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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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It'll be interesting seeing the second best goalie in the SEL coming over here. Maybe if he makes it, Stefan Liv will get a second look?

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Oh wow what an amazing game last night. Obviously I wanted Montreal to win but Recchi is always a winner with me. Lucic showed tons of "courage" with laraque not playing but I suppose that is to be expected. A habs bruins series would be very interesting if all the games were like last night. Of course the habs would be the huge underdog but 3 times in the last 9 years Montreal was either 7th or 8th and they slapped the bruins. Same thing last year when boston pushed Montreal to 7.

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Oh wow what an amazing game last night. Obviously I wanted Montreal to win but Recchi is always a winner with me. Lucic showed tons of "courage" with laraque not playing but I suppose that is to be expected. A habs bruins series would be very interesting if all the games were like last night. Of course the habs would be the huge underdog but 3 times in the last 9 years Montreal was either 7th or 8th and they slapped the bruins. Same thing last year when boston pushed Montreal to 7.

Anybody ever heard the one about the Habs fan who was gracious in victory?

No, me neither.

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A team shouldn't be asked to step up and play a whole line short... but that was the case tonight for the Flames, and they didn't step up. They didn't show any urgency, and definitely didn't deserve to win that game.

Deslauriers was awesome in net for the Oilers, and he's getting the start again tomorrow night. Hopefully the Flames actually realize how important the game is and show up.

A side note... David Moss signed a 3 year extension that TSN reported was worth $1.3 million per season. For a guy who scored 20 goals in his contract season, that's a pretty low price-tag. The guy loves being in Calgary, and it shows, both in his extension, and in the things he's done around the community. He's going to be a locker-room leader in a few years, and a class act. I'm glad he's sticking around.

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Wow be are you bitter tbatvi enjoyed a game that we lost? Sorry If I enjoy excellent hockey.

And gracious in what victory? Sorry if we spanked boston 3 times since 2000, they also pushed us all the way to 7 games after losing lime 12 in a row or wtb, what are you jealous that Montreal had 3 massive upsets against the bruins?

You're just trolling again, I liked you better when you ignored me atleast then I didn't have to deal with your non sensical and often idiotic remarks that weren't based on hockey but on your utter dislike of me

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Oh, Basha.

Also, oh, Gabriel. Getting ready to get used to that new name you'll be getting?

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Oh, Basha.

Also, oh, Gabriel. Getting ready to get used to that new name you'll be getting?

I'm okay with it.

You still have to beat Colorado tomorrow. The same Colorado who smoked you guys last week. If you lose tomorrow, and we win, it will be you, my friend...sporting a new do.

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All we need is a single point. And for you guys to draw, you have to beat Edmonton... the same Edmonton who smoked you tonight.

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All we need is a single point. And for you guys to draw, you have to beat Edmonton... the same Edmonton who smoked you tonight.

You mean, the Edmonton who smoked a severely shorthanded team tonight?

I don't think tomorrow will be much of a problem... playing at home, against Edmonton, the night after an effort like this. If they don't come out guns blazing tomorrow night, Mike Keenan will kill someone, and we will be further handicapped.

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Yeah, weren't Calgary only playing with fifteen skaters last night? I'd say that might have a little something to do with them getting curb stomped.

Also, I know this is a few days late...but kudos to Mathieu Schneider for actually coming back and playing. Was the shoulder thing not actually that bad?

EDIT: Also, Johan Franzen signs a new 9-10 year deal with the Red Wings. No idea what the money is though.

Edited by Drifter_2000
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I'm not sure if I want to see a Boston or Washington series. Boston means there's the hope for an upset and excellent aswell as passionate hockey. Washington gives us Ovechkin... That more than enough really.

Honestly, I think that the only way Montreal makes it to the second round, is if Boston or Washington fold under the pressure. Boston is the more likely of the two to experience that, so I guess you should be hoping for a Pittsburgh win tonight.

It's looking good already. Malkin scores to get point 113 of the year, putting him 5 up of Ovechkin. 1-0 Penguins.

They've been great since the deadline, when Shero acquired the grit that the team needed.

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Montreal and Pittsburgh played awesome hockey for 50 minutes.... then Pittsburgh continued to play well and Scary Carey let in a weak goal for the 3-1 lead. It baffles me that on a 2 on 1 and a 2 on 0 he can go post to post, rob you and your mother blind making Jesus Price Superstar saves... then lets in a slapper with no traffic to obstruct his view from the boards on a bad angle...

Here's to hoping we get the Carey Price from before the All Star Break to do battle with the Bruins....

Speaking of, I see that series going one of 2 ways.

The first... and frankly more likely. Montreal comes out flat, goes down in 5.

The second... Montreal, specifically our new #1 line, Komisarek and Mad Max all play like they did 2 games ago and we have a thrilling 6 or 7 game series that goes down to the wire.... I mean... Price has won a playoff series... that's one more than Thomas... that's gotta count for something haha.

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So the Leafs draft seventh overall, probably too late to pick up Schenn. What will Burkie do at the draft now? It's a good pick, although not good enough (probably) for the player most Leafs fans were looking at us realistically going after.

It kind of annoys me that teams like Tampa, and Los Angeles, who seem to continually draft in the top five year after year just seem to always get into that coveted top five spot.

Oh well...life goes on.

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I laugh at Bruins in 4. I'm not betting on Montreal to win, but to say they go down in 4 is silly. Boston isn't so much better than Montreal that they should be swept. And the last time anyone predicted a sweep in a Montreal Boston series(last year, when Tim Thomas was still a shakey flukey goalie) it went to 7. I'll accept 6 games.... even 5, but 4. Bah, I disagree.

Drifter: If Toronto either stopped doing their too little too late March runs every year, or if they were able to play like that for most if not all of the season you'd either have a top 5 pick, or a playoff team. But it always seems that Toronto plays as a Jeckyl and Hyde team for the past few years regardless of skill.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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