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TEW05 October 2009 Data

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My thoughts on the ROH Roster:

Chris Hero should be an Upper-Midcarder

Davey Richards should be a heel (Momentum should be A, Hes been doing awesome this year and is well over)

Eddie Edwards should be a heel

Grizzly Redwood should be a face

Jim Cornette should be a tweener

Kenny Omega should be a face

Remove Lenny Leonard and add him too Dragon Gate USA

Shane Hagadorn should be a heel

Add Player Uno and Player Dos and Opener Faces seeing as they have worked a few shows for ROH and even won against Steenerico

Add Cheech and Cloudy as opener faces

Change the TV Tapings to Friday and make all the events Saturday, They never hold events on Sundays

Make Supercard Of Honor there Week 1 April event

I can do a list of title holders and defenses if you like?


Im also going to say:

Change Full Circle to Proving Ground (Has been a Jan/Early Feb event last 2 years)

Change Unscripted to Survival Of The Fittest

Edited by Skins
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My thoughts on the ROH Roster:

Jim Cornette should be a tweener

I can do a list of title holders and defenses if you like?

There is no setting for "tweener" in TEW2005

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My thoughts on the ROH Roster:

Jim Cornette should be a tweener

I can do a list of title holders and defenses if you like?

There is no setting for "tweener" in TEW2005

Ah right im new to TEW you see, I would say Face more then anything then

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I don't quite understand how TEW works, but with FCW as a child with WWE as the parent promotion, shouldn't all workers from there have WWE contracts but just have the workers sent to developmental? Or by design, would all workers be in WWE and the player would have to send all those workers to FCW at the beginning of the game?

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Some TNA suggestions:

Brutus Magnus: Raise Microphone, Charisma and Acting to B (he frequently leads British Invasion interviews, and does so well), drop the Technical skills to B at best (what evidence is there to support straight-As? Doug Williams is the technical specialist of that team), raise Looks to B (he ain't ugly and has a good build). He's also 23, about to turn 24.

Consequences Creed: Drop Brawling & Power to C+ (at present, he's a better brawler than Matt Morgan and James Storm)

Elijah Burke: Raise Aerial & Flashiness to at least D (which would still apparently make him a worse flyer than Kong)

Lacey Von Erich: Drop performance skills to C-. She's dreadful.

Mick Foley: Drop Looks to C at best.

Rob Terry: Drop Basics and Safety to C, raise Menace to B

Taz: Drop his physical condition significantly.

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Shockwave The Robot has also done stints in Japan and The UK. He wrestles mostly in the US in the northeast for independents though. Do you think we should add Japan and the UK to his "Active Areas" ?

Here's his Myspace page also where he talks about his experiences in Japan in his blog. He also talks quite a bit about his devotion to religion. There's also some videos too :


Edited by Blacklight
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