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The Flames are now 3 points back of 8th place Detroit... and to be honest, as much of a die hard Flames fan as I am, I really don't know if I even want them to sneak into the post-season. I just don't look at this team and see the heart and determination that have been staples of the Calgary Flames for the past decade.

Miika Kirpusoff has had an absolutely stellar season, but the team in front of him just isn't getting it done. There's no urgency. There's no desperation. There's no heart.

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...What are you talking about, that HAS been the Calgary Flames of the past few years. Kipper and Iggy, everyone else just latches on for the ride.

The team has been built around them, yeah... but Kiprusoff at his best, and Iginla who is still dangerous, but not nearly the elite player he was in his prime, cannot carry a team full of guys who aren't showing the heart that past teams have.

The heart is missing. The desire just isn't there, and Iggy and Kipper cannot put an entire team on their back and make it to the post-season. The team that we have is full of guys who, if something goes off in there heads, and they play like they've got nothing to lose, could be just as good as anybody else out there.

What's been happening is that when we're getting bounces and chances, they're not going in... and that's been effecting the psychology of the team. Guys just aren't in the right headspace for 13 games remaining and a battle for a post-season berth.

I hope that something goes right for them, and it carries into the playoffs... but I think the top eight as it sits right now, is the top eight come one month from today.

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I think if any team above Toronto wins tomorrow, they are mathematically eliminated as they currently have a 0.001% chance.

Boston shit the bed with their loss tonight, now even if they win both their remaining games in hand they'd be tied with Montreal and have 5 less wins so they'd get 8th.

With 12 games left and a 5 point cushion on 8th. I would be really.... really... really pissed if the Habs managed to fuck it up and wind up 9th...


I wouldn't be surprised this year.

A win tomorrow puts Montreals chances up to 93%

A Predators win over Philly and a Habs win over NY would put Montreal in 6th.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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Welcome to the wonderful world of having Matt Stajan as your first line center.

This goes back further than that, though. There were a lot of questionable decisions made to get the team to where they are right now. They lost guys like Prust and Phanuef who hit hard and play hard, and brought in Jokinen, who... is there?

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Welcome to the wonderful world of having Matt Stajan as your first line center.

This goes back further than that, though. There were a lot of questionable decisions made to get the team to where they are right now. They lost guys like Prust and Phanuef who hit hard and play hard, and brought in Jokinen, who... is there?

You know, I'm not really fussed at all with the team. Phaneuf was performing just fine, but Mark Giordano stepped up and took his spot. He's doing everything Dion did, and he's doing it better and for less money. Will it last? Time will tell, but it was the right move to make. Jamal Mayers has been great for us and Nik Hagman, while he can't seem to buy one right now, is all around the net with dozens of chances. When they start going in for him, they'll be going in bunches.

Stajan as number one center isn't so bad in Calgary. The Flames implement a system where Jarome Iginla is the first line, and whoever has chemistry with him, be they a sniper, grinder or playmaker, gets first line billing. We basically have three second line centers in Stajan, Conroy and Langkow, and that's how it's been for years. Seems to work just fine.

The problem really, is that we don't have a bonafide goal-scorer... so when the team is having a hard time getting them into the net, the whole team suffers the psychological effects.

Regardless of what happens with the rest of the season, priority number one in the off-season should be securing a legitimate scoring threat. We had it last year in Cammalleri, but he took off for the bigger bucks in Montreal. I'm not even sure who'll be available as a free agent, but the Flames are a team who need to be winning now, so if free agency doesn't hold any bright prospects for the role, they should see who might be available via trade for some of their prospects.

I would, however, stay the course with management. Darryl has put together a very good group of players with one key element missing, and there should be cap room this upcoming season. Brent is also proven to be a very good coach, with his World Junior accolades and what he did with very little in New Jersey for two years.

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HFBoards has a list of players on their last contract year, which I assume excludes options. That would be a good place to start.

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Frolov, Plekanec, Marleau.

Those should be the top three names on Darryl Sutter's list come July 1st.

Frolov is as streaky as they come, but he's got that goal scorers touch. If he ever gets his mind in the game properly, he's going to be dangerous.

Plekanec and Marleau would fit nicely in the first line center role alongside Iginla.

Maybe not the most star studded free agency year, but there are definitely options.

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I'd be interested to see Burke make a play for Marleau, but I think that really depends how high the organisation is on Bozak. Kadri, regardless of whether it will turn out so, was clearly drafted in the hope he'll be a #1 centre for the future, but if Burke and co genuinely believe Bozak can fill the #2 slot Marleau will be superfluous within a couple of year (touch wood).

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If you have a number 1 and 2 center locked up on entry level deals but producing at top line numbers, Marleau would be a studly utility center to log solid minutes even strength, short handed, and on the powerplay.

I don't think Marleau will be a UFA unless the Sharks choke badly.

Frolov, for a guy his age, has been on a bad trend in terms of his point totals the past few seasons. Picking him up is taking a risk that that's because the Hollywood black hole that causes everyone there to become injury prone hasn't delivered irreversable gravimetric damage.

I also doubt Plekanec will hit the open market. Montreal should make room for him, but if they don't, he's definitely a top 6 forward.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

All these people saying Burke will be able to rebuild in the offseason...the Leafs have nothing of trade value, and looking at that list, free agency's not going to be a huge help either. When Comrie/Marleau/Kessel is perhaps the best case scenario for your top line, you're not going to have a great team.

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I think you need three years plus good luck to go from god awful, which the Leafs are now, to cup contender. However, if Kadri, Bozak and the other college kids pan out, their defence plays as good as it should, and they either move Kaberle for forwards or somehow pick up a Marleau type, I think they make the playoffs next year and start to make their way back to their pre lockout level. That's a lot of ifs, but nothing terribly unlikely.

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