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Posted (edited)

Hey everyone. This is my first EWR diary, so any criticism, good or bad, is greatly appriciated. I hope you guys will like this.

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The Year was 1992. The year proved to be a big one for the World Wrestling Federation. The year began with a bang as the biggest wrestling star who's name wasn't Hulk Hogan and the man many call the greatest wrestler ever, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, the ex franchise of the WWF's chief comptetor World Championship Wrestling, won the WWF Title by winning the Royal Rumble and eliminating Hogan for the victory. The Rumble also began what many called at the time, a "Clash Of The Titans" as Sid Justice turned on Hogan and a feud which was to possibly be Hogan's last and the one that would make Justice the new dominant force in the WWF. Obviously that didn't happen as Justice was gone shortly after Wrestlemania 7. WM7 would be Hogan's susposed final apperance in the WWF. 92 would also be the last time fans saw the Ultimate Warrior and Roddy Piper in the federation until years later. The year also showed several WCW to WWF defections as The Steiner Brothers, Nasty Boys, and a soon to debut Lex Luger all were promonant on WWF TV. The year also showed the rises of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Hart regained the WWF Intercontinental Title from Roddy Piper at WM7 and then after became one of the WWF's most popular stars and by the end of the year was the WWF Heavyweight Champion. Michaels began the year as a member of the high flying Rockers with partner Mary Janetty but after a messy break up seen on the Barber Shop and getting Sherri as his new manager, Michaels catapulted into singles superstardom. He won the WWF Intercontinental title from Davey Boy Smith and was one of the promotion's top heels by the end of the year. The Undertaker unexpectically turned face and became one of if not the WWF's most popular star. 92 also show a rejuvination in the Tag ranks as the WWF was home to what many call, it's deepest tag team roster with such teams as Money Inc (The Champions for most of the year), The Steiners, Nasty Boys, Beverly Brothers, High Energy, Natural Diasters, Headshrinkers and Bushwackers. Overall 1992 was one of the WWF's finest years and 1993 could be it's pinacle.

Edited by YellowDiscipline
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Guest ryan_the_canuck

Fellow WWF 1993 diary writer here...looks good, although it's hard to judge without having seen a show...you might want to go a little easier on the fonts, though.


Fellow WWF 1993 diary writer here...looks good, although it's hard to judge without having seen a show...you might want to go a little easier on the fonts, though.

Thanks, I love your diary, great concept. When's a good time for the bold/italicized fonts? In alot of the diarys I've seen, it's at diffrent points like during run in's and match endings and stuff like that.

Guest ryan_the_canuck

My advice would be to do almost all normal text...just bold OR italic parts you want to stand out more, like match finishes, or names of wrestlers, or whatever

Posted (edited)




Main Event

Bret Hart-WWF World Champion

Hulk Hogan (Returning)

Randy Savage

Ric Flair

The Undertaker


Upper Midcard

Lex Luger (Yet To Debut)

Mr. Perfect

Shawn Michaels-WWF Intercontinental Champion


Bam Bam Bigelow

Big Bossman

Bob Backlund

Brian Knobbs



Irwin R. Shyster-WWF Tag Team Champion (with Ted Dibiase) - 75 image

Jerry Lawler

Jerry Saggs

Jim Duggan



Marty Jannetty

"Rocket" Owen Hart

Papa Shango

Razor Ramon

Scott Steiner


Ted DiBiase-WWF Tag Team Champion (with IRS) - 75 image

The Mountie



Lower Midcard

Beau Beverly

Blake Beverly


Doink The Clown


Jim Powers

Koko B. Ware

Max Moon

"Terrific" Terry Taylor

Repo Man

"The Model" Rick Martel




Barry Horowitz

Brooklyn Brawler

Damien Demento

PJ Walker

The Berzerker

The Kamikaze Kid

WWF President

Jack Tunney

Managers (Clients)

Afa (Fatu and Samu)

Harvey Wippleman (None)

"Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart (The Mountie and Money Inc.)

Luna Vachon (None)

Mr Fuji (Yokozuna)

Paul Bearer (The Undertaker)

Sensational Sherri (Shawn Michaels)

Slick (Kamala)

The Genius (Non)

Television Shows

Monday Night Raw

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The WWF's brand new live show each and every Monday Night at 8 pm on USA Network. Monday Night Raw is uncooked, uncensored and totally RAW!! Each week Raw originates from the Manhattan Center in New York, NY and features all of the WWF's biggest stars such as Ric Flair, Mr Perfect, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart! So join Vince McMahon, "Macho Man" Randy Savage and "Imus In The Morning"'s own Rob Barlett every Monday night for Monday Night Raw!!!


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The WWF's flagship show is seen every sunday morning at 12 noon on your Fox Network. Superstars showcase each and every one of the WWF's superstars. On Superstars, you'll witness great action as well as interviews with the WWF's top stars. Join Gorillia Monsoon and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan every sunday at noon for WWF Superstars!!

Edited by YellowDiscipline





Pro Wrestling Illustrated Weekly

Friday, January 1st, 1993




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"The Body" Back To The WWF???

Rumors are circulating around the wrestling world that Jesse "The Body" Ventura may make a possible comeback to his former home, the World Wrestling Federation. Apparently, Ventura and WWF Owner Vince McMahon have been talking about a major settlement to Ventura's lawsuit against the WWF and a comeback has also been in talks. Ventura, who is both the mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota and WCW comentator, left the WWF in mid 1990 and has been in WCW since. Our WWF analyzer Jim Norton told us "Negociations are very tight, and if all goes well, we may see Jesse back in the WWF by Wrestlemania 9." He also told us that the WWF are looking to reshape their announcing team. Word is that veteran announcers Sean Mooney, Lord Alfred Hayes and possibly even "Mene" Gene Okerland may be let go inorder to bring in possibly Ventura, new announcer Rob Barlett and former WCW announcer Jim Ross.

WWF To Add 2 More Pay Per Views

Sources within the WWF say that they are likly to add 2 to 4 more Pay Per Views to their line up. This is thought to be done as a "retaliation" to WCW's addition of "Slambore", "Beach Blast" and "Fall Brawl". Odds are the first new PPV will be the WWF's first broadcast of their "King Of The Ring" Tournament during the June-July months. The second is rumored to be fall in either September or October.

WCW Having Problems With Hollywood Blondes

World Championship Wrestling officals are apparently not happy with current WCW Tag Team Champions The Hollywood Blondes (Brian Pillman and Steve Austin). WCW president of wrestling opperations Bill Watts isn't high on either wrestler and doesn't think they are Title material as of yet. Watts has actually put the Blondes in a series of matches against the much less over teams of Marcus Bagwell and 2 Cold Scorpio and Tom Zenk and Johnny Gunn. But even despite Watts's disproval of the Blondes, they are one of the most popular teams in WCW, despite the fact they're market as arrogant heels. The Blondes are currently schuelded to face the team of Shane Douglas and Ricky Steamboat at next week's Clash Of The Champions in New Orleans.


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WWF Superstars Preview!!!!

Tune in this Sunday afternoon for another great episode of WWF Superstars! This week, you'll see the undefeated Native American Tatanka in action as he takes on The Berzerker. Also you'll see the spoiled Beverly Brothers take on the high flying team of High Energy and in the Superstars Main Event, WWF Intercontental Champion Shawn Michaels, along with Sensational Sherri, defends his title against the Ugandan Giant, the Mighty Kamala along with Reverend Slick. So join Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan this Sunday on Fox at 12 noon for WWF Superstars!!

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Looking forward to seeing some more of this... Roster seems alright... Push Shawn Michaels, dont let him drop that IC Belt for a while... Also give Razor Ramon a push towards the WWE Title...


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WWF Superstars Results

Sunday January 3, 1993

Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, ID

Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby "The Brain" Hennan

Monsoon: Welcome wrestling fans to WWF Superstars! Today you'll see the undefeated Natvie American Tatanka take on the Berzerker and The team of High Energy battle the Beverly Brothers..

Hennan: Monsoon, why aren't you mentioning that the Intercontental Champion, "The Wrestler Of The 90's" Shawn Michaels will take on that giant oaf Kamala and that street corner preacher.

Monsoon: I think you're refering to the Revrend Slick and he's no street corner preacher.

Heenan: You're right...he's a soup kitchen preacher.

Monsoon: Oh Please, but now let's go down to Howard Finkle to our first bout.

Crush vs. Barry Horowitz

Basic squash match. Barry started the match off with a few dropkicks and lefts which didn't move Crush. Crush procedes to deliver a shoulder block followed by 2 power slams and a gorilla press. Crush picks up Horowitz and delivers an nice back suplex and signals for his finisher. He goes behind Barry and locks on the Head Vice and Barry taps out.

Winner: Crush

Monsoon: The Big Man, Crush is victorious.

Hennan: Crush? You mean Pinapple Head don't you?

Monsoon: No I was refering to Crush.

Heenan: You know his father is the guy on the Hawian Punch bottles.

Monsoon: Oh Stop, now lets go to Sean Mooney.

Heenan: Who??

A Perfect Promo

Mooney: Gorilla, I'm backstage here with a man who, since Survivor Series has been absolutly perfect, Mr Perfect.

Perfect: That's right Sean Mooney, I have been Perfect and you know someone who hasn't been Perfect is Ric Flair. Flair, you've been talking pretty big and been saying that you can beat me whenever you want cause you're that good. Well Flair, if you have the guts, you'll face me on the first edition of Monday Night Raw on January 11th.

Mooney: Mr Perfect, you have to be espically mad with Flair, considering he cost you the Intercontental title last week on All American Wrestling (footage of Flair grabbing Perfect's foot as he went of the ropes, which lead to HBK's Superkick)

Perfect: You're right I'm mad. And Flair, if your the man you say you are, you better accept and not send out that jerk Ramon to fight your battles cause I beat him so many times, I lost count. Flair, you, me, Monday Night Raw. It's gonna be the...Perfect Match.

Mooney: Back to you Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Hennan.

Heenan: That Perfect is a joke. The Nature Boy will definetly accept his challenge. I just hope Perfect shows up, being the coward he is. And Perfect, Ric Flair is going make you regret ditching him. WHOOOOO

Tatanka vs. The Berzerker

Crap match. Tatanka got a big face pop. Berzerker started the bout of with a series of punishing blows to Tatanka. He slamed Tatanka and threw him to the outside, where he took it to the Native American. He threw Tatanka back in the ring and came in and met a series a chops and rights by Tatanka. Tatanka hit Berzerker with a series of clotheslines and shoulder blocks and hit a big body slam on the viking. Tatanka climbed the top rope and delivered a huge Tomahawk Chop on Berzerk. This stunned the big man, Tatanka whiped him into the ropes and hit the big Samoan Drop and got the pin and the victory.


Monsoon: Tatanka picks up an impressive victory.

Hennan: Come on, he grabed his furry boot for leverage.

Monsoon: What?!

Hennan: Yeah, you see the Berzerker's boots? Well they're made from Eastern Atlantian Minks he caught and are very expensive, Tonto grabed it and it stunned him.

Monsoon: Give Me A Break. Lets go down to the Fink for our next battle.

Beverly Brothers vs. High Energy

OK match. Beau and Koko started it off with Koko getting an early upper hand with a series of hip locks and dropkicks. Beau returned to his corner to talk with Blake. Beau and Koko locked up and Beau drove a knee into the gut of Kok and began working him over with ax handles to the back and an arm ringer which taged in Blake who droped and elbow on Koko's arm. Blake sent Koko into the ropes which led to an Owen Hart blind take. Hart got on all fours behind Blake and Koko dropkicked him, making Blake fall further. Owen latched up Blake in an armbar. Blake got out and thumbed Hart in the eye. He began working on im and taged in Beau who went to work on Hart's back with a series of vicous bodyslams. Quick tags and submission manuever kept Hart at bay until a double clothesline with Blake cleared the way for a double tag and Koko came in like a house of fire. All 4 men began fighting. Koko worked on Beau in the corner, but however Blake threw Hart to the outside, giving them the advantage. Blake and Beau attacked Koko, set him up for and hit the Beverly Bomb for the win.

Winners: Beverly Brothers

Monsoon: Those Beverly Brothers make me sick?

Hennan: Why Monsoon, cause they're smarter, better looking and more stylish than you? I think your jealous.

Monsoon: Oh please, let's go backstage to Mene Gene who's with Intercontental Champion Shawn Michaels as he gets ready for our main event.

Heartbreaking News

Gene: Gorilla, I'm backstage here with the Intercontental Champion and why do you Shawn Michaels have such a big grin on your face??

Michaels: Shut up baldy. Listen, I'm happy for lots of reasons. Firstly I'm the WWF Intercontental Champion, secondy I'm the best wrestler in the world, thirdly I'm the sexiest man in the world and finally my backstage sources just told me that the Uganda Goof Kamala and Slick haven't showed up.

Gene: Shawn Michaels, are you telling us Kamala's not here?

Michaels: Of cource I am genius. So since I'm such a nice guy, i'm gonna issue an open challenge against me, Shawn Michaels. Anyone is welcome from those zit faced kids in the arena to even you Geno.

Gene: I would never...

Michaels: Of cource you won't. You couldn't take me if i had 1 arm tied behind my back. Now Gene, it's time for the Heartbreak Kid to adress his public.

Gene: Gorilla...

Monsoon: This is shocking news, Kamala hasn't arrived and now Shawn Michaels is issuing an open challenge? I smell something fishy.

Hennan: No, that's just the women in this hick town.

Monsoon: Your terrible, let's go down to the Fink for our main event.

MAIN EVENT: Shawn Michaels (with Sensational Sherri) vs. ???

Michaels makes his way to the ring and does his usual pre match hell taunts. Sudennly Virgil's music hits and Virgil hits the ring. As soon as Virgil rolls under the bottom rope, Michaels attacks with a fluerry of blows. He takes down Virgil with a series of back drops and slams and locks him in a chinlock/choke hold. Virgil powers out and hits Michaels with a breade of boxing lefts and rights and knocks Michaels to the outside. Virgil follows and hits a clothesline. Virgil and Michaels renter the ring and Virgil goes for a backdrop which Michaels blocks and hits a vicious DDT. He lifts up Virgil and hits his the Back Suplex and lifts up Virgil and hits a big Crecent Kick which he got the pin and the win.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

After the match, Michaels celebrates with Sherri who holds up the Heart Shaped Mirrior as Michaels admires himself. Suddenly a man leaps the barricade and runs into the ring. That man is Marty Janetty, the man Michaels severly injured when throwing him throught the "Barber Shop" window and Janetty hasn't been seen since. Michaels was stunned and begged Janetty, who answered with a big left hand. He began to beat up Michaels with lefts and rights to the head and even delivered a big dropkick. He then grabbed the Mirrior from Sherri and montioned to the crowd he was gonna hit Michaels. Sherri stood infront of Janetty, pleading with him not to hit Shawn. Michaels arose and Janetty swung the mirrior but Michaels pushed Sherri in front of the mirrior, injuring her! Michaels ran out of the ring, and the show closed with janetty and WWF officals checking to see if Sherri was OK.


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WWF Monday Night Raw Preview

Tune in this Monday night for the debut edition of WWF Monday Night Raw, live from the Manhattan Center in New York City. In the night's tremendous main event, it's the match fans have been waiting to see, when Mr. Perfect battles "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. These 2 have such a deep hate for each other, anything can happen! You'll see the Phenom, The Undertaker take on Harvey Whippleman's new wrestler, "Mighty" Mr Hughes. Also, the 500 pound giant Yokozuna and The Steiner Brothers will be in action, and an interview with "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon, who will take on the WWF Champion Bret "Hitman" Hart at the Royal Rumble in 2 weeks. Join Vince McMahon, "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Rob Barlett for Monday Night Raw, live this monday at 8pm on USA Network.






Pro Wrestling Illustrated Weekly:SPECIAL EDITION

Sunday, January 4th, 1993




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BREAKING NEWS: WCW To Release The Hollywood Blondes!!!

Our sources within World Championship Wrestling have told us here at Pro Wrestling Illustrated that the current WCW World Tag Team Champions, "Flyin'" Brian Pillman and "Stunning" Steve Austin, best known as The Hollywood Blondes will probably be released by WCW as early as tomorrow. Since the last edition of PWI Weekly this past Friday (Which was printed and released that Wednesday), things have escalated between the Blondes and WCW Management, preferably WCW President Bill Watts. Watts, before a house show, held that Wednesday in Roanoke, VA, apparently had words with Austin where, from what we're told, consisting of Watts telling Austin that he and Pillman were unmarketable and shouldn't be holding the WCW Tag Team titles. Things apparently got more heated and the 2 needed to be broken up. During that house show, where Pillman and Austin oddly battled the team of Tex Slazenger and Shanghai Pierce, WCW's number 3 heel team, Austin actually started a "Watts Sucks" chant. After the show, Watts apparently had a heated confrontation with Austin and Pillman, which also needed to be contained. Apparently Watts threatened the 2 with suspension and even firing. Things went well until a Friday house show in Greensboro, NC where the Blondes were to take on the team of Brad Armstrong and Eric Watts, Bill's son. Pillman and Austin entered the ring in Hollywood Blondes T Shirts but with the words "FUBW" on the back, an obvious shot at Watts. After the match, Austin took the mic and asked Watts "Does your daddy like us now??." The 2 then left the arena, despite being asked to meet with Watts after the show. Our insider in WCW tells us that Watts does not want Pillman and Austin to be champions longer than this Tuesday's Clash Of The Champions from New Orleans, LA. Despite their popularity, Watts still isn't too high on either man, and with the recent events, wants them out. He's counting on that a reformed Midnight Express, which is rumored to debut at CoC and the possibly returning Nasty Boys, whose contracts with the WWF end in February, will be WCW's top heel tag team. WCW has been having an odd first month of 1993, aside with the Blondes story, word is Arn Anderson's contract may not be renewed and that WCW is extremly close to signing the Ultimate Warrior, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and The Road Warriors. Keep reading PWI Weekly for more details.


INteresting so far, you are making a pretty decent diary here.

I am not sure if I like how you did the Michaels/Jannetty start to the feud the same exact way that it was done in real life. What I would like to see is you develop the feud into more classic matches between the two.

I dont know why but I always thought Michales/Jannetty matches were awesome, even for 1993.

Posted (edited)

Good so far. I like old school diaries. Just a note, the WM that Hart won the IC title and the Sid/Hogan match took place was WM8, not 7. Not a big deal though.

Edited by Vince Russo

INteresting so far, you are making a pretty decent diary here.

I am not sure if I like how you did the Michaels/Jannetty start to the feud the same exact way that it was done in real life. What I would like to see is you develop the feud into more classic matches between the two.

I dont know why but I always thought Michales/Jannetty matches were awesome, even for 1993.

Thanks, I started the feud like it was in real life cause I always thought it was a great way to start it out. Trust me, this feud will be diffrent.

  • 3 weeks later...

OOD: Hey, sorry I haven't posted a show in the past few days/weeks. I've had alot of problems and haven't been able to write anything.

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WWF Monday Night Raw Report

The show opens to a shot of the Manhattan Center, who were very hyped, and cut to MNR's announcing team of Vince McMahon, "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Imus In The Morning's own Rob Barlett. Vince hypes the debut of MNR and the night's main event of Flair/Perfect. Savage and Barlett throw in some commentary, Barlett's comments are terribly unfunny BTW, and we cut to the ring for our first bout.

Koko B Ware makes his way to the ring, without Frankie :( to a nice reception. Too bad for Koko he's doing this match. The 500 pund monster Yokozuna along with manager Mr. Fuji came to the ring and nearly eclipses the ex Birdman. Match is basic squash material. Koko tries to take Yoko off his feat with a series of dropkicks, Yoko ducks one and it's basically over. Yoko throws Koko around for 2 or 3 more minutes. Lands a belly to belly suplex, drops the big legdrop and drags him to the corner for impending doom. Yokozuna defeats Koko B Ware with the Banzi Drop at 4:03.

We cut backstage to Sean Mooney who's intervewing Mr Perfect about his big match tonight against Ric Flair. Perfect basically says how Flair always tried to not wrestle him when Flair first got to the WWF because Flair knew Perfect would beat him. He said that his win later tonight was going to be..you guessed it..Perfect.

Back to the ring where Vince speaks of Perfect brefily. Savage then asks Vince where Bobby Heenan was, saying Heenan was to be with the 3 for broadcast. Barlett throws in an unfunny blurb and back to the ring we go as Crush makes his way to the ring to a silent pop at best. His opponent, already in the ring is an odd choice for a proable jobber in former NWA Champ and new WWF Employee "Wildfire" Tommy Rich. The 2 locked up and the match began. Early advantage by Rich, during this time, the evil clown himself Doink made his way to the ring, Crush makes a big comeback and eventually won the match. Crush beats Tommy Rich with the Kona Krush at 5:54. After the match, Crush notices Doink and gets in his face, the 2 began feuding prior, Crush mouths off, Doink looks apologetic and uses the ole flower that spits water on Crush. Crush gets mad and runs after Doink and the 2 disapeer to the backstage. Break Time!

We return to Raw with an above ring shot of the arena and Vince segways to the Royal Rumble Control Center with Mene Gene. Gene hypes the Rumble, which is 3 weeks away live Sunday January 24 from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, CA. Gene begins to run down the card, He first hypes the "Main Event" which will be the WWF Champion Bret "Hitman" Hart defending his crown against "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon. Gene speaks of the men's problems, showing Ramon knocking out Bret's brother Owen backstage on Superstars in late December and hypes Ramon's intervew, which is comming up. Then Gene begins the hype for the REAL Main Event, the Rumble match itself. He says the rules for all 5 of us who don't know it and says the stakes are raised for this Rumble because the winner gains a automatic title shot against whoever the WWF Champ is at Wrestlemania 9 from Caesar's Palace in Vegas. Gene begins to run down the Rumble's participants and here we go: Participants Named: The Undefeated Native American Tatanka, "The Model" Rick Martel, Former WWF Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "The King" Jerry Lawler, The Undertaker, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, 500 Pound Monster Yokozuna, The Berzerker, Bob Backlund, Papa Shango, Virgil, Damien Demento, Mr Perfrect, Hacksaw Jim Duggan and just announced: From Puerto Rico Carlos Colon, Repo Man, Tommy Rich and Kamala. Gene said more was to be announced in the comming weeks and said to watch the WWF Television Network (whaa?) for more information. And Back to Sean Mooney?

We cut to Sean Mooney who's outside the Manhattan Center where he said there's a ruckus. We see what appears to be a hasidic jew arguing with a security guy. Mooney asks the man who he is and he said Rob Barlett is his patient, his name was Dr Harvey Lebweemawitz, meanwhile his 'stace falls off. Mooney takes off the hat and reveals it is Bobby Heenan, who apparently can't get inside. Blah blah back to the ring.

The Steiner Brother make their way to the ring to a nice response to face the Dreaded Executioners (Duane and Wayne Gill). Top notch squash. Executioners get 0 offense and the Steiners procede to all but murder the masked men. Scott puts Exe #1 on his shoulders, Rick climbs the rope and blam. Steiners defeat the Executioners via the Top Rope Bulldog at 2:32.

Vince talks about the Steiners and then something about a superstar coming to the WWF soon from the Far East. A video is aired of Japanese sites and culture (ninjas, samuaris and Mount Fuji) Then we see a collage of footage of Japanese wrestling. After this, an dragon is shown on the video ends with the words Coming Soon To The WWF: The Great Muta. Oooh Great Muta in the WWF. Nice! Comercial Break

We come back with Vince in the ring and welcomes Razor Ramon to MNR. Ramon comes down and Vince asks him about why he deserves a WWF Title shot. Razor says he deserves it because he can beat anyone in the WWF. Vince digresses and asks Razor about beating up lil Owen. Razor gloats, saying "Hitmang, beating up..your baby brother...that was fun mang...And you know what chico, there's nothing you..can do about it. And Hitmang...if I see your daddy walking down the street, I may slap his face mang....and you can't do anything about it because at the Royal Rumble....I...The Bad Guy...am gonna take what you worked for 8 years for...your WWF Gold...At the Royal Rumble chico...Say Hello....To...The Bad Guy." Razor leaves to big time boos and we cut backstage to Sean Mooney who's with Ric Flair.

Mooney's backstage with Natiche and asks him about tonight's match. Flair says perfect is absolutly nothing in his book. Flair said he's beaten all of the top stars in wrestling and Perfect couldn't even even lace his boots. He said he's not leaving Raw as a loser because even if Perfect gets the best of him, which proablly won't happen, he's got an "insurance policy" that will make sure Perfect leaves Monday Night Raw in an ambulance. Back to Vince.

Vince and the team ponder what this policy is? Harvey Whippleman is in the ring and introduces his newest client, Mr Hughes. Hughes comes out to an off heel pop with about 20% of the crowd knowing who he is from his ECW, USWA and WCW stints. Out comes his opponent, The Undertaker with Paul Bearer, Taker gets the night's biggest pop. Match starts off with Taker beating the crap out of Hughes. Hughes comes back with big rights to the head of the Taker. Hughes begins working on him for about 4 more minutes til taker makes a small comeback, complete with his cool rope walking deelie, Hughes comes back and hits his trademark Sidewalk Slam, which he thinks is gonna end the match. Wrong. Taker rises up and procedes to go for the kill. After about 2 more mins of UT beating, he sets Hughes up, get the bodybags! Undertaker with Paul Bearer beats Mr Hughes with Dr Harvey Whippleman via the Tombstone Piledrver at 10:45

Cut to outside, similar Heenan/Mooney sketch except Heenan's dressed as an old lady claiming he's Barlett's Aunt. He then says he has to get in to see Perfect get his. Comercial break. ME Time next.

Main Event Time Baby! Ric Flair makes his way to the ring first, getting the biggest heel heat of the night, Mr Perfect enters next to a big face pop, almost near Undertaker level. The match starts pretty even. Flair would show some offense then Perfect would fight back. This happened for a good 6 mins. Flair then got the match in his favor by working on Perfect's left leg in true Nature Boy fashion. This went on a good 4 mins. Flair locked on the Figure Four but Perfect reversed it. The match swung to Perfect's way at the 13 minute mark. For another 2 mins Perfect had the match in his hands. Perfect whips Flair into the corner, REF BUMP, Flair turns around and walks into the Perfect Plex. Perfect holds Flair in it then stops to check on the ref. While he's doing this a man jumps the baracade and runs into the ring and attacks Perfect. The man is revealed to be a returning ARN ANDERSON . Double A taunts the crowd and hits the Spinebuster on Perfect and rolls Flair ontop of Perfect as the ref wakes up and counts. Ric Flair defeats Mr Perfect via run in by Arn Anderson at 17:34 After the match Flair and Anderson celebrate and put the boots to Perfect until WWF Officals throw Anderson and Flair out of the ring and to the entrance way. Bobby Heenan is seen running to the enterance way to Flair and Arn with a big smile. The 3 men celebrate while Perfect is attended to. Then the crowd pops as Flair, Arn and Heenan make the Signal Of Excellence, the Horseman signal!! The first edition of Monday Night Raw ends with the unexpected return of Arn Anderson and the possible WWF debut of the Horsemen!!! Bah Gawd!!


It looks good and realistic. Maybe a little too realistic as the show had a lot of similar segments to Raw segments from early 93. Try using other segments/matches. Plus it was great to know that Repo Man, Kamala and Tommy Rich are from Puerto Rico! :)

Guest Prototype

Cool to see the 4 horsemen in the WWF. I wonder who the other two members will be? Looking forward to the Rumble.


It looks good and realistic. Maybe a little too realistic as the show had a lot of similar segments to Raw segments from early 93. Try using other segments/matches. Plus it was great to know that Repo Man, Kamala and Tommy Rich are from Puerto Rico!  :)





Pro Wrestling Illustrated Weekly

Friday, January 8th, 1993




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Warrior Debuts In WCW, Piper Next?

This past Tuesday started a new era in World Championship Wrestling. Clash Of The Champions was hel this past Tuesday and was headlined by a giant 6 man steel cage bout which pitted Sting, Davey Boy SMith and Cactus Jack against Vader, Paul Orndorff and Barry Windham. The bout was extremly bloody and hard fought and ended with the team of Vader, Orndorff and Windham picking up the win. After the match the 3 men attacked the fallen team of Sting, Jack and Smith and current NWA Champion Rick Rude came in to join in on the beating. Then some unfamilar heavy metal music hit and the crowd in the sold out Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, WI lost their minds as the Warrior ran to the ring and took out all 4 men. The crowd was shocked to see The Warrior make his debut with WCW and so were some of it's wrestlers. "I'm very shocked to see him here" said an WCW wrestler who wanted to be anomyous. "He's gonna add that little push WCW needs". The arrival of the Warrior signafies WCW's new found competitiveness with the WWF. Sure, they were competitive before but now it seems those in WCW camp are very much interested with taking down the WWF. Word around WCW now is that ex WWF stars "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, The Road Warriors, Sgt Slaughter and Sid Vicious are all in talks with WCW. Apparently Piper and The Warriors are very close to signing, some even saying Piper has already signed and is set to debut. Slaughter is also talking to southern based USWA about a contract but WCW is seemingly leading the pack. Sid, on the other hand, is a big question mark. Sid is said to be interested in returning to WCW but is also talking to the WWF considering a return there as well. Sid may be the biggest free agent in wrestling today.

Blondes All But Gone

As we reported earlier this week, the now former WCW World Tag Team Champions, The Hollywood Blondes are all but gone from WCW. They droped the titles at COTC to Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas and are proably in their final days in WCW. The Blondes, Steve Austin and Brian Pillman, still have 2 weeks of dates they must fufil, including an IWGP tour of Japan where they will battle current IWGP Tag Team Champions Hiroshi Hase and Kensuki Sazaki. Our WWF insider confirmed to us that "great interest" is being shown in the 2 blue chippers.

WWF To Clean House

Our WWF insider has told PWI Weekly that after the Royal Rumble, the WWF will proably begin to get rid of some members of their roster. He says that odds are that most of the releasees will be lower card talent, some names he mentioned are Skinner, The Bushwackers, Koko B Ware, Kamala, The Berzerker and more. Also talk of a certain former WWF Champion being canned is being thrown around, that man is Ric Flair. But this talk may be ended with the debut of Arn Anderson and the proable return of the 4 Horsemen in the WWF. Still, Flair leaving would be a giant loss for the WWF.

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