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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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I am getting pretty psyched for the trade deadline for the Leafs. Should be entertaining. I hope we come out of it with at least 2 first round draft picks in tow.

Same. Being in full rebuild mode, the trade deadline is like our post season.

It's going to be weird. The off season will be more intriguing than the regular season, trade deadline day and draft day are more important than any game or stretch of games the Leafs will play. And who knows how many years this will go on for. I'm all for rebuilding and this should continue by any and all means necessary, but I'm getting antsy half way through year one, in a couple years my playoff sack will be the size of the dog's from Van Wilder. I'll get over it, I'm definitely not used to this.

It's going to be the hockey equivalent to cabin fever. Cellar fever.

Whatever, Luke Schenn is still proving he is awesome and will continue to grow into his awesomeness to become one of the league's premier awesome d-men one day.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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I would like them to just focus on drafting forwards this year. The Leafs have no one who has finish around the goal. In the game last night, we had a good cycle going and great puck control in the Flyers zone at times, but we lack someone who can get into those open areas and just pick a corner. The Flyers did, and that is why they won.

I guess Jeremy Williams fits the mold of what I am saying. He is not the best skater or even the best shooter, but he finds open space and has a quick release.

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Agreed. It gets really annoying when Hagman and Garbo cycle the puck beautifully, only to have it end up being on fanned, shot wide, or shot right at the goalie's chest.

THIS is where you need Darcy Tucker. Just stationed there in the crease, cashing the cheques. I really think that's a role Jason Blake could thrive in. He can often get in front undetected, he has got a quick release, but he just doesn't think before he shoots, he is always looking at the puck instead of where he wants to put it. He's doing too much for the type of player he is. If Jason Blake could calm down, take the Darcy Tucker role of finish sequences and being the garbage man, I think a Blake-Garbo-Hagman line could entertaining and help you put points in the board. Now, I have no faith in Jason Blake relaxing the fuck out anytime soon and he's looking better now than he ever did last year, so why fuck with him now? Just random thoughts.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Last nights game was wildly exciting. two of the fastest teams and two of the most talented teams in the East. I like how being able to contain Ovechkin last night meant he only got 8 shots on net(8 more were blocked and 2 missed the net... that's 18 tries!!!).

Montreal, compared to last year is killing it, if only the Bruins would peak already and pull an Ottawa kthxbye!

But really, those Bruins are amazing this year. Tuesday should be a pretty amazing game, but with Halak in nets, I'm betting that we lose like 7-3.

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Agreed. It gets really annoying when Hagman and Garbo cycle the puck beautifully, only to have it end up being on fanned, shot wide, or shot right at the goalie's chest.

THIS is where you need Darcy Tucker. Just stationed there in the crease, cashing the cheques. I really think that's a role Jason Blake could thrive in. He can often get in front undetected, he has got a quick release, but he just doesn't think before he shoots, he is always looking at the puck instead of where he wants to put it. He's doing too much for the type of player he is. If Jason Blake could calm down, take the Darcy Tucker role of finish sequences and being the garbage man, I think a Blake-Garbo-Hagman line could entertaining and help you put points in the board. Now, I have no faith in Jason Blake relaxing the fuck out anytime soon and he's looking better now than he ever did last year, so why fuck with him now? Just random thoughts.

When the Leafs signed him, that is what I thought Blake was going to do. Crash the crease and score those dirty goals. That is how he scored 40, isn't it?

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I thought Jason Blake scored with the Islanders because there was nobody else to it for them. I mean, somebody has to score your goals.

Honestly, I never paid any attention to Jason Blake until the Leafs signed him. Then I was like "wait, Jason Blake scored 40 goals last season?" What journey it has been since then.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Man, I stop paying attention to the Kitchener Rangers for one week and they trade away their captain, their starting goalie, and a top-line winger.

I'm thrilled; it's not like we were going to make the playoffs this year and the draft picks we got replace the ones we used to almost win the Mem Cup last year.

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Considering their financial problems, does anyone see the Coyotes selling off their more expensive players? I assume some teams would be more then willing to get Ed Jovanovski or Shane Doan.

In fact, I think Shane Doan would be a perfect fit on the Senators. They are missing a player like Doan.

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Considering their financial problems, does anyone see the Coyotes selling off their more expensive players? I assume some teams would be more then willing to get Ed Jovanovski or Shane Doan.

In fact, I think Shane Doan would be a perfect fit on the Senators. They are missing a player like Doan.

Anything is possible for the Coyotes right now I'd say. It'd be a shame to see them get rid of what top dollar guys they have when it's possible they'd make the playoffs this year. The fact is if a team can't support high(er) salary players then the team just shouldn't exist. How can an organization like that expect to make money and still be competitive? Maybe if the cap goes down a heap it would even the playing field I suppose.

I know Bettman is horny over getting hockey popular in some of these lousy U.S. markets...but sometimes maybe it's best to admit your wrong and cut your losses. Honestly the NHL may be better off with less teams anyways. Too many franchises are walking right along the red line.

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The thing about the Coyotes is that for the most part, the guys making the most money are the ones making things happen. Doan, Jokinen, Jovanovski, are all having very good years. The only high priced player who is struggling at the moment is Derek Morris, and I could see him getting moved, but everyone else is a key kog to the rejuvenated Coyotes offense. Their problem is more on the backend and the back side of their forward core. If you look at the Coyotes stat wise, there are far too many minus players. That might not be so much a personel problem as it is a philosophy problem, but hey, exciting hockey, with lots of rushes and goals, sells the game, sometimes more than winning and losing. If I were them I wouldn't trade anyone, and if they could afford it, I'd actually be a buyer at the deadline.

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I know people always want to add that extra piece to get them over the edge, but when your team is on such a roll like Montreal has been all year, I don't see why you would mess with that. Sending 2 or 3 guys from your team away would alter the chemistry so much. If they could add one person without having to lose a bunch of their current players, I would be all for it. Right now, Lecavalier would be too expensive.

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Montreal would be stupid to add Lecavalier if Bob McKenzie's report was correct.

Tampa Bay, though, is stupid for waiting to see what Vinny wants to do. Plekanec, Higgins, Gorges and Subban? PLUS a slew of draft picks, including at least two first rounders? Jesus H. Christ... if my team is performing so far below expectations and an offer like that comes along, I pull the trigger faster than Donovan Bailey.

Let's see... you're losing your top player, which is a downside. The fans all love him too... BUT, you're getting Plekanec (a first or second line player), Higgins (a second or third line player), Josh Gorges (a 3/4 Defenseman) and PK motherfucking Subban, who is going to light it up next season on the Powerplay, either in Montreal or Tampa. Might as well be in Tampa.

With a return like that, I have absolutely no idea why any actual hockey fan in Tampa Bay would be angry about losing Vincent Lecavalier. That's the kind of trade that, if done early enough here, could help propel Tampa into a war for a playoff spot.

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