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The Next Metal Gear?

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And the 5 or perhaps, S?

I love how the storm is even more fierce now, and when it's loaded, the cloud has been the scale of the former presentation, then switched a level higher to what the current level is.

the E and 3 are obvious, but the 'e'?

Apparently, it's supposed to be a @ symbol:

"Update: If you watch the scene on the site long enough, you'll see the characters "5," (what is likely the typeface's equivalent of) "@," "E" and "3" briefly flash on the screen, one after the next. "5@E3" it is, then! We've added a gallery showing the not-so-cryptic characters below. The timer has also been adjusted for 120 hours -- 5 days -- ending on May 26. Just maybe the sun will come out a little early?"

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So, Prequel then? Can't say I have any problems with that, the Metal Gear franchise still has plenty of mileage in terms of remakes and prequels. So long as they don't try and continue the story, I'm all for new games.

Or, they can start a new story, but either way, The Patriots, Snake, Big Boss and all that, I'd say we should close that chapter in terms of games based after MGS4. Also leave Raiden alone, I actually quite liked the guy in MGS4, I don't want to see him torn from his family and turned whiny kid again by being re-enlisted to the military.

I'd be all for remaking Metal Gear from the NES or SNES or whatever one started the whole story. Or even remake Metal Gear Solid, I mean the GC port was fun, a PS3/360 one would be epic. And would mean I could play the damn game again >_>

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Who do you play as in the first Metal Gears (the ones on NES/SNES), the ones before Metal Gear Solid? Are you Big Boss/Naked Snake or Solid Snake?

Remakes of those two would be nice, as it's kinda of a missing link in the story for me, as I've never played them and could make things a bit clearer.

And yeah I agree, I didn't mind Raiden in MGS2, but even if you hated him you had to love him by the end of MGS4. He must've had one hell of a distilled baddassery injection.

Edited by TheModernWay
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