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Survivor: Philippines **SPOILERS probably*

GoGo Yubari

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Maybe he saw fans v.s. favorites and decided Fairplay had the right idea?

Oh, no, the hilarious thing is that he and Fairplay are from the same town and apparently hate each other.

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Russel's tribe sucks. An entertaining lot of people, but they suck. Malcolm and Denise are two people who would normally do REALLY well in a game like Survivor, but not when your tribe is full of duds. I'm cheering for Malcolm and Denise simply because if they were cast on any of the other tribes, they'd be running the show. Unfortunately, they got stuck with the dud tribe.

My impression is that Penner is not on the outs, just being edited to look that way. Penner is a smart guy who is good at building relationships. His tribe seems OK. I don't see what the fuss about Jeff Kent is - seems pretty dull to me. The gay dude on the tribe said nothing. The girls were nonexistent and I can't tell you anything about them.

Skupin's tribe will do well, because they seem to mesh well together and because, outside the elderly black guy, we got to know each person pretty well. I like Lisa, she seems nice and I think Skupin is going to protect her. I think their age and their faiths will bring them together - they seem like natural allies in the game and my guess is that Skupin agreed to the alliance because he really had nothing else to do - in a tribe full of 6 people, you kinda have to agree to an alliance with 3 other people. But he'll work his magic.

I think this season will turn out better than One World, but I'm skeptical. Maybe my cynicism, but it still feels like production is influencing the game. Russell and Penner finding the clues just turns me off, it seems to coincidental. Also, Russell's tribe being loaded with complete and utter losers - outside Malcolm and Denise - and Skupin's tribe being loaded with strong players seems a bit heavy handed. Just my two cents.

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Russel's tribe sucks. An entertaining lot of people, but they suck. Malcolm and Denise are two people who would normally do REALLY well in a game like Survivor, but not when your tribe is full of duds. I'm cheering for Malcolm and Denise simply because if they were cast on any of the other tribes, they'd be running the show. Unfortunately, they got stuck with the dud tribe.

My impression is that Penner is not on the outs, just being edited to look that way. Penner is a smart guy who is good at building relationships. His tribe seems OK. I don't see what the fuss about Jeff Kent is - seems pretty dull to me. The gay dude on the tribe said nothing. The girls were nonexistent and I can't tell you anything about them.

Skupin's tribe will do well, because they seem to mesh well together and because, outside the elderly black guy, we got to know each person pretty well. I like Lisa, she seems nice and I think Skupin is going to protect her. I think their age and their faiths will bring them together - they seem like natural allies in the game and my guess is that Skupin agreed to the alliance because he really had nothing else to do - in a tribe full of 6 people, you kinda have to agree to an alliance with 3 other people. But he'll work his magic.

I think this season will turn out better than One World, but I'm skeptical. Maybe my cynicism, but it still feels like production is influencing the game. Russell and Penner finding the clues just turns me off, it seems to coincidental. Also, Russell's tribe being loaded with complete and utter losers - outside Malcolm and Denise - and Skupin's tribe being loaded with strong players seems a bit heavy handed. Just my two cents.

I also didn't like how the tribes were decided beforehand. But what you're saying is you expect Skupin to go down soon and Russell to do well because of the players on their tribe or vice versa?

I'm also disappointed in Penner's gameplay so far. He can still turn it around but he put way too much stock into finding the idol early. Instead he should have bonded with his team.

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I meant that Russell's tribe is weighed with really poor challenge performers who are going to have trouble winning challenges. Outside of Malcolm, everybody seems like a dud on his tribe. Russell S is muscular, but can't run or apparently do puzzles. Zane clearly was a total dud in terms of challenge ability - no athletic skill and (most likely) unable to complete a basic puzzle. That leaves Malcolm, who probably will do very well in challenges, with three random girls who seem pretty meh and appeared unable to put together a pretty simple puzzle. Compare that to Skupin's tribe, which seems to be very well rounded and adept at challenges. It just comes across like they loaded Russell's tribe with physical and mental duds so his tribe would tank.

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I'm going to assume that Denise decided to not budge on her alliance with Malcolm and Russell had no choice but to go with the group.

Also I could write an entire college paper on the stance Survivor has on editing religious people.

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Yeah. I'm not a huge fan of religion but what they did to Roxy was a bit underhanded.

Week 2 wasn't as good as week 1. Skupin's tribe barely had a focus with the exception of the focus on Lisa being an outsider (which seems like misdirection... Skupin's already copped to liking her) and hints at R.C-Abi tension.

Penner's tribe is nonexistent. Penner found immunity, probably because the guy is incredibly intelligent, probably the smartest guy (maybe outside Malcolm) playing. I expect when they go to tribal, Penner holding the immunity gives him lots of leverage and power.

Russell's tribe, aka the duds, once again failed and I got the sneaking suspicion that Denise and Malcolm are seriously up shit creek. The only two salvageable players. If there is a swap, my money is on them making moves. They are smart, seem like natural allies and could do some serious damage together. A duo of two well balanced people and intelligent people who could potentially team up with some outsiders is a powerful thing.

Hope next week is better, but once again... you get the sneaking suspicion Russell was set up for a fail. The dude was placed on a tribe with serious duds and horrible challenge performers.

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yeah, Matsing is really the worst. Russell is maybe the worst returning player in a non All-Star season ever (even worse than Russell Hantz in RI, because at least it's not his fault that his team lost Immunity the week he went out), and Angie is useless. Malcolm and Denise made the right move because at that point their tribe was so unbelievably shit that allowing their most useless member stick around just for loyalty would have made zero sense.

Elsewhere, Abi-Maria getting the Idol is awful because I can't stand her. Artis suddenly getting a confessional out of nowhere was hilarious and awesome, I was fully expecting him to just never say anything until the merge. Team Penner didn't get much because there's no strategic arms race like in Team Skupin and no utter trainwreck like in Team Russell, but the Jonathan/Jeff situation is interesting.

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Agreed on Abi-Maria finding the idol being a down moment.

Russ calling on the power of ancestors suffering through rampant racism and likely rape/murder/enslavement to give him the strength to fight on in a reality show sort of turned my stomach. I get the point he was making, saying that he's here today because of people that went through alot more than this, but still... Kinda squicky.

Malcolm and Denise are rather brilliant and I feel sorry for them because they're prime targets come the false merge. In Denise's shoes last week I would've panicked and sided with Russ and Roxy, because I truly believed Malcolm was making the mactor move #1 and fully intended to side with the pretty girl all the way because..... pretty girl. I officially issue an apology to Malcolm at this moment. He's a player, and it's great to see.

Artis having Skupin in his sights is wonderful, and I'm sure that will be Mike's downfall and not repeated self injury.

Pete seems like he knows what he's doing, but I can't actively root for him yet due to Abi-Maria association and calling himself an engineer while being a model. Dude, you're an educated model accept it.

RC may have been amazing, but I think she's kind of fucked in the grand scheme, because of the two alliances we've seen her cultivate Skupin could drop dead at any minute, and Abi-Maria took her idol and is sharing it with the only other strategic player on her tribe.

For the record, Skupin being back makes me very happy. :) He'll never stop being fun.

Jeff, I find personally distasteful but game wise he seems fairly set, and I'm interested in how it goes for him.

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Yeah seriously, Matsing is horrible. Can I please just pray that Survivor Philippines is not known for tanking two potentially amazing players? Malcolm and Denise have been absolutely stellar, and by far the most interesting duo the show has seen in a long time. I think the fact that Malcolm voted off Angie speaks loudly to his strategic prowess. He didn't let his friendship and showmance with Angie blind him. He knew the path to surviving in the game was to keep Russell around. Honestly, strategy and physicality alone, I'd say the people most likely to win are Malcolm or Denise. Just a matter of if they can survive until the merge. But a powerful small alliance can be a powerful thing, especially when tribes get restless and want to vote each other out - see, Samoa.

The other tribes are boring, probably because we haven't had a chance to shake things up. I kinda dig Pete, he seems to have a good head on his shoulders, but it could all be talk. Penner getting the idol was probably ideal for his tribe, mainly because he is the guy who needs it the most and wield it to be it's most efficient.

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Thank god Russell is gone, what a delusional horrible player. I am enjoying this season so far though, there are definitely some interesting characters around. I kind of expect Malcolm and Denise to be put in another tribe, or a big merge happens soon, although the preview doesn't hint towards it. I also really hope Jeff stays in the game, he's been doing fine in challenges despite his knee and he seems to understand the game. If he goes out, Penner is screwed. Carter is hilarious, the definition of a dumb dude.

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Felt kinda bad when Matsing lost, but it means Russell is gone and that was needed. Malcolm and Denise will probably go to the two remaining tribes, ending the 3 tribes. The way they could have balanced it out was to not allow tribes to have teh same players sit out in back-to-back challenges, even if they are on different episodes. Would have made for more balanced challenges (and presumably, not a blow out like this)

EDIT: Is also just me, or is Denise winning this? The girl has a stronger edit than Kim did at this point. She is flexible in alliances, great in challenges, getting super praise from her tribemates and socially aware. To me, it's either her, Penner or Malcolm winning it at this point.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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It might be because the same tribe kept losing though, they almost had to focus on Denise and Malcolm much. I wouldn't count out Skupin either, he's very well liked and great in challenges. Denise and Malcolm are definitely in a pretty good position, depending on what the producers do with them. If they get split up and each put in one of the tribes, one of them might be screwed right off the bat. If they get to the merge they are in good position 'cause people need their votes.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Skupin? The man has been non existent. I thought they'd focus a lot on him, but he's being outshined by the Abi-Pete-RC debacle and Lisa's breakdown. I think Artis got a confessional one week and Skupin didn't get one. It is very strange.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy fuck, Tandang are insufferable.

EDIT: Holy shit, Carter's "Katie or Penner" might be one of the all-time greatest idiot moments in Survivor. I'm not shocked it came from him, at no point ever does he look or sound like an intelligent thought goes through his head.

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if that doesn't make it high into the funny 115 I'll riot.

The editors got me completely.

I was freaking out when Carter was pulling the whiney baby "I'm going to starve because I haven't had breakfast." shit while Penner was fishing, I freaked when Carter was absolutely dominated in challenges and then congratulated the other team on their ball placement for putting it in a Malcolm only zone, and Katie complaining about the fish didn't help.

I just KNEW Penner was going home.

I was begging through the entire episode for him to play the idol, almost as much as Probst was.

"Oh, Jeff just mentioned a blindside. PENNER! What do you think about that? Huh? Let's get YOUR opinion on Jeff saying the word blindside."

"I got this Probst, but thanks. I would appreciate their strategic acumen and be rather proud of them. It would be smart for them to take me out when I don't expect it, and am not aware I'm vulnerable. Like sometime other than tonight, because I have an idol bitches."

The concerned thoughtful shot of Jeff Kent after Penner pulled the Zen Survivor Master shit? It gave me some hope, but I still nearly cried when Penner didn't play the idol, and the genuinely warm laugh and look he gave Jeff when his name got pulled and he thought he was going? Made it worse.

It was one of the worst survivor episodes I've ever sat through because of the buffering, the fear I felt for Penner, and the dual cries of "The other tribe got the better deal!" but... It was amazingly told, major props to the editors.

I just have to wonder what would have happened if Lisa popped up with "Jeff! I'll sit out this challenge if Abi Maria would like to choose to compete."

Pete nodding when Mike suggests that both himself and Pete gree to give up... And then "Here's the rice you wanted to forfeit for.. Fucking quitters." Makes me really dislike Pete. There's no strategic play there, that's just being a knob.

Skupin and Penner seemingly having respect for each other if nothing else, kind of warmed my heart a little, and I'm rooting for them to get the spinoff sitcom.

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So it looks like the merge is happening next week. A boat arrives and they start grabbing their stuff or something? Malcolm quickly grabs his idol because he thinks they might relocate? Also did anyone notice how banged up Skupin looked in the preview? His right shoulder looked burned.....typical Skupin :rolleyes:

This was a surprisingly good episode considering everyone knew Katie would go home if the red tribe would lose. It makes sense to keep Penner, 'cause like Carter said if you keep him around he'll be a big target after the merge (can't believe he said something that made sense, other than that he's a goof). And what's going on at the other camp with Artis, Abi and Pete constantly attacking Skupin? He did nothing wrong in that challenge. At least Artis didn't say anything, but Pete fucking agreed with Skupin's decision and Abi said she's fine with whatever, she'll go with the majority. Then afterwards they complain <_< If I was in that tribe I would've verbally ripped Abi a new asshole for being such a whiny bitch all the time, despite never competing and speaking up when it matters. Pete is just a knob and he's trying to lay low all the time, going with the majority. Despite him being a knob I do kinda like him, 'cause he can make for good TV.

I think the red tribe does have a shot of doing well post merge. RC and Skupin are on the outs. Lisa is still a swing vote. Malcolm would right now probably vote with Pete's alliance just because they are the majority, but when they merge he has Denise back and she has her own alliance going. It's definitely going to be interesting. Right now I like Malcolm, Jeff Kent, Penner and Denise the most as players. I'll mention RC too because of her tits and ass :pervert:

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This is a weird season. Penner can't seem to catch a break and is always on the outs, Carter seems likely to go next after whining and performing poorly in the challenge, Skupin is apparently a laughing stock, the majority alliance of Tandang (Artis, Pete, Abi & maybbbbbe Lisa) is getting edited badly, the minority alliance (Skupin & RC) don't seem ready to give up, Malcolm and Denise basically seem pretty safe. My guess is that at the merge R.C., Skupin Malcolm, Denise, and whoever is left from Kabalawaw (or whatever) form an alliance to take down Artis, Pete, Abi and maybe Lisa if she is indeed with them.

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This is the douchiest power alliance since the Mallrats in Africa. I like Malcolm and Denise still and hope they make a big move within the next couple episodes to upend Pete/Abi/Artis, but Jesus. Abi is the actual worst (Carter is second-worst). And it's not reality TV villain love-to-hate, it's just full-on actual disdain for her existence on the show. I live in fear that they will do a Heroes vs. Villains 2 and she'll be cast due to sheer lack of options.

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