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Top 100 Songs


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I used to post here a bit a few years ago, mainly in the Dome, but I fell off the bandwagon as I became preoccupied with other stuff going on in my life. I'm starting to get back into EWB again though, and thought there would be no better way to do so then join the latest bandwagon. Anyways, I'm just gonna keep with the whole '1 Artist, 1 Song' theme and just randomly list some songs that I find in my library. My taste in music isn't exactly full of EWB favourites from what I've seen, but it's cool to be different. Right?

1. Up, Up & Away - Kid Cudi

When Day & Nite first got released as a single, my first thought was "What the fuck is this shit?" I grew to love the song however, and led me to pretty much downloading every Cudi song I can find. I've never considered myself to be a guy to be a big hip hop or rap fan by any means, but Cudi's laidback beats and voice makes it really easy to listen to. To the actual song, this one stands above the rest of his other work for mine. My family could be killed in a car crash, be homeless, and have my balls cut off, and the second I heard this song I'd be smiling like a Cheshire cat.

2. Put Your Hands Up On Me - Crookers

Oh yeah, I like dance music, what of it? :shifty: After hearing Day & Nite, I went and found some Crookers clips on Youtube. Before this, I hated dance music. I couldn't stand it. I didn't even see how it was even music, especially the lyrics. But then I started going out to more & more parties, started hanging round different people, turned 18, and started going out to the local nightclub. WOOOOOO DANCE MUSIC! But seriously, this song is pretty catchy and that is what does it for me. It's not about the lyrics. It's about putting you in a good mood, and getting you ready for a big night out.

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Yeah, now that I think about it, it isn't really a dance song, more a song you'll here on a night out. Well, for my local place it is pop/hip hop stuff like this, or every Friday night featuring Summer of '69 for about two years straight :shifty: Anyways, my bad on the categorisation.

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3. Landslide - Fleetwood Mac

I have pretty strange music tastes, in that I can jump from something like Crookers, to this. I can thank my parents for that, and my music taste has been definitely influenced by them. I remember one night our whole family, and some of our parent's friend were dancing to their Greatest Hits album. But to the actual song, I just love this type of music. Good songwriting, a soothing voice, and an acoustic guitar. In particular, Stevie Nicks has a great voice.

4. Not Ready To Make Nice - Dixie Chicks

Okay. I loved their cover of Landslide, almost as good as the original. But then again, anyone could sing that song and be touted as a class musician. Anyways, when they were pretty much burnt at the stake for their comments about the Iraq war, I was pretty pissed. I'm from Australia, and didn't think we belonged in Iraq, and seeing people making a simple comment about the war ruining their lives was pretty pathetic. This song expressing those reasons is pretty damn powerful, can definitely hear the emotion pouring out into the song. Poor girls. Great band though. Oh yeah, I have a soft spot for country music.

Edited by TheTruth
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5. Boston - Augustana

To be frank, I don't have much Augustana stuff in my library, but I love this song. I've always loved songs like this where emotion is being poured out, and this is pretty much no different. I know this is pretty much very generic music, but I could care less. I could sit here & listen to this all day long without a problem in the world. Plus, I'm a sucker for a piano.

6. Winter - Joshua Radin

I only became a fan of Scrubs this year pretty much, which led to me discovering this song. As you probably all know, this is the song playing at Ben's funeral and it gets me every single damn time. Fits the scene perfectly. Scrubs is so good for that, so expect to see more of their songs appearing on this list. But anyways, despite it being a great song in Scrubs, it is a great song altogether and I really believe if Radin's music became a bit more pop, in the style of Blunt's maybe, he'd achieve the same success as the aforementioned.

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7. Flashing Lights - Kanye West

I remember my sister telling me she thought some chick killed Kanye when she first saw the video clip. But anyways, Kanye is great, and I know many people will most likely disagree on my selection, but hey, it's my list :P That said, I could probably pick another one out of ten songs in my library from West, and I would be happy.

8. Ice Cream - Muscles

I doubt many of you have heard of Muscles, but go find him on Youtube, and listen to anything you can find. It's pretty much electropop, but I can't get enough of it. Plus, if a song with the lyrics "Ice cream is gonna save the day again", it speaks for itself.

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