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Posts posted by Ron

  1. Last couple movies I saw:


    8/10 Very good movie. I was told that it was a good movie so I decided to go and rent it and liked it. Probably one of the better movies I've seen lately.


    1/10 This movie was TERRIBLE. I went in thinking it would be decent but it was awful. I had no idea what the whole point to the movie was aside from the company wanting to make money. Plus, at most times the dialogue was just rediculous. The Original Ocean's Eleven (yes with Sinatra) is the best of the movies with the name Ocean's whatever in it.


    10/10 I forgot how Great this movie was until I watched it once again (about the 5th or 6th time) the other day. It gets better with every watching as I always see things I missed, and in this case I saw the Extended edition.


    6.5/10 When I originally saw the trailer for this movie I thought that it was going to be very bad, but it was on HBO the other night so I decided to watch and was pleasantly surprised. It exceeded my expectations and was somewhat enjoyable.

  2. Best:

    1. The Girl Next Door

    2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    3. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

    4. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

    5. Team America: World Police

    6. Club Dread

    7. The Incredibles

    8. Spider-Man 2

    9. The Bourne Supremacy

    10. Shrek 2


    1. Collateral- This movie was horrible. I had heard such good things about it and I went in expecting a half decent movie. Instead I got a bunch of crap and almost fell asleep.

    2. Mr. 3000- I was hoping it would be at least a little better than it was, but I can say that I did laugh very hard. Then again I was laughing at the plot holes and awfulness of the movie.

    Next Year's Film: Star Wars III

    Best DVD Package: Star Wars Collection... I guess...

  3. I'm all for Artest going into the stands. I mean name calling and words are one thing but when you throw something at someone, prepare to get your ass kicked. Technically it was "Assault" on Artest and even the cop on ESPN last night said that it could be called Self-Defense. The Detroit fans are despicable. Sure Artest should be suspended, but the fans are just utter trash.

  4. Ugh. I knew things weren't good when Quantrall came in, after letting up Ortiz's homerun last night.

    1st and 2nd, 0 0ut. :(. Come on Yanks...

    EDIT: Bahahahaha. Nevermind, Johnny Damon continues to be awful...

    but Posada made a stupid play there. If he let the ball drop there are 2 outs instead of 1....


    Toronto, Ontario

    August 15, 2004

    World Heavyweight Title Match

    Rhyno © vs. Chris Jericho

    Jericho has to win here. I love the crazy Rhyno stuff, but Jericho is just GOLD. And well, I Love Goooold.

    WWE Heavyweight Title Match

    Eddie Guerrero © vs. Edge

    Boo Edge. I don't like him in real life and I don't like him here. He won a battle royal, so he can't be considered a favorite to win here. Maybe after some more build up, but Edge definately isn't the guy to take the title off of Eddie.

    Intercontinental Title Match

    Molly Holly © vs. Chris Nowinski

    Molly will retain the title in someway here. I don't think it makes sense to have her drop it to Nowinski this early, so maybe the feud will continue after Summerslam.

    WWE United States Title Elimination Match

    Matt Hardy © vs. Konnan vs. Eric Angle vs. Bull Buchanan

    This is the toughest match to call. I like Matt, but I really don't think he can walk out the champion. But then there is the problem of who will do it? I see Eric being screwed by Kurt to start a longer Kurt/Eric feud, and I don't think Bull is ready yet. That is why I see Konnan taking the belt from Matt.

    World Tag Team Title Match (Special Referee: Chris Benoit)

    Nick Mondo and Tommy Dreamer © vs. Batista and Michael Shane

    Dreamer and Mondo have been very overplayed, and are beginning to turn stale. Maybe dropping the titles to Evolution will enable them to do something fresh. Also, Benoit will play a big role here, just not sure if he will turn or not.

    WWE Tag Team Title Match

    Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio © vs. Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar

    I'd really like to see Angle and Lesnar win, but I think one of them will be Eddie's next opponent. Therefore I see Eric getting some revenge for an early attack on him which costs him the US Title.

    Grudge Match

    Sting (w/Chris Harris) vs. Randy Orton

    Chris Harris needs something to do. The Sting/Orton feud is over. So it makes perfect sense to have Harris turn on Sting and begin a Harris/Sting feud. I see Harris swerving his "friend" and joining up with Orton to give him the W.

    2 out of 3 falls for the Vacant WWE Cruiserweight Title

    Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Noble

    This was another tough match to call, but maybe I see an accidental Heyman interference in this. I think that after the two men split the first two falls, Heyman accidentally costs Ultimo the match.

    WWE All-Star Match

    RAW: Eric Bischoff, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kane, Christian

    SD!: Roddy Piper, Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin

    The whole "raw team in turmoil" thing just makes it easier to pick them. It seems that it is built that they are destined to lose, but I see Bischoff pinning Piper in the end to continue his heelish behavior towards Piper.


    1. Which match will open the show? Raw Tag Title Match

    2. Who will be the special surprise appearance I said would occur? Vince McMahon (or Lance Storm).

    3. There will be one swerve at SummerSlam. What? Chris Harris turns on Sting.

    4. What individual will score the pin in the All-Star match? Eric Bischoff over Piper

    5. Will anyone get at least 8 of 9 matches correct? No.

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