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The Dragon Age Origins Play-Along


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So, we often do play-alongs, but since we're all playing the same game, it's not really much to discuss in terms of what happened. So I figure, what the heck, let's go for a game where your decisions and actions actually have some effect. The twist, is that you're going to 'roleplay' a character. If you're anything like me, then no matter how much you try and play a character, you find your own character bleeding through (like myself and Hammy, who's constant need to be validated as 'good' can be a pain). So the idea is simple - write up a brief character description (no major history, since that can become something which is developed in the game) and stick to it. You can choose whatever difficulty you choose, you can do DLC or ignore it, whatever you see fit. As a matter of discussion, after what you perceive as any major decision, post in here to explain why you and your character did what you did. It's basically a diary, but without the actual write ups (unless that floats your boat.

So, for me...


Male, Dwarf, Noble, Rogue

A master tactician, who believes in glory in victory. He is a firm believer in second chances, but he will engage in confrontation if he believes he is being taken for a fool. He demands respect, and he will give it in return. Despite this, his noble bloodline does give him a sentiment that he is above many people.

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