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Age of Empires 3!


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I wasn't really interested in this game, but I bought it as it would have felt foolish not to for 10 Microsoft Points. I'm a big fan of the Civilization series and I remember playing the demo of the Original Age of Empires, so perhaps I will end up getting into this. Even if I only get five minutes of enjoyment out of it, I'll probably have got my money's worth.

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I picked this up for 10 points just because I could <_<

But I remember buying this the week that it came out after loving AOE II to bits, only to be crushed by disappointment at such a terrible game.

You never seemed to have enough time to build your city before 40 soldiers stormed the place :(

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The entire Age of Empires series isn't worth 10 Microsoft points.

I hope you die.

Then come back, like Jesus.

Then die again.


Wishing death on someone (twice) just because you have poor taste in strategy games isn't very nice. <_<

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Age of Empires is terrible. The campaign missions are agonizingly long, considering they keep adding more and more mission objectives as you go, and at the same time are incredibly boring. The sandbox mode where you fight the AI only requires you to build eight or so of the most basic infantry unit and attack, and you'll win every time.

Empire Earth at least ripped the engine and made something partly decent, but that suffered from the same issues. Although I did fight a battle against the AI in the WW1 timeline that actually ended up exactly like WW1(we kept attacking each other's lines over and over and over, with each attack being repulsed before it could kill off the other side). Casualties in that went into five figures for each side before I gave up playing.

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It's incredible fun on a huge map with a bunch of friends on multiplayer, as long as they aren't all RTS freaks and know all the easy stuff to do, can make for a good game.

Never been a fan of campaign, but skirmish is good fun for an hour or 2 and it's certainly worth way more than 10p/10c/10msp.

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