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Posts posted by Momo

  1. Older films will still be of better quality than their DVD releases because bluray's are made from the original digital source files, which are of much better quality than what can fit on a DVD.

    That said, while some scenes from the first Pirates movies are fantastic, I've noticed a light graininess on a couple of others. That may just be the lighting though.

    And I'll definitely be getting both Star Trek and Advent Children Complete. I bought the Spirits Within on Bluray a couple of weeks ago and it is astounding. There are so many little details that I noticed that I didn't on the DVD version. It's purely fantastic.

  2. I already had Firefly and Serenity on DVD and upgraded them both to Bluray. :P

    It all depends on your set up. If you've got at least 5.1 Ch Surround sound and a 42" TV, I'd go for it. Then again, I don't have to pay bills of any sort, and most weeks my money just goes to games, music and movies, so take that as an indicator as well.

  3. Well technically it's not here yet. Amazon had a huge sale and it's was only $129. Anyway it has to be connected to the internet? Thats weird. Do these things have bugs? I read they get firmware every now and again. Will they work without it? Anyone have one? Or any good picks for stuff on Blu ray?

    It'll have to be connected to the internet for the firmware updates because bluray is still an evolving media. Certain bluray discs might have special features that are entirely new and therefore the disc mightn't play without the firmware update.

    Some special features also connect to the internet. For example, the Iron Man bluray has downloadable quizzes on both the movie and the comics.

    Batman Begins

    The Dark Knight

    Casino Royale

    Quantum of Solace

    Iron Man

    Are pretty much the essentials. Some other movies that show up really well in HD are things like Sweeney Todd and Wall-E, though I suspect most Disney Bluray's will be fantastic both in video and audio quality.

  4. I'm kinda hoping that in the final FMV for the evil path...

    ...that Kessler reveals to Cole his true intentions (the time travel, etc) and then calls him a dissapointment and a failure, or something that can rattle the Cole.

    Anybody else curious as to what this 'Beast' that Kessler was fleeing from in his timeline actually was? While I'm kinda hoping they go with a completely different city, new character, and fire powers for the next game, I also want to see a direct sequel with Cole fighting this 'Beast'.

    And a thank you to Bigal.

  5. You can do that with any electrical item as well. Heck, I managed to do it with a stone basin. >_>

    Just beat the game this afternoon as a good guy. I can't say I see the game changing too much if I was evil, but I'll do it anyway.

    1. There's trophies in it for me

    2. I want to see the other movies

    3. The ending would have to be somewhat different to succeed. Especially given Kessler's (sp?) motives.

    EDIT: Also, does anyone know what the song that plays during the credits is called?

  6. Man, I would watch the shit out of that Grayson thing, especially if it was like a series rather than a one off movie. Need to update the outfit though

    and add to that, Superman dies.

    Really now. >_>

    Not the first time, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_Superman

    Oh, I know there's been several iterations of the death of Superman. My problem is that he's even in it in the first place.

    Batman's death at the beginning was a nice set up, but Superman appearing and dying is a bit too much. I liked the initial premise of the trailer, but it turned quickly from a semi-serious concept into an all out fangasm.

  7. Green Lantern

    This actually looks good. It's very, very well made, and spot on casting! Made me wonder if anyone has seen these before, or if there are any more out there:

    The Green Lantern one looks pretty decent. I would love to see it with Fillion leading the cast. You have to laugh when you recognise where the clips were taken from though.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiZuvJ48MZ0: As good as it looks, I just can't get excited for a Robin movie.

    Any other great trailers out there? I know of a few more, but after the truly dreadful ones I've just sat through, I can't take looking for them right now.

    Dear god that was awful. It had potential in the beginning, and then slid down a rocky slope so fast that it didn't have time to leave a graze.

    Seriously, how many antagonists were there? Spandex robin? Superman and Wonderwoman as well... and add to that, Superman dies.

    Really now. >_>

  8. Square are apparently announcing THREE new titles at E3, with two of them being sequels, I'm praying FFVII remake, Chrono Trigger sequel and something involving FFIX sequel, watch me get none of them.

    God no to the FFVII remake. Seriously... no. A remake for FFV or FFVI on the DS would be welcome though.

    Chrono Trigger sequel, they did that already didn't they?

    And the FFIX sequel was something mentioned as a pipe dream in an interview. It's not happening.

  9. I think he wants to play games though, not watch movies and tv shows. Ofcourse a Blu-Ray player is cool but is it worth spending so much more money on in comparison to the 360 pro?

    I too had a PS2 before I bought a 360, back then the PS2 was seriously superior to the Xbox. You shouldn't be looking at the past. Also, I don't think the PS3 is that much more reliable at the moment, the newest Xbox's are pretty reliable.

    Technically, the Xbox was the better console, spec wise. The PS2 just had such a wise user base and huge third party support by the time Microsoft got around to releasing it that it mattered very little.

    And tbh, I'd go with the PS3. I mean, I did, but that's not why I'm suggesting it for you. The IP's you did mention that you followed are exclusive, not to mention the possibility of HD updates of GoW 1 & 2 being released with GoW 3. Ratchet and Clank may be a bit of a problem if you don't have online though, as I understand Insomniac is doing inbetween stories that are released via PSN.

    Also, there is the Bluray. Once Bluray movies go down in price, it will be well worth it, especially given the setup you've described.

  10. SO, even with my three allies attacking me by not bothering to look at the giant name above my player (including Momo), the entire police force after me and a man to protect, I saved Petrovic, I am awesome.

    Screw you man. It moves, I shoot it.

    Besides, I can only kill you when we're on the same team >_>

  11. Mommles has PS3 version? I may do tomorrow, not now though, taking a break from the games for Smackdown :)

    I'm working until late tomorrow. :(

    EDIT: And you'd get the "Let Sleeping Rockstar's Lie" trophy from killing me. Needless to say I fluked getting it. >_>

    What's that one? I've not really paid attention to trophies, they were fun in the first week of having the PS3, I don't really care much now - or at least until the game is finished.

    Pretty much just kill a player from Rockstar, or one who's killed a player from Rockstar

  12. Mommles has PS3 version? I may do tomorrow, not now though, taking a break from the games for Smackdown :)

    I'm working until late tomorrow. :(

    EDIT: And you'd get the "Let Sleeping Rockstar's Lie" trophy from killing me. Needless to say I fluked getting it. >_>

  13. Infernape - Lvl 61

    Golduck - Lvl 62 (Was very useful during the Elite 4)

    Steelix - Lvl 55

    Garchomp - Lvl 55

    Bibarel - HM Whore

    Staravia - HM Whore

    I know it's in-game, but haha you're so lucky you didn't run into a Starmie, or for that matter any Water type that can use Energy Ball or Thunderbolt.

    Indeed I am. For a while there I was fucked every time a Gyrados came up. Had to get Infernape to learn Thunder Punch and Steelix to learn Thunder Fang to overcome this slight oversight. >_>

  14. Bwahahahahahaha. Pokemon R/B/Y has made me go back through DC Metropolis. I can't believe I got away with claiming Bizarro, Investigator and Protector with nobody but GoGo suspecting anything, especially after I convinced the town to lynch LCS based on the fact that I had investigated him after he claimed to investigate me and find me as scum, and then he came up town, and nobody called me on being an investigator.

    This isn't even to mention how MPH got away with claiming Luthor and town. Oh my god was that game a clusterfuck.

  15. I got Platinum this morning (got rid of some games I never play, so got Pokemon and Zelda: Twilight Princess). I'm a couple of hours into it, having jut gotten my first gym badge and so far it's good. Like all pokemon games, it's fun and annoyingly addictive. My team so far consists of:

    Turtwig - Level 16 (Ravor Leaf made the first gym far too easy)

    Shinx - Level 13 (was my number one at one point, before Turtwig started owning all the rock types we came across)

    Starly - Level 9 (Next on my level up list)

    Bidoof - Level 7 (Useless)

    Geodude - Level 4 (caught it and the found far better ones for leveling up)

    With the Bidoof, either keep it and level it up until it evolves or catch a Bibarel later as they're excellent HM whores. Starly will be useful for Fly and Defog down the line also.

    My team in Platinum consists of:

    Infernape - Lvl 61

    Golduck - Lvl 62 (Was very useful during the Elite 4)

    Steelix - Lvl 55

    Garchomp - Lvl 55

    Bibarel - HM Whore

    Staravia - HM Whore

    For the Elite 4 fight I had Giratina with me as back up, but it never got used.

    You'll want a fire type as you go on. Ponyta is the only one in the game other than the starter I think. Though you could also evolve the Eevee you're given into a Flareon.

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