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2008/2009 Hockey Thread v2.0


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Is it me or since Vancouver is the only canadian team left this thread has gotten pretty quiet. Is no one watching the playoffs now that their team is out? The second round games have been good so far. The results so far I like except for the Wings winning. I would love to see a Canucks Bruins final. I don't like any of the East teams left except Boston and in the West I don't want the Ducks or Wings to win as both have won recently. Pittsburgh winning would be the worst thing to happen. If they win you will never hear the end of it.

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My team was never in it to begin with. ^_^

I've just been enjoying the hockey without the need to discuss and analyze every bit of it. With the Leafs in the regular season I'm always watching everything closely and investing myself personally into the team and what it does. In the playoffs I just have fun watching the best hockey of the season.

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Is it me or since Vancouver is the only canadian team left this thread has gotten pretty quiet.

It's because they're all cunts. Cunts and Flames fans, which are a type of cunt, but festering and infected.

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Is it me or since Vancouver is the only canadian team left this thread has gotten pretty quiet.

It's because they're all cunts. Cunts and Flames fans, which are a type of cunt, but festering and infected.

I think it's more to do with Sean's cuntlyness, since Vancouver is still around.

I'd like to think I'm the resident Flames fanboy, and I'm still around... still watching most of the games. It's hockey, and most of it has been good... but yeah... Sean keeps going off on people, and people keep disappearing.

Either they dont' want to listen to it, or he's killing them... could be either.

Boston looked dominant last night, like I figured they would. I think they can make the full run.

The Pens/Caps game was a lot of fun to watch, and should help put some of those questions about Varlamov to rest. Kid was excellent today, aside from the second goal, but that may have hit something on the way to the net.

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Hey Gabriel. I just saw Jarome Iginla walk into that dark alley over there.

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I'd walk into a dark alley with Jarome... he'd probably just be helping someone out, and I could help with that. Jarome gets the homeless off of drugs.

Seriously though... I'm not going to hold your cuntitude against you. That's just how you are. I'm just saying, that's probably why a few people stopped checking so often... seems like every page you rip into someone.

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I've spent more time posting about the playoffs at PPP because we can crack jokes about how much we suck, how much Crosby cries and how many cakes Kyle Wellwood has eaten today.

The answer is 7 for those who are wondering.

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Hey Clawson, I think I saw Luke Schenn climbing into that open elevator shaft.

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It's awesome how you guys get lippy when my team is losing. Don't get used to it.

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It's awesome how you guys get lippy when my team is losing. Don't get used to it.

It's awesome how you get lippy when they're winning.

Chicago impressed me tonight. I thought they'd be battling from behind most of the series, but they took it to Vancouver hard after being down 2-0.

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I get lippy all the time. I mock the Leafs and the Flames constantly. Come on, it's like you guys just woke up and realized "Oh hey! Sean is alive!"

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I get lippy all the time. I mock the Leafs and the Flames constantly. Come on, it's like you guys just woke up and realized "Oh hey! Sean is alive!"

It's because all the Leafs fans are gone, that you're more noticeable.

That, plus, weren't you away from EWB for awhile during the season?

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By coincidence; I moved and had no internet access. -_-

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
I love a classy Canucks fan. Know where I can find one?

Hey I'd have an ego too if my team had no Stanley Cups...wait, they can't be right. Vancouver has no Stanley Cups? Well colour me surprised.

And they entered the league in...

...1967 :o

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