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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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Dominic Moore just about took his place in Rock Em Sock Em great goals infamy. He blocked a shot and broke his stick in the process, but broke out down the ice kicking the puck with him before kicking it over to Blake with a big chance.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Various thoughts:

Considering it's the first game I've been to at the ACC since roughly 2002, it was a great choice

Sundin was obviously the story of the night. Booed more than cheered during the warmup, reaction was I'm going to guess about 80/20 for cheers when he was announced as a starter (I was inexplicably sitting among a lot of Canucks fans so I could be wrong).

During the first TV timeout they showed a couple clips from the early 2000s run, that was what set off the standing ovation you saw when the TV came back.

After that Sundin was booed every time he touched the puck, until the shootout.

Roughly a 50/50 split as Sundin was shooting, just cheers after he scored, just cheers when he was named as first star.

Way too many Vancouver fans. Montreal would never let so many away fans into their building.

Leafs TV pregame panel doesn't look nearly as low-rent in person.

Dominic Moore...fuck him. The soccer breakaway was awesome (my reaction: somebody lost a stick! no time to figure that out, there's a breakaway! it's the same guy!")...but aside from him, we had one penalty all game (not counting the offsetting minors at the beginning).

Boyd Devereaux...underrated, and gets more out of less talent than any NHLer ever.

Matt Stajan...surround him with a couple solid wingers and you'd have a playoff-ready first line.

Luke Schenn...disappointing.

Guy who did pre-pregame call-in show on AM640...oddly hilarious, but doesn't seem like something you'd expect to find in Toronto. Andy Frost is awesome, though.

Guy sitting behind me...asshole who wouldn't shut up and had an annoying voice. (One good line: "Brad May is just a poor man's Garry Valk.")

And it's a good thing that shootout ended how it did...had it not gone to Sundin, it would have because Kyle Wellwood scored the winner.

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I like how earlier in the year so many people were in a panic (not here specifically) about how we were so stupid to let Wellwood go. Yet last night he showed exactly why we let him go...he was a total nonfactor, and practically invisible on the ice.

As much as I love Dominic Moore (I was laughing when he started kicking the puck up the ice, some nice hustle by Blake too) he seems to be taking a lot of bad penalties lately. I think it was during one of his penalties that they showed Burke up in his box cursing and swearing LOL.

Boyd Deveraux played a pretty solid game last night IMO. He'd be a good fit in the bottom six pretty easily if we needed a spot to fill. Who was scratched last night anyways? Kulemin?

Stajan is really coming into his own this season. He'll make a good top six center, which means we can hopefully throw Grabovski onto the left wing at some point. His face offs atrocious.

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I know a lot of people are saying Luke has been disappointing lately, but the way I see it, the season is a bust anyways and I like that he is taking advantage of his playing time to workout in the offensive zone. I'm not as blind to say his deep pinching hasn't caused more than a few game changing turnovers, but again, take advantage of the situation and start to develop an offensive presence now instead of a year or two down the road when the expectations are higher.

The Leafs desperately need a sniper. They have some good hustle guys and some pretty good puck handlers, their playmaking has been surprising this season, but they lack the clutchness of a big shot on offense. If Poni could get his ass into position for a change, we could make good on his killer snap more. It's like he's just pretending to know what he is doing out there. Story of Poni's entire Leaf career, so much potential in that loaded shot, but not much else. At least he has been somewhat of a consistent physical presence this season. And he's got enough points that we should be able to package him and get something in return. And I swear to God Alexei, if you go to another team and score 30 goals, you'll make me cry.

Devereaux was a refreshing addition to the line up. I missed him against the Blue Jackets, but he was certainly hustling last night. He's a better than defensive forward than most guys on the roster.

I don't know where I stand with Kulemin. I think I see some 2nd line potential for this guy. He's a strong skater with sick hands, he's a got a big frame and is showing he can throw the body. His game is littered with holes, as expected, the kid is a stone cold NHL rook. He doesn't seem that smart and that's one thing you can tell about a young player even in his rookie season, how much of a sense of awareness they show on the ice. Kulemin plays with Grabovski and for as undisciplined as Garbo can be, you can tell he knows his way around the ice. You got Kulemin out there who tries to compliment his linemate playing in a similar fashion, and he just doesn't have the same sense that Garbo has. This leads to plently of fuck ups. Some NHL experience was probably key in the development of Kulemin, but I think that Boyd would have been a much more comfortable and worthwhile winger for the Leafs this year. Kulemin should have got his NHL quota, then built on it down with the Marlies for the majority of the season.

On the complete flipside of Kulemin, John Mitchell. This kid is showing he has the hockey sense to play in the league and he is making the most out of playing with Mayers and May on a nightly basis. Mitchell lacks the a shot and stickhandling. He can get into the zone nicely and he just freezes. Again, he's still fairly young and inexperienced, but it's just shame you can't take Mitchell's intelligence and Kulemin's skill to create something ridiculous. MLSE should put the condos on hold and put their money into something that could make that happen.

Aside from the boos when Mats touched the puck and even though it stung in the end, it was a terrific night. Good game, good drama, fitting result. I don't know if non-Leafs fans understand just how much it means to see Mats shed tears. Nothing in his 13 seasons in Toronto would have made me anticipate Mats letting his emotions get the better of him last night. I hope all the Sundin drama is over for good and I look forward to the night somewhere down the road when they honor the number 13 properly.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Guest Mr. Plow

I'm not complaining about Schenn, don't get me wrong. He's going to be the anchor of our defence and at least a Norris contender for the better part of the next decade. Just saying that I'd have liked him to put on a show the one time I'm in the crowd. :P

What would you guys think about Mike Cammalleri as a UFA pickup for the Leafs? Or Brian Gionta? I think those two and Stajan could make a strong top line (I'm not in the Sedin camp). Although I guess they'd work better as a second line with us going after a Havlat or Gaborik or someone to anchor the top unit.

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What would you guys think about Mike Cammalleri as a UFA pickup for the Leafs? Or Brian Gionta? I think those two and Stajan could make a strong top line (I'm not in the Sedin camp). Although I guess they'd work better as a second line with us going after a Havlat or Gaborik or someone to anchor the top unit.

I'd like to see Cammalleri get picked up as a UFA, assuming he's not asking for Iginla money like the rumors have been saying. We could use Cammalleri, Stajan, Moore, and Mayers or Mitchell in the center. That way we keep Grabovski away from face offs as much as possible...unless he improves a great deal.

The only issue is our lack of enough right handed centers. I think Mayers is the only one, and that's only if you use him to take the draw. This is also assuming these guys will still be around in the years to come.

Gaborik is too injury prone IMO. Especially considering he's going to likely want 6-8 million a season. That's a big cap hit for a guy that has a history of health issues.

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I know weren't complaining, brother. I'm not trying to come off preachy, just addressing the general issue, yo.

The closest the Sedin's come to the Leafs was hopefully last night. I do not want them and I'm sick of the "90 POINTS BETWEEN THEM!" argument. I don't care.

You could have Stajan and let's say Cammalleri signed as his left wing, are you comfortable with Lee Stempniak being a top line right winger? Without Cammalleri, you'd still have Blake and Hagman as features on left wing. It doesn't look like either of those guys are going anywhere. With no Nik after this season, I'd like it best if they could find a nice right wing to add to the line up. Either that or just plain give up on Stajan and look for somebody fresh to man to the top line. And that would be hard to stomach for me. Stajan is my favorite Leaf from this non-playoff era. Cammalleri is an experienced center as well, no? I think what the Leafs need more than anything for next is a motivated right winger with a big shot, a young vet type with an enough upside that they could hook him to a nice contract and keep him here. Unless they are hoping Stempniak has a more prosperous season next year. His contract is only through 09/10, right?

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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I doubt they'll think of moving Stajan anywhere but center if he is still needed in Toronto next season. Especially if Moore isn't around.

Speaking of Moore, is there really going to be a hot market for this guy? If he stays past the deadline and you can keep him for a reasonable price, why not? He won't get this much ice time anywhere else and he's got chemistry with our ball n' chain. The two of them have clicked with Jeremy Williams, it's not like they can't afford to take the chance. If you can keep him the realistic range of around six mil for the next 3 years, he could be a valuable guy for that period.

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I think, if you're Brian Burke, you need to examine the whole roster and decide who fits into the team getting better. Grabovski, Kulemin, Moore, Blake and Mitchell should be untouchable, barring any kind of ridiculous offer.

Schenn, Kaberle or Kubina, and Ian White... should also be viewed under the same circumstances.

I've been very hard on Jason Blake, but he's responded well to the criticism and has seemingly found his game again. He's not trying as hard to be a pure goal scorer anymore, and he's been very productive.

Those eight guys though, (9 if they keep Kaberle AND Kubina) are a very good base to build around.

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You think that a 28-year-old journeyman with limited skills who just had his career-defining play should be untouchable?

Dominic Moore is a leader, who has developed into a very good role with the Toronto Maple Leafs. He should be wearing a letter next season if he sticks around. His offensive skills have been improving over the course of this season, and his play with Jason Blake has been outstanding.

If for no other reason, you have to keep him around to keep Blake producing. Jason Blake has a damn near unmoveable contract, and up until he started playing with Moore, was a complete waste of cap space. Since he started playing with Dominic though, he's been one of the hottest players in the league.

Unless a ridiculous offer comes in that would see Moore being shipped out, it just makes more sense to keep him. Not only is he one of the better performing Leafs this season, but he's managed to get productivity out of Jason Blake. Losing him could be far more damaging than helpful.

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He should be kept around for his leadership and heart, somebody to lead example by. He's reliable and productive center with Blake, but I think he should be offered a contract that would go with the fact he could drop to the third or at the worst of times, forth line.

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He should be kept around for his leadership and heart, somebody to lead example by. He's reliable and productive center with Blake, but I think he should be offered a contract that would go with the fact he could drop to the third or at the worst of times, forth line.

Oh, definitely. He shouldn't be paid like a first or second line player. I'd put a cap on it at $2 million. Anything more than that makes him expendable, and I'd lean more towards $1.5 if possible.

But for what he brings to the team, and his ability to keep Jason Blake productive, the argument to keep him around makes far more sense than getting rid of him to stock up on draft picks... especially when a trade involving Moore is likely to bring back a 6th or 7th round pick, and MAYBE a minor leaguer that a team has given up on.

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