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The Continuing Chronicles Of Jay Feaster's Incompetence


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That's cray. Over the last five years, the only difference between the Penguins winning the cup and not winning the cup is one of two things need to happen: Crosby doesn't play - OR - MAF detonates. Crosby's healthy. How does ANYONE stop the Pens if MAF simply fails to crap himself?

This is too true. I'm not a fan, but if they have consistently solid goaltending throughout the playoffs, the Pens have to be the favorite. Flyers lost again last night to the Lightning, another team scratching and clawing to get in....big loss.

Like I said before, I'm ever the optomist, but I don't think the Flyers get in this year. I just hope Holmgren doesn't blow everything up again.

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Holmgren really is the boldest GM - it's almost expected he's going to do something here. He should be after whatever has to go in the too-many-goalies conundrum in StLouis. A Brian Elliot / Bryzgalov timeshare tandem is a little less scary than what they're going with now.

Ultimately, the Flyers are in good shape. Giroux, Simmonds, Voracek, Couturier, both Schenns, Read, Coburn, and Grossman are all guys with bright futures. Some are slumping now but will come along. Philly's biggest jobs are firming up their goaltending and getting Giroux some more scoring help - he's been exposed a bit without a Richards, Carter or Jagr there to supplement scoring and set him up all the time.

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That's my fear - that he's too bold. I'm afraid he'll blow the whole thing up a la Richards/Carter. Yeah, the team is slumping, and they need a defenseman, but ultimately it's a very young team that has a shot to do some special stuff. I wouldn't mind trading away a piece or two in order to shore up the defense (I think Coutourier will be the onw to go), but I don't want Holmgren to do anything drastic.

If they trade Voracek away, I quit.

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He'll be up there. He's still just 22 years old, and really appears to be thriving under the guidance -- and trust -- of first Dallas Eakins with the Marlies and now Randy Carlyle. It just seems like the more ice time he gets, the better he becomes during each and every shift. He seems to have put that whole 'You're fat!' incident behind him, and is really taking his coaches' advice to heart.

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