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Is anyone else totally OCD..

Guest musick

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I got pretty mad at my new phone, which has an mp3 player, that whenever you go to an album, it lists the songs in alphabetical order instead of the order it actually is on the album. There has to be a way to fix it but I have yet to find it.

I'm not so much OCD about the song collection on my computer as the bulk of it is random downloaded crap I don't care about. But my CD collection is another story as it's alphabetized by artist then in chronological order by album. I used to have my DVD collection organized by genre as well but I had so many DVDs and not enough shelf place to put them that I kinda gave up on that.

Rename them to 01. Track Name, 02. Track Name?

I tried this with my next batch of CDs I imported to my phone, but it's still doing them in alphabetical order. I went through all the menus and can't find a way to change it to do it in original order.

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What's killing me at the moment is that iTunes keeps wiping its Library whenever I add new music, leaving me with just the new stuff.

It did it again today when I was forced to use iTunes to rip a CD that just wasn't being recognised by any other software I have.

I've recently moved to a new laptop, and it's the one thing that's throwing me off as it keeps losing my ratings (I'm very anal about that) and playlists (less so as they're mostly star rating based, but I have a few specific ones) and writing over the files in the iTunes directory.

I've been keeping backup copies of the files, but even so - it's annoying.


The other thing I hate is that by default iTunes tries to impose its file structure on my music database. I want all my mp3s in one folder so I can burn them easily to CD. I want them in the format <Artist - Song> and that's all. I'm not so anal that I need them sorted by album and placing on the album, but I have to keep remembering to make sure that option's unchecked on iTunes whenever it updates, just in case. When I first started using it I didn't - and then spent the entire rest of the day putting my songs back into the correct format.


I am anal about getting the album artwork right, making sure the artist name is right (God bless the option to have separate album artist and track artist, especially for compilation albums), all songs are attached to the right album...

The one thing that bugs me beyond all else when I'm sorting through my collection is when I come across something like "Radiohead " listed as the artist. Does someone actually put the name in like that, with a dozen spaces afterwards, or is it some strange software artefact?

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That's one of the big reasons I stopped using iTunes and started using a program called Flooah. Much smoother in operation and user-friendly.

Right now I'd say I've been working on genres for about ... 3 weeks. Work and other stuff keeps getting in the way, but eventually I want to be at the point where I can click "Rock" and get a true representation rather than having to flip between "Rock", "rock", and "Rock ".

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I used to be absolutely horrible, I wouldn't add something to my library without noting who wrote it and who performed it, it had to have pretty much every main tag filled. I'm far less bothered these days, so long as I have album art, artist, album, track numbering and a genre I'm set, don't know when I stopped bothering. It really annoys me when a podcast I download doesn't have a logo, I despise having to "fill in the blanks" on stuff that shoud be done since it's downloaded from the store.

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