly, what? Price sucked? Whatever, the point is, Montreal is hoping to enter a period of general success, Toronto is going through a period of mis-management and rebuilding(sounds an awful lot like the Habs from about 1996-2004).

The point right now is that Toronto has a terrible team that can't win and Montreal has a fantastic young core of players that can only get better. I'm going to venture a guess and say that in 2008-2009 Montreal > Toronto, big time. And you can throw all the since 1993 stats at me and all the blind faith that the Leafs have so they keep filling the ACC, which will never ever compare the atmosphere at the Bell Center, even if it's only filled to 93% capacity.

So keep on throwing out your attendance and record stats since '93, have fun, because I'm going to watch a team win this season, you're going to hope that they don't do something stupid like trade the rights to Schenn.

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Anybody know where I can find acquire some of the older Don Cherry Rock 'Em, Sock 'Ems? I had a few on VHS, I think I had 6 and 7 or something, from the mid 90's. Those were so much fun to watch back in the day. They'd make a nice hour long time killer/nostalgia trip.

"Rick Tabaracci! ...Tabaracci again!"

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When he was on OTR this season on Next Question, Landsberg talked about playing the Rangers next season and asked him if he'd challenge Avery to scrap.

Dan is just like "uh, sure?" And Landsberg finishes it off with "then the challenge is set!"

Fucking Michael Landsberg calling out Sean Avery on the behalf of Dan Carcillo. Now they'll be seeing a lot of each other next year anyways.

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