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Posts posted by Pepsi

  1. :huh: Wow, you guys are assholes.

    I guess I'm sorry for ever defending my team, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to have an opinion. I'll just go back in the kitchen where women belong, is that right guys?

    Actually I haven't posted my opinion on the whole spygate thing now De and if you cared I'm actually very disapointed in my team and Bellicheck about the whole thing. I'm not going to stop being a fan because I supposed I'd be called not a real fan by you people for not sticking by my team and I'm not going to come out and try to defend him because I don't think it should be defended.

    I'm still going to root for The Patriots, and I'm still a Patriots fan. If any of you have a problem with that, fuck you. :angry:

  2. 1. L.A. Confidential

    2. Requiem for a Dream

    3. Seven

    4. Juno

    5. Casino

    6. Pan's Labyrinth

    7. Fight Club

    8. Heat

    9. Children of Men

    10. Mulholland Dr.

    11. Shaun of the Dead

    12. Chasing Amy

    13. Grindhouse

    14. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back

    15. Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    16. Brick

    17. Donnie Darko

    18. Magnolia

    19. V for Vendetta

    20. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

  3. My favorites.

    A - Arcade Fire

    B - Boom Boom Satellites

    C - The Cure

    D - Decemberists

    E - Eels

    F - Foo Fighters

    G - Gorillaz

    H - Helmet

    I - Iggy Pop

    J - Jay-Z

    K - Kinks

    L - Led Zeppelin

    M - Mogwai

    N - Nine Inch Nails

    O - Okkervil River

    P - Pixies

    R - Radiohead

    S - Smashing Pumpkins

    T - Tom Waits

    U - Unkle

    V - Violent Femmes

    W - White Zombie

    X - Xrayok

    Y - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    Z - Zen Motel

    I have the weirdest tastes in music. <_<

  4. Ok firstly I'm looking for empathy and I'm not sure where you figured that Pats fans were. Second, I can only speak for myself when I say it's not losing that hurts the most its the way they lost. They seemed like another team team out not the team that had won 18 straight.

    Trash talking in an NFL game? Madness. If The Patriots trash talk, it shows how little class they have. If the Giants trash talk then they are psyched about the game. People who hate the Patriots will find something they do that you can see in every single NFL game and use it for further justification for angry rants. I'm sure in Toomer's entire career he's never once talked trash to an opposing team. :rolleyes:

    I would love to actually talk about the game and everything the Giants did right and The Patriots did wrong, but I keep having to defend The Patriots and myself as a fan from stupid remarks about how classy they are supposed to be and how they are cheaters. I mean you guys look at a picture of an upset Patriots fan and think it's hysterical, why? How is that classy? I hate the Cowboys with a passion but if I saw a girl crying on the corner of the street in a Romo jersey after they have lost I wouldn't post it on here saying "look at how stupid she is for being a fan, AHAHAH!" It's just so cheap. You say all Patriots fans are obnoxious but you really think I'd be on the board after the game had The Patriots won with a bunch of pictures showing Giants players? But again I'll say it again, if you hate The Patriots fine, nothing will change that just like I'll never stop hating The Cowboys.

    I would love if next year The Patriots lose the very first game of the season just so they don't have to spend the rest of the year having to hear "could they do it again!" after every win.

  5. Well if I was to go fuck myself it'd be more pussy then you guys have ever gotten. I have my opinion and you have yours. I said I don't know and I could only imagine what I do in that situation. I think you guys would be ragging on Belicheck no matter what so it doesn't matter too much anyways.

    I've given the Giants a lot of credit, especially that defensive line. The Patriots played to lose The Giants played to win, what more do you want me to say?

    Alright for the last time I'm tired and going to bed. Feel free to call me whatever you want now.

  6. I would've been happy if when Belichick was told to get off the field when he was only about 10 yards in that he would've done what the officials told him to do. Yeah, he was pissed off, but it's not as if he was already shaking hands when he was told "Oh, the game isn't over yet". Walking back off the field, letting the ball get snapped, then shaking hands would've been the classy thing to do.

    The guy's team just lost the Super Bowl. You have no idea what kind of emotions are going through his head right then, probably anger, frustration. All he probably wanted to do was get off the field and go someplace private, avoiding the reporters and the media. Can you really blame him or say it's just because he has no class? The guy is fucking human for christ's sakes.

    Again, I don't know. Only thing I can figure is he was in some kind of blind shock and didn't want to be around to be crowded by the media. Now your saying he shouldn't have left his team out there? He was probably pissed at his team. I don't know, I would be. I was pissed at them and I'm not even the coach.

  7. I would've been happy if when Belichick was told to get off the field when he was only about 10 yards in that he would've done what the officials told him to do. Yeah, he was pissed off, but it's not as if he was already shaking hands when he was told "Oh, the game isn't over yet". Walking back off the field, letting the ball get snapped, then shaking hands would've been the classy thing to do.
  8. Called what exactly? The headline 'Giant Upset'? That's common sense for a headline, not like you predicted anything 90% of us didn't know.

    Oh, and while Belichick did run to shake his hand, he was told by officials numerous times there was time left on the clock, but he just kept going forward and gave a quick hug/congrats and left right after. If nothing else, when the referees told him to turn around, he should've. He's a classless prick, but we already knew that. And GO GIANTS!

    ...it's not like she's going around saying it was impossible to predict. And jesus, what more do you people want? Would you be satisfied if he got down on his knees and blew the entire Giants team and coaching staff? Because I have a feeling, you'd still all ask that he should've smiled more. I don't have an emotional stake in any of this, but wow.

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