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Your Mom

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Exclusively for the PlayStation 3 comes a new dark adventure full of wonder and mystery. Two strangers are drawn to the mysterious town of Doolin, where it is said that the living can speak to the dead. They soon learn the town serves as a gateway to fantastic worlds that exist beyond our own, realms full of creatures, fairies, spirits and monsters. In order to solve the mystery of the dark, foreboding lighthouse that stands at the town's edge, the pair must journey through these woods to discover their secrets.

  • Battle creatures and "capture" their powers: Battle monsters and creatures and ultimately collect their powers. As players harvest these powers, they in turn can use them against other monsters in battle, thus getting stronger with each monster they capture. Strategy is introduced as players learn which enemies are susceptible to certain "monster" attacks.
  • Two heroes, two styles of gameplay: Play as both characters, Ellen and Keats, and watch as their separate tales intertwine. Each character has specific talents and gameplay styles: Keats uses traditional direct attacks while Ellen uses strategic methods to trap her enemies.
  • Over 100 creatures to encounter: From the colorful fairies to dark Spirits, each creature is painstakingly designed to inspire wonder and amazement.
  • SIXAXIS Functionality: Much like pulling the fish out of the water with a fishing pole, the SIXAXIS wireless controller lets players literally "shake" their enemies into submission and "yank" their powers from them.
  • Online dungeon trials: Design custom Folklore dungeons and share with players online. Populate your levels with creatures you collect during your single player campaign!

So here we go! The folk capturing system reminds me a bit of the familiars in Ni No Kuni. While looking into what the hell this was I found some free DLC on the PS Store. So my character may be doing this in a Christmas outift! :P Also apparently there was a contest on the Playstation Underground (is that even still a thing?) and I got an exclusive free folk! I haven't decided who to play as yet. The game wont even be here til Friday but any thoughts are welcome. Rider and others I hope you enjoy this early PS3 "classic".

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Nope. PSU ceased to be soon in 2001.

Good, cheap game. Has a learning curve, but I can't remember ever getting "eat the TV" mad at it. Don't know the extent that you have to play to, but be prepared for a long journey.

I promised to finish it so I dont know if its like Resident Evil 2 where could play as Leon or Claire and have 2 different full stories but we'll see

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There is actually a few costumes you can collect for the girl as you play, so long as you do things in a certain order and whatnot for a few of them.

Each gives a small bonus to different things.

I picked this one because of its visuals, and its kind of a hidden gem on the PS3 lineup. I liked it, and I think that you will too if you can stick to it.

The only flaw is walking off a screen can resummon the bad guys that were just on it. Old school NES style there.

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Just writing this as I play. Ok here goes...

The girl's backstory is kind of weird. Her mom always told her about this strange village but then she died but she got a mysterious letter from her mom who apparently isnt dead. And she tried to take a boat and it was storming too much and the captain wanted to turn back. She was all screw that and jumped overboard. Thats the end of that I guess.

The guy is a "reporter" for an occult magazine. He got a phone call and said meh what the hell and went to Doolin.

I decided to be a rebel and go against what you guys probably thought I would do. I am playing as the reporter guy Keats!

The cutscenes are kind of cheap. They are kinda like comic book pages. Long story short the lady that the girl thought was her mom was really a zombie or something and it passed out and fell over a cliff. The girl ran down to check and was passed out too. I got us a hotel and I am kind of a dick it seems.

Blah blah blah dream voice tells me to go to the Pub. Yada yada yada weird pub creatures tell me to follow the invisible man out to some graveyard. He will help me get powers to go to the Netherworld for some reason. That would totally make a good story I guess!

Made it to the fairy world. One of the many realms I guess. I met the tutorial fairy. He was helpful. Found out there are many dangerous folk around. I can beat them and catch them like Pokemon!

Finally got into some combat. Absorbing folk is a pain in the ass though. You beat them until they are stunned then hold R1 and flick the controller up in the air like a weirdo.

I just finished the prologue. I think I've been spoiled by newer games. I find the comic bookish cut scenes awkward. Also you know how when you move the right stick it adjusts the camera? Yeah this game doesnt do that. It's giving me the choice of playing chapter 1 of Keats or playing Ellen's prologue. But I have to go for now. Jury is still out on this one.

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Just writing this as I play. Ok here goes...

The girl's backstory is kind of weird. Her mom always told her about this strange village but then she died but she got a mysterious letter from her mom who apparently isnt dead. And she tried to take a boat and it was storming too much and the captain wanted to turn back.

A three hour tour...a three hour tour...

She was all screw that and jumped overboard. Thats the end of that I guess.

The guy is a "reporter" for an occult magazine.


He got a phone call and said meh what the hell and went to Doolin.

I decided to be a rebel and go against what you guys probably thought I would do. I am playing as the reporter guy Keats!

I never would have guessed this. Mainly due to the lack of sultry overtones and this not being written akin to an ode...yet.

The cutscenes are kind of cheap. They are kinda like comic book pages. Long story short

Why do they always say that, Stan?

...the lady that the girl thought was her mom was really a zombie or something and it passed out and fell over a cliff. The girl ran down to check and was passed out too. I got us a hotel and I am kind of a dick it seems.

Blah blah blah dream voice tells me to go to the Pub.

Get help. Just turn your life over to the Lord, admit you're powerless and...oh, wait...

Yada yada yada weird pub creatures tell me to follow the invisible man out to some graveyard.

That's a real dick move. "See that guy you can't see? Follow him!" Was confused as to whether or not I was playing Folklore or the video game version of Waking Life.

He will help me get powers to go to the Netherworld for some reason.


That would totally make a good story I guess!

Made it to the fairy world.

Where do you mean? San Francisco? Wherever the hell Quom is right now?

One of the many realms I guess. I met the tutorial fairy. He was helpful. Found out there are many dangerous folk around. I can beat them and catch them like Pokemon!

Folkdingo fighting, ladies and gents. :shifty:

Finally got into some combat. Absorbing folk is a pain in the ass though.

You just relax and l...wait...wrong realm.

You beat them until they are stunned then hold R1 and flick the controller up in the air like a weirdo.


I just finished the prologue. I think I've been spoiled by newer games. I find the comic bookish cut scenes awkward. Also you know how when you move the right stick it adjusts the camera? Yeah this game doesnt do that. It's giving me the choice of playing chapter 1 of Keats or playing Ellen's prologue. But I have to go for now. Jury is still out on this one.

Oh, but rest assured, I'll be right alongside, doing this the entire time.
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry I forgot about this Rider.

Keats Chapter 1...Here goes!

Off to visit Suzette. I dont remember who that is but Keats seems to think it's important. Ok so the map doesnt seem to mark where anyone is at all. Thats way annoying.

Finally found Suzette. I guess I talked to her dead mother last chapter. Dont remember doing that. So she WANTS ME TO FIND OUT WHO KILLED HER MOTHER!!!

Now I need to find another girl and once again have no idea where she is. This is pissing me off now. Just let me fight something! Ok thank god I found her fucking finally! I pretty much accuse her of murder and thats the end of that.

I am kind of hating this story but the last game I played before this was Bioshock Infinite so I feel this might be getting a bad rap. Anyway I got a family photo from the first lady which is my ticket back to the netherworld and finally some fighting!

Damn it! I have to find "henge" again to do that and this map is useless! The fuck?!? I found it but he said I need to wait til night time. So dumb.

Going to Henge has led me to a creepy lighthouse. Finally business is about to pick up! Off to the Netherworld. Ok you know what no. I am lost again and this camera sucks! I am done for the day! There! Theres your update! :angry:

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  • 2 months later...

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