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A friend wanted to know how to do this a while back so I created a tutorial for him. This covers the basic stripes.


to get the exact effect as the logo you'll have to apply a gradient over the stripes and some other small effects. if thats what you need to know I can explain it too you as well

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Bahaha, no worries.

yeah the stripes are exactly as Doc says.

Make a document that's one pixel high, and fifty pixels wide.

Colour the 25pixels on the left dark grey (9b9b9d) and the 25pixels on the right light grey (bdbdbd) then go to edit>define pattern. Name it Grey Stripes or whatever.

Create a new document, whatever size you want the shield to be, then go to edit>fill select pattern, and choose Grey Stripes. It will flood fill the area with the repeated pattern.

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just realized your method is a lot easier than mine. I'm slapping myself for to doing it that way from the start . No reason to alternate each stripe like i described lol

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you could create a layer above the stripes and apply a radial black and white gradient. then adjust the layer blend mode to your liking. I usually use soft light,hard light , or overlay.

if that's not the effect or you need me to explain further then just let me know

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Here's a link to download the one I made for Doc, and you can see what all the layers do...


After making the stripes, and applying them to the shield I, on a new layer, applied a linear gradient going from white in the top left to black in the bottom right and set it to soft light. Above that I applied a very sharp white to black gradient at 50% opacity and also soft light. This gives the highlight. Above that is a lens flare on a 50% gray wash, set to multiply at 30% opacity.

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you probably already know this Keith but instead of using the lens flare filter. you can create a new layer filled with 50% gray as you already done. then use the dodge tool where you want the highlights and the burn tool where the shadows will be. The blur the layer to taste and set the blend mode to soft light,overlay,or hard light.

I like this method because it gives you total control of the highlights and such. a bit more time consuming but another way of going bout it

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That's an excellent tip man, thanks. Not done that before.

But don't worry, I never use lens flares for anything serious! They look awful! I just wanted a bit of a glimmer on the D in the logo without too much effort.

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