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Posts posted by Momo

  1. So, beat the game tonight and...

    What the fuck did Desmonds hallucinations mid game have to do with the main plot at all. I was expecting something to come of it, but nothing ever did.

    The ending. Wow, just horrible. I hate to tell you Ubisoft, but in ACIII, I don't want to fight Global Warming. And the final boss wasn't much to shout about... either of them.

    Other than those two minor points, the game was continually badass. Might play through it again this weekend in one whole go. See if I can get some of these trophies in the bigger fights.

  2. If anyone's up for a bit of co-op or competitive later today, send me a message if you see I'm on :)

    You asshat. I messaged you for multiplayer and you snobbed me! :crying:

    Message me on MSN, not on PSN whilst I'm playing, distracting me and getting me killed mid-gun battle :angry:

    And move my laptop. Why, the very idea is absurd!

  3. Remove Digimon Mafia from the list. I'm heartily sick of Mafia at the moment, and have discovered better things to do with the four and a half hours I have been known to spend on re-reading entire threads just to help, only for my efforts to be ignored by the time the next turn has come around.

    It's hardly fair to get pissed off at the rest of us because you didn't let anyone know you were going to be gone. Just sayin' is all.

    I didn't know I was going to be gone. >_>

    But MPH has it, I'm pissed at pokemon mafia.

  4. FMA: B Ep 14. Best episode so far. It's the first time they've really diverted from the original anime's storyline, and I have to say, I'm liking it.

    The Wrath (Fuhrer) v Greed was an enjoyable scene (poor subs aside). The angles used worked to maximum effect.

    I have to wonder where Trisha Elric and Izumi's child come into this though. If they don't, then how is a homonculus created? Where is Dante? Who is Pride?

    Those questions are rhetorical btw. It's just that this series has really only captured my interest for the first time with this episode.

  5. Ugh, I have one blast shard left, the stunt trophy, and the 25 kills on a moving vehicle trophy. I can see that I'll have to start over for the latter, and I may just do the stunts on the way.

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