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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains


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I have to disagree with the Villains claiming that "whoever that has the idol is a marked man". Come on, you WANT to be aligned with the person with the idol. Unless that person is , Ozzy or Erik (blindsided with Idol in pocket) or even WORSE, James (blindsided with TWO idols in hand) Now thats dumb.

It's difficult to tell if people are voting for you sometimes though. Like with Ozzy, he said afterward that he was thinking about playing it but he had such a tight alliance that he'd probably look like an idiot if he played it just based on a feeling inside. However, with Russell it might be different this time. If he does find it, he can use it to turn things around and possibly vote out Boston Rob. We'll see...

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I have to disagree with the Villains claiming that "whoever that has the idol is a marked man". Come on, you WANT to be aligned with the person with the idol. Unless that person is , Ozzy or Erik (blindsided with Idol in pocket) or even WORSE, James (blindsided with TWO idols in hand) Now thats dumb.

If I am playing Survivor and I find out that someone else has the idol the first thing I would do is get is flushed out. What does aligning with the person accomplish unless there are other factors involved? How do you protect yourself or get numbers on your side?

Russel went in with a huge advantage in this season. None of the other castaways had gotten to see Season 19 before they went over to Samoa to tape season 20. That being said I don't think there is any ways Russel wins this because he didn't get to learn from his mistakes. This season taped before the live finale to Season 19 aired.

How idiotic are these morons on the Heroes tribe? First Stephanie and Tom? Way to keep your tribe strong! What is the point of having a numbers alliance when you keep losing every week and will go into the eventual merge with a huge disadvantage. I wonder if they will borrow from Survivor All-Stars and shuffle up the tribes for a couple of episodes before they do a full merge. This season is about to get boring otherwise because James, Rupert and Amanda are absolute idiots.

If Boston Rob does get eliminated next I will seriously lose interest in this season.

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I have to disagree with the Villains claiming that "whoever that has the idol is a marked man". Come on, you WANT to be aligned with the person with the idol. Unless that person is , Ozzy or Erik (blindsided with Idol in pocket) or even WORSE, James (blindsided with TWO idols in hand) Now thats dumb.

If I am playing Survivor and I find out that someone else has the idol the first thing I would do is get is flushed out. What does aligning with the person accomplish unless there are other factors involved? How do you protect yourself or get numbers on your side?

Russel went in with a huge advantage in this season. None of the other castaways had gotten to see Season 19 before they went over to Samoa to tape season 20. That being said I don't think there is any ways Russel wins this because he didn't get to learn from his mistakes. This season taped before the live finale to Season 19 aired.

How idiotic are these morons on the Heroes tribe? First Stephanie and Tom? Way to keep your tribe strong! What is the point of having a numbers alliance when you keep losing every week and will go into the eventual merge with a huge disadvantage. I wonder if they will borrow from Survivor All-Stars and shuffle up the tribes for a couple of episodes before they do a full merge. This season is about to get boring otherwise because James, Rupert and Amanda are absolute idiots.

If Boston Rob does get eliminated next I will seriously lose interest in this season.

Russell already seems to have Coach on his side. So now if the tribe votes for Russell he can choose who to vote out, but Rob should know that there's a huge possibility he goes home if someone decides to switch.

I agree Tom's elimination makes no sense. So next week they will probably lose again, unless they are very lucky plus James gets to sit out or something. The only reason James is still in the game anyway is because it's all-stars + James was pulled out of the game last time as well + Probst has a hard-on for James. I don't believe Rupert really thinks James can outdo Tom in challenges with his bad leg, come on now. Sad to see The Silverfox go, it seemed to go his way, now Colby is pretty screwed unless something major happens. Which brings me to your idea of mixing tribes like in All-Stars. I actually HOPE it happens and that Russell and Rob get put in different tribes, but I don't see it happening simply because it sucked during that All-Star season (only Amber was really put with new people), plus the season is Heroes vs. Villains, so if you switch them up already.....it's just another all-star season. They could get away with though, no doubt. They kind of need to do it because the way it's going on the Villains are cruising to the merge and the Heroes will stand no chance. Jerri and Colby on the same tribe would be epic.

Lastly, Coach said if someone trusts him it's very hard for him to break that trust. So why are you doing it to Boston Rob then Coach? Noble warrior my ass...

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Good, if not frustrating, episode of Survivor this week. Let's start with the Villians.

Going into this season, who would have thought a tribe with Parvati, Randy, Sandra, Courtney and fat ass Russell would be dominating in challenges? Well, here we are. And it's all because of Boston Rob, Puzzle Saviour. Because they haven't had to vote anyone out, we haven't seen the exact alliance, but as it seems it's Boston Rob, Sandra, Coach, Tyson and Jerri. Why the fuck can't we get shown that levelheaded, logical alliance rather than the epic and utter bullshit being played out at the Heroes camp. Anyways, so pretty much it's been spelled out for weeks what's going down - Boston Rob vs. Russell. The cracked out oompa lompa vs. the puzzlemaster. I think we all know how this is going down and I'm obviously not going to be happy. Russell the "greatest player to play Survivor" is going to vote out Boston Rob. I've come to terms with this already. But as I've stated, you can never judge returning players. Some players reputations precede them and other player's past seasons allow them to be highly successful (see: Amber, Rob in the first All Stars, and Parvati). As well, let's also keep in mind players who return without other Survivor's seeing their past seasons (Rupert All Stars, James & Amanda Micronesia) are clearly at an advantage over their tribe mates.

Heroes, Heroes, Heroes. I think I'm done commenting on the idiocy unfolding before our eyes. Can we think of better targets than Tom? Not just because I like him, but logically speaking. Rupert - immobile. James - immobile. Candice & JT have shown time and time again they are untrustworthy and are bouncing from alliance to alliance. The only person who comes across looking good after all of this is Colby. However, let's also remember a fun Survivor fact - when one person is facing a huge numbers advantage, they do have the ability to be a free vote. And it's good for Colby that up until this point, no one has put his name up for elimination. Oh, and I think quote of the evening goes to Tom (I'm paraphrasing) "If James is every quiet at challenges, it's because he has no idea what's going on". ZING.

Oh, and just for fun, here is my opinion on the Survivors.

Jerri - from neutral in her first 2 seasons to loving her.

Parvati - pretty much still just like her.

Russell - pretty much feel that he is a player with zero sense at how to actually play the game.

Boston Rob - from liking him to realizing what a great character he is.

Tyson - where the hell are you?

Courtney - ditto!

Danielle - same again.

Sandra - "what a stupid ass"... amazing.

Coach - I didn't like him ever... but now I see what a flawed, interesting, bizarre man he is.

JT - he will go down as the dumbest Survivor ever. Running around like a chicken without a head is not a strategy.

James - get this disgusting person off my television.

Amanda - most annoying person on the island.

Rupert - ditto.

Candice - I feel like she is being held down by the stupidity around.

Colby - I never really liked him before, but he is shining as a voice of reason in a completely dumb tribe.

Tom - even though he was voted off early - Tom solidified himself not only as a great Survivor, but as a great character, constantly speaking out against James and his stupid comments. Some of his one-liners have been epic.

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Jerri - I think she's cool and level-headed and surprisingly decent at the challenges.

Parvati - Doing well again, but I have this feeling she got inside information from production about Russell beforehand and I don't like that one bit.

Russell - His whole "King Russell" shtick is getting annoying because he hasn't done anything this season yet really. Recruiting Coach is probably his biggest move so far and I admit he chose the right person (I thought he'd just approach Danielle). Clearly Rob > Russell though, with just one tribal council for the villains so far Rob is already clearly the leader of the tribe.

Boston Rob - Was the best thing about All Stars and he's doing fine again but it's sad he'll probably be screwed by the HII which he dislikes I think because he has now mentioned twice that there were no idols around when he played.

Tyson - Couple of one-liners in the first two episodes, now he's pretty bleak but that's his strategy, he doesn't want to annoy people.

Courtney - She's just not funny anymore I guess. She still looks anorexic and she's going to cruise to the merge again probably.

Danielle - She's getting the Natalie-Micronesia treatment. Absolutely no confessionals and personality until the merge, then she HAS to come out of her shell. She doesn't deserve to be on All-Stars though. Heck, Aras, who beat her in Panama, would have been a better choice even though he's a bit meh. But people who get no air-time usually do well later on like Brett in Samoa and as previously mentioned, Natalie in Micronesia.

Sandra - I'm neutral about the most neutral player in the world. Her neutral ass will get her far.

Coach - Interesting dude, but crazy as fuck.

JT - Disagree with RockPaperScissors/PunkRockPete, whatever:p, he won the game once so he's clearly not the dumbest Survivor ever. That award still goes to Erik for giving immunity to Natalie :lmao: He has completely screwed the Heroes though because they won't have the numbers going into the merge now. Had he stuck with just one alliance they might have been able to do something after the merge but now....he'll probably sell his soul to Russell or something. I think he was so afraid that people would want him out because he's a former winner that he felt being the swing vote every time would at least get him to the final 10 and it seems to be working but....won't win him anything.

James - China James was mysterious but cool. Micronesia James was cool with more personality. HvV James is just a bitter person that said he would play the social game way better this time, yet he's still talking about keeping the tribe strong etc etc.

Amanda - This episode she was better than the other episodes, because it seems like she finally realizes it's time to play the game instead of pose. Her run to James was a bit fake though but oh well.

Rupert - Rupert is getting the same edit as in All Stars, but somehow he was still voted fan favorite. Watch All Stars again, you'll see he was also portrayed as a guy that acts all nice but is actually very arrogant and will do anything to win the game.

Candice - I like her, she's still hot and she's a strategist. Hope she makes the merge.

Colby - Hated him in All Stars, was very arrogant. Good guy this time around but a bit lazy. Maybe it was editing, but we only saw Tom scrambling, trying to save his and Colby's ass. He's pretty screwed though unless JT flip-flops again and gets his wish....bye bye Candice.

Tom - Aww, he did great.

I wonder who's going to be fan favorite this time. Early favorites are Colby and Rob but it looks bad for both of them and I can't see America voting for people who don't even make the merge.

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Yeah, I was being a bit over the top with me saying "JT is the worst ever" (you are right, it was Erik), however, I think it's being edited to indicate JT is being set up for a MAJOR fail. Way too many big moves with no follow through. Amazing, vote out Cirie, but don't turn around and vote out Tom. It makes no sense. You piss off your alliance by flip flopping and than piss off the other alliance flip flopping again. No one trusts him and come merge, he's gone.

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Yeah, I was being a bit over the top with me saying "JT is the worst ever" (you are right, it was Erik), however, I think it's being edited to indicate JT is being set up for a MAJOR fail. Way too many big moves with no follow through. Amazing, vote out Cirie, but don't turn around and vote out Tom. It makes no sense. You piss off your alliance by flip flopping and than piss off the other alliance flip flopping again. No one trusts him and come merge, he's gone.

Oh indeed, a Tom/Colby/Candice/JT alliance would have been nice. Let's face it, the only shot he has at winning again is against another previous winner unless some crazy shit happens, so Tom would have been the perfect choice for him. I can see JT making the merge, losing the first immunity challenge and then trying to sway Tyson or something, who then blindsides him for Tocantins. I loved his flip-flopping last week, hated it this time because it means at least 3 more episodes with Amanda running around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. That move from Tyson will go down as one of the most idiotic in Survivor history. Completely changes the game. As Boston Rob said at the said at the start of the season. He's on the "buffoon tribe" AGAIN! How big would it have been to knock out Russel tonight? They could have taken out Parvati next week. This changes the game completely and unfortunately I get the feeling that Boston Rob's days are numbered. Still my favorite Survivor of all-time. Would love to see him return whenever the next All-Star Survivor is.

If the Heroes didn't vote out James tonight they should all have been tossed from the game for pure stupidity. Colby again is one of my favorites so it is great to see him survive another week.

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Thanks Tyson for ruining the season. We could have had Jerri, Boston Rob, Sandra, Coach and Courtney, all entertaining characters, going far. Instead, we got Russell still around. I don't even mind Parvati. It's Russell who is irritating.

I'm sick of the hidden Immunity Idols. Honestly, this shit is getting obnoxious. It was great in Guatemala when they introduced it; it was something different and new. Now, when each week the HII is getting played, it's overkill and it's making me dislike the season a lot more. I mean, these games revolve around the HII and it's just getting a bit too monotonous now. Everything has been done - huge blindsides, fake idols. The only thing we need is multiple idols played on one elimination and the concept is officially dead. It's outrageous and making me dislike the show more.

Oh, and major props to Russell. I dislike the guy, but it was a great move. Bravo.

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James going was a mistake for Amanda and Rupert, JT is a snake and a flip flopper but he's an irrational one that can be predicted, until the merge Colby needs him, and for Amanda not to realize she's next when they lose unless there's a shake up... Well, it's just dumb and speaks volumes about how she really does need Cirie and her Jedi Powers of common sense.

James proved himself a misogynist early in the season, and was swiftly disowned by my house, despite that even I realize that it would be a good move to keep him aslong as possible, not only if you're in a majority alliance with him, but just in general, he can barely walk and what is normally a physical based challenge monster is now just a limping jackass that has no hope infront of a jury. THAT is the guy you want to take to the end, especially in favor of people you can't trust like JT who WILL try to make big moves and screw over everyone he can to make the jury think he's cereberal cancer. Colby COULD have been pulled into the alliance and is something I would have atleast tried to feel out.

And even though he's proved time and time again that he's not cut out for this game, and kind of a jackass, James still cracked me up with "Would you like a banana?"

Poor guy has problems with fruit.

On the other end of the spectrum, I have to applaud Russell, he knew exactly what Rob would do and picked the one person that he could work his 'houdini magic' on to ensure that he got to make the big move at tribal council and look like a genuis (though part of me hopes that he just tried that voting parvati speech with everyone and only Tyson was dumb enough to take him at his word)

I'm shocked that noone is ready to admit Russel v.s. Rob is good tv, sure the little troll is annoying, and self entitled but he knows the game and unlike most contestants these days I'd say it's a safe bet a casting director didn't bump into him at a Whole Foods and give him a spot because he looked adorable. The only real problem I have with Russ is his ego, which ultimately makes him very easy to play, and his tendency to make promises he doesn't have to make, ensuring a jury will hate him.

Rob on the otherhand I love wholeheartedly, and I can't wait to see how he reacts to these developments.

Tyson was just dumb and I can't believe he'd go against Rob's instructions and vote parvati, because the guy that has the idol tells him that's who he's voting for. DUUUMB!

Also, I'm going to take this time to say... WHY IN THE HELL OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE ON COOK ISLAND IS CANDICE A HERO?!?!

Am I the only one that remembers her fake dating her way through the game, forming a white's only (unless you count Uncle Nate) alliance, being a bitch to quite a few people, and then using her jury vote to slander the people that actually played with dignity?

I realize she probably just had a bad edit and in actuality is a perfectly charming and intelligent young woman, but would it really have been too much to ask to bring in Yul, or Cao Boi?

Infact, the Heroes tribe seemed stacked from the beginning to give Parvati as many post merge friends as possible. Strange.

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[quote name='Pleatherface' date='26 March 2010 - 01:25 AM' timestamp='1269563148' post='1998229'

On the other end of the spectrum, I have to applaud Russell, he knew exactly what Rob would do and picked the one person that he could work his 'houdini magic' on to ensure that he got to make the big move at tribal council and look like a genuis (though part of me hopes that he just tried that voting parvati speech with everyone and only Tyson was dumb enough to take him at his word)


Also, I'm going to take this time to say... WHY IN THE HELL OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE ON COOK ISLAND IS CANDICE A HERO?!?!

I was all applauding Russell and than I read an interview with Tyson - apparently it had nothing to do with Russell, that was just the way the show was edited. Apparently Tyson had already decided before this point to make the decision to vote off Parvati instead, because everyone knew of the 3 v. 3 strategy and Tyson was certain that Parvati and Danielle would vote off Russell and than he'd have to vote off Parvati to ensure she was going. That's just according to an interview, so there we have it. The wonders of editing.

Yeah, Candace being a hero doesn't make sense, though, I'm sure editing has played a role in ensuring that she hasn't been a big character. It seems like everyone and their mother is talking about how untrustworthy she is, so I'm sure she is doing a lot of scrambling that we don't see.

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I realize she probably just had a bad edit and in actuality is a perfectly charming and intelligent young woman, but would it really have been too much to ask to bring in Yul, or Cao Boi?

Infact, the Heroes tribe seemed stacked from the beginning to give Parvati as many post merge friends as possible. Strange.

Cao Boi would be a great choice for a Second Chance season there have been rumors about. I'm pretty sure they asked Yul 'cause he would have been the perfect Hero, but he's the type of guy that feels one time is enough and he doesn't want to tarnish his reputation (like Tom when he was asked for Micronesia, so maybe Yul will do All Stars II if there ever will be one). I would have loved to have seen him in the Heroes tribe, no James and Amanda. Candice I'm fine with, although she's not really a hero or a villain. Shane Powers from Panama/Exile Island would have been hilarious on the Villains tribe.

What a great episode man, my god. It just went back and forth between Rob and Russell and when Rob called that they should vote for Parvati, for a second I thought Russell was actually going home (and in a way I would have loved that because I have this irking feeling he'll make it to the end and I want things to be a surprise). Tyson dug his own grave. I loved seeing James go home, but I wonder why they didn't approach Colby for an alliance. The guy is very trustworthy so tell him you're saving his ass this time so he can prove himself and go with them after the merge.

By the way, did anyone read Laura's (from Samoa) blog about the episode? She says after Boston Rob said they should split the votes, Russell suddenly "knew" Parvati was going home and he told Parv and Danielle he was going to give Parv the idol. She claims that she knows the "real" Russell and that he would do everything to save his own ass, so she says that he somehow knew Tyson voted for Parvati instead of Russell. There have been a lot of rumors about production helping Russell, like Natalie saying that Russell told her he was going to be on the HvV season DURING the Samoa season. I'm going to believe in mankind though and just think Russell is a good player and Tyson had a brainfart.

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No, I agree it doesn't. A lot of Survivor fans are saying that the producers are rigging the show to make Russell stay longer, but I don't buy it. I do believe that if there ever was a case for the producers rigging the show, it'd be this episode, but I think it's more of a case of Russell and Parvati being really lucky and Tyson screwing himself big time.

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The only thing I don't understand about Tyson's decision was that he didn't NEED to change his vote. If Russel actually did vote Parvarti, they would have had enough votes to get rid of her, regardless of Tyson's vote.

To be honest, I don't really care if it is rigged. That was my favorite episode of Survivor in recent memory.

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Coach is an idiot. Plain and simple. Russel and Parvati both should already be out of the game. I'm going to guess that Coach goes next now as Russel will have no problem stabbing him in the back. Boston Rob to me is the greatest Survivor player of all time. Plain and simple. Would love to see him back whenever the next All-Star edition happens. Parvati will win now.

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Coach is an idiot. Plain and simple. Russel and Parvati both should already be out of the game. I'm going to guess that Coach goes next now as Russel will have no problem stabbing him in the back. Boston Rob to me is the greatest Survivor player of all time. Plain and simple. Would love to see him back whenever the next All-Star edition happens. Parvati will win now.

For a second Coach came across as an actual logical thinking human being when he said Jerri fell for Russell's sales pitch way too easily, so there was hope. All of a sudden he says he gave his word to Russell and now he can't go against that, which is complete bs, because he also gave his word to Rob....he just goes and back forth the whole time and ends up just voting for Courtney so he can say he stayed true to Rob, but he can also say he didn't go against Russell. However, I also think he's the next to go home because he's a complete wild card. Who knows what would happen after the merge between JT and him? I still somehow think Sandra will make it to the end, fuck knows how. After next week, which I predict will be a pretty straight forward episode (I think all the stuff they showed will happen within the first 10 minutes or so), the merge will probably happen and the heroes should pray to god they win immunity next week and that they maybe can sway someone to their side (Courtney perhaps?). Although it seems pretty obvious Russell is going to go all the way and Danielle as well (which sucks 'cause Danielle is boring).

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Douche is a moron, but only because he's making it out to be some sort of enormously noble thing he's done, part of me almost thought he was working Russell when he asked to be knighted, because that's the perfect way to work the little man, play to his ego, but apparently Douche really believes all the bullshit he's been spouting this whole time.

I would applaude him playing Rob and Russell against each other, and taking out Rob who is clearly the stronger threat to future immunity, if I thought for a second that was his actual intention. I'm beginning to believe he was actually just really starstruck with Rob, and perhaps did consider him as a friend.

I hate playing into the idea that anyone would be dumb enough to confuse game loyalty with real loyalty and let that prevent them from making the right plays, but it really does seem like Douche wanted to remain loyal to both rob and russell, and didn't want to make an enemy out of either.. Which makes throwing away your vote even more dumb, because we're no doubt going to hear him whine about Rob being gone when he had every chance to save him.

Sometimes I really despise Coach..

Moving on.

I realize that by voicing my favorites I'm immediately dooming them, but if next week is the merge (which I doubt seriously) I can see several alliances forming, and lots of flipping.

First possible alliance that occurs to me: Rupert and Sandra. I'm not sure of their relationship since their season but both are smart enough to realize they're on the outs, and forming together to prepare themselves for the end game, Sandra doing what she does best and gather an alliance of the outcasts, and waiting for the power tribes to eat each other. I can easily see Courtney and Amanda/or Candice (depending on how it goes) following along.

Russell lives or dies by the hands of Parvati and Douche, both of whom have natural alliances against him if they wish to capatilize. Parvati's ofcourse swallowing up Amanda, Candice, Danielle, and perhaps Sandra as the kicker vote since she will ofcourse do whatever it takes to survive. If Parvati wants him gone when the merge arrives she has the opportunity.

Coach's go to alliance, atleast from first glance would include JT (for however long he sees it benefits him), Colby, whichever girl hero decided to come along for the ride, and mayhaps Rupert due to his own self-grandizing attitude. I don't see Jerri getting included in it, I really don't, especially if Colby is present.

If neither of them split off which seems unlikely, Russell may have a shot, but I'd lean towards him being blindsided by his troops seeing as they are all well versed in doing just that.

I hate Parvati, and would sooner root for a Lil Russel, Rupert, and Douche 3-Way tie, but I have to admit the odds are stacked in her favor if there's a fast approaching merge.

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