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cactusguy last won the day on September 22 2013

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About cactusguy

  • Birthday 31/03/1983

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  1. Thanks! I know I wouldn't have the patience to do this.
  2. The relationships seem unfinished. IE, no relationship for the Harrises, The Lawlers, or Mero/Sable.
  3. Thanks Eddie. You saved us from EWR Apocalypse. Not a PPV.
  4. Ashley Lane should be Madison Rayne. I understand she works for other promotions as Lane but TNA is the larger company and thus she should have the TNA name. Also, she is Knockout Champ AND Knockout Tag Champion. So, since one can't change champion's names, she should be Madison Rayne. Similarly, Sarah Stock should be Sarita, Nikki Roxx should be Roxxi, and Miss Ophelia should be Rosie Lottalove. Also, Roxxi should be assigned to TNA. Kazarian should be heel in TNA with an arrogant gimmick and Flair as his manager. Homicide should AT LEAST be a tweener.
  5. my friends call me Matt.

  6. He didn't become "The Rock" until maybe when The Nation ended. At this point he was "The Rock" Rocky Maivia Well, in that case, Triple H was "HHH" Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Anyway, Howard Finkel still called him "The Rock" Rocky Maivia but the graphics sure said "The Rock", the commentators called him "The Rock", and his tights said "The Rock." At Wrestlemania that year, the graphic clearly says "Intercontinental Champion The Rock." IMO, that counts. And Triple H's graphic said "HHH" IIRC.
  7. I think Rocky Maivia should be The Rock. I believe he changed when he joined the Nation.
  8. Its cool. Scenario seems good enough. I'll just tweek it to suit my tastes.
  9. Thanks for the link. That wasnt so hard, wasn't it?
  10. This is my brother's computer. I'm not gonna download a whole other program just for an EWR file.
  11. Why can't you just post it as a zip file?
  12. Why is it a .rar file? I can't open it.
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