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Final Fantasy IX Play-Along


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So TKz started an FFVI play-along, which is all well and good, but I'm just not in the mood for that, so instead I'm going with the a small black mage and a rat who may or may not be a rapist. Anyone care to join me?


PS: If I don't return, I've been eaten by a fat he/she.


Edited by Benji
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One of the things that never stands out for me is the intro movie for FFIX, unlike its brethren it's not magnificent, it's not action packed, it's just a gentle work into the game - which is great for me. I'd prefer a slow burn and no endless tutorial fucking up pace than some of the more arduous introductions to Final Fantasy (I'm looking at you VIII and XII).

I've always loved the characters in FFIX, from Puck's slave relationship with Vivi, the band of loveable rogues in Tantalus and Kuja being a personal favourite in the androgynous world destroying villain stakes. One thing (among many) I love, is the small facets of discussion, this isn't like other FF games where discussion is only significant with essential characters, there's some fun minor stories throughout the game if you pay attention and it's really nice to watch them develop, especially the awesome Mognet and the journey of Stiltzkin the Moogle.

I would like to state, I fucking hate impressing Brahne for the Moonstone, and for the first time ever I got it first time, I've only ever done it with her being "quite impressed" - never got higher, I'm unsure if such a higher rating even exists since the Moonstone is supposed to be the prize from her anyway, but it's worth attempting a few times over anyway just so you impress all 100 nobles and gain the 10000 gil they offer up.

Next up - The Failures of Adelbert Steiner! :D

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>_> Is it bad that I'm probaly more interested in this than my own topic?

No, it's bad if you don't do this one though.

Played up to the Ice Cavern entrance last night (I'm doing this one insanely slowly so I can actually write about it too and not skip about a billion chapters) so I'll do another post later, but before I enter them I have to state - I fucking love the Ice Caverns, they're one of my very favourite places in all of Final Fantasy, so purdy :wub:

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They are pretty, but I'd have to say my favourite place is Gizamalukes grottle where you fight Gizamaluke. The wall in the background has so much detail put into it that I actually want a proper print of it to frame and put in my room.

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They are pretty, but I'd have to say my favourite place is Gizamalukes grottle where you fight Gizamaluke. The wall in the background has so much detail put into it that I actually want a proper print of it to frame and put in my room.

Ohhh the Grotto is one of my favourite places too, I love the architecture of FFIX, everything's wonderful to look at in design and keeps the feel of the time alive and well without every place looking samey.

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Ugh, I can't believe I just typed grottle instead of grotto. I feel kinda dirty.

I haven't got around to starting this yet btw. I started watching Tsubasa Chronicle over the weekend and I can't stop. :(

Definitely FFIX tomorrow though. :shifty:

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Escaping Alexandria and Evil Forest

I love the call backs in this game, from slightly obvious stuff like Steiner having to recall the duties of his knights much later on (which, by then is too late for you to actually remember unless you know you have to pay attention, but doesn't punish you too much for it) to the escape from the Evil Forest where (GAME END SPOILERS!!)...

... you're escaping the Evil Forest running from the thorny spikes chasing you, just as it happens much later as you escape the Iifa Tree.

The game in itself is a callback to everything that was wonderful about the first eight games and adds its own twists too, it's the culmination of Square's work in my book, I've always stated it's my favourite game, which it is, but it's partially my favourite game because it's an ode to my favourite series. When you do stuff like the ATE and hear "Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony" from Final Fantasy VII, it's an FF fanboy's dream to be playing this game.

Love Zidane and Dagger, on par with Tidus and Yuna (which, incidentally, is a very similar relationship) and just below Squall and Rinoa it's my equal second favourite FF romance, Zidane's not even a legitimate ladies man, let's be honest - he's a massive goof, but there's his charm and he's written so perfectly. He's always the heart and soul of the team despite the fact FF doesn't really have a "true" main character, that's why he's the main character, because whilst it's technically his story, he always steps back and allows others tales to be told. Let's be honest, Zidane's actual story doesn't start until the closing chapters of the game, he's just along for the ride and doing what he thinks is right the rest of the time, very unique character considering how similar he could've been to others before him.

The escape of the party from Evil Forest is a tear-jerker, when Blank was first petrified when I played this game I was devastated, I loved Zidane but Blank seemed destined to become your best and most trusted ally, then he's lost, dissapointing, but the emotional response was totally worth it - at least for me, the one quibble I have with it is how "meh" Zidane is about it (LATER GAME SPOILERS!!)..

... it's like he knows something the player doesn't, which is understandable when you later learn about SuperSoft later on, but at the point you're playing it it kind of makes him seem uncaring and a bit of a douche considering that was his best friend.

Next up, the gloriously colourful Ice Caverns :D

Incidentally, I'm doing these numbered and named so people know where the main play may be up to, I hope people don't mind but I'm going to use myself as a reference point for people, so if anything major happens past where I've posted, please spoiler it - just in case :)

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Oh my god I love the sword fight in the play. I could do that part over and over and over again all night if I didn't have to work.

Incidentally Benji, could you remind everyone (if you remember) at disc 3 to

Head to the room to the right first up when they get to Oilevert. I almost always forget to do that, and as a result miss out on the Emerald that Stiltzkin sells you, which unless you have, you can't use all of Eiko's Summons to their full extent.
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Sorry for the double post but it has only just now occurred to me that the unnamed Knight of Pluto guarding the other tower on the opposite side of the castle is actually Blank.

I feel silly for not having figured this out earlier. :(

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There's an absolute ton of tiny "blink and you'll miss the obvious clever bit" things in FFIX, it really is such a well rounded game down to the most minute detail, tonight I'll likely be doing Dali's entire bit since I did Ice Cavern last night (just didn't want to double post, I'm hoping to get some discussion out of those not playing along who may note some fun things in certain locations), I might do a little bit after that too. Incidentally, reading the FF Wiki reminds me why I keep playing this game more than others, I always seem to spot something I didn't before >_<

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Fuck Benji, fine. I'll play you IX. I think this time I'll actually play the card game and do all the side quests though. I'll go for the Perfect Game minus the Excalibur II.

I will say this once, and once only - fuck Excalibur II, it pisses me off that I can't technically 100% the game in one save.

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The Ice Cavern

So here's where the game steps away from the basics and actually puts you at some vague sense that you might get a Game Over screen, as unlikely as it is, it's not been a tutorial, but it has eased you into gameplay, and now you're basically on your own, and to celebrate this, I changed my skin to the classic blue, fucking love that skin.

Anywho, let's talk Ice Cavern - one of the most beautiful locations in the game (that's what happens when you do a cold locale and don't worry too much about snow), well crafted and a fun little simple puzzle contained within, it also has some great music, haunting but not daunting and just "plinky" enough to keep the cartoony feel of the first parts of the game in theme.

You also get your first real peaks into the relationship status between the party without it being explicitly stated, Vivi is treated as the younger brother by Zidane and is "used" by him in the same way a brother would too, Steiner see's Zidane as a runt and see's Vivi as an equal with Vivi liking them both but being obviously unsure of himself, then there's Garnet, who's kind of forgotten for now, but she gets her character developed in the next part of the game, so no worries there. I always love Vivi and Steiner's relationship, they're such an odd couple but their bond is great, Steiners use of Vivi's magic in his attacks is a lovely touch and I really do think it's one of the most underappreciated relations in the entire series.

I do have two battle critiques, and to my recollection they're the only two (I will wait to be proven wrong), first I hate hate hate the Trance system, I love the attacks, but the engagement of them is the biggest pile of shit in the entire world, whoever decided on it deserves to be shot. The other bit is how damned difficult it is to actually Steal, when we get to Hilgigars I will be cursing the ever loving shit, because that's so damned hard to steal from, seriously, he's a thief for a living, how hard is it to steal a Silk Shirt from a Black Mage/Waltz with the dress sense of an elderly farmer? Is he clinging on to the shirt because it's his only half decent piece of clothing? In contradiction to those battle flaws, I love the ability system, this is why you have a party, everyone should have a speciality, whilst I love the materia system and such similar ones, to me a party needs to be planned, not just thrown together, it's why I believe the only ability system better is FFX, the characters in that start off specified, but can later take on other abilities depending on the players preference.

Random Notes: I love the airships on the world map. I found the friendly Muu just after leaving the cavern, lovely little sidequest. I like that Garnet can use Eidolons this early (LATER GAME SPOILER...)

... she just doesn't have the MP for them as it involves recalling something long ago forgotten but still in her blood.

Fun shit: Frozen moogle, Vivi uses fire, Moogle calls the party bastards - too awesome for any decent wording. Also, the urge to call Dagger "Dildo" or something is always tough, just to spite her for nabbing my damned dagger, bitch.

Next - Dali, where the game stops being a kidnapping and takes its first major twist. Gimme Ore!

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