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Posts posted by Pepsi

  1. Called what exactly? The headline 'Giant Upset'? That's common sense for a headline, not like you predicted anything 90% of us didn't know.

    Oh, and while Belichick did run to shake his hand, he was told by officials numerous times there was time left on the clock, but he just kept going forward and gave a quick hug/congrats and left right after. If nothing else, when the referees told him to turn around, he should've. He's a classless prick, but we already knew that. And GO GIANTS!

    P.S. ~ Slogger's Mom, lol.

  2. Belicheck did shake hands, he crossed the entire field to do it. Knock it off guys he was pissed off, what do you want him to do stick around and wear a Giants Super Bowl champions hat?

    I think the play of the game was at the end when Eli escaped that sure sack and complete the long pass.

    And I love you guys attacking his class and then some of you showing some yourself.

  3. Would this topic be all that fun if you had everyone in agreeance? I'm just trying to play devil's advocate here.

    I would much rather see the Patriots actually show off they are talented and disciplined and hard working hard studying players of the game of football... no illegal shenanigans involved. That and I'm sick of hearing this fucking shit about how it's disgraceful to be a Patriots fan because Belicheck/this other guy went out and videotaped a game and found a guy with Asperger's to watch other teams plays. It's not right, but what are you gonna do?

    Well maybe if the majority of your fellow fans weren't so obnoxious, if the team wasn't so arrogant, if Boston actually cared about the Pats before 2001, if Belichick wasn't such a prick, if they didn't cheat, etc.

    But they did. And that will, in the minds of a LOT of NFL fans, forever taint their accomplishments. Even if they are legit.

    Personally if I was in your situation, while I would not stop rooting for my team, it would take some of the enjoyment out of them being champions knowing that some of the most prominent people in the fanchise (players and coaches) were big pieces of shit. But to each their own.

  4. How can you not like Johnny Depp? Donnie Brasco, From Hell, Blow, Edward Scissorhands, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Finding Neverland, Dead Man, Sleepy Hollow. I mean come on, the guy has been in some great movies and always gives a great performance.

    Anyways I don't understand this Zac Efron kid. I find him neither cute nor talented, just plainly annoying. And he ruined my otherwise good theater experience during Hairspray with his lameness.

    And Ruki, Tim Burton didn't direct Nightmare Before Christmas.

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