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Euro 2004


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Just to make a point to the Berlin guy about the James free kick. I was actually wrong, his first movements made it impossible though. What was needed was a proper wall. With the way Zidane shaped up for both the free kick and penalty it was obvious.

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Tom's spot on, James mugged himself by moving to his left, which would lead you to believe he set his wall up wrong. The wall covers one side, James covers the other. He should have had the wall on the side it was (though maybe more to the side), then stayed on the side of the free kick and he'd have saved it. If it went in over the wall then it'd have to be a pretty good free kick and wouldn't be James fault.

Bit late for all this though, we should beat Switzerland and Croatia and make it through. Either way it's likely we'll play Portugal or Spain (I'd say they're still the two most likely to get through from their group). I'd rate the two about the same, doesn't really matter which of the two we play.

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Latvia just got Englanded !!!


Actually, this is far different from England vs France. There is still quite some time to go when the Czechs grabbed that goal. And I think they deserved it. It has been mostly the Czechs that looked threatening ever since Heinz is brought on.

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nah it´s not, they lead not deserving it and than got slaughterd, this situation from nowon shall be called "being englanded"

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahawhawhawhaw  B)

So if Germany gets thrashed by Holland with a five goal margin, shall we name that kind of situation "being Germanised' ?


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So if Germany gets thrashed by Holland with a five goal margin, shall we name that kind of situation "being Germanised' ?


if you havent got it yet, the only team i care about is werder, if germany ore turkey win something and the whole town partys like crazy i am all there becaus lots of happy people own you, if they loose, drown, getr distroyd i couldend care less. And even with the teams i care about i am not so good dame seriusly argoant like some people here.

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