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Survivor: South Pacific

GoGo Yubari

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Great second episode. Christine always seemed a lock to go out but the absolute clusterfuck that got them there was wonderful television.

What's the over/under on Christine having actually seen an episode of Survivor before being cast?

God, I have such a hard time with that. I want to say she's a recruit and maybe only a super-casual viewer before she got cast. And she clearly didn't watch Redemption Island because she was basically Kristina Kell except even less successful. Kristina by all accounts made herself the outsider but she didn't do it as stupidly as Christine did. I actually did like her, though, because over the course of the episode she turned out to be an enjoyable foil for Coach. Absolutely terrible player, though. No social game whatsoever. I'm betting on her to take out Semhar but she's not going to have an Elrod run.

The Coach Tribe is just a genuinely fascinating tribe, good mix of players and all of them have been well-defined. Edna's inability to tell an even half-plausible lie under pressure pretty much obliterated my thought of her being a contender. Instead she's Coach's morality pet and I don't think she has it in her to make waves in the game. Mikayla is... okay, first thing about Mikayla is she really isn't that hot? Maybe by comparison to the others but I'd even say I find Edna more attractive than her. Rick is going to be the strong silent type and that's going to take him post-merge barring catastrophe, I can't see him not making the jury. Albert is... man. They gave Albert absolutely nothing until Tribal Council and then he was incredibly astute, well-spoken, and composed. His lack of face time makes me think he's not a player but he has the potential to be. Sophie is awesome. I can't wait for her to get more time, because she will. Stacey is 100% dead in the water.

And Brandon, Jesus. What a douchebag. The funny thing is that he's basically Tocantins!Coach without the hilarity; he thinks he's going to be redeeming the Hantz name and playing with dignity and honor but he's really just being a petty, egotistical creep. If he makes the merge I will be stunned, though I could maybe see him being the guy who gets to come back via Redemption Island.

Quiet episode on the Ozzy side. Keith seems to have a bit more game than Grant did so at least Grant 2.0 is a bit of an upgrade from Grant 1.0. Jim opting to join the cool kids table is interesting but it won't last. Everyone else was exactly the same as last week. Hilarious that Whitney Duncan, the "celebrity of the group" as she puts it, has absolutely zero time afforded to her.

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I have to argue with that GoGo.

Grant immediately joins Rob at the hip. Has a meeting of the minds with him. Eventually gets a confessional where he laughs about someone not being that close to Rob, while spewing forth the keeping the tribe strong mentality.

That seemed to be his entire Survivor experience.

Keith does have the whole "We have to judge you up to this point because we don't know your past or the future." comment, but otherwise he seems on pace to be a less physically intimidating Grant.

I could be wrong, and we'll see how the rest of his edit goes, but I'm thinking he's the inoffensive muscular dupe WITHOUT the strategic mastermind to do his thinking for him.

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I'd be very worried if I was Brandon's wife, because apparently whenever he sees a good looking girl he wants to fuck that girl. That's basically what it comes down to at the moment, he feels uncomfortable around Mikayla because he wants to do her, he looks at her like a 40 year old virgin. He wants to redeem the Hantz name, but he's actually just making things worse. Now America knows Russell the evil troll and Brandon the creep with demons. A little bit of Russell's scare tactics came out this time though when he went around ordering people to vote Mikayla.

I'm fascinated by Coach 3.0. Without the Dragonslayer act he's genuinely a nice guy, and he started doing well in challenges since HvV. What he did at tribal was a bit too much Coach 1.0, but he got saved by Brandon's stupidity. Albert's comments surprised me, he's definitely making the merge.

Did Christine really think she could go on the show, badmouth everyone, visibly look for the idol and not get voted out? Does she even know how the game works?

Ozzy finding the idol felt random. He didn't get much attention, it was just; oh here's Ozzy looking for the idol for the first time and immediately finding it. I admit it was in a difficult spot, although it's not like they didn't know Ozzy wouldn't look for it up in trees considering he's a monkey.

Edna is weird. I like her connection with Coach, but her cap is silly and the way she tried to cover up to Christine was just one big facepalm.

Why is Mike making an alliance with the cool kids, when he can win individual challenges against the losers later on, and easily control that group?

I can't believe I'm actually rooting for Coach, even though I thought he was meh in his first 2 seasons compared to Philip. I wanted Ozzy to win Micronesia, but he's a douche so far.

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I wont spoil anything because I know GoGo wont have watched tonight but...

My immediate post show thoughts:

I question Cochran's game savvy.

I question Dawn's intelligence.

.... Oh, Brandon. Just... Oh.

I have to agree with you Quasi. Jim is in an ultimate bad spot. But I think he realizes it.

Why has Stacey's only verbal contributions been "Boosh.. Boom.." and tonight the wonderful inclusion of "Blaaam!" *stunned head shake*

Please get her off my tv.

Christine seeming to believe that Coach voting her off after she loudly let it be known that she's targeting him was a cowardly boo-hoo baby move? A very good indication about WHY she was voted off. Self awareness is key Christine. Look it up.

Mikayla crying because someone doesn't like her? Yup. She is certainly the strongest woman to ever play the game of Survivor...

This was a fairly bleh episode, but I can see it leading to good places.

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No reason not to spoil, I don't go into this thread until I see the new episode from, like... 5pm PST onwards. Previews indicate that Cochran is finally going to make moves next week and I hope that's not misleading. It's not that he doesn't have game savvy, it's that he doesn't have the confidence to actually do anything. You can know all you want about the game but if you don't have the confidence needed to make big moves, you're done. His back is outright to the wall from here on out because Dawn appears to be much more useful than he is, so this is where it gets interesting for him.

I love that Stacey communicates via sound effects. That's such a ridiculous quirk and the editors are going out of their way to highlight it. At least it gives her something that isn't just Mark Burnett's usual hard-on for casting angry black women (see: Alicia, Sherea, NaOnka, what's-her-name from Samoa).

Christine saying "I guess they weren't ready for someone playing the game from day one" pretty much sums her character up entirely. What's amazing is that she namedropped Matt Elrod, meaning she's maybe at least watched Redemption Island (unless a cameraperson fed her his name in a question during their interview session) but she didn't even factor in what happened to Kristina, who was a much smarter player than her.

Semhar's poem was hysterical. Both the fact that she keeps going back to the same one about this mystery guy she wants to meet and have the imaginary babies of, and the fact that one of the unwilling captives of it was Coach, who finally got a taste of his own medicine from back in Tocantins. The look between Coach and Ozzy was priceless.

And ultimately, the fact that Upolu won Immunity meant it wasn't going to be an interesting second half of the episode. Upolu's tribe dynamics, with the walking disaster that is Brandon Hantz, Mikayla a.k.a. somehow the female Boston Rob according to Probst totally unable to deal with strategic play, and Coach thusfar playing a very strong game. And Sophie, Albert, and Rick are just sort of standing off to the sidelines, being quietly competent. It's interesting that Brandon's calling them out next episode. I hope he gets his ass chucked out of the tribe for it, I'd like to see those three make a deep run.

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In that case.. I can GET why Cochran would push for Papa Bear. I understand that. But Papa and you JUST acknowledged that you're both exendible and that one of you is going home immediately, the other one probably not far from immediately.

You see Papa with the buldge, you understand what he's doing. You don't try and get the majority to split? You don't try to work it into your advantage?

Cochran really cut off his only ally of necessity, since Dawn's incompotence is slightly less than that of the double date girls. Can he work something out with Jim, and maybe Keith? It's possible. It's just as possible from judging from the giant grin on Jim's face in the previews and him doing the fake punching thing with his body language and calling it a "Survivor Move." that he's just being sadistic and giving Cochran false hope.

I somehow doubt if Ozzy goes home next week, that it's because of Cochran.

Dawn? I understand she's not a strategic player, and I get that she's not in IMMEDIATE danger of going home, but does it really take someone at Tribal council TELLING you you're in the minority, and then someone else (Jim) agreeing wholeheartedly?

She HAS to realize that's probably not a good sign.

I'm rooting for Papa Bear at redemption. I really want him back in the game, because it honestly seems as if he understands it well. He can tell when he's been played, when he's being placated, and apparently he can lay seeds, didn't work for him here though.

I like that COACH looks at Brandon and his basic take on the situation is "Don't be that honest."

You know you've got some troubles when Coach thinks you should hold back.

I don't know what to be more offended by. The whole convo with Mikayla, in which he had to gather the group together just so they could listen to him talk down to her slightly.


Brandon probably wont be much fun at the after party.

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Brandon continues to amaze me, the dude's got major issues. Funny how Survivor works; when a guy formed an alliance with a group at the start he can fuck up, do crazy shit etc and get away with it, but if Brandon had not been in Coach's alliance directly he would be the next gone. He made camp life awkward, because he has serious demons. It's not Mikayla's problem she has a great bod. He might still screw up and go though.

Cochran sucks so far. He has absolutely no game and I doubt he's going to actually pull some strings next week. He came into the game fairly cocky, saying he was the biggest fan ever and he knew how to play and control a tribe. Well, so far you've talked strategy with nobody and you got all paranoid twice when your name was mentioned Cochran, which is NOT the way to act. So be less nerdy and paranoid and start making deals.

I love how Ozzy said he fully trusts Keith, so he told him about the idol and then Keith immediately told Whitney about it. Genius.

There are some wall flowers this season, but history shows some wall flowers blossom after the merge and become entertaining, like Natalie in Micronesia, and Corinne in Gabon.

As much as I like Papa Bear, I do feel he should have tried to connect more with everyone. He started off well it seemed, so where did it go wrong? I also doubt he'll make it 'till the end of Redemption island. I have a feeling Christine is going to beat Papa Bear, which would suck because Christine is incredibly stupid and rude.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Interesting tidbit from a Semhar exit interview re: Jim and the first challenge.

I think that what you don't see is that at the beginning of our challenge, we asked Jim to lead us in the challenge. And Jim put his hands up and kinda didn't want to do it and said, "You guys know me -- Not great at anything, not bad at anything." So that's when I stepped up. It's not like I just was like, "Hey guys! I think I should do this!" No. It was like we had 30 seconds to decide and we were running out of time and Jim clearly didn't want to do it, so that's when I stepped up. I think that had I not done that, none of the drama to follow would have placed anymore targets on my back and I think I would have been safe, so yeah.
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Great third episode.

I was completely wrong. Upolo is turning out to be INFINITELY more interesting than Savaii. By episode 3, I can safely say that Brandon is playing one of the worst games I have seen in a long time, but also giving us one of the most interesting Survivor story lines in a long time. When have we seen a Survivor story line that dealt with people's morals and ethics in such a real way. Brandon is falling apart and it's amazing television. Also: how amazing is Coach playing this season? He's not playing a Boston Rob type game, but he definitely knows what is going down on his tribe.

I'm disappointed Papa Bear went home, but Coachran seems to be better television, so it's probably better in the long run. Ozzy is not Boston Rob - his move of telling Keith of the HII has been the biggest blunder so far in the game. Keith clearly does not trust Ozzy as much as Ozzy trusts Keith.

Two funny moments: Semhar's poem and Papa Bear running through the woods like a huge queen. I nearly died laughing for both.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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However, she still shouldn't have stepped up considering she was completely tired

She didn't step up after getting tired, she stepped up before the challenge even started. She misjudged how much the challenge was going to exhaust her but it's really not like what you're implying it to be.

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... I'm actually, and this shocks me in some way, but I'm warming up to Brandon. I don't know why I wasn't expecting the short stocky dude to be a beast, but he is, and he wasn't entirely objectionable this episode.

Maybe it's JUST me, but Mikayla and Stacey mocking Edna when she's chatting people up and especially making fun of her laugh really kind of soured me on Mikayla, along with the fact that the strongest female player in Survivor history wasn't actively participating in the strength challenge in a measurable way.

Found it a bit odd that Jim didn't correct Jeff when he said Jim and Cochran voted Papa Bear. Not technically true, but I supose in spirit it works.

Cochran continues to disappoint, but I can see the glimmers of hope in his eyes and it makes me want him to do well.

Jim impressed me again because he really does seem to understand the game, and appears as if he's able to read Ozzy and know he's not secure, and tying Brandon for a new record isn't shabby either.

Ozzy openly laughing at Jim when he's walking down the trail about 12 yards away is just in bad taste, and it rings true to what I've always heard about Ozzy not respecting strategic play or students of the game. He's fallen into a trap of his own making with the double date alliance, and I think he's getting... Almost content? I think he's ripe to be picked off.

Coach still amazes me being the calming influence. I think having Brandon around has down alot to make him more likeable. It'll be interesting to see if he goes dragon slayer douchey when he has to start cutting throats.

Rick? Well, this is a long time dream for him. He's auditioned what? 14 times? And I know next to nothing about him. Poor guy. Apparently the only super fans worth camera time are the nebbish stereotypes and the ones having emotional break downs. Good to know.

Albert, I want to see more of. He's been fairly backgroundish while still being a muscular competitor, and during the rare moments he speaks he dosn't spew crumbs everywhere. He's one of the good ones.

Stacey's plan of "I'm gonna tell the other tribe EVERYTHING!" Umm... What do you know? That your tribe didn't like you? That Coach is the figure head leader? I think anyone on the other tribe short of MAYBE Ozzy can guess that.

Good episode.

I will never tire of Brandon crying openly and Rick almost looking disgusted by it but at the same time concerned.

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There are definitely some sleepers in this game that haven't contributed anything. I also don't understand why Mikayla is still not trying to get into the core alliance of her tribe. Considering she was on the chopping block last time, you'd think she would try to secure her spot this time.

Coach is awesome, and it has caught me by surprise. This is the real him, not the Dragonslayer. He went from being clueless 2 times to being likeable and really understanding how the game works. Ozzy is a douche though.

Damn Whitney is hot.

rofl @ them teasing Cochran being a mastermind, but in actuality it was Jim approaching Cochran, and in the end they didn't need to do anything anyway because they won immunity. I also don't really see how they could blindside Elyse with the numbers they have.

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Fantastic Coach episode. "My parents call me Coach! People have been calling me Coach since I was eighteen!"

This season is just miles and miles better than Redemption Island. Nice to see Albert be relevant.

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I love that Albert decides HE'S an obvious target, and obvious threat, and HE needs to find the idol... And apparently after 20 minutes of looking he gives up.

I find it even more brilliant that noone on the other tribe seemed to give a shit.

Ozzy slipped up by being dumb. Jim played that slip up perfectly.

Whitney is... Just... Ugghh... If showing Ozzy he can trust her by only half turning on him is her big strategic move? She can go back to hiding off camera as far as I'm concerned. That makes no sense. It would make sense in certain situations, but this isn't one of them, and Ozzy? Not the kind of player that's going to understand you giving up fourth place with him for however far the other alliance is willing to take you.

Ozzy gets bitter quickly, and jumps to the rat card even quicker when he feels out of his depth, which seems to be often.

To be honest I don't see how eliminating Elyse benefits Whitney. Jim sold Keith effectively, but Whitney jumping along, and only doing it half way seems like a rookie mistake. That's not how you play both sides. That's how you alienate Ozzy and become part of the bottom two if he's not the next to go.

I'm definitely listening to Cesternino tomorrow. If only because I want to be sure that Stacey can speak English. I'm not sure. I also don't think she understands what loyalty means. It's not let me win even though you hate me and I'm not going out of my way to be the least bit friendly.

Brandon cries. Take a shot.

Sophie gets screen time? Rick gets screen time? *clap clap* Well played show.

Jeff going out of his way to try and humiliate Cochran? Fuck you Probst. Seriously. Go be the replacement Regis, noone gives a shit anymore. Stop being a dick.

The redemption duel would've been great to see with Ozzy involved. I want to know how his concetration and his hand eye coordination has held up.

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Whitney's just attached to Keith because they're showmancing and Survivor's given no screen time to it because they're both boring people. Where he goes, she goes.

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Ozzy has made major mistakes the last few episodes.

Telling Keith about the idol? Check.

Openly getting close AND flirting with Elyse when you know there is another couple? Check.

Generally acting lazy around camp? Check.

Asking Cochran how to spell his name (presumably because he plans to vote him out)? Check.

Revealing that if he were Coach, he'd vote out Albert next? Check.

I'm convinced at this point Coach wins the game. I mean, he hasn't made a mistake yet. And his alliance (Sophie and Albert) is pretty astute. Smartest move of the game yet? Albert telling Sophie and Coach he had the clue and finding it together. Not only do you not put the Idol in your own hands (which has caused the downfall of so many strong guys in the game), you gain the trust of two allies and make your threesome much stronger because you possess the Idol. Todd proved in China that you don't even need to hold the HII to gain a lot of power from it.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Another good episode, I love that the tribes are going back and forth with immunities. Ozzy has shown his true colours again and it seems he gets frustrated next week. I can see him playing the idol if they don't win.

I have a feeling Albert will end up winning somehow, even though Coach has played an amazing game so far which is VERY surprising. He said it himself when he found the idol, 'wow Dragon, get back in there'. This is the real Coach and he knows it's working.

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