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Posts posted by Ron

  1. However, with Andy Reid at the helm, you never know what can happen on any given Sunday.

    I know what will happen, he'll make horrible time-out decisions and even worse crucail play-call decisions but Mike Vick will hit a deep ball to Desean Jackson or a gadget play will come off, everyone jizzes over him and forgets his 0 Lombardis in 12 years despite having an immensely talented team almost the whole time.

    Yes. I've seen too many of these.

  2. I'm so excited to hear all the excuses on Philadelphia radio this week.

    Hey, Philadelphia. Your 'Dream Team' is sitting at 1-2 just like my rebuilding Broncos.

    I hate this. Vince Young is an idiot and the only person who ever mentioned 'DREAM TEAM'. And then ESPN runs with it and decrees us the 'DREAM TEAM'. Meh, as an Eagles fan (who never thought this was a 'DREAM TEAM') it annoys me having to listen to it on sportscenter or what not all the time. But did I think we would be 1-2 at this point, no way. However, with Andy Reid at the helm, you never know what can happen on any given Sunday.

    As for excuses that might come up? Andy Reid's goal-line play calling, and the fact that they did not spend ANY $$ on a linebacker should be #'s 1 and 1A in some order.

    • Like 1
  3. Mike Vick is going to be dead by week 6 with this abortion of an offensive line.

    Unfortunately. And our linebackers are HORRENDOUS. Plus the typical Andy Reid play-calling abilities (1st and goal TWICE and only 6 pts ; unnecessarily going for it on 4th and 1), and terrible time management. I'm ready to start the WE WANT COWHER chants...

  4. I finally checked out a game at New Yankees Stadium on Tuesday and I have to say that the old stadium was a better place to watch a game. In honor of their clinching the division tonight, I have to say that it's a bit disgusting that a team could win 95+ games without a bonafide clear cut # 2 starter. I know that Nova's record is great, but his peripherals aren't and I wouldn't expect him to hold up in the playoffs. Burnett and Hughes aren't pitching well at all and guys like Colon and Garcia at this point in their careers should never be responsible for ~50 starts in the Yankees rotation. I know that their offense cures all ills, but I'm mystified as to how this team could still win 100 games with that rotation that seems to be held together by duct tape and stem cells.

    Time and time again we see in the playoffs that you have to have a dominant rotation in the playoffs to succeed. I hate the Phillies, but I don't see how anyone is going to beat the Phillies when they throw out Halladay/Lee/Oswalt/Hamels/Halladay/Lee/Oswalt in a seven game series. Not to mention with the addition of Pence, the Phillies have a lineup that can match up with anyones...

    I'm still pulling for the Rangers to make it back to the WS, even though I know it's a long shot. Colby Lewis hasn't been pitching like we hoped he would lately, which leaves us with C.J. Wilson, Derek Holland and an above average-but still not where we wish he'd be Matt Harrison. Lewis dominated in the playoffs last season and needs to return to that form if we're going to make it back. Our lineup is surging at the right time, too, and I'd say we match up well against the Yankees or Sox if we draw either one of them.

    Here's the problem.... we can't hit right now. It's the same issue we had last year against the Giants. Granted we've been sending out a semi-AAA lineup the last week after clinching the East, but if the offense doesn't get it together, it could be the same issue as last postseason.

  5. Really Brandon, REALLY? Just because Mikayla is there does not mean you have to fuck her. Geez. His sole reason for wanting to get rid of her is because he doesn't wanna cheat on his wife..... then don't. I mean there are other members of your tribe that you should get rid of before her (Christine was one). You have/had a strong alliance that seemed pretty good at the moment and they didn't think it was the right time to get rid of her, so just suck it up and follow along until you can. Why become enemy #1 for a stupid reason. I mean yes, he is a Hantz and they are evil. But Russell screwed with people because he tried to manipulate them. Brandon has probably the WORST gameplay right now. And the worst part is that he GOT AWAY WITH HIS LIE... why screw that up? Now you have every single person gunning for you and before this episode you were probably sitting pretty good.

    My desire to actually like this guy (because I'm a Russell fan) has been extinguished rather quickly. And he's just becoming really creepy.

  6. I must say that I was less than impressed with the episode. I really don't know what to think. Some of the characters have lost their appeal to me and it's more of a chore making it through their storylines to get to the songs (namely Rachel, Will, Emma). Oh and I still love Coach Bieste. She is phenomenal. 'Do you want me to go Deliverance on her?' Classic stuff. Just give me more Santana, Britney, and Mike O'Malley and I'll be happy.

  7. Patriots without Tom Brady went what? 11-5?

    Colts without Manning = God awful

    The Patriots have been Belichek's team and system

    The Colts have been Manning's team

    This. The Patriots have a system where they could play without Brady and still contend (See - Cassell, Matt). The Colts have no plan outside of Peyton.

  8. "How I got to the point in my life where I eventually met your mother" doesn't really have the same ring to it.

    They've done 136 episodes already, and from what I gather they are no closer to the mother than they were in episode 1. I don't care how optimistic the show runners were, they didn't plan to go 7 seasons and 150+ episodes with this story at the outset and as such they've gone from filler episodes to filler seasons and have essentially made the show about everyone but Ted at times. There's nothing wrong with a sitcom not having a grand storyline, but when the premise of the show is that a guy is telling his kids the story of how he met their mother there should be a little bit more movement on that subject before season 7. Your mileage may vary.

    Yes. The 'Mother' part has been a long time for little payoff, but I stopped giving a shit about who was going to be the mother because of said reason and I watch because I love Barney, Marshall, and Robin. I still think it's an entertaining sitcom, but I agree that the lack of development on the mother front recently has been put on the backburner.

  9. Some of the episodes I love - Last year's Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods was hilarious for the Utley sub-plot. Pretty much all of Season 5 was brilliant (The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention, World Series Defense, Gang Wrestles for the Troops, Kitten Mittens, D.E.N.N.I.S. System, Mac and Charlie Write a Movie) I don't think any of the Season 5 episodes ever missed. Then of course there is The Nightman Cometh, I don't think enough good things can be said about this.

    Also amped up for the 3-Part Archer the next few weeks and then the return of the League. FX's Thursday Nights are overall just great comedy.

  10. I really want to root for Brandon, but after last night - meh. I'll say right now I'm hoping Coach outlasts Ozzy. I'd much rather see Coach make a long run in the game, but I know that the Red Team will probably keep Ozzy a lot longer than they should. I'm glad it was Semhar and not Cochran last night as I feel Cochran will be a more entertaining character, but I was scared that Ozzy was going to try to keep her because he wanted to bang her. Dawn - I don't know why, but her breakdown annoyed me last night. It may be partly because she had been there for one day... ONE DAY. Yes, I understand the culture shock and adjustment needed to be made, but I feel like a nervous breakdown that soon is ridiculous.

    Anyway, those I'd like to see stick around for a while are - Rick, Papa Bear, Cochran, Coach, Jim, and Mikayla. They seem to be the most interesting in my eyes.

  11. So all the talk about 'Brady has never thrown for 420 yards and whatever'... how about 511?

    Yes, because clearly there are thousands of people saying that. This is a guy who threw 50 TDs in a season, I really don't think anyone is doubting how prolific a quarterback he is.


    I guess you didn't watch any of the ESPN shows today. "Cam Newton is the greatest, he threw for over 420 yards, Tom Brady has never done it!!" So I was laughing at that fact.

    I like to knock ESPN as much as the next guy but they were just trying to put Newton's debut in context. Who on ESPN meant it as a knock on Brady?

    I never said they were knocking Brady. I just found it funny how the day they kept mentioning Brady never did this, he came out and did that and MORE. It was just a funny observation.

  12. So all the talk about 'Brady has never thrown for 420 yards and whatever'... how about 511?

    Yes, because clearly there are thousands of people saying that. This is a guy who threw 50 TDs in a season, I really don't think anyone is doubting how prolific a quarterback he is.


    I guess you didn't watch any of the ESPN shows today. "Cam Newton is the greatest, he threw for over 420 yards, Tom Brady has never done it!!" So I was laughing at that fact.


    Upon Relection - Fuck. With our luck she'll probably be brought back somehow...

    Overall I thought the episode was 'meh' and rather I am more psyched about next season than anything that happened this season (sans Tara getting her head blown off). They set up so many awesome things for next season -

    Vampire Newlin vs. Jason - Plus you know Jason vs. Hoyt can't possibly be over, right?

    Jess banging the shit out of Jason and then biting the shit out of all of Louisiana?

    What the fuck is going to happen with Lafayette?

    Sam and the Wolves continue

    Russell back

    Whatever is up with Terry (Can we please get some more Rene hauntings?)

    Is Pam gonna come after Sookie?

    And I haven't even mentioned Alcide, Bill, Eric, or Sookie's potential storylines

  14. As I said ESPN only get Monday Night Football, so the teams will vary a lot over there, if you're going to take it up, you'll be watching it on Sky more. Anyway, ESPN apperances in 2011

    2 Apperances

    1. Chicago Bears
    2. Jacksonville Jaguars
    3. Kansas City Chiefs
    4. Miami Dolphins
    5. New England Patriots
    6. New Orleans Saints
    7. New York Giants
    8. St. Louis Rams
    9. San Diego Chargers

    1 Apperance

    1. Atlanta Falcons
    2. Baltimore Ravens
    3. Dallas Cowboys
    4. Denver Broncos
    5. Detroit Lions
    6. Indianapolis Colts
    7. Green Bay Packers
    8. Minnesota Vikings
    9. New York Jets
    10. Oakland Raiders
    11. Pittsburgh Steelers
    12. San Francisco 49ers
    13. Seattle Seahawks
    14. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    15. Washington Redskins

    The remaining 8 obviously have 0 apperances.

    The Eagles also have 1 MNF game - Week 9 (Chicago @ Philadelphia)

  15. I was so hoping the Phillies would place a claim on Thome :(

    It wouldn't have made a difference, unfortunately. Since Cleveland claimed him he was either gonna become an Indian or stay a Twin. The only way the Phillies would have gotten him is if Minnesota released Thome outright and he signed a contract.

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